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Everything posted by hidaboy

  1. well i kinda have 2: 1. (poke'mon:Ruby), after about 120 hors of work i made it to the top, a level 100 blaziken, is there realy any mor to add, i think not, 2. the day i got my gameboy pocket, yes pocket. since then i've had um' all, othewr than that advance clasic thing (thats what its called right?), and ds lite, probably won't get one for a while ethier. later
  2. it's just easier to get my hands on manga *sarcastic laugh* even though the local library dosen't have a very good selection (i dont have the money to actually bie any)
  3. i can list 3 NOFX, just cus', me first and the gimme gimmies for their [I]country roads[/I] punnk cover. lastly, flogging molly for [I]the worst day since yesterday[/I] . later
  4. my choice would be mind alteration control (kind of a bad name for its description), the ability to make people do what ever i want without failing, an example, run a mile in 3:59:59,just a milisecond under 4 minutes, and get it exactly.
  5. hidaboy


    Anyone who says myspace is bad is right, yet wrong. I have seen both versions of myspace accounts, the ones that people have just to have and keep it pretty decent and one where the owner is there to be what there not, bad grammer, very, very pointless conversations and such things. i don't personaly own one, so coorect me if i'm wrong.
  6. i would have to say the dreagon , not the forest dwelling, village piliging kind, but the "Eragon" companion version of dragons, it would just be cool to have a dragon to share your mind/soul with. you know, you bocome them, they become you kind of thing.
  7. the country road cover by me first and the gimme gimmies, hands down, no contest, case closed, game over, good night
  8. i've been thinking, all mine seems to prove is that i am am a definiton "[I]video game junkey [/I]" and that the only system i have is a ds :animesmil
  9. potential spam, but, thats an easy one, it's really bad for you so it tatses awsome , ever added peanut sauce?
  10. ok, here i go. on the side of the show , they need to send ash back to kanto to catch entirely new speices of pokemon and use a new stone that can evolve ALL pokemon into mutant armored(on the out side and within), kick-butt super pokemon like mew-two sort of becaim in the original move *woh, flashback* when he broke out of team rocket head quarters and give every pokemon more natural moves (not tm or hm). on the game side their need to be more "real" charecters like in final fantesy and fire emblem, so you have more battle capability and can carry more pokemon and in turn evole more pokemon, in turn finish the game faster, i've been playing ruby for almost a year and still have mabey 20 plus hoenn pokemon to catch (mostly because eveloution but i still khave a few basic to catch), so if there where more group able charecters you could evole and catch faster. socondly they should give more speaking capabilitys, not just phrase-ablee words used in interveiws, but like full sentance options. oh yah, one more thing, they should release pokemon for the ds. :animesigh
  11. personaly i hate kingdom hearts, ever played jak 2 or rachet & clank: going comando? I really like this stuff but the games are kind of dragey :o
  12. the brothers grimm was kind of dumb, they incorperated way to many fairy tale carecters for ther own good.
  13. rolling stones: forty licks fountains of wayne: welcome instate managers(the stacey's mom album) a violent femmes a couple beatles and a burnt one that is mainly punk thats all i own (really)
  14. personally, i think the creators were high well inventing "the teletubbies", wich would suggest drug use.
  15. i myself actuallfy have a full weapons outfit, a katana, a wakazashi, and a nice big hammer slng over my back by a little leather strap. i havent thought of names yet.
  16. it was a good movie, but i think they spent to much time on the yule ball. and they left out dobby and winky :mad:
  17. i don't, i havent played it yet, looks like a good game, but i personaly say that the media is giving god of war to much "fluff"
  18. words of wisdom, "wait and good things will come," trust me i've been waiting and watching for 2 years. :cool:
  19. I gotta trough this out there though i may p.o. some "magic" geeks. anybody play "legend of the 5 rings". :p :freak: [COLOR=Red]Sloppy posts are considered spam here on the OtakuBoards. Please remember to use proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization in your responses. Doing so makes your posts easier to read. Please elaborate on your response, why would "Magic" geeks get upset over "Legend of the Five Rings"? Share with all of us what the game is and why "Magic" players would get upset. This conversation is about nerd games, please feel free to share! ^_^ Thanks! -Panda[/COLOR]
  20. hidaboy

    Dark Cloud 2

    i've played it, cool game. the storyline is to different from thew first one and there are some awsome elements in the first one that i didn't see in the second one. lasty i don't think they should have used the two hands, two wepon thing, the guns where cool but i likegood old fashond sword like weapons toan uses. :D does anyone now how to get past the little box in the third dungeon .
  21. i'm a if i like it i'll listen to guy. there are certain genres i like more then others.Also there are artists i just HATE then there are some i really like.
  22. i myself am an author thingy,i can't draw but i have a friend who does charecter ilestation. my curent book is "Aprentices", a book about a japenese-irish dude named kyko mctagen, his ma is the japenese parent so natrauly he looks alot like his dad(red head, frecles, tradional irish look) with a body like his ma(5 feet tall, small feet) thanks for listening, this is the first time i've wrote down his anotamy and i also just changed his last name (atityo to McTagen(much easyer to spell))
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