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Everything posted by anime101freak14

  1. Yeah Ive watched Naruto but in Japanese and still its a really good show u guys should watch it but its better if you watch it in English :catgirl:
  2. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! I love naruto its such a cool series but i missed a whole lot of stuff since ive seen episodes 26 to 50 and i read episode 1 in shonen jump and im so confused alittle but im definetly and hopefully getting the rest of the series cause i like it sooo much , my fav naruto character is GARAA all the way he rox ^.^
  3. [quote name='c4ss4ndr41121']I watched all the episodes of fullmetal alchemist. Can somebody explain to me that last episode a bit?(ep.51) I didn't fully understand the ending. Other than that, i love fullmetal alchemist!!!!! :D I'm sad that there won't be any other episodes!!!! :animecry: (atleast I think there won't be any) And can somebody tell me if there is a fullmetal alchemist movie? If there is, please tell me the title.[/quote] Hey c4ss4ndr41121, i cant tell u anything about the last episode cause :animecry: i havent seen it yet, but i can tell u that there is a fma movie its called The conquer of shambala but its only in japan and i dont know when it will be in US, but i am really excided oh and if u need the trailers to the movie tell me and ill give u the site. Bye
  4. My favorite ddr songs are Senorita , Speed Over Beethoven, Butterfly,321 Stars ,Cartoon Heroes , Captain Jack, Drop the Bomb, I do I do I do,Love Love Shine
  5. I think the character i can identify my self with would have to be hmmmmmm........i think im like Edward Elric from Full Metal alchemist because i have a sweet side and then it changes to a pissed off side and like ed hates being called short i hate being called short and fat and which im not fat but i am short but i hate being called it thou.
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