_Shiro Amada_
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Everything posted by _Shiro Amada_
In this thread we will dissect the Metal Gear world and open your eyes to the real world. President Bush has ordered a final attack on the Taliban in afghanistan. The Grey Fox team have sent Solid Snake in to investigate a seret alliance between Afghanistan, Iraq, and China. Together they are forming a new mechanoid, a new weapon that will shake the Earth.
How many hours did it take you guys to beat the game? and by the way where do I get the psyenergy grow??? right now i am entering the Evil desert, kazaa!
well Ensign what new suits have you processed?
Food for thought: FF7 is a fan favorite because it is a the ultimate beginner's RPG. The whole game is one big freaking cat and mouse chase. "Ooh look Sephiroth lets get him, oh no Genova lets chase him too. Oh no, Aeris died, hey its Sephiroth again lets chase him! Hey... I'm a clone, oh well, lets chase Sephiroth some more. Wowza, its meteor, lets chase Sephiroth again. Hey! That isn't the real Sephiroth! Real Sephiroth is dead! DEAR GOD! Lets chase fake Sephiroth then!!!" I liked how it was a fun game and it made this cat and mouse chase interesting but c'mon kiddies, it wasn't a masterpiece. Why did everyone choose to hate FF8? The Junction system? FF8 had a great storyline and it had a nice twist ending that you can find out if you pay attention, [size=7]SPOILER [/SIZE] Rinoa is Ultimecia! Rinoa grows up to be Ultemicia, which means that all of the game is done for nohing, because no matter what Rinoa grows up to be Ultimecia, it will go on in a never ending loop forever, what a bitter sweet ending![size=6] END [/size] And FF8 has better character development. "Oh look its Sephiroth, lets love a guy with zero personality, a big sword, and a trenchcoat. Hell that is just like nemesis from RE3 and everyone hated THAT guy. Remember this is food for thought, it may scramble your mind, be WARNED. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]added the spoiler message.... and did something else--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
By the way kids, I never said I didn't like the game, I loved it, it was my first PSone RPG. I was just giving food for thought. And by the way I know Genova is a female, did I say she was a male oops. well anyway. I was merely putting up something that people can look at, hate or like. sorry for trying to be interesting...
By the way kids, I never said I didn't like the game, I loved it, it was my first PSone RPG. I was just giving food for thought. And by the way I know Genova is a female, did I say she was a male oops. well anyway. I was merely putting up something that people can look at, hate or like. sorry for trying to be interesting...
Note the food for though thing. this was only meant to be a opinion, I never stated I hated the game, I love it, but I am only giving you some hmm, oh yes, food for thought.
Ensign Almighty, I was just informed we are going ot be deployed to the new Side 5 its the grand opening perse, the 08th Ms team has to go and do a little security job, get ready for launch oon Saturday at 2200 hour.
A-Okay soccer4ife!:excited:
The Shiro awoke from his daydream.... Shiro: Hey guys, I dreamt that some wierd thing called nemisis attacked us. Goten: wierd. They walked into the complex and found a scientist with a deformed arm, sharp claws and a giant sharp bone sticking out. Scientist: Don't shoot, I have explenation for this. Brian: what is it. Goten: Yeah what is it? Cloud: Shut up.. Kevin: hee hee. I mean, wow, what happened? Brian: what is your name? Scientist: You don't need to know my name, call me.... Mr. Wick. Goten: Ha, that's the guy from Drew Carey. Scientist: well, so much for mystery, my name is John Holland. Call me Dr. Holland. brian: *looking at Dr. Hollands arm.* what the hell happened to you. Dr. Holland: I... We.... Umbrella was making biological weapons for the US government, but the government sent mercenaries and destroyed our project and unleashed the virus we: RESEARCH FACILITY B were working on. Research Facility A being in Racoon city. Brian: Yes continue.... Dr. Holland: Everyone was in on the project in racoon city. Everyone being the entire Police Department. Umbrella bought out the comany just to be one big testing ground. The government and Umbrella sent those mercenaries, just to set the virus loose and see the effects, those Bastards. Shiro and everyone else are listening to dr. Hollands words in awe. Dr. H: Now I am changing, becoming a beast. *sheds a tear* a f**king beast! *starts sobbing* shoot me just shoot me then get the hell out of here. Brian: but there are scientists we have to rescue. Dr. H: They are all dead, did a man called Dr. Miranda tell you that there was people alive in here?? They all nod. Dr. H: He is a liar! He is a spy from Umbrella he led those f**king mercenaries in. You were all tricked. Now shoot me, after I tell you this... watch