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Everything posted by Rasetsutaisho
did anyone here know theres a tottal of 7 naruto games that are either already out or planed to come out in the near future? naruto: narultimate hero 1 and 2 (coming out on ps2) naruto: gekito ninja taisen 1,2,3,4 naruto: uzumaki ninden (coming out on ps2) i only own gekitoninjataisen3 but its soooo awesome and i cant wait for 4 to come out! but either way does anyone else know any other naruto games coming out?
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Rasetsutaisho how are you to judge the value someone's life ? All life is important, as a life is something that is unique and irreplaceable, once a person dies that's it, they're gone (hopefully on to somewhere better) and there's nothing anyone can do to bring them back. If a member of your family wanted to die or someone you cared deeply for I'm sure you would consider their life important enough to try and convince them that suicide is not an answer to their problems.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Gene Wilder, the man with all the answers.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] you know... if you know anything about christianity... you know god condones suicide... but... if you sit down and read the bible... you'll see that god kills ppl off all the damn time! even his own son he sacrifices! if the creator of the univers doesnt give a **** for human life why should i? the only ppl who god suposedly cares about are those who live for his sake... and those ppl usualy dont flip out and chose to be suicidal one day... ofcourse im not some christian evangilizer (at least not anymore) but even for thouse with out some sort of faith, if they have a resone for living.. i say let them live... and if they dont like life enough... let them kill themselves off... ofcourse this isnt an absolute rule... i only would say this if the person was absolutely confident and clear of mind that their done with living... most of the suicidal ppl you see actualy have chemical imbalances and cant help it... and in that case i say give them treatment... because when i was in high school little 17 yr old wannabe gothy girls were always trying to kill themselves... it was stupid... i've seen it alot... but whatever i dont really care...
[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]I'm a Christian, and I've always been one. I was baptised when I was a very small baby. However, I'm puzzled by your statement, Hells Angel. What do hypocrites at church have to do with [I]you[/I] smoking and cussing? I would also recommend finding a new church -- it's sad when people's view of a religion is automatically tarnished by one bad run-in with the religion. Give it another chance. Ask yourself... what can it hurt?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] i may not be christian... and i may not exactly like christianity... but i do agree with what he's saying... its human nature to need spirtuality of some sort... regardless of any search for truth you could on... its good to at least have some sort of spiritual belife, outline or something that effects your daily life... there really is a difference... between ppl who think on some sort of spiritual level and those who dont... its actualy really obvious
[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']In any case, it's obviously a horrible thing. It reminds me of the laws from Afghanistan under the Taliban regime, which were insanely restrictive and basically anti-freedom in every sense of the word.[/font][/quote] i think marylin manson would punch you in the face... honestly laws are only restrictive when you go against them... i belive that country is trying to preserve a more pure and simple way of life... if you know anything about history you'd know that just about every civilization falls apart right after or when their about to reach their peak... just look at the roman empire... and look how much it mirrors our own! i know this is off topic but... i think their really wise in doing things like keeping women covered up all the time! i mean take an honest look back in your life... how many of your problems had something to do with some girl that you liked? and did you even really like her? ... that whole problem wouldnt have even happend if the girl was covered! im not saying we need to switch to that what im saying is its sickning to see some one be so double minded... you accept gays? but not ppl with a different way of life? besides that its not like they live anywhere near us... we dont have to worry about it that much
the fact is most of the ppl in this world are lame.. in one way or another... we all do things that tottaly annoy other ppl... for some its sexuality... for others its the way they drive... the point here isnt how ppl dont need to be gay... its that not enough ppl give concideration to how their actions directly effect the lives of other ppl... thats the basics of karma... its more than just some magical force... its a system of cause and effect... i didnt actualy bother to read much of the posts here... but i think i gathered enought to know that two kids were hanged for being homosexual? am i right... we'll the only thing i can think of right now is tactics... kinda like ninjas... you dont need to be obvious about everything you do... and if you're aware enough about your suroundings then you can use it like a tool... its not always wise to bust out and be like "BAM! IM GAY WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT!!?!?!" thats how you get hanged when you're in a place that doesnt accept the way you choose to be... but if yer tactical about it you can be secretive and live...
When is it acceptable to still be a virgin?
Rasetsutaisho replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
this is gunna sound crazy but... i think it'd be kinda awesome to stay a virgin forever... because in a cirtain type of hindu yoga... if you dont have sex it's a lot easier to stay heathy for freakishly long time... kinda like immortality... -
what does being african american have to do with that? i probably have darker skin than you do! it changes nothing... honestly faith boils down to the strength to belive in something you're not sure about... and i suppose if its god's will he'll bless you for it... but for those with out faith... for whatever reson... ...um i forgot where i was going with this... dang... oh well just dont use race as some sort of something!
i wasnt really in to punk when it was big... i dont even remember it being big... i was probably too young or too into video games to notice... but its because of this feeling that i have, that being that punk is dead, that the word punk carries a feeling of the same calibur as chivalry... the spirit of punk is something good to see in my eyes... no matter where it shows up... ppl who arnt afraid to step out of the expected to tell you that something needs to change... i guess to sum it up theres two types of ppl i like in the world... ppl who can either do whats expected of them in some sort of orderly way and can do it extreamly well and dont fall into distraction and ppl who know they cant do something right and despite the few of others go out and find something else that works
[QUOTE=Charles]A long post! Oh noes!! I'm going to go out on a limb and say that many of you don't seem to understand suicide at all--even those of you who claim to have suicidal friends or relatives. What I see here can be equated to me sitting here and trying to explain the stock market to everyone when I know very little about Wall Street.[/QUOTE] i still say if anyone wants to kill themselve seriously let them do it... they want it let them have it... ppl just arnt as important as everyone makes them
what's the meanest thing you've ever done?
