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Everything posted by Drifting soul
I've had a number of weird dreams (none as weird as the above one though!) but unfortunatly I can never remember them. 'Ain't that annoying? Anyway, last night I dreamt I was on a class trip walking through a forest and me and my boyfriend decided we wanted to be on our own (we both hate everyone in our school because they hate us) and for some reason we made our own private apartment in the middle of the forest. The weird thing about that was 1- His best friend was there and I have no idea what the guy looks like and 2- There was a TIGER! How did that get there?!
-16 year olds are allowed to have sex but they're not allowed to watch it in a movie. -Any adult even talking to a child they don't know is automatically seen as a peodiofile. My uncle's a caretaker at a school but he has to leave the room if a kid walks in there. Why shouldn't the kid leave? My uncle's the one who has work to do in there! That's all I have right now.
Anime Who's your fave character in Beyblade??
Drifting soul replied to KaIz DaRk AnGeL's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm tough one...there's so many good ones. Out of the main charecters my favourite is Max cos he's so cute and hyper!! And Ray of course, I like cool chinese guys. My other favourites are Tala, Mariah, Hiro and Wyatt (only a minor charecter but he's so sweet.) Thanks for paying attention this long! :catgirl: -
[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]Those Teletubbies. I always knew they were created by evil liberals to corrupt our children and turn them into drug-using homosexual degenerates. Just like those satanic Harry Potter novels and those falafels they sell at that Middle Eastern food store. I heard those turn you into a terrorist.[/color][/QUOTE] Ok, why would they even want to make a show to turn children into drug using homosezual degenerates? Why would the author of Harry Potter make her books satanic? And how the hell could a falafel turn you into a terrorist?! I mean come on people! You say the teletubbies have corrupted children but it seems your'e the ones who've been corrupted by the media that makes you think these ludicrisly untrue things.
Ok let's make this clear- People who make kids tv shows only want to do just that, make something that little kids will like. Adults who don't see it in the same way as children will look at it in a different way and get the wrong message. Think about that Beatles song 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'. Everyone thought that was about drugs but it was really based on a drawing that a little girl did for her uncle. I have to admit though it was really annoying when a few years back everyone started talking like the Teletubbies. They could at least teach kids to talk properly and give the parents one less thing to complain about.
Yes, I noticed that too! The power is all in the hair!! But I think it's just the anime style and has nothing to do with how powerful the charecters are or anything.
I've seen a preview of the manga on tokyopop's website and it looks really good and CUTE!! Koge Donbo's work is great. Pita-ten is so 'coolie cool'!! (lol, quote from the manga!) I'll have to keep an eye out for this one. Good manga is hard to come by in merry old England :animecry:
I gave my 'boyfriend' The end of Evangelion (did I spell it right?) dvd since he can't find it where he lives (he lives in Finland, I live in the UK. Seems strange but love is still love). I know he said he wanted to see it so I thought he'd like it as a gift. I don't know what he's gotten me since I'm not opening it until Christmas eve, which just happens to be tomorrow! But I think that if you put some thought into it your boyfriend/girlfriend will love whatever you get him/her. All gifts given in love are beautiful.
What's the reason in trying, if you don't have any chances...
Drifting soul replied to a topic in General Discussion
Jerks and losers arn't the only people who use the internet. Nice people [I]do[/I] use it too. I know from experience that online relationships can work as long as you're compatible and there's a possibility of a future. I live in the Uk and I met this guy from Finland through e-mail and fell in love with him through his words. If I had known him in real life first then I probably wouldn't have seen how wonderful he is inside. -
In England everyone has to wear school uniforms. (Even in sixth form college we have a dress code.) All this meant was everyone went out of their way to break the rules to look cool. If you didn't stick to the dress code you got detention but if you did you were bullied. It's a no win situation. :animesigh
What would you choose Love or your Dreams?
Drifting soul replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
I respect that everyone has different opinions but what if you do achieve your dream then suddenly realise you've given up the love of your life? It would feel so empty. Both dreams and love are important to me but I do know that love lasts for a lot longer. If someone truely loves you then they'd support you in achieving your dreams and vice versa. -
What would you like to see in a Magazine?
