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Everything posted by Killer7
If only the sequel had improved upon that, it was basically the same game with a darker Prince. I just started playing GOW though and so far I haven't come across any puzzles, though I have heard in alot of places they are innovative, and in a sickening way, funny.
lol, good analogy. Personally I don't care if Dvd's are dubbed or subbed, I usually buy dubbed because thier is less chance of being a bootleg. Most of the time though the Japanese voice is better. This is because the original version (japanese) has more time spent on the dub, since it matters more to them, as they have a bigger audience. Due to the fact that 2 companies due the majority of dubbing for the English version, alot of the same voices are used, even if they are bad. For them the faster they get the dub out, the faster it iis on the market.
Personally my parents would rather me spend my time and money on sports or something active like that, but they are not totally against anime. From my experience I have noticed the reason alot of people criticize anime (and other things) is because they don't understand it , and think it is some wierd version of an american cartoon. Many of my friends who don't like anime think it is dumb and I look at hentai (which I don't). For example, that woman probably saw her kid seeing a questionable part of FLCL, that was maybe 1 minute of the entire show, and immediately decided to take action, without watching the entire series.
Personally I like the puzzles in the original Prince of Persia. With all the crate and key puzzles, adventure games were starting to get boring. POP had puzzles based on physics and acrobatics, you actually felt you were doing something everytime you solved a puzzle, and of course it is always fun to slide down banisters and walk on walls.
Sister Red and Cowboy Bebop. I loved the anime Cowboy Bebop so I started reading that, also I saw sister Red in a bookstore for really cheap so I picked it up and liked it. I am just starting out with manga, so I haven't had a chance to read much else yet.
Mine definitely has to be Spike Speigel from Cowboy Bebop. He is just so cool and mysterious, and the fight scenes with him are awesome. Not only that but he is missing an eye ;) . Also Stephen Jay Blum does an awesome job on the voice.
[QUOTE]Region 0s are basically always bootlegs. And you can pretty much assume that anything with tri-fold packaging is a bootleg as well.[/QUOTE] Well that means that I have alot of bootleg stuff, I guess thats what you get when you buy a 26 episode series for $25 off of Ebay. Not that I have even close to enough money to afford the real stuff. I do have standards though, if it is a crappy plastic case I won't buy it. Anyway, when you say Tri-fold, do you mean it opens up three ways to three discs?
[QUOTE]Yes people don't like the dubbing that much, but it's not that bad. Yes, Al's voice may seem a tad strange at first, but you get used to it.Does FMA live up to all the hype it gets? Mmm not in my opinion.[/Quote] Actually I like the dubbing for the characters, They fit them very well. Al echoing voice of a little kid in that huge armor, is ver funny and shows the changes they have have been thorugh. Ed's voice is perfect for him too, it is very cocky, and fits his personality and age very well. ANother good thing about the series is it's comedy. It seems like a very good balance of comedy and action. I do agree it doesn't deserve it's hype though.
OKay this might get a little controversial: Personally I used to be a Christian. I quit recently when I realized what God really was. God is just an excuse for somebody to have meaning in thier life, when in reality thier is no meaning in thier life. He is their to make people feel special about thier religion, and feel like they are better then Muslims, Jews, or whatever other religion you are. I was never really a big, Christian, I only went to Church on holidays, and an occasional Sunday. THe Bible: Come on, how can you listen to this? First off, their is a good chance everything was taken out of proportion. Also alot of Christians say that alot of the Old Testament is supposed be taken figuretively. Couldn't the same be true for the rest of the bible? For people who actually believed Genesis happened, I have one word: dinosaur, or did they not happen, just like Galileo's theries. So if you are still Christian, think about it. DOes a simple 2000 year old book mean a entire religion is true? NO, just like Aesop's fables don'tmean the Grim Reaper exists.
