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Everything posted by Killer7

  1. UGHHH, another repetitive American action RPG, based off of superhereos non the less. The original got very tedious very fast. Overlong levels, terrible story, and linear skill path lead to a mediocre game. But then again it has a well known license so even if it is sub-par, people are still going to buy it.
  2. I am willing to bet thier will be more peopl then the amount of epople who watched he American Idol season finale. I do live close to New York, but the chance of me actually getting close to getting an autograph is 1 out of 100000000000000000000
  3. One anime I am currently wqtching is Naruto on Cartoon Network, as I am temporairly out of funds to buy anything. It is ok, but the Dub is very badly done, and the story is very simple and cliched, everybody loves ninjas though. Also I recently bought Elfen Lied off the internet, and hope I will recieve that soon.
  4. Sorry I meant to put American, and directly based of an anime. Obviously at least a few Japanese only anime games will be good, since they are the only country that can make good games.
  5. The sad part, thier hasn't been a single anime game above mediocre this genearion of consoles. All the Dbz games have had an utterly broken, and repetitive battle system, I have not seen any other game where almost every move in the game for each person used the same button combonations. I have played the recent Inuyasha game, and it was so incredibly unbalanced I think they were actually endo boarding while they were making the game (Pun intended). Pretty much every other game isn't worth mentioning, due to either repetitiveness or mediocricy.
  6. [URL=http://www.konami.jp/gs/kojima_pro/japanese/mgs4_04.html]trailer for MGS4[/URL] From the looks of it CQC will be back, because he uses it on a soldier in the beginning. Honestly, I didn't really care for the CQC, as I'm more of long-range person, but I still want it back. Also in response to an earlier question, Snake doesn't like blades because they are too clumsy, with a knife he can use his gun also. It looks like the "Nowhere to Hide" saying means he will be in a run-down urban area with very few places to hide.
  7. From the sound of the interview, unless he is terribly bed-ridden, he will keep doing anime until he dies. He is by far my favorite director of anime movies, as other big-shots like Masamune, have terrible movie stories (Ugh, Appleseed just killed it for me).
  8. My first anime was... Sailor Moon! I saw it when I was in Kindergarten I believe, 9 or 10 years ago( I am a guy). Since then I have been into anime, pretty much because I liked that show, then after that DBZ would come on, and I loved that even more. Now that Toonami is basically gone though I buy most of my anime off of the internet (Ebay is God).
  9. Yeah, I thought it was very good. The style of gameplay is really original. Basically for the uninitiated, the game is a series of 16 boss battles. You start off by using your sword to direct the light to where the enemy is. After going through the terrain to find him, you find a way to climb up onto the collossus' hulking bodies (which are to be frank, FREAKIN HUMONGOUS). and use the sword's light once again to find the weak spot. Another original thing is the art style, but you would kinda expect that from the people behind Ico. Like Ico light is used very lifelike and you feel like your in a magical dream. The only problem was that the demo disc was extremely glitchy, and actually crashed on me twice.
  10. In OPM a month ago they had this as a demo. Honestly, it was a mediocre hack-and-slash game. It has a small to medium amount of combos, and just from playing the first level it got really repetitive. Also the camera was really annoying, and the small platforming bits were just frustating. The fatalities were little more then glorified specials, even though they did censor it for some reason. Hey I am an MK fan, but MK should never be a brawler (if anybody played the Special forces game, they know what I am talking about), let's hope they don't totally screw it up.
  11. Really thier is so much anime I haven't seen, I would just buy all the stuff I haven't seen.
  12. See the Christian church calls [I]fiction[/I] "demonic", just like Harry Potter and the Da Vinci code. My advice: burn the cross in the church to show them how non-demonic Yugioh is. Of course you could also wear an anime t-shirt and sweatband, and walk into the school, of course the first one is better, but you might have to settle for the second one.
  13. [quote]G4TV has seemed to stop taking callers on their show, and I don't like the new tone they have took.[/quote] They do still take callers, they just haven't had any the past 2 weeks for some reason. I do agree with the change in style, I just started watching G4 again after about 1 year of not watching it, and this show and cheat are the only shows that have lost something. Cheat got rid of Cory Rouse, and got that anarexic girl who knows about as much about games as she does about Rocket science. G4 lost Scott Rubin and got that other guy who is about as dry as fried noodles (I know I am using alot of similes). Also they got rid of those cool little challenges at the end of the show.
