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Everything posted by kayutori_sama
I just personally prefer MSN messenger to all the other instant message systems. Secondly I use AIM the most, despite the fact I'm not really a fan of AIM, but majority of my friends use that over MSN. I sign into Yahoo messenger about 3 or 4 times a week, but anyone is rarely on. I've been meaning to acquire an ICQ number, but never got around to doing it.:animeswea
Ah yes, the ever controversial sub versus dub debate. I believe both have their pros and cons. There are many awful dubs out there ( example: most if not all things done by 4kKids), and there are also some sub par subs on the market also. I don't have a problem with a dubbed anime. If the dubbing isn't bad, I'll definately watch the dubbed version. There are many anime that have a good job on the dubbing situation. Like some previously stated, Fullmetal Alchemist has a nice dub. Ruroni Kenshin, Trigun, and Samurai Champloo are all examples of great dubs. Subs are also nice in the instance that a person in allowed to hear the original voice actors, and things like that. The con of a dub is having a cruddy one, thus maybe ruining the series for you. The con of a sub is that some people don't enjoy having to read the bottom of a screen, then rush to catch the facial expresions of the characters, and the actions occuring. For me, I like both, but I'd take a sub anyday. Something about just having the anime in its native language just appeals to me. Not to say I won't watch a good dub. I'd watch both, just because I enjoy both.
Soldier: Um Sir...what do you expect to find...? Bush: My common sense Soldier! Darn tootin'. Soldier: Sir...that can't be found. We laid that to rest a looong time again.:animesigh Bush: It's not lost son....it just has some darn good camoflauge...remind Cheney to buy some night vision googles....on what's that thing called? Eday? Yeah, we'll get some night vision googles off eday.
Guy: I told you! The "starring into space happy look" is so last season......
Sadly...neither Sakura or Ino made it into the Arrid deoderant commercial.:animecry:
And the funny thing is....the kibble is cat flavored.
And that is a prime example how NOT to ride your newly purchased grunty. :animeswea Darn those reckless drivers..err..riders...
My title just means "what" in Japanese. I often say "nani" without thinking and forget it's not English and have people give me blank stares at not having a bloody clue what I just said.
Hmmm guilty pleasures you ask? Well those Pokemon' movies always get me. I don't know how the heck it happens either. I'll be flipping through minding my own business and I just happen to come across one that's airing on tv. I stop, just to check out 2 or 3 minutes of it, and before I knowv it I've watched the entire movie..... A certain manga at the bookstore is a guilty pleasure. [i]Kaikan Phrase[/i]...need I go on? Eating Coolwhip straight out of the tub is something else I do. I say to myself " just a spoonfull that's it! "And suddenly one fourth of the tub is gone. And nibbling stuff out of my fridge. Just opening it and sticking a spoon in a pot...eating the food cold. -shakes head- So shameful...drinking soda or juice straight from the bottle too. When no one's looking. I just down the two liter of Sprite and put it back in the fridge... Dancing around to miscellaneous anime music and stumbling around the lyrics because I can barely speak any Japanese.
Sesame Street picture: *narrator voice* And that kids, is why you should drop out of school and become a crackhead. Why you ask? Look at Elmo and Ernie. Didn't they turn out great? You want to be just like them.:toothy: :twitch: Baby picture: *starts sining* Ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall, ninety seven bottles of beer...take one down *hic* pass it around *hic* ninety *hic* seven bottles of beer on theee waaaalllll. *hic*:beer: VIVA LA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES! YAY!
Personally, I don't think myspace is all it's cracked up to be. Like previous posts before it's a fad. All my friends kept bothering me to get one, but I declined. I already have a blog on xanga (which I am quite happy with) ,and I don't think I need another. Just for my own curiousity one day, I sighned up for an account just to see what the hype was about. Less than 5 minutes later I deleted my account. Nothing spectacular. Most people I know don't use their myspace for a blog, but just to have a ginormous friends list. I'm not one of those people who has mutiple blog sites. I dont need a xanga, myspace and a livejournal all at once. For the love of God people! What are you going to post on all 3 everyday?! Thinking that you want to have a decent sized post on each one ( atleast a pragraph). Unless you have a super fun filled spectacular action packed day everyday, things get boring...real quick.
[quote name='Pupmon]Ed: So, you're the ones responsible for the [i]One Piece[/i'] dub![/quote] Hahahaha!! That was good. You must win a place with that. YOU MUST!
Awww man. Legal Drug was one of my personal favorites too. I guess all the bookstores should start taking it off their systems that volume 4 will come out in January....:animecry:
My question...what are [i]hotdogs [/i]really made of? I've seen those documentaries on them...and I'm a tad frightened.
