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Everything posted by maverickwarrior

  1. I think Berserk is one of the best mangas ever. It's so bold and daring. The art is really beautiful and detailed too. Unfortunatly because of it's slow release dates it's gonna take 2 years or more to translate them all -_- Yami no Matsuei is pretty good too. Bishies everywhere :animenose Lol
  2. I find Yu Yu Hakusho incredibly overrated... I don't really see what's so special about it :animeswea Granted, Hiei is cool beyond all means... But the series just seems to drag on and on... And the movie sucked :animeangr
  3. I love FullMetal Alchemist, it's one of my favourite animes now ^^ (Ed is adorable) I'm kinda mad at myself for watching the trailer of the FMA movie, just watching the trailer is a spoiler on it's own ^^: Oh well, I'm still looking forward to the rest of the series. I hate how slowly they're releasing the dvd's though!!! It's about one dvd every 2 monthes... I NEED MORE :animecry: "Excuse me Major, but if I may offer a bit of feminine advice... BABIES AREN'T BORN AFTER JUST 5 MONTHS!" -Hawkeye (That's my favourite quote so far, I laughed so hard when she first said that ^^)
  4. I really love this movie, I love it more now because I'm old enough to notice and appreciate the little things in this movie. Watching it years later has given me insight to some things that I didn't notice when it first came out when I was younger. You really notice little hidden jokes and double meanings :P It makes the movie all more enjoyable. Jack Skellington rocks!!! :animesmil
  5. Yaoi -- I've only watched one (Ai no Kusabi) and I liked it, if I could find more I would watch more ^^; Shounen-ai -- Yes... I watch is as often as I can find it. Yami no Matsuei is one of my all-time favourite animes ^^ The art of shounen-ai is generally very beautiful and detailed. I also find that shounen-ai has some real heart behind the romance, which I find missing in a lot of guyxgirl animes (I still watch them though ^^: ). Shounen-ai also tends to have a mix of everything: romance, comedy, action... That's why I have a hard time disliking them :P
  6. [B]Best:[/B] Rurouni Kenshin -- I thought the voice for Kenshin was just PERFECT Cowboy Bebop Fushigi Yuugi -- With the occasional exception, I thought they pulled it off pretty well ^^ Nuriko was most definatly the best cast. Howl's Moving Castle -- Christian Bale suprised me, he did a great job as Howl. He has that kindness to his tone that's very cute ^^ [B]Worst:[/B] Yami no Matsuei -- WTF is with Gushoushin? Gravitation -- it seems like a bunch of VA noobs >< Sailor Moon - *plugs ears* Sooo many bad voice actors... Especially Usagi's
  7. I don't have very many CD's ^^; I stopped buying them about a year or two ago (it's mp3's fault ^^: ) Pierrot - Diccators Circus Full Metal Alchemist TV Soundtrack Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory .Hack//SIGN Soundtrack .Hack//Extras Soundtrack Yami no Matsuei soundtrack - Hiro no Tsuki Yami no Matsuei soundtrack - Amethyst no Hitomi Ayumi Hamasaki - I am... Gackt - MARS Utada Hikaru - Exodus The Phantom of the Opera Movie Soundtrack My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Gravitation vocal collection Slayers Try Treasury Vox Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack Final Fantasy VI Soundtrack Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack Final Fantasy IX Soundtrack YellowCard - Ocean Avenue and some other stuff that's around ^^: I always have CD's around my room.
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