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Several demons leaped towards Erutan, trying to prevent him from entering the fray. Ros begun the onslaught by barking, causing a mini-shockwave to emit from his being, sending the demons flying away. Erutan raised his hands into the air, and with a very brief white flash, Erutan held in his hands what appeared to be lightning bolts. Erutan stretched his arms back, then threw them straight towards the demons chests. The bolts flashed and dissapeared, moving as fast as a regular thunderbolt. The next instant, the bolts were visible again, lodged into the demos' chests. They shrieked, then disentegrated from the attack, into nothing more than ash. Ros landed, Erutan following shortly behind. Erutan saw many other beings fighting the demons ahead, among them, Majotte and Zain. "Well I'll be damned, Zain!" Erutan thought. Ros barked at Erutan, obviously hearing his thoughts. There was another rumble, and then, from the setting sun, Erutan could see the leader of the army. It wasn't Demona, or the Man in Black. It was another great beast, much larger than the small demons they were fighting. Just like the giant boar Erutan and Ros had fought before, it was hideous, and tainted with evil spirits. This was almost the same as the boar as well. It was a giant anthromorphic snake beast. It's neck extended far beyond its body, which was covered in armor. It hissed loudly, filling the land with screams of the dead. "What the hell are those things?" Erutan wondered. "All I now is that they must die." Ros' thoughts spoke to Erutan, obviously being the Earth's Orb. "Lets get the leader, then hopefully the rest will cease." said Erutan, looking at the rest of the large army still staring down all of the fighters. "And this is just the tip of the iceburg." the Earth Orb muttered into Erutan's thoughts.
"Ros is a wolf." Erutan replied to Ariador, but was sure he was already out of hearing distance. He looked at Ros, who looked straight back. "We'll be thrashed if we tried to fight again." Erutan told Ros. "Lord knows what would happen to us if we succumb to that poison one more time, specifically me." Erutan thought, remembering succumbing to the poison dozens of times before now. Suddenly, Erutan's eyes widened. He quickly grabbed Ros and rolled out of the road and onto the grass. A large boulder flew right past Erutan and Ros as they rolled, and crashed into the road ahead. Erutan looked back towards his attacker. The man in black was back. His hand was stretched out, and sparking with electricity. He then turned away. His hand lowered and stretched towards the ground. A rumble slowly followed, and a large rush of energy exploded throughout the area. The ground slowly began to crumble in front of the man in black. It formed what appeared to be a flight of stairs, and into what seemed to be a dark cave. Erutan stared as the man in black walked into it, and it closed back up. "What the HELL does that thing want with me?!" Erutan asked. He looked back towards the town, which was only moments away from being destroyed. "We..." Erutan hesitated. "Can't just sit by and let people die though, can we?" he looked back at his pet. Ros jumped up and barked fiercely. The black fur began to sparkle and float upward, as if on fire again. Erutan stood up as well. He flapped his wings, and with Ros at his side, dashed towards the city, preparing for the fight. "Then we'll find Zain." Erutan told himself.
((That's okay, just try not to control him too much.)) Erutan could already feel his power returning, but at the moment his legs were still too weak to try to stand on his own. He looked back at Ariador. "Well," Erutan began, trying to refrain from telling him that he was a God, thinking that it'd be absurd, "I'm looking for someone. Perhaps you may have heard of him. His name is Zain." Erutan suddenly felt the extent of his power return. He lightly pushed himself off of Ariador, and was able to lift his own weight again. "He has red hair, and..." Erutan said, thinking about what he was trying to say, "last I saw, with black stripes within the hair. I can't remember too much about him, I haven't seen him in a long time." Erutan looked at Ros, we was beginning to show signs of life while in Ariador's arm. He began to pant and blink his eyes, but Erutan can feel, that Ros still needed a bit of rest. He looked back at Ariador. "So, have you seen this guy at all?"
I'm not even sure I've seen her around since the beginning of the story. I've tried to get in touch with her, but nothing has come up as of yet. I suppose we can just continue the story, if she wants to join, she can enter in later on down the line.
