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Everything posted by Red16

  1. Seidaku looked toward Zain. Seidaku was concerned aobut what would happen if even the smallest thing went wrong, but now it was time. Seidaku let out a large glowing ball of gold energy that engulfed all of the fighters, the glow expanded rapidly, covering miles and miles around them. Suddenly the glowing ball dissapeared, but the gold aura still surrounded the fighters. "This is it!" Seidaku shouted over a loud humming sound, which constantly grew louder. He let all of his energy go, his wings stretched out to their limits. Suddenly the fighters all shot out into the distance, and into the deepness of space. Seidaku looked back, making sure the fighters were all clumped together. He looked around them, planets were spinning backward, and stars were re-forming. Suddenly, Vec shot off of their path, and towards an unknown planet. Suzu followed immediately afterward, shooting off towards his home planet. Seidaku, Zain, and Majotte all shot back into space, on their way passing by Char, and back into the Solar System. Earth appeared right in front of them, and before entering the atmosphere, they all split onto seperate parts of the world. Seidaku, using the last of his energy, sent Zain and Majotte a message: "Like I said, the Gods will not reappear, they have been banished, when this is over, I hope you two have survived, and can find each other. Majotte, you should know where to find me. .." Seidaku flew off into a distant forest, but before landing on the soft grass, a hole appeared in the ground, and a large hand appeared out of it. Before Seidaku can do anything else, he gasped as the hand clutched his left wing. "Demona!"
  2. ((Sandman, is the "Seidaku" in your post Sahruk? Or is it really me?)) Seidaku was shocked at Shar's sudden change, and it only grew when he saw what had happened to Majotte and Zain. His dark aura suddenly vanished, he flew out of the sky and landed on the floor next to the others, and, back in his form of light, he approached them. "This fight will be held on pause for now." Seidaku told Vec without turning around. He looked at his new allies, the new counsil of the gods. Seidaku, Zain, Majotte, and Suzu. He was happy to see this, but his smile quickly turned back into a frown. He knew he now had to do what he had promised to do moments before confronting Shar. "Guys, we cannot fight Demona yet. We are gods yes, but," Seidaku paused, and a look of death appeared on his face, "we are not powerful enough, not even combined." Seidaku prepared for another explanation, this time, of the monster they called Demona. "Simply put," Seidaku began, "Demona is the Queen of the Underworld, she torments the immortal souls and causes them pain and suffering for all eternity. When Zennousha's ashes swirled around my body, he filled me with his knowledge. We have destroyed the counsil, we have slain the protectors of the heavens. Without them, the universe has already become unbalanced. As I tell you this, planets are falling into the Underworld's control, and, within a few minutes, She will arrive her and destroy us." Seidaku paused, then breathed in again. "That is were I come in. That is what I meant when I said that I would warp us one more time. In the past, I warped us for reset the universe, but, since Zennousha and the counsil were not killed, they were still alive." Seidaku looked around at the New Council. "Now, when I do warp us, since we are all gods now, we cannot be reset, back to our insignificant power, but we will be set back to the first place we began our journey." He breathed in another breath, "Once the world is reset, we can go and try to take down Demona, since the unbalance will be restored. But..." Seidaku looked towards Vec. "Vec may survive this warp, since he does contain my brothers." Seidaku's face turned more pale. "The problem with this warp, is that since I am the only one that can warp, and that it is a deep strain on my body..." Seidaku paused, something was keeping him from talking, but he kept on. "I may not survive. If that were to happen, the unbalance won't begin again, but I will be gone." "With that being said," Seidaku told everyone, "I wan't everyone of you to charge up, this will allow you to resist the warp's side effects." Seidaku began to slowly glow gold again. He began to charge up power for what he hoped to be the last time he would ever have to warp through time.
  3. A small bead of sweat fell down Seidaku's face. "This isn't the time to fight..." Seidaku told himself. He kne that it would be tough, but he knew he could win, as Shar had just been, he was confident in his abilities. Seidaku's wings stretched out extremely far, and began to glow gold, along with the rest of his body, suddenly, his body was surrounded in a sphere inside the sphere. The bubble then burst open. Inside lay Seidaku, but, he looked different. Everything holy about him was gone. His white shirt and pants now transformed into a demonic black aura that swept around him like a twister. "You forget that I can control darkness, as well as the light..." Seidaku viciously said. My power raises whenever I am inside a universe that is filled with darkness or light." Seidaku grinned, and again stretched his now black wings. He laughed as the blade came near. It sliced straight through him, right through his ribs, and out his left shoulder. His grin got slightly bigger as his body levitated above his lower body. The darkness that surrounded Seidaku's being slowly began to form tentacles from Seidaku's cut rib and shoulder. The tentacles clasped to each other, and brought his body back together. He chuckled. "My dark form has some powers my light form cannot allow." Seidaku explained. He then dissapeared into the darkness around Shar, awaiting some retaliation. Seidaku's inner thoughts rushed around him, he looked outside of the floating ball to see the others still looking at the man. He sent a telepathic message to Majotte: 'Try to get this bastard off of me for now, I have better things to attend to." Seidaku's focus reattatched towards Shar. "You cannot defeat me Shar," Seidaku's voice echoed around the ball, "I'm a God!"
