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_Shiro Amada_

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Everything posted by _Shiro Amada_

  1. Shiro: Hey Mister. Brian: Just call me Brian. Shiro: Brian.... My friends want to come can they? Brian: well.... i do need help. Flash: well if we're going we need to go now. Cloud: yeah I agree with flash, lets go. Dr. Miranda: Well then all we have is handguns for shiro, Cloud and safer. what about flash and Kevin? Goten: you forgot me.... and never mind I have a crowbar, that will work. Shiro: well then what are we up against, wha killed all these people? (shiro cocked his handun and blew of some dust on the handle.) Brian: I don't really know i was supposed to gaurd this place while beta team gets here. this is the second mansion said to be owned by Umbrella, this is the second mansion that has had strange occurences hapening around it. It seems kind of similar to what happened to Racoon city. Goten: (startled) there are zombies here in Burbank? Brian: I believe so, i was sent here from racoon city not long ago. I am here to prevent what happened in racoon city to happen here. Cloud: Why did everyone turn into zombies? Dr. Miranda: well... Umbrella was devicing a new biological weapon for the US government called the t virus and the G virus. They were supposed to eat away at the victims skin, perfect for war. But, the result was that it also eats away at the brain casing the victim to have a murderous- cannibalistic mind. No logic. No feelings. Brian: But it also deforms you, into a huge monster. Dr. miranda: what? Brian: leon Kennedy, a rookie cop, told me about what happened in Racoon city. he said a scientist called william birkin--- Dr Miranda: Birkin, he is a reat man what aout him? Brian: He was deformed into a strange creature, huge and hideous. I also heard from a girl named Jill Valentine that there was this tyrant guy, she called him Mr. X. shiro: so we're going against zombies and monsters, uhm... hell yeah lets go! everyone yelled :Yeah. and they run into the mansion..... to be continued...
  2. THESE ARE THE CHARACTER NAMES Cloud Strife00 is Cloud safer cloud is Safer zero is Kevin Final Flash is called Flash dragonballzman is Goten neocactuar is Brian And I am not Michael anymore, I am shiro
  3. Shiro Amada: Commander Pave Low: Chief AlmightySSJ4: MS Technician Saiyadude: Lt.
  4. My name is Michael ordonez, you and as many people as you want are on a "dare" to go into a mansion. we will uncover the mystery of the mansion. who dares to join in on the dare? When we first enter a screaming scientist will tell us to stay away, that there are other scientists in there, we decide to resce them, we supply our selves with handguns that the scentist got from a dead starz team member. we've got to rescue them.
  5. Pave Low is my Chief. Shiro Amada: Commander Pave Low: Chief MORE MEMBERS MORE!!!
  6. So do all of you have AIM, I like sephiroths idea. We'll set up a buddy chat on friday!!!!!! Or thursday and Sephiroth will set up the chat, okay?
  7. That is my multi-elemental team. I also have a water team with: Gyrados, Blastoise, SeaKing, PolyWrath, Gold duck. All at optimal levels. and a a psychic team alakazam, Gengar, Mewtwo, Mr. Mime, and Sandslash (I needed sandslash, he rocks.) I have other teams, but in different orders. I battle a lot with my friends, I rock them with my multi elemental team and my Pokemon crystal team with milktank and such.
  8. My team is better on my Pokemon Yellow team: charizard Lv100 Mewtwo Lv100 Raticate Lv100 Sandslash Lv99(Almost 100) Pikachu Lv99 Blastoise Lv100 I try....
  9. As a matter of a fact I did go to E3, I got my GBA there. I also got a nifty mini gamecube toy and lots and lots of demos, I'm under 18 but they still let me and my friends in, (We snuck in hee hee, die hard gamers away!!!) I'll be free to answer any questions about E3. Ask away.
  10. hey... lady Katana, charming as always. moving on... My team is: Feraligator Level 80 Raticate Level 89 Pidgeot level 84 Gengar Level 79 Milktank level 84
  11. Hello, gentlemen, the first question is: How many MHz does does the X-Box's new processor run at.
  12. with all my characters at level 99 all the side quests done, all the endings, all the weapons, all the stones, all the abilities, and everything else 70 hours. you'd be very surprised how much juice you can squeze out of FFXI it has great replay value, the game is a great game. [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]combined the 2 and deleted one--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. Michael Miranda you goon, I know more about the movie than you, the movie was going to be a onscreen adaptation of FFVII
  14. My favorite ones are, FF V, VI/III, VII, IX, and X. I've only played 2 hours of FF X. And FF VIII only impressed me visually, it wasn't a good Final Fantasy but a good game.
  16. Hey Squashed Snail, cool avatar, Barret rocks. There should be more african americans in games. Its just that the Japanese only portray white people, Gah!
  17. just a note kids, the FF movie was originally going to be a adaptation of FF VII but Hirobu sakaguchi found it way to difficult to make a whole new world out of CG, so they based it in earth, but th exploits of cloud and friends didn't fit in well wit earth. so they scrapped it and started a new storyline. Then came the less expenisve spirits within project. The original budget was going to be 130 million for the adaptation of FF VII if it is CG, too expensive, so they made SW with a 100 million dollar budget. the movie is very good for bing the fist all human like CG movie.
  18. This is a club I want to start all about every Gundam show except Gundam Wing, because Gundam Wing didn't follow the Gundam storyline. Gundam Wing was like a kiddy show, Pokemon was less kiddy than Gundam Wing. In our club we'll dicuss Gundam things and probably have Gundam quizes, okay.
  19. Hey Mike don't worry about it, don't :bawl: , for I Shiro have a solution. Take my laptop with you to your cousins house, that's your solution!:toothy: Take it or I'll kick your :butthead:
  20. First of all, Golden Sun has a storyline that Nintendo has kept sort of under wraps, because of the many twists and turns, trust me it has many surprises; got the game and my GBA at E3. Breath of Fire for the GBA is the biggest piece of crap ever, horrible controls, horrible interface, and choppy animation. Just download the ROM version for the SNES, its way better and free. Keep a look out for a remake of final fantasy 5 and 6 for GBA.
  21. Golden Sun, which is coming out for Nintendo's Gamboy Advance, is detined for greatness. With its amazing visuals and epic story line. It is a must by that is just as good as a Squaresoft, Enix, and Nintendo RPG; in many ways it surpasses any RPG, why? Because Golden Sun is amazing and beautiful, on a handheld, think about that.
  22. These are the people who have joined: Pikeon AlimightySSJ4 TheDarknessBu Goku Jr. VoodooKanaka SephirothNIN WE START THE GAME ON FRIDAY!! GOODBYE! By the way, Michael Miranda, NIN rocks!!!! :bawl: :devil: :drunk:
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