Erutan had fallen into a deep "sleep". It was as if Erutan's mind was conciously moving around, while his body remained unconcious. Erutan was walking in complete darkness, there was no ground, no sky, no nothing, except for a spot of light that surrounded and illuminated the area around Erutan. He stopped walking, and looked in all directions. "It feels as though I've been wandering around for years." Erutan thought. "And even so, nothing has revealed itself, no road, no sky, nothing." Erutan tried to feel the ground with his hands, by didn't feel a thing below. Not even the feeling of air was inside this strange dark area. "Its as if," Erutan thought again, "this place doesn't even exist." In the distance of the darkness, Erutan heard a bark. Within seconds, Ros was visible beyond the darkness, a "spotlight" surrounding him as well. He ran next to Erutan, and looked back at the direction of his "path". Erutan could hear footsteps in the non-existant distance. They began to get closer and closer with every pat on the non-existant ground. Another spotlight was seen, and under it, the Man in Black. "What are you, and why do you follow me?" Erutan asked the man. Ros began to growl in the man's direction. The man in black put up his finger, and swayed it side to side. He began to talk, but instead of words, a hissing sound came out from under his hood. The sound was a combination of falling sand and a snake hiss. But, somehow, Erutan was able to understand the voice. "Prove yourself first, then all will reveal itself. Come to the Prince of Darkness' Domain underground." Erutan looked puzzled, and looked towards Ros, who had stopped growling and sat, puzzled as well. "Ros, you understood that as well?" Erutan thought to himself. Suddenly, another wolf's bark was heard beyond the man in black, then everything dissapeared into nothingness. Erutan awoke to the sight of the ground moving. He looked up to see a strange man carrying both him and his pet Ros. "Wait a minute...what just happened?" Erutan asked aloud.
Erutan and Ros continued down the single dirt trail. In the middle of nowhere, and no idea on Zain's whereabouts, Erutan sighed. "How are we suppose to find him, if we dont know where to start looking?" Erutan said, scratching his head. He turned towards Ros, who was simply running around Erutan, possibly doing so out of sheer boredom. Erutan chuckled as he continued to walk, when he suddenly heard a faint noise. The noise was coming over a slope up ahead in the road. "Ros, let's go!" Erutan told his new wolf pet, and they darted upward toward the large slope. Within a few moments, both of them were on top of the hill, looking down on what the faint noise was. Below, two giant armies of men were clashing. The sound Erutan heard was simply a shout of pain from among the men. "It's just a battle Ros, relax." Erutan assured Ros. Ros yawned with boredom, Erutan following shortly afterward. They both looked on at the grim battle scene. Swords clashed together, flesh was torn and cut open with mighty swings from the other various weapons, all the while with flames flowing out from fire-head arrows being shot by archers from across the field. "Strange however," Erutan pondered, "that I never heard of this fight." Erutan looked at Ros, then pet his head. "C'mon, lets go see what all this is about." Erutan began to approach the battle from the road, growing closer and closer to the battlezone with every step he took. As he was about to enter the fight, Erutan and Ros were both suddenly hurled into the air and shot backward. Both landed back on their feet, but looked onward on what had attacked them. A red wall with black markings blocked their entrance into the battlefield. "Damnit, I'll break this wall do-" Erutan's sentence was cut short by a soldier, who had approached the blocked wall. The soldier was far from human. It took the appearance of an anthromorphic bull, the head being nothing more than the bull's skull. No eyes filled the sockets they belonged in, but Erutan could "feel" that the creature was looking at him. It breathed in deeply, and then slowly breathed out, as Ros growled and barked at it. Erutan looked at the direction the monster had come from, the entire army, all covered in red-black armor, appeared the same, skeletons of animals, battling it out with a human army, which was obviously losing. Leading the army, in the back of the masses of bones, was Demona. But, before Erutan could do anything, the bull breathed out a dark purple toxin. The smog covered both Erutan and Ros. Ros yelped in what seemed to be pain, while Erutan struggled to keep himself up. "Damnit." Erutan muttered. "God-damnit." Erutan and Ros then, almost simultaneously, fainted, with the fading sounds of the war only 10 feet in front of them.
