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Everything posted by hidaboy

  1. 1. either really long or buzz cut (derpends on the seasons} 2.dark blond 3.yes i dyed it light blond for a shool broject once. thats preety much wraps up the important stuff abot my hair. later
  2. the nickname i personaly embrace is the one i picked up in sixth grade is eyore (only one e) where one would pick up the name of pooh's depresseed donkey friend, let'sjust say that it has something top do with his awsomeness being a donkey. outside of that it gets kinda hazy even to me. later
  3. right now i have a ps2 and a ds (original) systems i want , first of all i need a new ds (the joint inbetween screens is starting to go shot). and i hope to eventully get a 360 for (an chessey as it sounds) xbox live. later
  4. alright, i have 2 Angus Young: my main reason is i lke the way the melodies he plays "that should be impossible" they all sound soloy to me, but yet they fit. Jimi Hendrix: two words: Purlple Haze., any way, that song to me is one of those that just make you wonder, "how did he get so good?" later
  5. the one series i still play is all the jak and daxter stuff. sure their not that old but still, my rewason for ocasionaly playing these games (i have to rent) is the fact that these where some of the ganes i started console gaming (non-handheld) with, so its kind of a nastalgia thing. later
  6. i personally have 2 favorite genres, the first and easiest would be classic rock, i honestly don't know how i got into it, but i think it had somthing to do with thunder struk by ac/dc and how whenever i heard it i would always think of my favorite sport, the almighty wrestling, why thunderstruck gives me this memory, i don't know.(plus whenever my mom "catches" me with my radio on, it makes her feel old.) no.2, punk, not the styreotipical heavey-metalish punk, but the good stuff, NOFX, rancid, social d, ect. i got into this around the time my parents got divorced, it's not like it sounds though, i was like 7, my dad started listening to and i got hooked. thats my music. later
  7. my all time favorite is... bowser jr. of mario. i like him because under all that evil, everything he does is [spoiler]rooted in wanting to find his supposed mother[/spoiler], princess peach. later [size=1][color=red]Hidaboy, I added spoilers because there are people here who have yet to witness this. ~Phenom~[/size][/color]
  8. cat #1: okay guys, we attack on three. cat #2: why do you make all the desisons cat #1: because i'm the leader cat #3: a, guys, the dog is gone.
  9. Cat: " a yes, i would like a number one and a super size chocolate shake. drive through guy: "uh, bernie, you better listen to this." cat: " did you here me?" later
  10. oksy, do i think i was in second grade, and i made the mistake of wearing really baggy shorts when i had gym class. i was running " warm up" laps, and, my shorts fell down, the worst thing is i ran about oh, 7 feet before i ralized that happened. no one let forget it until about 4th grade either. later
  11. hidaboy