  4. Seidaku looked with a glare back at Shar. "You're just a coward, you stood back watching us fight, knowing we would be exhausted to try and kill us. Your kind disgusts me." Seidaku told him back. "I also know very well who Demona is." Seidaku turned away, looking back at the newcomer." ((Okay Sandman, let'r rip))
  5. Seidaku's glowing hand quickly faded fast. He chuckled at Majotte, then looked on towards this new arrival. [I]"But when you think of it, you probably would be better off going in hell. After all, you'd have fun battling the Prince of Darkness, wouldn't you?"[/I] Seidaku's mind suddenly jumped, and he thought hard about what Majotte had just said. 'That's not a bad idea...' Seidaku thought in his mind. "You!" Seidaku told the newcomer. "When you are done passing around the 'gifts'," Seidaku said, looking to all the others, "I'm going to warp us one more time. Since Zennousha is dead, he will not be alive after this next warp." Seidaku said. "I'll tell you more later.." Seidaku then proceeded to witness the man's gifts to the fighters.
  6. Seidaku's head quickly bolted in Majotte's direction. "We aren't finished yet..." Seidaku said, his energy draining slowly. "But for now...we can relax." Seidaku said. He did not want to stress the others by telling them the full truth. If they tried to fight against this new threat Seidaku felt, they'd surely die. "Just dont worry about it Majotte. Just dont worry about anything right now...." Seidaku walked up to Noah-Inei. "I can tell that you saw it too, but dont worry, at least for now." Seidkau told Noah-Inei. He looked down at the demon Shar with a face of death. He could now, focused, sense the filth coming from the monstrosity (SP?). Seidaku then smiled. "Hell would suit a person like you quite nicely." Seidaku said. He began to raise his hand toward the demon. His hand began to glow a golden color. "If you want to resist," Seidaku told Shar, his hand glowing even more bright, "then attack me."
  7. Seijotte looked on as the god struggled, his spine was still popped a slight bit out of place, so his pose was a little off. Seijotte sighed as he began to gather energy into his palm. "Good-Bye father." Seijotte said, unknowingly (sp?) though that that sentence had come from both Seidaku and Majotte's being. The beam flared out of his hand. It was a golden yellow, and in it, a flurry of different elemental beams spiraling around. The god saw it coming, but could do little about it. The Fallen God smiled, "You fool....Demona will rise..." he smirked. The beam collided full force, knocking him off his feet, but before he could even fly off in a distance, Noah-Inei's attack, combined with Seijotte's, creating a blast that can rival that of the Universal Big Bang. ((Not Vegeta's Attack, Dunce)). The god did not even yell, no death cry, but just disintegrated into the air. Seijotte let out another sigh, as his body was engulfed in bright light. The Light faded, and there, in Seijotte's place, stood Seidaku and Majotte, both looking very disturbed and shaken. Seidaku looked at his hands, his wings, and closed his eyes and fell into a brief thought. Vapor rose from where Zennousha had been last seen. The vapor swirled and danced around Seidaku's current position, and vanished. "Demona..." Seidaku told himself. He then turned to see the demon that followed him. "What do we do with him? Seidaku told Majotte and Noah-Inei. "He's on Holy Grounds, that is a one way ticket to hell...
  8. Seijotte looked on as Noah-Inei smacked Zennousha around. He chuckled, still remembering that the fusion between Seidaku and Majotte was too powerful to hold for long. "Yes, 'BOY'..." Seijotte chuckled. He and Noah-Inei stared Zennousha down, whilst the fallen god slowly stood, half of his shoulder gone, seeping blood onto the white marble floor. "What do you say we finish him right now, Noah-Inei?" Seijotte spoke.
