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Everything posted by visualkei

  1. Wow, Inuyasha7271. Thanks for the information on Emotive music. I'm not being sarcastic. =] Also, you're right about what Gothic means. And I think that words are always evolving such as "Goth" and "Emotive" to have different meanings with the progress of time. So, I don't think Al-araaf was entirely wrong with how he used the words. Some people say I look Emo, and that's just because I have short dark hair, and sometimes dress like a boy. When I first asked what the hell is "Emo," I was told it was short for emotional. What's up with that? I don't watch MTV or anything, but it seems like it's describing skater-looking kids. "Emotional" doesn't fit, but Emo as a word by itself, sounds like a interesting and catchy word to describe that stereotype. I hope I'm somewhat exact about how Emo is used... I need to catch up with the times. =/
  2. I agree with SunfallE. You deserve a big pat on the back, pal. What you did was not only helpful, but very responsible, too. I can only imagine how difficult it is to get those images out of your head. Like the others, I also recommend that you just sit down and have a talk with someone. I don't think it's necessary to talk to a professional, just talk to anyone you think would be understanding or has experienced something similar. One time I was crossing the street on campus, there's a lot of traffic and bikers, and pedestrians, and I heard a loud noise, and right in front of me a car hit a biker. I was standing in the middle of the street, stunned, and stupid, with my hands covering my face because I didn't know what to do. Then [B]ONE [/B]person out of the crowd of people had the sense to come aid the biker. So, yeah it's tough approaching that situation. You know, you did a really good thing. Just give it some time and the images will fade. I think no one would mind you lamenting about something so traumatic. so talk to someone. =]
  3. My job. Neither terrible nor wonderful, though it has its moments where it can be either. I work at a school, basically a tutor and teacher. I tutor kids in homework-- babysit. And I teach a computer class-- Internet. I gotta say, the 3rd-5th graders are the worse. They're loud, talk back, don't listen, a bunch of punks I'd love to sit around and make fun of till the point they will cry. Then I'll beat them up cuz I'm stronger. =P Also, the worst ones are usually the ones that look like geeks. It's like, the geeks know me and my coworkers aren't real teachers and use this opportunity to act up. Then they're quiet and pretend they've never met you when their parents show up. Little shitheads. Lol. Not to mention it's hard for me to keep my hands off their homework cuz I really want them to complete it. Then there are the K-2nd graders. Adorable little punks that never know where they're going. I thought I really wouldn't be able to stand kids their age but I was wrong. It's so much easier to control them. Plus they're soooooooooooooo kkkkkkeeeeeeeeyoooooooottt! It's hard to get them organized though, because their attention span is like 3 seconds. The only kinder/1st grade I have is a homework class that goes to cooking before they go to me. They always make food, and sometimes they'll share it with me. Kid: "Do you wanna try this?!" ::offers me peanut butter rolled up like a poop in his bare hands:: Teachers: "Okay, next we're going to do Yoga!" Kids: "Aw... We dont like yogurt..." Yesterday a girl drew me a picture and after giving it to me, she hugged me. Not knowing what else to do, and feeling left out, another girl put down her crayon and joined. It's funny how the little ones hug you for no reason... or the wrong reasons. =P My very first job was a hostess at a chinese restaurant. My boss was this guy who'd say "One for nonsmoking please" every time he'd enter the dang restaurant thinking he'd made the most hilarious joke in the world.
  4. I am so jealous at all the fun you guys have on Halloween. I used to go trick-or-treatin with my buddies when we were around 16, but that's a while back. =/ I haven't been home for Halloween since I've been in college. Even living in these apartments... Nobody comes knocking for candy. I think it's so cute when families go all out with decorations and theme up their house for Halloween. :cool:
  5. Whoa. That sounds pretty extreme. Is there something that's bothering you alot that you haven't revealed to us? If not, then I think it's kind of strange that you would break down like that. The first time I had a breakdown was my sophomore year in college, I was taking classes for a pretty hard major, the lab was really dragging me down, and I took a pill to keep me awake in class. Which ofcourse turned out adversive, making my heart rate beating like I was in nervous state. All the stress and anxiety added up, and for the first time school made me feel hopeless, and I cried uncontrollably in the middle of class. Ofcourse I didn't wail or anything, just the tears wouldn't stop pouring. So then I changed my major a quadrillion times, and I take it as easy as ever now. I don't ever want something so stupid to get to me again. I know it's easier said than done, to just shrugg off the small crap. But once you let it go, it feels damn good. Many things really don't matter when you look at the big picture. If there's really something deep that's bothering you or going on in your life, then it's always good to have at least one person to talk about it to. I think there are plenty of people on this forum who don't mind listening. =]
  6. Day 8. That's pretty funny. I've had a just as awkward experience. Makes me wanna vomit thinking bout how awkward it was. Not. Cool. As for the Buddhist "swastika," it's a shame that some ******** borrowed it. But I'm glad they used the reflection of that symbol, instead of the symbol itself.
  7. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinesman. I remember that anime from a while ago. It was advertised alot in Viz Videos during the late nineties. I thought they did a really good job incorporating American humor that I don't see much in anime. So there were only two episodes, and they're OAVs?
  8. I thought he was only in his fifties. I remember when 9/11 hit. I'd come home from school and see Peter Jennings on t.v. updating us about the news for practically the whole week nonstop. And during that week he wore the same shirt, tugged on the same tie, and drank from the same cup of coffee. That was the first time I thought "wow" and really respected that certain news reporter.
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