    Your Theme Song

    okay, this is easy, my theme song would for sure be "the worst day since yeasterday" by: floggging molly. why you might ask (for all of you that have ever heard the song), because a bad thing happens to me every day but there not always nesicarily "bad". later
  12. i supose i kinda have a band, we haven't really done anything yet (finaly formed as of 3:05pm wendnesday) the genre we want to shoot for isn't really a genre but i kind kinda give an equatin that gets us somewhere close, AC DC+ green day- the ceepy drummer+ the drum style of primus= band x ( we are currently nameless). and to add to kazuwa nomura's comment about central lead singers, thats the thing that bugs me the most, but with my band i think our trick is gonna be trying to make every thing complemetary, like ( i hate to talk about them more than once in a post) the whole bon scott/brian johnson vs. angus young thing that AC DC pulls off the whole "you can't think about one without the other" thing, like in the thunderstrck intro, i honestly can't think of the guitar thing without that physco vocal thing or the other way around. okay now i'm done. later
  13. the way i see the next major human evolution is kind of an x-men thing, but with only a few uniform changes, like a certain group growing wings and devoging hollow bones or isolated devclopment of x-ray vision, what i'm saying is that a world filled with every human being unique is never gonna hapen, but certain powers happening to certain groups is possibility. later
  14. there are plenty of things that bug me, but the one thing that is always a thorn in my side (latley, anyway), snow. sure it's cool for like the first two weeks, but eventully it gets all crusty and useless for building. and even in the stuff that gets built in the small window of time that you can do anything with snow before it crumbles at the touch get trashy-gray look to and eventully snow is just flat out messy and ine the way. later
  15. okay, my weapon of choice would be a huge ( 4 ft length) broad sword, with a onyx studded pommel and a 12 in hilt. why such a massive and ancient weapon you ask? easy, if i could get swingin', no one could stamdi n my way, not to mention carring around such a massive and heavy weapon would make my huge biceps *flexes* even bigger. :animesmil the other importance of a huge width in the blade, say if if i was stuck in a dark alley with a bunch of blaster toating aliens i could deflect the bolts and " kill em' all". later
  16. i only have one addition idea to the next guitar hero, [I]behind blue eye[I]s[/I] [/I] by The Who. oh yah and to keep with the black sabbath theme,[I]Jack the stripper/fairies wear boots[/I]. later :devil: :devil: :devil: [size=1][color=red]Hidaboy, Otakuboards emphasizes on post quality and conversation. In the future, try to expand your post a bit. (Give more details about your choices) Make sure to read the rules before you continue to post. Phenom[/color][/size]
  17. i have 2 songs that i thin describe the real me: [I]wherever i may roam[/I] by mettalica, my reason for this one is because some days if feel (i don't mean to sound deppresed here) even where i'm exepted i'm an outsider. [I]the worst day since yeasterday[/I] by flogging molly, to understaqn why you have to actually hear the song, but basicaly i added this one because it is about barely keeping you head above water ( the song dosent actually mention keeping your head above water) and still getting closeto drowndin upon occasion. later
  18. Sony :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: yes, i have lost faith. my reason, releasing a console at $600, and this whole $100 games. personally i think they made a bad move making such high quality games that people can only by the system and sit their and stare at it because they can't afford games as well (not saying that high qaulity is bad or anything). My theory, they shoud have started out with decent plot, mid-grade graphic games then release the better games and make more money once they got gamers hooked. thats about i have to say on the matter so later. oops, i lied, is this just a myth i've heard talking to the gamers i associate with or can the ps3 only play ps3 games?
  19. the good one i wached wer, [B]hon kong fuwey[/B], rocco's modern life, the smurfs (yes the smerfs), and captain planet.and ah yes, does anyone remember when sonic the hedgehog ate chilli dogs? later
  20. rock wise, i have to go old. any thing else the stuff from the mid to late 90's is pretty good (90 is current right) i also like alot of stuff from 00' to 03' after that alot of music to me became pop corupted. later
  21. hidaboy


    do we have prices ont hem yet? are they gonna run $35.00 to $40.00 like noermal ds games or are they exepensive? anyway if there normal 30ish games i might bye one myself and ask my parents for the other one for cristmas *ho-ho-ho*. and finaly, AWSOME, there finaly making a monkey-esque starter and its a fire type :D :D :D . later
  22. cook it , mix in the falavor packet an load it with dry red peppers and that franks redhot stuff, eat :blowup: later
  23. ya, but still he was already in the third stage, i don't think he could have done that right of the bat, so it proves that the digimon have the ability to be more powerful. later [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][INDENT]Quotes are unnecessary when your post is the very next one. Especially when the quote is longer than your post. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. camel:so a... when are you gonna rip out my throut? crock:never, it would taste like leather, smokey. camel(thinking): again with streotyping.
  25. i hate to say it, but i'm thinking the digimon could just plain out power the pokemon. i distictly remember an episode of digimon where agumon (i think) became so powerful that agumon no one not even agumon himself had control, he turned into a big t-rex sized skeletal thing. later
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