[QUOTE=MommySkullFish]What is dorky/nerdy anyway? Why should anime be considered more dorky/nerdy than anything else? It's an opinion. It doesn't matter.
If I think sports is dorky or nerdy, or a complete waste of time, does that make it so? NO! Come on people, it's not about what other people think.
And I say why hide the fact that you like what you like? I am 25 years old, and I have come to the conclusion that I don't CARE if people think I'm dorky or nerdy. I spent all of my school life caring. At the age I'm at, expressing my interests and proclivities and seeing people's reactions is simply a good way to figure out who is and who is not worthy of my friendship.
I have a standard office job where people expect you to be "professional". I always say "What does professional mean, anyway?" I like to talk personally and frankly to people, so I just do. I tell them I like anime, and I proudly use an anime desktop and screensaver. If they think bad of me for it, who cares? I don't particularly like some of the things they like either, but does that make the person? Not really.
I just don't understand all this judgement stuff. Why do we have to put tags on everybody? Come on people, be proud of who you are! Realize that the people who think badly of you for what you like will not make good long term friends anyway, because you always have to watch what you say or their opinion of you will change.
That's BS to me.
And, for the record, I think people consider anime "nerdy/dorky" because it's not "normal" (meaning 50% or more of the population doesn't do it) to like it. People don't like to accept things out of the realm of what they're used to and comfortable with. Lots of people have closed minds, and fear the "unknown". They also think that people who cosplay are childish, which makes them nerdy because they should "grow up already". Well I say if it's fun, do it.
I plan to cosplay at Otakon 2005 next week, and I am having FUN making my costume. I'm PROUD that I put something together for myself, even if it's not something specific from an anime, just generic. And I WILL post photos of it where people can publicly see them.[/QUOTE]I know what you mean. I mean compared to sports fans we are very much normal. I my Grandfather watches football he says stuff like "Yay we won". When I watched DBZ and Goku/Krillan/Gohan/ect. won a fight I didn't say "Yay we won". Yet I'm Strange and my Grampa's normal.