Erutan and Ros had finally arrived at the city. It was in ruins, and a grim scene was made wrose with the downpour of rain. Erutan walked around, studying the buildings and the debris in the hope that he can identify what kind of demon this could be. "It's impossible for anything small to do this much damage." Erutan said. Ros' ears quickly perked straight upward. Erutan noticed the wolf dart off towards the innards of the town. "Ros, wait! Its dangerous!" Erutan spoke out. This didn't seem to change Ros' mind as he continued down the street, deep into the ruins. "Damnit." Erutan muttered. He began to run in the direction of the sound himself. Scattered throughout the ruins, hundreds of bodies. All dead people, some simply dead from bodily injury, but others... Other bodies were pale, it was as if their spirit was sucked straight out. Erutan bent down to a corpse and examined it. "...." Erutan stayed completely quiet. He stood back up and stared at the dead body. "If this is the doing of a demon, its either a new specie, or its not from this world." A loud howl was heard throughout the dead town, echoing from wall to wall. Erutan already knew it, the demon was still here. The howl was heard straight ahead of the path. Erutan charged straight. He stopped when he came to a large circular clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a statue of the banished god Zennousha, Erutan's father. "Was this your doing?" Erutan rhetorically asked the statue, but there was no reply. Within feet, Ros stood, growling at what was behind the statue. Erutan saw it too, a repulsive, hideous demon was breathing hard behind the statue. Heated air shot out from its nostrils and mouth as it exhaled. It resembled a warthog, except that it was only on two feet. It had human-shaped hands, and it held two massive axes in them. It also, however, had a trunk from an elephant. THe trunk swayed back and forth. To top it all off, the beast's fur was pitch black, complete with a "bad hair day" look. Erutan and Ros stared at the creature. Erutan's hands began to glow a bright white color. It was time to battle. "Wind!" Erutan shouted. He threw his hands towards the ground, and suddenly, wind had shot straight upward underneath the beast's feet. The beast was lifted high into the air, roaring with anger. Erutan then quickly jumped after it. When at the beast's height, Erutan threw his knee out in front of him, and let it dig into the beast's belly. A purple ooze shot from the beast's mouth and into the air. As it flew backward and towards the ground, with Erutan still following, it pulled forth its axes, and threw them sideways towards Erutan. Erutan threw his hands up, and again, wind came from a nonexistant point, and covered him in a ball. The axes were caught in the wind, and thrown back towards the beast. The beast however, managed to grap them unharmed, and with ease. Both fighters landed back on the ground, staring each other. Ros' barks can be heared from the opposite side of the field. The beast then turned its sights on Ros, and on instinct, tossed the axes towards the wolf. "No!" Erutan yelled. He began to put his hands up toward Ros to defelct the axes again, but was stopped when he noticed Ros glowing. The black fur on Ros' body began to move upward, like flames. Erutan could feel a power rise in Ros' being. The wolf howled loudly, and within an instance, he sank underneath the rock in the ground. The axes spun around and flew into a few distant blades of grass, but then spun back into the beast's hands, like boomerangs. "'the hell?" Erutan said. Both fighters were perplexed, but this was forgotten when the ground began to rumble. Suddenly, from behind the monster, dirt began to spin and twirl. It quickly combined into a shape of a wolf, and suddenly, Ros reappeared. THe beast turned around, only to be greeted by Ros' fangs. His teeth dug straight into the beast's trunk, and were quickly removed. The beast stumbled backward, stopped, then charged Ros head-on. Ros opened his mouth wide, and a bright red energy began to swirl around inside. Erutan looked on in both amazement and excitement, as the energy began to form into a ball. Then, with a bark from Ros, the ball shot out of his mouth in the form of a stream of flames. It engulfed the monster's body, and burned its flesh as it shrieked in pain. When the fire and smoke cleared, the monster was injured on the floor. It was twitching, but still alive. Erutan walked towards its head and raised his hand. "Farewell." Erutan spoke, as his hand began to morph into a large shard of ice. With a punch, the shard impaled the beast's head, straight into its brain, killing it instantly. "Amazing Erutan....and...what was it...Ros?" a distant voice said. Erutan and Ros turned around to see the man in black staring at the both of them. Before Erutan can even say a word, the man dissapeared behind a shroud of darkness. "Just what the hell does that guy want?" Erutan asked himself. He looked back at the beast, who was already beginning to attract parasites. "Damn, the plagues are getting worse." Erutan looked at his wolf. "I had no idea you could do that Ros." Ros simply barked back in excitement. "Since you have the Earth Orb, I should've expected that." Erutan said. The rain slowed down to a drizzle. Erutan looked at the city, then at the beast, then at Zennousha's statue. Without hesitation, Erutan punched the statue, and the head of Zennousha went flying into another building. "C'mon Ros, we have to go find Zain." Erutan told his pet. Ros barked, and they continued down the now muggy road.
