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Name: Maximillion Mau Gender:Male Age:24 Do you protect the tresure or do you hunt for it? Protect it Why do you seek/protect the tresure?: Why do some think it is fine to break the chains of fate that bind them? Bio: Raised by his father Lord Mau, his mother dying in child birth. In his early years his father was very harsh on him, making him practice swordsplay with him for several hours a day. This wasn't because the Lord thought him to be weak, he just wanted the boy to be able to protect those things which he held most dear. When Max turned 14 his father thought it proper for him to leave his home and set out finding those things he would protect. One of his travels brought him onto a wrickety old boat to cross continents, but things didn't go so well. When night fell upon him a ferocious storm gave birth and tore his craft to pieces. Some time later his comatose body drifted ashore an island nearby, and as though luck gave him two strokes an island girl was passing by and spotted him. She was kind of heart and took him in, cared for him. When he awoke he became enthralled with the villagers there and tried to become an active member of society, but one thing stood in his way, the language barrier. Luckily for Max, the people there relied on more of a body language system than a spoken language. In this village he became the head hunter and brought in more meat than anyone ever had, and the woman that saved him, named Aima, grew very close to him. She tought him a few words in there language so he could somewhat express himself and he felt more content than he ever had before. But, as they say, nothing lasts forever. And as the sands of time fell, a great misfortune fell on this village, a mist with a ominous aura. Soon after this fog passed there was a breakout of disease and many of the townsfolk passed away. He was with her for her final hours, by her side with a smile, but without hope. The day after her cremation he left the village with a small vile of her ash so he would never forget happiness and likewise pain. He left so that he could find something new to protect.
Wow, that question brings back memories, and fond ones at that (suprisingly...). I don't play yu-gi-oh any more, well, not obsessivly (which means I can still play on a decent level...). About a year ago I'd play every chance I got, after school some asian kids would gather in the cafiteria and I'd get beat by them, most of the time, on weekends local card shop would have tournaments... but, I always lost to some asian guys, not kids, guys. They came in like a gang or something, but they were cool. Yu-gi-oh actually made me a lot of friends with connections... That taught me that if there's an expensive card game out, adults will play it and you should get to know them. I made a lot of money off that game and I also aquired a boot leg version of Evangelion.
Hey, I've recently been to Europe and I have to say that it was not what I was expecting at all. I went with the school's french club, to France of course, and I think I expected too much out of the trip, you know. When I got there I didn't notice much of a difference, other than everyone was speaking some language I had a narrow grasp on. As the trip progressed I noticed that they have less tollerance for rudeness than Americans (Because of the way some of the other members of the group were acting), and they also have a quainter feel to their cities. That is to say that even the larger cities felt wide and open. But, I did enjoy their money system a lot more than the American one. Euro's made me feel like I was spending less because there were a lot of coins and it was extrememly colourful. Yeah, I guess I just wasn't used to it, but I'm glad I felt like I was spending 1 dollar when I was spending close to 2...
Yeah, one of the better animes I've seen. Good story, classic dark-ages setting, and giant sword swinging action. The animation was good for it's time, as Otaku America has already gone through and explained for all of us. It's just like comparing Final Fantasy VII to X, VIIs polygon people were a hardcore breakthrough for RPGs for it's time. Think of the animation quality relevant to it's time.
I'm sorry, I can honestly say that I detest this anime, I won't as I've seen before shame it to Dragon Ball GT or anything, but I can say it's very pointless. I forced myself to watch for the sake of watching at least some of most anime I see, but I can say that I wish I never have. It's a show about kids spinning tops, it's not that exciting, spin a top for a while, if you can sit there and do it for hours on end, I recomend this series to you. I'll say it was made to advertise the top game that it goes with and nothing more, aimed at children 10 and below I'd have to say, but like anything else, people can say it's not just for kids, but if your 27 and still chewing Flintstones vitamins, I'm not anyone to tell you to stop, but at least I can try and help inform you.
... ... ... Alright, I've read some of this DOLL manga and I have to say that some of those stories aren't the most touching... Like, do you remember the chapter about a boy who sees his father in the shed with a woman raping her, but there was something different about this doll... oh wait, she's got no arms and no legs, he'd going at a frickin' torso! And when his business with her is done he just puts her in a box. Now, this kid saw all this and you better believe he's messed the flunk up for life, and not only that, but around the same time his mom goes missing. Now he only gets off when he sees a woman with missing apendages, but he forgets why, so he goes to see a shrink. The doctor reminds him of what triggered these impulses and he goes back to his shed many years later to find this box is still there, so what would you do? Open the mystery box, that's what. And what does he find... bones... it wasn't a doll after all, it was his mama. What a heart warming tale.
Manga funny moments eh... Well, to be honest, I think that moments that are funny in manga depend upon the situation, like in your posts. I'm sure this is in fact a gut busting moment, but those who have never read this before won't be able to comprehend the hilarity of the situation. Try giving a scenario set up or something that'll help us picture this blockbuster moment of laughter in our minds, I wanna see it! Also, it's much more interesting to hear your interpretation of what's happening than to leave us to our own imagination... Have you ever heard a comedian go up on stage and then just deliver the punch line, it's kinda like that...