out for, gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Giant blades come out of his back and his head falls off leaving his brain there intact. They all move back afraid. Then skin grows over and two red eyes sprout, his wole body is covered by red bloody felsh as three legs sprout from below all bent like a arachnid or a crab's legs. Then a giant eye sprouted from his chest. Dr. H: Graaaaaah, get out of, grrrrrrr. All:: Aaaaaaahh!!!!!! They all run away shooting at him but nothing harms him. The tale some stairs and run up, they go through a hallway and eneter a lab and lock the door. Brian: Holy sh**..... To Be Continued...... By the way, don't kill Dr. H yet he should stick around for a while. An what the hell with nemisis, wha gayness. no old enemies! this is a new game! er... story
Dear Crazy white boy: Mr. white Boy, Mr. white, I am truly marveled by your imagination and genius, you almost surpass my mind. You are my equal. What is your AIM or e-mail name. I would like to make a RPG with you so crazy white boy style that the reindeer will come home and get peanut butter foot massages. This RPG will have deciet, midgets with chili on their face, dwarf mercenaries from egypt, and hot ladies with unnecessary nudity. Join me on this, who ever has the balls, the elephentitis balls, thos grapefruit-sized balls to join me on this RPG crusade phenomena, joine me and Crazy WHite Boy and we will have helluva fun. THE SUPER FOREIGN FRIENDS IS THE RPG. Yes George Bush you heard it THE SUPER FOREIGN FRIENDS. Its aabout two foreign guys with super powers, the evil Dicknocker has made a gay beam to make the whole world gay and have no children, now it is up to the Super Foreign Friends to save the day!!! Unfortunately they get zapped by the gay beam as well, so they have to stop Dicknocker before every else turns gay, WHILE THEY ARE GAY, mwahahahaha! Yes.. Excellent.
Hey lady katana! Hey Gary can I be a trainer?
Out of the distance in robes, comes a mytsterious dark stranger accompanied by his Golduck. ???: Hello, are you in need of help. Talon: Sort of, who are you? ???: My name is Shiro Amada. *In hoods himself and throws his robe.* Shiro: May I accompany you in your voyage? (Note: Lady Katana told me I should help)
Ha that's funny, dude, my frend is a jack a** I can't believ he did that. So anyay someone type how they survive. I wan action, drama, humor, write it well!!!!!!
You liked the porno thing neocactuar??
The group entered the hallway, beyond it was a giant elevator the size of a house, with a balcony and some controls. Brian: What the hell is this, I bet this isn't just part of a mansion! Shiro: Lets check this out. *Shiro runs over to the controls and tries to work it. Dr. Barney: I can help. Brian: Its okay, Shiro can handle it, right buddy? Shiro: Yup... *He bangs it* God damn it. Dr. Barney: Can I help? Goten: Its okay I think Shiro's almost got it. Flash: Hey can I see it? Shiro: Sure... They both start working on the controls. All: Jesus! Shiro: I almost got it. Dr. Barney: Can I help? Brian: YES GODDAMNIT HELP! GO AHEAD!! Dr. Barney walks up to the controls and inserts a key card on the side. Dr. Barney: See? Brian: (Imitating)See... (Normal) Dumb Umbrella bastard. The entire group got into a bundle group in the middle of the elevator, while Dr. Barney operated the controls and the elevator started to move. Dr. Barney: We have to go to the UNDERGROUND RESEARCH FACILITY. So buckle up. The elevator went down, it went down for a long time. Kevin: So when are we getting there? Goten: Yeah how far down are we going? The elevator stopped, then it moved forward through a huge passage, suddenly they wer in a huge underground cavern, with a huge underground lake 50 ft. below them. Brian: Wow, this went from a elevator ride to a tram ride. Goten: I'm afraid of heights! Shiro: Don't worry about it, we are in a huge elevator/tram thing. We couldn't fall, its impossible. In the distance a huge complex was in front of them. Brian: Is that the Reasearch Facilty over there? Dr. Barney: Yes sir. I must warn you, if you want to go back go back as soon as those who want to come get off. Safer: Why the hell would we want to go back? Dr. Barney: There are things in that facility, not just zombies, but wierd deformations, the strangest most disturbing creatures I've ever seen. Prepare yourselves, for you'll see things far worse than anything in hell. Goten: Ooh look a Drama Queen. Brian: He's serious, you won't want to continue so who ever wants to get off tell me now, who---- BLAM!! The tram/elevator blew up from above, and the tram swung sideways. Dr. Barney slipped off into the abyss below. Brian: Dr. Barney!!! They all started to slip and hung on to the edges, about to fall. Goten couldnt hold on and alomst fell but Kevin cought his hand. Kevin: No way my best friend is going to die! Batman announcer voice: What will happen to the gang? Will the elevator/tram fall and cause the gang to die, or will they survive??