((Sorry I was out for so long)) "So, what exactly happened, and why?" Erutan spoke to the new aquired wolf of his. "And hurry, because talking to an animal like this may attract people, and I need to stay hidden for now." "Erutan. This wolf is special. I felt a link with it after you saved it from the man in black." Everything was quiet around them. Erutan moved his hand toward the wolf. "Remember Erutan, like it was when I was in your body, I have no physical control over you. Be cautious, this is a wild animal." Erutan put his hand even closer to the wolf, next to its snout. The wolf moved its nose close to Erutan's hand, and began to sniff it. After a long drawn out silence, the wolf barked, an began to lick Erutan's hand. "That was easy enough." Erutan spoke. "Now, I got to give you a name I suppose." The wolf barked an ran around Erutan happily as e thought for a name for his new companion. "I can't think of anything for a name." Erutan told the wolf. "Dont worry about a name in a time like this." The earth orb spoke to him. "Besides, the wolf had already told me the name it chooses." Erutan grunted. "You couldn't have told me this earlier?" "Does this matter right now. You remember what you've been sent to do right?" "Yea, find Zain." Erutan said. He looked at the wolf. "So what is its name anyway?" "It told me its name was...Rosuto." "Thats a strange name." Erutan blurted out. "How about I just call you "Ros" for now?" The dog barked happily back at Erutan. "Alright then, lets go." Erutan spoke. He and the dog began to head towards the distance, where another city lie in ruins. "I heard some sort of demon was haunting that village. We need to investigate, before we look to Zain, okay?" Erutan asked Ros. Ros barked back, and followed Erutan. The clouds hovered above the two. The sky began to grow dark the closer they got to the city. It began to rain.
Sahruk floated down and investigated whqat he had seen from far above the skies. The animal seemed to be no more than a common wolf. What was next to him however, made Sahruk worry. Erutan lay unconscious next to the wolf, who was, like Erutan, knocked out. "Erutan, wake up." a voice called out to Erutan. He looked up and into the sky. The sun blinded his eyes, so he shielded the rays with his hands. His vision was blurry, so he calmly stood up and inspected the area. "Still in the desert." he spoke. He turned around to see Sahruk staring at him. Erutan jumped backward in surprise. "Ah, your here." Erutan said. "Weren't you the one who helped us against Zennousha?" he asked Sahruk. Sahruk replied with a simple nod, then turned towards the wolf, who slowly began to wake up. "Just what is this Erutan?" Sahruk asked back. "It's a wolf," Erutan said. "It was in danger, so I had to help it." Erutan didn't want anyone to know, at least just yet, who the man in black was, and if he even existed. "Erutan, you shouldn't have to worry about this common animal. When we emerge victorious against the powers of Hell, the planets will be restored to their former selves." Sahruk explained. "I'm not so sure, was it.." Erutan questioned. "Sahruk." Sahruk replied. "Right right. But it was different. I felt something different from this one." he said. The wolf suddenly sprang to life. The black fur on its tips spurred to life, and in an amazing turn of events, the black fur burst into flames. The wolf howled towards the sun and panted as it walked to Erutan's side. "What the.." Erutan spoke. "Wait, I remember now." "Hm?" Sahruk spoke out. "This animal, it absorbed my power somehow...when I touched its wounds." Erutan explained. "Anyway, Erutan," Sahruk spoke again, ignoring what Erutan had just said, "I need you to do me a favor." "Sure, anything." "I need you to search for Zain. He was lost during the teleport, as was everyone. I've gotten in touch with Majotte, and am on my way to find Suzu, so can you help me?" he asked. "I will" Erutan said. The wolf began to lick the tips of Erutan's fingers. Erutan pet the wolf out of a 'habit'. With a nod, and a flash of light, Sahruk vanished. "Well," Erutan said, looking over to the wolf. "What should I call you?" The wolf barked towards Erutan, but instead of a bark, Erutan heard a familiar voice. "Its me." the Earth's Orb spoke to Erutan.
