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Drifting soul

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Everything posted by Drifting soul

  1. I think everyone should be seen as unique. They all have good and bad aspects so it's unfair to judge them by what they look like, act like or who they hang with. I'm quite weird myself! I may be weird and not many people like me but I don't really care!!
  2. I love Shaman king! It was one of the first manga seris i ever read. I saw the first few episodes but then i went on vacation and missed a whole bunch so i bought the manga instead. Too bad I can't find it anywhere here in the Uk :animedepr
  3. I must admit at first I thought Beyblade was stupid but then I saw one of the really sweet emotional scenes and I got hooked! It's a lot more than kids yelling pointlessly at spinning tops. And the charecter designs get better in the later seasons. And let me tell you, Beyblade is definatly [I]not[/I] just for little kids! It was just dubbed by a crappy company. I used to watch it every day but now here in the UK it's been taken off and replaced with some piece of crap show called B-damen :animecry:
  4. When will anime writers learn that we don't want to watch a whole 52 length anime for these types of charecters? All they do is waste money by having to hire adittional voice actors for charecters who serve nothing to the plot! Some of them are ok-ish but if all they do is distract and annoy the main charecters we love so much then they shouldn't even be there!
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