Drifting soul replied to demonchild781's topic in General Discussion
The things I read magazines for are real life stories since they're interesting and make you think. Maybe you could ask people to send you some of those. I hope this suggestion helped a little. -
My first major crush was last year when I was 16 (yeah I know I was years behind everyone else but I don't care). It was this boy who came into my class and I liked him because he wasn't a yob like all the other boys. For months I snuck looks at him in math class (which almost cost me my GCSE) but never actually talked to him. Pathetic huh? That was probably why I liked him. He was probably really different in real life then he was in my school girl day dreams. I'm in love with the sweetest most awesome guy in the world now so all that stuff that happened in the past doesn't matter to me anymore! :animesmil
Anything that I don't get from my birthday list. The good thing about having a birthday close to christmas is there's lots of good stuff in the shops! :animesmil There's a truck load of manga that i'd really like to get but none of my relatives know what manga is.
It was thanks to anime that I met my boyfriend!! He read some of my fanfics and we started trading e-mails and now a year later things have gotten well...a little serious. My friends on the other hand arn't anime fans and get annoyed when I start going on about it. I've leant some of my friends my Fruits basket dvds and they got hooked. Well they liked the show itself but it didn't turn them into hard core anime fans.
I recently started reading the manga since I don't want to watch the english dub because I don't want to support bad dubbing. I like it a lot since it also has a message about saving the planet and endangered specis- something i'm very interested in. In my opinion it's better than Sailor moon. Also i'm a little confused as to why 4kids decided to dub it. 4kids make [I]kids[/I] shows and some of the mew mew's outfits are well.....a little revealing! :animeblus
[quote name='BebopHitchhiker']Two words, my fellow imagineers...FAN FICTION!!! That would seem to be a great way to release our creative juices. I just might do that. Exactly what I'll write, I have no idea. Might start sometime soon. Who knows. If anyone else wants to join me, that would be cool.[/quote] I've already written lots of fan fiction. I just keep imagining what it'd be like if they were made into anime form.
Anime "Do You Ever Think of Your Own Story to an Anime Show..."
Drifting soul replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I do the exact same thing. I even write up episode plans and think up theme songs before I come crashing back down to earth and realise it'll never happen. It's still a nice thought though. But then again it probably shows how weird I am. :animeswea -
Anime What if you could have any Anime turned into a movie?
Drifting soul replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I'm thinking D.N.Angel. Just picture Black's wings spread out wide on the big screen... Chobits would be a good one too. But most of the actors would need to be quite young. -
Did anyone else hear about the warehouse burning down? All the stuff from all the Wallace and Gromit movies is gone! I found that quite sad since I love Wallace and Gromit. I first saw The wrong trousers when I was about 8. Do you think they'll still be able to make any more movies?
I was in a car crash a few years ago. it wasn't very serious (the worst thing was probably the car mirror flying 100 feet) but I was only 13 and very shaken up. But I was really thankful for all the people who were there to help. I may never see them again but I'll always remember them and their kindness. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be half as strong as I am today. I'm sure the woman you helped feels the same way about you so there's no reason at all to feel down. I hope this helped a bit.
I'm gonna have to say Tokyopop, cause they have such an awesome variety, shortly followed by Shounen Jump because...they're just awesome!! I live in the UK and Tokyopop manga is the easiest to get hold of which is probably one of the reasons why too.
Manga What is the funniest manga that you have read so far?
Drifting soul replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
Mine is Chobits. The chapter where Hideki has to buy Chi underwear cracks me up every time. (I'm not being a sikko or anything, i'm just saying). I know everyone else is saying this but Fruits basket is also very funny. Pita-ten is pretty funny too. I don't think anyone else has mentioned that one. -
[QUOTE=Gravy Train]Almost any character from Shaman King. One character was just added so the show wouldn't appear racist.[/QUOTE] Even though Shaman king is one of my favourites I agree with you there. Even some of the main charecters seem a little pointless. Like Manta just stands around doing nothing except screaming his head off and being kidnapped. I know everyone's gonna hate me for this but Hilary from beyblade is also very pointless. She helps out a little in the second season but in the third she does nothing except wear short skirts. And I don't only say that because I find her annoying!
Mandatory Curfews: Good idea or bad idea
Drifting soul replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Well my first reaction, as a 16 year old, was that it was a bad idea. Me and my friends sometimes stay out late having harmless fun and not doing any harm to others, just like lots of teenagers. But now I realise that although it is unfair to some, it would greatly decrease the amount of crime. So I guess it really is for the best. I'd be willing to stay in watching a movie or something knowing that the streets were safe from vandels and the like.