Actually I was talking of region 1 or region 0 anime dvds. Nowadays thier alot of good region 1 or 0 dvds with Japanese voice and english subs. Now I don't know much about bootlegs, but I will buy it as long as it has an actual customized case. Aside from that, at one time a few years ago I bought "uncut" versions of of DBZ. Later when those episodes came on Cartoon Network, their was NO diference. I don't necessairily know if that is Dragonball Z (even though in some Japanese versions of the DBZ movies thier was ALOT of cursing) but it has kinda turned me from UNcut versions, it is just easier to buy the whole boxset anyway.
I haven't seen much of FMA but what I have seen is good, and I like the opening. Instead of paying around $100 and waiting a few months, I am probably just gonna buy an english subbed version for like $20 off ebay, just as good for alot less. God I love Ebay.
My school is different with the whole stereotype thing. We have the Posers/wigers, Punks, Jocks, Dumb kids (kids in special ed), nerds, losers, and people with lisps( I don't wanna say what they are, but you should know). Now most of the time people are friends with people in other groups, Like I have friends from every group. Now you may be thinking what happened to the popular kids, they are either jocks or punks pretty much. I would be considered a loser, since I spend most of my day watching anime and playing video games. Then again if people knew what I was thinking I would probably be considered a goth. It seems like it depends on where you live that determines your groups in school.Personally I am one of those types that doesn't give a [blank] about people think about me, specifically the more popular kids.
Really if you hate thier Dubs that much, just buy the Japanese version with subs. They are usually better no matter what anyway, less editing, better voices, and maybe a few nifty extras. I don't see how anyone cares anyway. 4kids does mostly animes made for younger kids, or based towards them. Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, and whatever else they make aren't exactly brain food. They don't have great animation, music, or characters either. They are simple and fun waus for kids to get involved in anime, and usually have some merchandise (trading cards, video games, etc.).
[B]Die Hard[/B]- The classic "kill all the terrorists in the huge skyscraper that isn't even built yet movie". This was the first good action movie I saw, so it has a special place in my heart, and Bruce Willis is just so darn cool in that. Oh and you can't forget Yippie-Ki-Ay Mother *******. [B]Tha Matrix[/B]- Yes I know the sequels sucked, Yes I know Keanu Reeves can't act, And yes I know this movie tried to act smarter then it actually was. This movie has created more influence in our culture then any other movie. Great fight scenes, special effects, and an interesting story. This showed some progress towards making anime live-action. [B]Spaceballs[/B]- Come on, this movie is just classic. Everything is so funny and original. This is just the king of Spoofs.
At first I hadn't liked them, but lately I have been listening to some of thier music and they have been growing on me. Kinda sad for fans, but thier is still alot of other metal bands out there.
Actually I heard that the American and Japanese release dates might be simultaeneous or very close, I forget where though.
Yu Yu Hakusho is probably dead. Toonami exists only on saturdays, and why would that precious time to show reruns of a show that they reshowed like 3 times a while back?
I am into it because of pretty much everything. Great music, animation, and story create a wonderful experience to watch, and something you won't forget. Also cool characters and alot of development, make you feel like you actually know the people.
Pretty much all the music from .hack//sign, Tank! from COwboy Bebop, and you can't forget the Pokemon song! (lol jk). Also thier is a song in Gundam Wing, that plays during certain fight scenes, I don't remember it's name though.
Xenosaga 2 was not good enough to make it on the list, and KOTOR and Fable were more like action Rpg's. Does this count 2005 rpg's too?
4 kids-look at the name, come on thier goal is to americanize and unadulterize anime for younger kids, and thier biggest market is home video. Tell me, does a 9-year old kid care about commentary? No, so why put it in. Anyway much of the anime they do was terrible in the first place, Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon come to mind.
Halo>>>>>>Halo 2 The first Halo has great memories for me. me and 7 of my friends clogged into my basement to play lan matches, lol. Other then that, Halo was more about skill, as everyone started with the best weapon, the pistol. You had to worry more about reflexes and aim. In Halo 2 the weapons are so unbalanced, it makes the game a big race for the rocket or the sniper. This is multiplayer-wise by the way.
To tell you the truth, the RPG scene lately has been terrible, even Xenosaga 2 screwed up. I can't wait until the fall so we get Final Fantasy XII and Kingdom Hearts 2.