[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well it wasn't the absolute worst... but It was the most recent. Okay, yesterday, my friend Chris had me and Shana over... well it was late at night and we had just finished watching PeaceMaker... so me and Shana and Eric(Chris's lil bro) decided to sit out on the porch for a little while,since the AC is busted. Well after about 10 minutes of Eric yammering about this girl he likes named Haley and how black people like to look at your shoes (I'm black by the way...), we decided to go back inside.
Well, when we went back in, Chris's mom had woken up and yelled at us, saying that Chris was in trouble and everyone had to go home the next day... She also asked where Chris was. What sucks is she'd left the house---It's like 12:30 midnight, and she's only 16 so she's not supposed to be out. We had to wake up her brother, who had to be to work by 6:30 and have him be lookout while we searched for her. Me and Shana thought she'd gotten mad because we left her in the living room to go outside, so we're looking around, worried that something might have happened to her ( all these nasty old perverts like to try and grab her while she's out walking the dog). We kept getting these horrible images of... horrible things. We got followed by 3 guys on bikes, an old man in a pick-up truck, and 3 more guys walking. After about an hour though, we got a call from Chris's brother saying that she'd come back and that she had been at ECU