Here's a little news on Myazi movies. In every Thursday of January of '06, the following movies will be airing on Turner Classic Movie Channel: ( Thursday January 5 )- Spirited Away 8:00pm, 10:15 pm Princess Monoke (Thursday January 12)- Nasicaa Valley of the Wind 8:00pm, 10:00pm Castle in the Sky (Thursaday January 19)- My Neighbor Totoro 8:00pm, 9:30 pm Porco Rosso, 11:15 pm Whisper of my Heart. (Thursday January 24)- Only Yesterday 8:00pm, 10:15pm Pom Poko I also hear that the movies will be aired in their dual language track. the first airing in English, and the second in Japanese.
Alright who inflated a flamingo and blew it up? -cough- I'm trying to eat here.Jeez.
[quote name='Sting'] I had to leave from there fast mainly because you cannot criticize on animes. (You can share your opinions but you can't criticize.) And everybody was obsessed with Inuyasha. (I LOVE SESSHOUMARU, INUYASHA IS MY LOVER..... the hell??? Too weird for me.) .[/quote] Hahahaha...you would think you wouldn't see the whole typical Inuyasha fangirl on every forum, but I guess I was wrong. :animesigh
Well, I am originally from Nigeria. Then I moved down here to Florida with my family when I was 2. It's nice here( I guess since I've lived here most of my life). The only thing that's not the greatest is the "winter weather" and the hurricanes. You have to wait until mid to late November before it starts to get cold. So right now for instance, I can walk outside in a t'shirt and shorts. No joke. The hurricanes are bummer too. Not having power for 2 -10 days isn't really the greatest. Especially in Floriday humidity.:animesigh
Hmm I think one of my best yaoi titles would be Legal Drug. I just love it. ( and having some art my CLAMP didn't hurt either.)
Yes in fact I have heard of Blood+. I just read about it on the new issue of Animefringe ([url="http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/2005/11/feature/02.php"]http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/2005/11/feature/02.php[/url]), and it looks like very intersting . Even though the concept isn't new I still love it in this anime. The art looks great too.
Anime Why do some people not like anime?
kayutori_sama replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='kuroinuyoukai']I think in life some people have stereotypes.You know- just because one anime fan is totally obsessed and freaky, they assume all of us are. Plus the fact that most people think anime is like kiddy cartoons. My mother thinks I am too old to be watching "Japanese cartoons". I think sometimes that people may be watching some of the dark animes and/or start watching an anime inthe middle of the series. They don't understand it and therefore hate it.[/quote]Bingo. A large portion of this is [i]stereoptypes. [/i]Anime fans can be..let's say very overzealous at times.A large portion of non anime fans just make poor assenments, and as kuroinuyoukai said, some non anime fans assume all anime fans are like that. True, there are alot like that out there, but then there's us. We don't go around screaming and trying to shove anime down people's throats. That just makes them hate anime even more. This might be a terrible comparisn, but to me anime is almost like religion. Going around screaming about your religion pushing it on people won't work. The same goes for anime. I'm not saying don't introduce them to it, yeah say alittle bit about anime, but don't force feed it to them. That's just my 2 cents. -
[QUOTE=CloudsOnly189][font=Comic Sans MS][color=navy]Don't worry!! This vortex of eternal darkness is totally safe and secure! What could happen?! LOL!! I just thought it was so funny[/color]!![/font][/QUOTE] Hahaha.Hilarious!
Jokes - You got any you want to share?
kayutori_sama replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Lafleur][color=darkred]I love these... Here's one. [i]A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobies are there? The father, surprised, answers, "Well, son, there's three kinds of breasts. In her twenties, a women's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her thirties to forties, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After fifty, they are like onions." "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry"[/i] [i]This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mum, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his twenties, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his thirties and forties, it is a birch, flexible but reliable.. After his fifties, it is like a Christmas tree." "A Christmas tree?" "Yes, dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration!"[/i] [/color][/QUOTE] Hahahaha. Good stuff there:animesmil . This is one of those stupid " yo mama" jokes. " Yo mama's so fat, she went swimming in the ocean and all the whales started singing ' We are Family.'" -
How do you pronounce your username?
kayutori_sama replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
Well, I don't think my name would be too hard to pronounce. kayutori-sama, prounced " kay-yuu-tor-ee", and the sama is " sah-ma". Were my name originated from? It just came to me one day :D . -
[quote name='Starwind']Any and all Soap Opera needs to die a most painful death. It had a good thirty year run The Price is Right needs to go bye bye. Power Rangers was good, when I was seven. I'ts had it's time, it needs to die. Any show on MTV needs to go. Reality TV as a whole needs to fall off the face of the earth. And finally anything with Pauly Shores name on it needs to stop now.[/quote] Amen. Thank you for remiding me of Power Rangers. The original Power Rangers? It was great. Sure it was a poor storyline, and it was put together terribly, but we thought it was awesome. The blatant rehashes? Disgusting. Ninja Storm? Dino Thunder? What the hell is that? Is it too much to ask to et it die an honorable death? Why can't they just let it go? For heavens sakes people. Let's just say this. The overwhelming majority of attempts to bring back or reincarnate any childrens television shows are failures.