By the way my friend was at my house and he wrote the whole porno thing sorry.....
Kevin: Yo mr. brian, sir, I found a disk here it has a note saying that its important hould I keep it? Brian: yes. They all walk over to the wall and pur the acid... A dark fugure crept up towards them suddenly. Shiro: Gah a zombie!!!!! ???: No I am not a zombie don't shoot, I am Dr. Barney, I'll help you through this hallway, are you kids trhe rescue team. Shiro: Yessir.
Gaming I played the xBox, The good, the bad and the ugly.
_Shiro Amada_ replied to Princess Nadia's topic in Noosphere
Food for thought: No ne slept overnight to buy X-Box, people did for Gamecube and PS2. I bought gamecube on sunday, the day it came out. And I had reserved it, X-Box's were there in bundles! I played X-BOX and the contrrols are like PS2, Dreamcast, Nintendo, and Atari Jaguar controls all in one. And the jewel thingy in the middle looks like something I would get for 25 cents in a gumball machine. X-BOX had loooong loading times, while GC's Rogue Leader and Luigi's Mansion ( I have) had zero load times, not even a loading bar, it just went black for three seconds and boom action time, Munch's Odyssey is way to crappy, its the equivalant of Ps2's Crash Bandicoot game; better graphics but the same old game.... -
The salute was for mere humor, "I salute you." Watch Austin Powers. Moving on... MP is fine thank you. Sag is just a MS Doll? Oh, it sounded cool enough, and 18 punds is a cool weight for your MS suits. Rather than the clunky Zaku's now how much do thos weigh. Unfortunately I didn't do as well in the MS Engineering part of the academy. I aced space and ground combat training and I also excelled in strategy and hand to hand combat, just in case. Hey I'm the newbie, remember that, ha ha ha! well the I hope I didn't bore you ensign. I think your mobile suits are in prime condition.
Note: I fofrgot about putting in some Uzi action, so someone say, oh we forgot about the Uzi's or something...)
