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About DreamAlchemist

  • Birthday 12/21/1990

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    I like to draw and I think alot about life it self but I'm crazy for anime

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  1. thank you very much you help me out alot :D
  2. hey were all title to our own opinon beside I'm not a robot person I'm more of a gun sword person well any thing but robots :animeangr :animeswea good day
  3. Big O I hate that show :mad: [color=#ff6600]Please expand on your choice. -Lore[/color]
  4. There alot of guy who cry over anime I have many guy and girl friend who do the same me as well but I think I'm the worse I cry when a manga or anime person is boken inside or badly hurt but mostly when someone dies unless if it some one I hate [spoiler]like when kikyo(cant spell her name right) from Inuyasha dies[/spoiler] :D I was really happy but also sad for him.
  5. well lots of anime and manga do show lot women in little to nothing clothes.But that doesn't stop guys in no clothes or little as well. But they do show girls with boobs biger than barbie (cant spell) .So I dont know i think the do it to please everyone think about it (I'm not saying this is true about everyone but) wouldn't a girl like to watch or read a book about a hot guys with no shirt or no real pants on fight or try to find love ect.Sorry guys but this is true about some of you (mostly my guy friends anyways) ,guy like big boob thin as a pole women that fights ,carry a big gun,or does it with everyone she mets. So I guess it really up to the creator. But still there are anime and manga that doesn't even has anything to do with those stuff. so I dont know...
  6. I was looking for a new when i came accoss ShutterBox (from TokyoPop).Ok I thinking of buying it but I need to know about it not, I mean not the story please dont tell me,but can you tell me if it has alot or to much drama or it has some funny moment and serious moment. If you have read it please can you help me out:animeswea:
  7. Well I dont get it... :flaming:The always put those warning before shows like FLCL comes on so the mom could have change it before the kid watch it. I can see why so people would not appove of it but still. My mom is ok with it heck I think that where I got the love for anime , even those some time I have to explain so things to her.Right now me and her watch FMA and the new Inuyasha then my mom get tired. I mean she like to see it but some are not like her . Ed and Inuyasha do swear alot:animeblus. Even thought FLCL is kind of bad for kids but when I look back wasn't Sailor moon as bad girl in really tiny skirt and jumping up and down :nope:.I think there could be worse thing in some cartoon but I just alwell :animeswea
  8. I love the Manga and the Anime of FMA even if people said one better than another . But i think the book hold a little more but I still want to watch it on tv and maybe later like in to 2 year or one when it finally come out in us. The movie , I not to good with subtitle. :animedepr :animeshy:
  9. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]You have to remember the backgrounds of these two shows. Kenshin is a fictional tale taking place in a true historical setting. Likewise, Kenshin's style is quite realistic. On the other hand, Samurai Champloo is a fictional tale in a non-historical setting (just some Japanese place at some Samurai-related time). Jing's style, while holding some realistic rules, is quite outrageous. Some of the techniques he pulls really leaves him more open than is allowed by master Samurai's. Also, his balance is very exaggerated. I would say a better comparison would be Samurai Deeper Kyo and Kenshin because the fighting styles are more realistic. Because Jing has the advantage of leaving himself open but having the ability to suddenly maintain an unrealistic balance and/or defense afterwards, it'd be hard to say who would win in a fight unless we decided in which universe they were fighting in. That is, does Kenshin come across Jing in the Kenshin universe, or Champloo universe? If the former, I'm strongly tempted to say Kenshin would win without trouble. If the latter, I'm not quite sure how Kenshin would handle the new rules of physics. But I think he'd adapt pretty quickly. Still, since Jing's myriad of openings would no longer be openings, I'm not sure. Need to watch more Champloo, I guess.[/COLOR] EDIT: Crack, I was referring to Mugen, not Jing. X_X Ignore this post, haha.[/QUOTE] I can see that but that girl will be his down fall in the end he's to soft maybe when [spoiler]kenshin was younger and didn't care about outcome. like that one when his was about to kill that guy who kiddnap her then last min she has to yell out[/spoiler] :animeangr
  10. well both if you think about it face it there alot of anime that kid shouldn't watch mostly is the girl in it but theres are really kid safe ones to so it kind of half and half but then there are anime everyone love so i guess I dont know sorry :animeswea
  11. well kenshin is good but he to kind unless some one was in real danger jin would win the battle hand down but if kenshin was fighting full on he may have a hard time but even so jin would make the finsh move :animeswea well that what I think anyways
  12. well I readed 4 book so far i need to buy more I'm not crazy :shifty: lol well to me there almost the same but the book have some changes like things add that about it but it could change and I might be wrong i'm cheap 10.00 pus tax for a book :animedepr alwell good books any way I like them alot :animesmil
  13. well I going but not sure for all but I hope to go for 2 day at least :animeswea
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