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About ChibiSaki

  • Birthday 04/24/1991

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  1. [quote name='Morpheus']The thing is, the people that want to commit suicide are the people in the richer and less populated countries, like the US. People in overcrowded slums are thinking about how they'll survive literally, not killing themselves because the guy they were dating for 3 weeks turned out to be cheating. It's the people with easy lives that can't take anything without imploding.[/quote] [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thats not necessarily true you know.You cant say all those that have suicide all have lives that are easier than others.Youll never know.It could be true then again it might not be.You cant tell unless you are the person themself. Princess Ai, Im sorry to hear about all your misfortunes but am glad that you have not yet given up on life.Thats something to be very proud of.to be able to stay strong.Keep moving on ne.^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]You're also right. Sometimes love just hurts. And its just better to not love.There'd be no pressure or the stress of love.Like some people sometimes wish they had no feelings at all.That way they wont care and cant be sad.But yea it happens because its part of life.And you just cant control your emotions.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. First post text. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]I wonder why people think that ghosts would hang out in cemetaries??? Think about it, if the dead are somehow fettered to whatever unfortunate event caused their death, they would logically be found near or around their deathplaces. Who dies in a cemetary?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thats true im just saying cemeteries are creepy places.buried underneath are skeletons and dead bodies.so its likely to have some affect towards the way you feel.and i wasnt saying that it was the only place ghosts can b found.there are others dark ominous places.like abandon homes, hospitals, and ecetera. anyways thanks for replying!^^[/FONT][/COLOR] Edit: Second post text [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, [b]ChibiSaki[/b]. Here we place emphasis on high post quality, and, while you're certainly better than some, the lack of spaces and overuse of abbreviations like 'ppl' distract from the actual content of your posts. Your content is of great quality from what I've seen - cutting down on the abbrev. will allow people to see that. Any questions? Try the Rules or FAQ (located in the left sidebar) or feel free to PM me or one of the other Moderators. [/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thanks for the welcome Raiyu-san. and ill try not abbreviating so much.ive just gotten used to it.but if its better not to.than i wont.ill go correct it right away.sorry for causing you trouble.and thanks for the warning. ^^[/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, [b]ChibiSaki[/b]. Here we place emphasis on high post quality, and, while you're certainly better than some, the lack of spaces and overuse of abbreviations like 'ppl' distract from the actual content of your posts. Your content is of great quality from what I've seen - cutting down on the abbrev. will allow people to see that. Any questions? Try the Rules or FAQ (located in the left sidebar) or feel free to PM me or one of the other Moderators. [/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thanks for the welcome Raiyu-san. and ill try not abbreviating so much.ive just gotten used to it.but if its better not to.than i wont.ill go correct it right away.sorry for causing you trouble.and thanks for the warning. ^^[/FONT][/COLOR] ((oops i double posted. -_- i didnt know it would be like that.im so sorry!!!>.< )) [COLOR=SeaGreen][B]EDIT : [/B] I've merged your two posts togher. Please just use the edit button to delete your double posted reply and edit it into your previous post. I believe you understand these rules, but if you have any questions, feel free to PM myself or any other moderators. - [B]Stuart[/B][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]okies.do you think ghosts exist?for me i dunno.i mean if you think about it,its not totally ridiculous.i mean dead souls unable to rest wandering watching...its believable.i know so many other even more ridiculous things.and i think a part of everyone thinks they do exist.i mean when people walk past in a dark places all alone more or less they get the creeps.like cemeteries and other ominous places. and then there are those telivison shows and books that say that their real life ghost stories...i just dunno what to think.tell me what you all think.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. yea...religion,fate,destiny, they all just seem like an....well excuse ne? thanks for replying to my topic!!! ^^
  6. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]ok i guess everyone knows what fate,destiny and all that "it happened because it was meant to happen" stuff is.but do u really believe in that stuff?is it real?.if so...does free will exist.if everything has been decided for us then how is there free will?if the choices we make were all part of fate then were they really our choices.has everything been planned for us ?has "God" really laid out our story and were just following it the way it was written? i personally dont know what to believe but just live my life the way it goes.lol.does that mean im following my fate?jee...i have no clue.oh wellz tell me what u think.^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The final fantasy series are awesome!!!!the best rpg ive ever played.with great storylines and wonderful music.i loved them.i have all exept 11 and 12 which hasnt come out yet.i havent played all of them tho.only 7,8,9,10,10-2 and ff tactics. my favorite character mustve been....squall.hes kool.and i love his personality.rinoa and him just make a perfect couple.the storyline was great too.with a nice happy ending.u could say it was one of my fave of the ff series. i like ff 7 too.