A man walked through the scorching dry plains of the desert. His footsteps immediately dissapeared due to the strong gusts of wind that would blow the sand onto the leftover holes and cover them. The sun burned the land and anything touching it. The man didn't seem to notice the scorching heat. His black boots gleamed and reflected all the sunlight back into the sky. His steps didn't make a single sound as his feet dug into the sands of the desert. The man stopped, and looked around. Buildings around him began to slowly rot away. Others had managed to catch on fire. Screams could be heard from all directions, some from pain, some from the burning heat, some from the complete misery. This had once been a lush, green town, filled with vegetation. At least, that is what is was weeks ago. Since then, an intense drought sucked the land of all its life. Within days people began to riot and steal from each other to survive, noone wanted to help anyone. Total chaos fanned out and spread through the village, and as a result, all that was left was total wreckage, to be buried in the sand with the now helpless victims. The man continued through the town, which was only so small. A wooden worn down sign was ahead. The sun's heat had literally scorched the sign to make the text illegable, but the man didn't seem to care. He knew it was the exit, we wanted out of the town. His white robe with gold lining flapped in the wind, along with any airborne sand. "Disease, natural disasters..." Erutan mumbled to himself after leaving the town. He had scouted nearby towns around the globe, and was shocked to see how intense the suffering was. "..murder, destruction, chaos.." he muttered to himself again. Erutan looked up and straight ahead of him. There was a man standing right in front of himself, about one-hundred yards away. He wore a black robe with white boots, that contrasted greatly with Erutan's outfit. "..and you." Erutan finished off, staring into the eyes of the mysterious person who stood ahead of him. The person turned around, and noticed Erutan. He stood up, and stepped aside. There was a lump on the ground. It moved around and struggled to stand. The lump let out a whimper, and the man looked towards the lump again. He pointed his finger towards it, and within seconds, a shard of ice appeared in the air. This man was not human. "Wait, no!" Erutan shouted. He darted towards the man, who had fired the icicle at the lump on the ground. Erutan wasted no time. He reached towards the direction of the ice, and suddenly a large gust of wind blew from his back. The heat that followed the wind melted the icicle instantly, drying up everything around the lump. Then, it was calm, the lump still gave out small cries, and the man stared back at Erutan, who was now only a few feet in distance. Without a word, the man sunk into the sand, and within seconds, he was gone. Erutan muttered to himself again, and walked towards the lump to see what the man had tried to destroy. Erutan stared long and hard at the creature. From Erutan's experience from the wild many years ago, he could already tell, by the paws and snout, that it was what seemed to be nothing more than an ordinary wolf. "All this trouble, for a wolf?" Erutan questioned. He looked towards the wolf. It's fur would have been a blinding white color, had it not been mixed with the wolf's crimson blood. A gash was clearly visible in the wolf's neck, not too deep, but if nothing was done, it would surely die. The wolf had black fure at its tips of its ears, tail, and feet. It's body, as of now, was frail, due to the man's attack upon it, which still puzzled Erutan. "Something's strange," Erutan said. He could feel it, inside his heart. The Earth's Orb was telling him something, which was natural for Erutan, since he followed the four orb's orders, most of the time. "This wolf seems important." a voice rang in Erutan's ear. The Earth Orb called out to Erutan. Suddenly, another orb began to speak, and within seconds, all were dragged into the conversation. "The man wouldn't have attacked it unless he absolutely needed to, right?" The orb of Char spoke. "Yes, but what I'm wondering is why he went through the trouble of finding such a particular wolf, and try to murder it?" the orb of Planet Vegeta spoke. "So," Erutan questioned as he sat next to the dying animal, "what do I do with it?" "Obviously, you must help it." the orb of the Heavens spoke. "Keep the wolf for now. If you have the wolf, that man in black might come back." "That's right!" Erutan thought. "Then I could finally find out just who the hell he is.." Erutan had known about the man in black's existence for some time now. He had spotted Erutan after the fight with Zain and Rahk those years ago. The mysterious man had spoken with Erutan on Char, and during the warp back to Earth after the battle with Zennousha, his father, the man had again appeared. Now, the man would appear to Erutan almost everyday, just to stare back at Erutan. "He wants something, but what? And why with the wolf so suddenly? He hadn't damaged anything, and hadn't interfered at all until now." Erutan thought back at the orbs. There was no response, but Erutan knew that the Orbs were right. If he truly wanted to see the man again, and hopefully find out why he keeps following Erutan, he would have to keep the wolf. Surely the man would come back and try to finish the job. Erutan looked at the gash on the wolf's neck. Again, not too deep, but enough to kill. Erutan suddenly felt something. His finger slowly approached the gash. He felt something inside of him trying to escape, but he had no idea what. He felt the blood flow down his finger, when he suddenly felt a loud ringing sound in his ear. A silver goo, equal in appearance to the orbs when absorbed, shot out of his finger, and plunged itself deep into the wolf's injury. The wolf cried in pain, for a second, then calmed down. The blood on its body suddenly dissapeared like magic. The wolf then quieted down, then fell unconcious. Erutan felt as if the world had begun to spin around. His body felt dizzy with a lack of power. He dropped to his knees holding himself up by his hands. "What the hell.." Erutan muttered. "Just happened?" Following the wolf, Erutan fell onto the harsh desert sand, and fell unconcious.