  9. "...My name is Sejotte. ((Name may change, I just had to post.))" The fused being said, finally identifying himself. The mutant's two components began to talk amongst each other. "I don't know what it was that made you stop Majotte, but you need to focus!" Seidaku told Majotte, both standing in a area shrouded in clouds and darkness. Seidaku didn't allow Majotte to answer. "If we are going to defeat Zennousha then we need to do it now! Our energy is quickly being sapped out of our body, and if we fail to defeat him, then my plan will be ruined. Sorry Majotte, but it's my turn to fight!" Seijotte then stood straight up, and his eyes changed into a golden color. His wings grew more out and turned bright white, and his tail retreated into his being. Without wasting anymore time, Seijotte then charged straight into Zennousha, and kicked him in the chest. Zennousha chuckled, the kick only knocked him back an inch or two. "You're getting weaker....I can tell." He then started to wind up a punch. Seijotte's eyes widened as his pupils shrank, Zennousha's punch came tearing through the air around them, and smashed into Seijotte's face. Before he can begin soaring through the air however, Zennousha grabbed Seijotte by his wings. He then began to pull the wings in opposite directions. Seijotte shrieked in pain as a light began to engulf him. The light engulfed the two fighters, and suddenlythey both flew back a few feet. "Damn you father!" Seijotte yelled. He braced himself, and quickly fired a beam of energy in his palm. He then fired another beam of energy in his other hand. The two beams began to swirl around each other. Zennousha slapped at the beams. They stood still, not moving, for a few seconds, then flew off in another direction. Zennousha was beginning to sweat. "Heh, it looks as though you are losing power too. Strange that a god actually has limits." Sejotte taunted. He looked back at the Saiyan. "Boy, I don't know what you are doing over there, but it would be nice if you could help me with this guy..."
  10. ((Yay, I can post)) The new mutant stared at Zennousha with a wicked stare. Inside this mutant now lie the abilities of Seidaku, and the brute force of Majotte. "This isn't enough, we still need Zain..." the new being thought to himself. Before thinking any longer however, the mutant noticed that Zennousha had begun a head-on attack, a very careless and pointless move. The mutant braced for the impact. Zennousha's punch smashed into the mutant's hand, and the force against the two walls had caused a small shockwave to appear, shaking the ground below. The mutant smiled as he quickly grabbed Zennousha's head. "You're mine." the mutant said. Quickly, the nameless fighter slammed Zennousha's head against his knee, which rose at about the same speed. Blood spurt out of Zennousha's nose as he flew upward, dizzy. Quickly, the mutant flew above him, and punched his abdomen, sending the fallen god toward the floor. The impact was great enough to relaunch Zennousha into the air. The mutant then shifted towards the weakened Zennousha, and gave him a powerful kick in the face, sending him flying off into the air. The mutant then fired a small pair of energy beams from his eyes. Zennousha quickly halted in the air, and allowed the beams to smash into him, sending him only a few inches from were he was normally. He and the mutant then descended toward the ground, staring each other down. Zennousha wiped some dust off of his shoulder. "What the hell are you.." Zennousha quietly asked. The mutant answered with a fierce stare that sprouted electricity around his body. The mutant knew that this battle was starting to come to a close. "Also..." the mutant thought to himself, "Majotte should now know Seidaku's plan..."
  11. ((C'mon guys, someone needs to post besides me. This is taking too long, and I think that if we postpone the ending then at this rate we will never finish. Hows about we just finish this now? Or do you all want to keep going?))
  12. ((You guys take too long to post, seriously. Infact, you guys took long enough for my computer to crap out on me again, so I'm stuck without a computer. (For the slow ones, I'm on a school comp).))
  13. ((Alright! My comp has finally reawakened. I managed to fix it, dont know how, but I did. Anyway, not sure that it will be working half the time, so far so good though, so I need to spend my time wisely.)) Seidaku looked toward Majotte. He smiled, and capped it off with a nod. "I've been ready for this.." Seidaku said. ((before I type on further, I will 'control' Majotte for this post, hope you don't mind Sandman.)) Seidaku and Majotte floated about five feet away from each other. Seidaku then raised his fist into the air, slowly followed by Majotte, doing the exact same. Seidaku and Majotte suddenly felt extremely light. Slowly, Seidaku's body was broken down into golden particles, then Majotte, who also evaporated into particles. The particles of energy danced around in place for a second, then flew straight into the air. When in the air, they swirled around each other, combining with each other. The particles then made a shape of a person. The particles began to glow, sending off light in every direction. They then "molded" together, and landed back on the floor. The light dissapeared, and there stood an entirely new person. "Ready Zennousha?" the man spoke.
  14. ((Well, you gonna have to wait, my CPU broke down, so unless you want to wait for my CPU to get fixed (which will be awhile), we can PM each other about the idea.))