[spoiler]but it was such a shame that aeris died.-.- and cloud had mental issues.lol.[/spoiler]but sephiroth was just plain kool!hes the best villain of the ffs. as for ff9 it was never really one of the greatest.i mean it was good but not as good as i expected.i guess the characters werent that great. and ffx was a blast with its ps2 graphics.it was great!and i liked the aoen deal too.it does add unique effects.but the ending was sad and very dramatical.but none the less good. ffx-2 was a whole new thing.more action and same great graphics.but less characters to choose from which was a shame.story was good still. so overall the ff series were great.if u havent played them.ur missing out on lots.lol.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Plum]lol.ur right. double the happiness half the sad.:P i just felt like saying that. pasta with toenail sauce...uhh....i dunno if id eat that.lol.i think id rather starve.>.> but i get what ur trying to say.^^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Plum]Great poem!!! i mean it its really good and it make me think about...someone... i think its good the way it is.cuz i can tell it really comes from ur heart and u really mean it.its really sweet too!good job! but hmm....a promise to never die. i always say never make a promise u cant keep.something that i try not to do because i think promises are very important.cuz with promises comes hope.and if u cant keep the promise there will b despair.mayb u can put i promise to always love you.at least u can try to keep that promise.its just my personal opinion.u dont have to mind me.im just saying what i think. anyhow u shud write more poems.ur really good.^^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Plum]lol are relationships really something to envy?it can hurt sometimes ya know. as for ur situation sol-blade.i understand how u feel.im aso in love with someone whos far away.lol.but i still really love him alot!and he loves me too.>.< he says that he wont go for another girl but i tell him its ok cuz like u said i just want him to b happy and thats all that really matters.i love him and im just glad to have met him.^^ but sometimes its kinda sad.i miss him and just wish he was here sometimes.oh wellz just gotta hope for the best.^^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]suicide...i think the choice really is up to the person.but people should think over before doing something so foolish because it really is foolish.people will be hurt and thats for certain.you have to consider how others would feel and u have to consider how u would feel.dont do something that youll regret. i agree suicide is [B]NEVER[/B] the answer but u cant blame those who have.sometimes things just get overwhelming and people cant help but look to death.i mean no one would really want to suicide if its not the last thing they cud think of.they just cant handle it.staying strong is way easier said than done. but yea all that we can do is try to help.just let the person ur there for them.after all i think what most people really need is someone who cares and understands them.let them know that when all else is wrong theres still u. Princess Ai:im glad u decided not to give up on life.and decided to be strong for yourself and all those who care about u.its a hard thing to do really but you moved on and made something of yourself.i can tell ur really smart. i think ur a great person and also very strong.good job princess ai.ur really someone to look up to. ^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. i agree its good but hmmm....it is confusing.lets see.u say the answer to all the questions is love right? ok...analyzing data.lol. Why is it so hard to let go?because of love Why must I be cursed?because of love Why do I say such things?because of love Why can't I be free?because of love Why are you here?because of love Why don't you give up?because of love so basically its a poem about love.love that is the reason the person is in pain but also the reason the person cant let go ne?thats how im understanding it. it seems like its a poem about a hard relationship. Anyhow i think its really really good.Great job and keep up the good work!
  13. ((i would liike to join!!May i have two characters if soo heres the profile)) Name: Sakura Age: appears to be 17 Race: Cat demon Clan:Bokori Rank in clan: Follower Weapons: claws,speed,stealth Bio:Sakura is in the bokori clan but she does not choose to be there.her ancestry has long believed in killing humans so she is forced to follow.yet secretly she has bonded with a human... Appearence: ((soon to come)) Name: Kyo Age:19 Race:Human Clan:Mariquo Rank in clan: Follower Weapons: two katanas held at the left side of his waist Bio:a follower of mariquo tho his parents are followers Kinari.He went against them to follow his belief and lives alone now.he is the human that sakura has bonded with. Appearence: ((soon to come))
  14. What can i say?Were humans.weve all been depressed at one point or another.i know i have been.What do i do??hm...i guess...i talk to my friends.sometimes cry... just draw and doodle.other times i go into the fantasy world of writing.Or i could just take a nice peaceful walk.Most of the times i look to the bright side. and then there are the times i just do nothing.What can i sa?theres nothing i can do.and i just let time wash everything away. im glad u dont go to drugs for comfort.Any kinds of drugs for that.no alcohol and no harming yourself.Just stay alive and try to live as happy as you could. anyhow i do hope you feel better.maybe u just need a friend to talk to.someone to connect to.and u know...im here if u need me.^^
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