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  1. For all of the big video gamers out there who must play anything they get their hands on (like me),they must have a favorite gunslinger. Who is your favorite gunslinger? In here you can tell us. Just for you all to know as a side thought as u do some heavy thinking, my favorite is Dante from Devil May Cry. He's really easy to use, he's got some great moves, and he's sexy! You must tell me!!!
  2. YAY!!!! Someone else loves them besides me! Do u have a favorite album or song by them? Maybe even a favorite band member?! Please tell!!!!!!
  3. Yo! Just curious if anyone loves the awesomely sexy band H.I.M. My boyfriend got me into them and i've been hooked ever since. They've released three albums so far and are due to have a new one come out September 27th. Give me a shout if u love them!!! :animesmil
  4. I'm sooo angry. My father scheduled our trip to Florida right in the middle of the convention. I was going to go with my mother and my friends, but noooo, father had to have his trip. Someone has got to email me and tell me all about it. Check out my profile for my email, it should be there. Hopefully... :animecry:
  5. Yo! Just curious on who your favorite bands are. Just tell me and give us a reasonable explanation on why. Don't take up the whole page telling us why, that would suck! (Sorry!!!) Anyway, my favorites are: Sorry!!! To many to list. Maybe i can shorten the list and then tell you. I will say that i love J-rock and heavy foreign metal. :rotflmao:
  6. Yo! Just curious on who are your favorite Fullmetal Alchemist characters. You may list as many as you want,just don't take up the whole page. Anyway, mine are: 1.Edward Elric 2.Envy(hence my name) 3.Lust Now these aren't in chronological order, thats just how they came out of my brain. Heehee!!! :catgirl: [color=navy][size=1]Please give reasons for your choices when asking/answering a question like this. Otherwise, your post runs the risk of being considered spam. Thanks. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  7. Thats okay. As long as someone in here knows how great of a movie it was. If you are dying for some quotes though, look at my signature, it's all there! :catgirl:
  8. Finally! Someone other than me has seen this movie! What are your favorite parts and quotes? You must tell me!!!!!! Ha ha just kidding! But please tell me. Please!! :animecry:
  9. This is a question thats been bothering me for a while(points to title). It's an old movie(1995), but proves hillarious. With many memorable quotes and characters it's worth seeing. If you don't want to see the movie right away, then read the comics. They're hard to find, but if you find them, buy them!!! Anyway, check it out. You'll love it!!! :animesmil
  10. I LOVE Monty Python!!! The movies and the TV show was awesome and always made me crack up. God bless those memorable quotes!! "NOOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!" "Death will come to you,with nasty,big,pointy teeth!!" "And now for something completely different." God bless European humor. It's good for everyone.
  11. Even though I've never seen Elfen Lied(though it looks very good), I believe that Rei will win. She's been around longer and therefore has a larger fanbase. I don't mean to diss any Elfen Lied fans, but we all know it's true. Oh yeah, I voted for Rei! Sorry Elfen Lied fans!!! :)
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