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Everything posted by Vagetogt

  1. I just wanted to say that ever since I heard that Naruto was coming to the us on Cartoon Network I couldn't think about anything else.... I had to get some of the manga or the Anime!! O.o So I had my friend hack the full manga!!! Now I have that and I can't put it down! It ROCKS!!! I'm only in chapter 122... I had it since the 26 of september and I'm a slooooowwww reader!! So that means that this is a freaking awesome Manga!! As far as I can tell the Anime is staying with the Manga, witch is good. I hope it stays like that.
  2. [quote name='Negi']Hi im new here just signed up like 2 days ago and i have read chobits and i thought it was good i was looking foward to getting the anime soon. do you think i should get it? some people say its good others say its bad x.x. oh and another good manga by clamp is "reservoir chronicle tsubasa" thats a good 1 too ^_^[/quote] I'd say that if you liked the manga then you'll love hearing the voices that the chars have. I know that I did!! ^-^ I love both the anime and manga... So if you have a chance to get the anime I would say Gooo For IT!! ^-^
  3. Wow that would be going in the wrong way.... All of that is wrong.... I have already said what happens in one of my last posts and I won't repet myself...
  4. As I have said before. I have the complete set of the manga and anime. They both rock!! But I do prefer the manga over the anime. Only cause the manga tells more and the anime could tell more if the took out some of the eps that don't really have anything to do with the story... Like, there is an eps in witch Shimbo is talking to Sumomo about what all has happend to Chii.... All that does is tell you what you already know.... But in the manga they tell more of the story about Chii and Her mom. And the relationship that she had with her sister. And also why she was in the trash..... But how can you just not love watching Chii? I mean really. ^-^
  5. [quote name='OtakuSennen][spoiler']A Chobit is actually a "Super persocom" that has a different effect on other persocoms.. Chi happens to be one of them.[/spoiler][/quote] Ok sory to burst your bubble, but....[spoiler]Chobits are actually not "Super Persocoms" They are rumered to be Persocoms that have emotions like humans. All though they are Super. Chobits is really just the code name that Elda and Freya's Father nick-named them. It really is a Plural word (meaning more then one) "Chobi" means Little and "Chobits" means more then one Little... Kind of dumb but that is what their Father called them. Thus came the rumer of the Chobits. Not saying that they don't have to power to permantley shut down all persocoms in the world witch Elda(aka Chii) can do..[/spoiler]
  6. I haven't read any other Clamp manga yet... Infact Chobits was the first manga that I ever read.... I'm in the middle of reading Fruits Basket, I like that too... I did like the Chobits manga better though!! ^-^ I need to get more manga....
  7. I loved both the series and the manga!!! I own a complete set of both and I have to say that the manga is better cause it has a better story. The series is good but they had to add like 3 eps that had nothing to do with nothing... The only thing that was good about them is that they had Chi in them and they were funny(like the rest of the series) I will say that I love watching the anime cause I don't have to read...I hate to read but the manga had me hooked for 3 days after work... and I was so enthralled with it!! Good stuff!! Good stuff!! ^.^
  8. The Chobits manga was soooo GOOD I couldn't stop reading it!!!! The only reason that it took me 3 days to finish it was because I had to work on those days!! Now that I have finished reading the manga I watched all of the Anime and the manga is Sooooo Much better!! I wanted to just scream!! Why didn't they make the anime the same as the manga? WHY!!!!???
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