  14. Taking away the whip set and barbed wire biscuit, that is basically every show. I used to like Cheat but they got rid of Cory Rouse for some reason, and Kristin Holt is just annoying (even though it probably is the writers fault). Basically if they can take away pretty much all thier shows not dealing with games, they will be good, aside from Anime unleashed of course.
  15. [quote]You obviously don't understand that not everyone thinks the way you do.[/quote] A forum like this is for expressing your opinion, and adding to a conversation, which I did. The skits were really funny though, even though the best ones took place in the pre and post shows, but whatever. By the way it did sound like he was losing his voice, but it was still better then the other 2 singers.
  16. G4 has 4 great shows (X-Play, G4tv.com, Anime unleashed and AOTS), 2 okay ones ( FIlter and Judgement Day) and a bunch of crappy shows ( the whole whipset block, robot wars, Cheat, and pretty much any other show) Luckily they mostly show the good or great shows. I do, like everyone else, have to say the show was a huge disappointment. All the presenting guests obviously weren't gamers, Wilder Valderamma is a bad actor and was terrible as a host, The only good singer was the Bravery, and all the people who voted obviously knew nothing about games (when Halo wins anything aside from best FPS you know something is wrong, especially if it wins best soundtrack!). Next year get a guy who lives in his own basement to plan it, it will definitely be better then this year.
  17. [quote]GC sucks compared to the PS2 and XBOX[/quote] It shouldn't matter what system it was on, Resident Evil 4 was far superior to any game this year. Halo 2 is good, but it is one of the most overrated games of all time. The weapon balance was off majorly, and spawn points and weapons mattered more then skill. It is just the fact that some many people bought the game due to hype.
  18. It will not be on the Revolution for two reasons: 1. It would take alot longer then 8 more months to port it onto the revolution. 2. the revolution probably isn't coming out until 2006's holiday season, after when Twilight Princess is supposed to come out.
  19. Yeah I do have to say the second Soul Calibur was overrated. It was slightly above mediocre, but honestly it was so similiar to other fighting games ( as most fighting games are alot alike) it got boring fast Also the first Soul Calibur, aside from being alot more innovative, had more unlockables.
  20. I really started going on the internet about 6 years ago when I was 8. I used it mostly for looking up stuff on video games and anime, and of course Ebay. Then I started going on alot playing free games like Runescape and Alien Adoption Agency. For most of that time I had 56k MSN. 2 years ago I got Comcast, and I have been going on alot ever since. Most of my time nowadays is spent on forums, Runescape, or Ebay.
  21. I think this customization is one of the few things 360 has going for it. The white doesn't exactly look too cool, so I am gonna want to change it. I will wait until they get some game or anime influenced plates, as the most of the ones they have shown are just plain dumb.
  22. [quote]Sony has shot themselves in the foot. In a battle for hardware supremacy they have alienated their own customers. They have said themselves that PS3 is not for average people. But that is who plays games. Those people own PS2s.[/quote] It really seems like the mainstream system this time around will be the Xbox-360. They actually debuted the 360 on fricken MTV (one of the few moves I have seen that is smart and dumb at the same time). As time passed I noticed all the mainstream gamers I know have started to love the Xbox over the PS2. Also the moderate price point for mainstream gamers will attract people. Add in by far the best online system, Halo, the earliest launch, and a huge amount of mainstream games, and you have the mainstream machine.
  23. The first and only day I am going to is over. It was really confusing there, I got lost a few times. The only problems I had were the lack of game systems for play, every one always had a really long line, and the fact that almost every anime was subbed, I don't usually mind this, but in a theater crammed with people 6 inches taller then you, it is kinda hard to read. Other then that it was really fun, and I got some great deals in the dealer room.
  24. [quote]Xbox 360 has a really damn strong line-up already. Considering how many Japanese developers have already announced and shown RPGs for the system (several and certainly more than the PS3 or Revolution both right now), I have to wonder where this "crappy Americanized RPG" idea comes from.[/quote] Please look things up before you shoot down what someone else has said. PS3 currently has 3 Rpg's slated with 8 months until release, not including the rumored remake. Xbox in turn has 6 with 3 months to go, one which is FFXI, basically a port, 2 being made by Mistwalker, a Japanese RPG company. The rest are american made action-RPG's. With the same amount of actual new Rpg's with over double the time to release, PS3 will certainly have more RPG's as more Japanese devolopers favor it.
  25. The saddest moment for me was the last episode of Escaflowne. [spoiler] Just when Van and Hitomi declare love to each other they are broken apart by fate, it was just so sad [/spoiler] I really want to see FMA's 25th episode because everyone is saying it is really sad.
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