Good idea XYZ, maybe this will help out newcomers to join up. Nice.
XYZ, why dont we get this thing started now hm?
I'm sorry XYZ, but Sandy's taken over two weeks I believe, or close enough to two weeks to try to sign up, and so far, hasn't. I've been reminding him every time I see him on MSN, and everytime I do, he never seems to sign up. He apparently doesn't have an interest in TFTI anymore, so lets just begin without him. Shall we kill him off, or make him an NPC, because this is starting to irritate me, very badly.
Whats up with Sandy? I keep reminding him to post his signups, but he constantly "forgets". Should we just start without him?
Yay, glad it is finally going to start Mak... [U][B]Sign-ups[/B][/U] [U]God Sign-up[/U] God Body Name ? Seidaku Pronunciation ? Say-da-koo God of ? Light and Darkness Age appearance ? Around 25 Sex ? Male Race ? Spiritual Entity, but looks and acts very much like a Human. Height ? 5'9'' Weight ? 190 lbs Hair color ? White Hair style ? Spiked upward and forward. (Similar to SSJ Teen Gohans hair in DBZ) Eyes? White Body ? Moderate build, not too weak or strong. Skin Tone ? Tan Clothes ? White robe with a thick gold lining. Also, the robe has a hood to hide his face. White boots as well. Distinguished marks ? None Other Appearance details ? Six White angelic Wings. Weapons ? None, unless you consider the Four Orbs weapons. Special powers ? Can control both natural and unnatural elements, and can control light and darkness. Handicaps ? Not as smart, or as strong, and is very "detatched" from himself. Transformations ? None. Special moves ? Time Reset - Allows Seidaku to reset time to any period, but as a consequence, it immensely drains all of his health, and is fatal. Seidaku's God body becomes very fragile as a side effect. Triple Team - Allows Seidaku to release the full power of the orbs in his body. The orbs separate into his three counterparts, Erutan, Urth, and Seidaku. Bio ? Not including TFTI 1-3, Seidaku, after the time reset that took place in TFTI3, had given up most of his power. Knowing that the reset had heavily damaged his God Body, before returning to Earth, he reincarnated his old body, and took control of it. As Erutan, Seidaku now searches for Zain, Majotte, and Suzu to help him stop Hell's Uprising. [U]Mortal Body[/U] Name ? Erutan Age appearance ? Around 14-15. Sex ? Male Race ? Demon Height ? 5'6'' Weight ? 120 lbs. Hair color ? Black Hair style ? Same as God body. Eyes? Purple Body ? Slim. Skin Tone ? Tan Clothes ? Same as God clothing, except now he has black boots. Distinguished marks ? A scar on his chest from where the Earth's Orb pierced him in TFTI1. Other Appearance details ? Two Angelic wings on his back. Weapons ? None, unless the Orbs are considered weapons. Special powers ? Can control natural and unnatural elements, and can control light. Handicaps ? Not too smart, not too strong, and very emotional. Transformations ? Orb charge: Summons the orbs power to gain an extra boost of elemental energy. Special moves ? Purify: Erutan can purify almost anything that is tainted with darkness.