Rasetsutaisho replied to Osaka's topic in General Discussion
well... i've done a lot of horrible things... but i think if not the worst then the most bad feeling thing i did was once a friend of mine was wearing my prayer beads... and i alwasy tell ppl not to do that... so i asked hime nicely, "hey take of my beads" and he just sits there and says "hey, its not like you ever wear them" then... it annoyed me.. how ignorant a friend of mine could be... he didnt understand that you dont usualy just go around wearing prayer beads.... " so i told him that if he didnt take them of i was going to beat him and take them back" and he and the other ppl in the room were like "yer not going to do that" so i did... i grabed him by the hair and pulled his face into the ground, then i ax kicked him twice, then i walked behind him and as he got up i suplexed him.... then i let him get up compleatly and then i used some simple and straight forward shotokan type move and beat him into a wall... then i jumped up and knee'd him in the face and as i was landing i grabed him by the hair again and threw him into the ground... then i sat on him until he took off the beads.... yeah.. i felt kinda bad for doing that... because even though he practices martial arts with me i knew i was doing things he couldnt handle.... but it was kinda funny too... [B]Edit :[/B] actualy no... the worst thing was when i was in elementry school i went to this hole that i usualy dig in and some random girl was there digging in my hole... and she wouldnt stop... so i ax kicked in the head while she was digging... her head bounced... [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Sorry Rasetsutaisho, but we don't allow double posting on OtakuBoards, so I've merged your two posts togher. Next time please use the edit button to edit in what you forgot to say. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions - Hack Helba[/FONT][/COLOR] -
Love at First Sight.......Does it exist?
Rasetsutaisho replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
not in my mind... in my mind, love comes with circumstance... and with the fufilment of asthetics... i mean really a person can be tottaly hot, sexy, have a awesome personality, whatever (ei. filling asthetics) but if they dont like you, live near you, see you every day, or somehow connect with you (ie.circustances) then theres no way yer ever goign to get together... and vice versa... if a girls constantly declares her undieing love for you but isnt desirable in anyway what so ever... then theres no way anythings goign to happen either... theres a ton of factors that play into love and atraction (but they all basicly fall into those two catagories), especialy with love at first sight... but thats all love at first sight is... a few factors line up... but thats it... you still dont really know the person, they dont really know you... why else would divorce rates be so high nowadays? so... final answer... love, true love at first sight does not exist... and my advice... do go with anything unless it is absolute mutual true love... fike final fantasy 8... i'td be better for guys to act like they dont care about girls they like... not so as to seem like some bad *** rebel... but to keep themselves from making stupid mistakes -
i used to be christian... i used to be a jehovahs wittness to be exact... i used to be really hardcore with it too... i used to go out 3 or 4 times a week and evangelize in my neihborhood... and in seatle and tacoma washington... i had really strong faith in god... and i still do. but one day something stuck me while i was reading the bible... no matter how strong your faith is, no matter how closely you try to model you life after jesus christ (which is the true meaning of the word christian, no matter what sect you're in) you're still depending on god... waiting like a soldier for him to give orders or act... you're still relying on someone else... maybe its just me but i prefer true selfseficiency when it come to life... and life is so closely tied to spirituality that it didnt make sense to me why i was so relyant on something other than myself... i mean i know i (most likely) cant go around preforming miricles or stuff like that but i think i could d something... be cause honestly i know that if jesus came back to earth now and saw what christianity has become he would not be pleased... but whatever... evere scince i moved out of my moms house i've been buddhist... and in buddhism everything is up to you... everything from how much you want to be enlightened to things that actualy do seem like miricles it was funny... im currently learning kundalini yoga from a friend who family has been in the stuff for ages and while learning... even though it hasnt been that long... i can see how some of the miricles jesus preormed could actualy be done... such as healing the sick... with healing the sick it seems you could do the samething as jesus if you combine reiki (a japanese form of healing by making bioelectrical energy flow out your hands) and kundalini yoga (which if you dont know is a yoga in which you learn to align and multiply the bioelctrical energy flowing in your spine. this results i a freakishly large amount of access energy, which if manipulated can be used to perform 'miricles') anyways... i guess regaurdless of what religion im in, im still holding on to the same philisophical ideas as just about everyone else has... only difference i'd say is that im goign to try and prove to god that man kind can change themselves, evolve a bit, and bring about their own salvation
i would make a long rant, but this is my first day on this forum and theres a lot to look at so... i'll be brief its always been my thought that all types of ppl exist... including those who dont want to exist... to me were all like variations of some holy light falling through a prisim. this prisim turns out all sorts of different, infinite colors... thats my analogy for the different types of ppl in the world... if you notice theres never a black hue in a prisim... just like you dont see ppl who really want to seriously kill themselves... because their dead... honestly i didnt read all of the posts only the first one... and i know this is kinda sad but if it were me in that sort of situation i wouldnt have really done anything... i figure if that person wants to be dead let them do it... for whatever reson they have, just let them do it... stoping them is going to be a hassle and its going to just as much of a hassle if they do it... but i have to admit... i'm not quite like the person who made that first post... i too was abuse when i was little... not like she was... it was more of a neglect thing (that explains alot...) but anyways... i've had every thing i loved ripped away multipule times, i've spent probably way more time alone by the time i was 5 than most anyone i know... so to me... ppl arnt that important... to me life and death arnt all that big of a deal... its odd because i know if i died a lot of ppl would mourn... but if they all died... i'd live my life normaly... oh well... were all different... maybe i just played ff8 too many times