Shiro: Hey Brian look, its a statue. Kevin: So what? Brian: There is a red ruby in its hand. Cloud: Hey there is another statue here, with a blue ruby! *In the distance Safer opened a door, with a wierd painting in the room. Safer: I found some thing! A painting. Flash: Yes and that means.... Goten: well look at the thin canvas, there's something behind here. *Kevin runs over* Kevin: Let me cut through this. *Kevin tears a hole through the painting. Behind the painting there is three slots. above the slots there are words printed: "WHEN YOU FIND THE COLORED STONES, THE KNOWLEDGE BEHIND THIS IS YOURS ALONE"* Brian and Shiro walk over. Brian: So I guess we have to put the rubies in. *At the same time Brian and Shiro put the rubies in the slot.* Shiro: There is still one ruby left. Brian: Scout the area for the third ruby. From now on be aware of everything around you there are a lot of puzzles in this mansion. Goten and Brian kicked through a door across the hall they were in, inside the room there were computers and silver walls. On the walls were monitors and more computers. There was a red laser in beneath Goten but he didn't notice it and stepped on it. A red light started blaring and three machine guns came out from the cieling. Goten: Gah! Brian: Duck *he pushes Goten down.* Brian takes out two handguns in his holdsters and shoots each machine gun, bulletes whizzing by his head and sparks coming out from Brians Gun Barrels. The Machine guns stopped and fell down to the ground. Brian: Take that you piece of sh**. Cloud: Holy crap look out! A robot came out from the ceiling and stood up, it towered over them, 9 feet tall with two gun barrells on each arm. Brian: Run!!! They scatter. Brian jumped in back of the robot and it launches him against a wall. Shiro grabs his handgun and blasts bullets at the robot's head, no damage. Kevin jumps at the robot along with safer: GAh! The robot grabbed at Kevin and Safer trying to shae them off. Bullets shot out of its arms and shells dropped to the ground. Kevin fell down and groaned, "Sh** I got cut in the arm." Shiro grabbed a MP5 from Brian's unconscious body and blazed bullets at the robots curuits on the abdomen and the robot fell to the ground. Goten fell aong with the robot still clinging on. Goten: You almost shot me. Shiro: Sorry. *When Goten tried to get off of the robot it got up again, and with reflex he smashed the robots head with his crowbar. Goten: I love this thing! Kevin: Hey look there's a purple ruby in a glass case here. Shiro: Someone wake up Brian. This is what I call security, gees... To be continued.
Well... AlmightySSJ4, you are a king. I would love to have Sagittarius, if that is okay Ensign Almighty. 16 tons is very lgiht for a custom MS good jobe Ensign. Great job with the 0.8 second 180 degree turn, that is amazing, a salute to MS Technitian Almighty. Can you make the thrusters for the MS' arms, its always hard to handle your arms, so the thrusters will move the arms up quick enough for a super wuick slash, it gives a great advantage over the enemy, just a suggestion from your Commander.
Just a note: the whole zombie thing was hilarious, Safer sees the zombie and just screams, I give you props Safer Cloud.---- Shiro: hey I wonder if Dr. Miranda is okay. Last I saw was him running away. He told me to be aware of the Cerberus. Brian: Cerberus? Well then, whatever that is let's keepe a look out. Flash looks at a machinegun by a dead body. Flash: Hey look its a machinegun thingy, ewww, its a dead body. *Flash reached for the machinegun by the dead body, tensely he gripped the machinegun and pulled it when the body's arm reached over and grabbed him. Flash, Shiro, and Brian: Holy crap! Blam! Blam! Blam! *Cloud, Kevin, Safer, and Goten look behind them.* Goten: What was that? Was it a gunshot. Kevin: Nah, lets go. Flash: Ahhhh! (He starts pulling off the zombies arm) Get this off me!!! Brian: calm down, you just shot its head off with a MP5. Shiro: Mp what? Brian: MP5 its a machinegun. The one you are holding. Brian: Okay then I am safe. (he gets up and the zombies arm rips off still holding Flash.) Gahhhh!!!! Cloud, Kevin, Safer, and Goten run to Brian. Kevin: Okay that's enough of that. We are going to stick together, enough of this splitting up buisness, I am scared as hell. Shiro: Hey I found some wierd keyhole looking thing in the wall! Brian ran over and put the jey they had found in the hole in the wall. Cloud: Nothing happened. The the wall opened and behind it was a giant elevator. Brian: We are going down gentlemen....
Hey I bought Gamecube yesterday, i have Luigi's mansion and Star Wars: rogue Leader. SW: RL is the greatest game for GC so far... Food for thought: No ne slept overnight to buy X-Box, people did for Gamecube and PS2. I bought gamecube on sunday, the day it came out. And I had reserved it, X-Box's were there in bundles! I played X-BOX and the contrrols are like PS2, Dreamcast, Nintendo, and Atari Jaguar controls all in one. And the jewel thingy in the middle looks like something I would get for 25 cents in a gumball machine. X-BOX had loooong loading times, while GC's Rogue Leader and Luigi's Mansion ( I have) had zero load times, not even a loading bar, it just went black for three seconds and boom action time, Munch's Odyssey is way to crappy, its the equivalant of Ps2's Crash Bandicoot game; better graphics but the same old game [color=indigo]Combined your double post. - jcgoudy[/color]