  15. (This is ridiculous, someone needs to post now..)
  16. Seidaku winced when he saw James dissapear. "How much more death must there be to stop this monster?" Seidaku wondered. He looked on at Zain, who dashed quickly towards the now weakened god. He then looked towards Majotte, and his eyebrows lifted with interest. "I'm listening.." he said to Majotte, as Zain hacked away at the God.
  17. Without a word being spoken, Seidaku did just as what Zain had done. He raised his arms up and grabbed the energy blast that was thrown at him. He began to pull back against Zain, allowing the force from them both to repel the ki energy. All Seidaki needed now, was for Majotte and James to put pressure on their backs, just enough to delfect them all. Seidaku wondered how a now ungodly person managed to rival that of him. Not only that, but the rest of the gods as well. "None of this would of happened if it weren't for him.." Seidaku told himself. He then made up his mind. He looked up toward the Zennoushas, and shouted toward them, "Before this is over, I WILL kill you, and restore all of the universe back to the way it was!"
  18. "Majotte, you take the left, I've got the right!" Seidaku told Majotte. He then blasted off were Zain was already fighting. Zain was slowly pushing him back, but there was nothing to stop them in that wide open area of clouds. Seidaku's entire arms began to glow gold, then in a second, a rock formation sprouted from the clouds, and created a large wall that stood behind Zennousha. The wall then crept forward, making it impossible to escape upward. Seidaku then charged at Zennousha, his hand instantly turning into a very large sharp icicle.
  19. Seidaku looked down toward the beaten up Saiyan, his hands reached out to the boy, but he then jumped back. Sahruk came flying through the scene, then away is the distance. Seidaku knew he'd be back. He walked toward the hurt saiyan. "You took one hell of a beating." Seidaku told him, kneeling down to his side. "I will heal you, but, you mustn't try too hard to fight this God, he is immensly strong. He is stronger than my brother Kairiki..." Seidaku raised his hands toward Suzu, then his hands slowly began to glow green. Seidaku unleashed some energy onto Suzu, but instead of hurting him, it healed him. Half of the cuts and bruises were gone. "I could only heal you to 50% of your strength, hope that works.." Seidaku said. He then left the saiyan boy, and ran towards the direction of the mysterious fighter and Zennousha. He witnessed the last attack Zain did. He hacked away at Zennousha, and, although it looked as though he was winning, he was actually missing most of his shots. 'His power is incredible.." Seidaki murmured. "This man will need help.." Seidaku blasted towards the scene, then, within his hands, created two breams of fire in his hands. He grabbed them like swords, and started to slash alongside Zain with them (OOC: The beams look alot like lightsabers, without the handle). Together the slashes and hacks at Zennousha were too much to concentrate on both. Blood starting flying around their bodies. Seidaku then gave Zennousha a swift kick to the chest, sending him flying and crashing out of the temple, and onto the clouds. Seidaku landed, Zennousha's blood on his clothes. The blood sizzled and bubbled, then evaporated. Seidaku then stared at the mysterious man. He finally managed to concentrate long enough to see who it was. "..Zain...!?"
  20. Seidaku understood, and charged Zennousha along with Sahruk. Zennousha managed to dodge and block all their lightspeed attacks one after the other. Zennousha then broke their attacks, and countered with a sheild of energy that knocked Seidaku and Sahruk back. Seidaku looked at Zennousha, then recharged back at him. Zennousha easily dodged Seidaku's attack, then gave him a deep blow in the stomache. Seidaku flew upward, then suddenly stopped. He then added more gravity to the spot where Zennousha was. The instant increase made Zennousha stumble a small amount, enough for Seidaku to give him a swift kick to the face, sending Zennousha flying. Whilst he flew away, Seidaku stuck his index finger towards Zennousha. "I haven't used this one in a long time. ELEMENT BEAM!" Seidaku shouted. A handful of elementals spiraled out and ran right into Zennousha's chest. They caused the area around Zennousha to explode. Smoke erupted from the area, and Seidaku smirked. His smirk was easisly wiped away however, when he was attacked from behind by his father. Zennousha grabbed Seidaku by the wings, and spun him around in circles, then let him go, sending Seidaku flying mangled into the sky. Zennousha then cupped his hands together, and quickly fired a beam of energy towards Seidaku. Quickly, Seidaku threw his hands out, and instantly froez the beam in mid-flight. He then moves of the beams way, where it flew off into the distance. "He is definately going to be hard to take down..." Seidaku said, blood starting to reappear in some scratches on his skin.
  21. Seidaku saw Zennousha blast off towards the shining temple in the clouds. "Son-of-a-bitch! Sahruk, James, come on!!!" Seidaku yelled to them. He blasted off towards the temple, looking behind him, he saw Sahruk quickly following right behind, James still on the floor. Seidaku landed once again on the clouds, right next to the temple doors, only to see them broken. He charged through, breaking the entire door down. When he and Sahruk entered the building, they saw Zennousha. His power had increased phenominally. Seidaku then saw why. The 4 statues of the other gods were cracked open, just like Zennousha's statue. "You bastard! You absorbed the other God's power!" Seidaku yelled. "That right." Zennousha said. "I may be mortal, but I have enough power to destroy all of you..." "But, your still mortal, so you can still die!" Seidaku yelled. He began to charge his father once again. How can they defeat someone who is always finding a way to grow stronger?! Seidaku thought. This was it however, there were no more beings out there to truly absorb, so this is where the fight would eventually end, the winner would control the entire universe.
  22. Seidaku wasted no time. "Sahruk! We must help James! Shar and Gekido will have to wait!" Seidaku yelled. With that, Seidaku dahsed towards the portal, in an attempt to save James from Zennousha's wrath. He turned back around before entering, and saw that the galaxy was almost all gone. Stars were depleted, the explosion was destroying EVERYTHING. Almost all life in the cosmos was gone. "I promise...." Seidaku said. "To fix everything." He then remembered Gekido. "Even you Zain.." Seidaku then vanished into the warp hole.
  23. Seidaku paused completely in mid-air. He felt large power sources increasing everywhere. They were starting to match his power. He was amazed at all of this happening. He witnessed Majotte's new arm grow out of his body, making Seidaku even more perplexed. "Transform all you want..." Zennousha said. "None of you can beat me!" Seidaku felt a large rush into his head. His wings began to cripple under the unknown power source. Slowly, he stood back up. The power was still pounding in his brain. He fell face first flat on the ground. His head felt like it was ripping apart, just like Shar was. He felt an incredibly bright light, and suddenly, he felt as though he had dissapeared. He stood up. He looked around. He was back home, he was inside his ancient temple, the one back on earth. Seidaku looked around, he had seen this happen before, back on his fights at earth when he was Erutan. Erutan had been knocked unconcious, then had recieved the Earth Orb. Seidaku walked up to the peak of the temple. He wasw still feeling dizzy. He then walked up to the center of the temple, where he used to meditate as Urth. Suddenly, he felt a rush of voices come into his head. "Seidaku....you can do this...." "You are not stong enough.....yet.." "We are here to help you..." Seidaku was confused. "You are you...? Seidaku asked. "I am the Orb of Earth..." "I am the Orb of Char..." "I," said the final voice, "am the orb of darkness..." Seidaku looked at his body, it was the same as it was when he was fighting Zennousha. But three lights were blinking inside of it. Suddenly, all 3 orbs power shot out of his body, and shot onto the alter that he found the shard of the 3rd orb. Seidaku, now incredibly weakened, looked at the light that now engulfed all of the orbs. The lights suddenly fizzled out, and a gold aura surrounded one tiny orb, about the size of Seidaku's hand. "And what orb are you.." Seidaku weakly said. "I'm an orb beyond all others....I am the Orb of Light." "I see that." Seidaku said, covering his face from the bright light. "Now...we must be one!" Suddenly, Seidaku felt a large rush of energy come from the orb. Seidaku had this feeling many times before. His body was automatically absorbing the orb. His power came back, even stronger than before. His wings spread out once again. He looked at his left arm. The golden arm brace suddenly appeared, and an imprint of a Zennousha statue appeared on it. "Zennousha's seal..." Seidaku said. He saw a light from above his head. A halo appeared on Seidaku's head. It engulfed his body, and he was gone. Seidaku reappeared. He was back on the planetoid. He came just in time to see another light. Another figure, engulfed in light, appeared. Seidaku knew what had happened to himself now, it all came together. He stared at Zennousha with a glare. "Zennousha......You have been replaced....I am the 5th God of the Universe!" With all of these new powers, and with the power coming closer and closer, Zennousha's time seemed to be cut short. "You've lost Zennousha..."
  24. Seidaku looked in horror as James slowly evaporated into the air. This was the first Seidaku's rage grew. "If Zennousha continues to roam free, then more death will simply follow." he whispered under his breath. Seidaku grew angry. He could not let Zennousha win, at any cost. He charged Zennousha at an alarming rate, and swung his fist towards his father, thus beginning the battle.
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