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Everything posted by Red16
Seidaku could not help but notice Majotte transform into this new being. He looked in astonishment as the light smashed into Zennousha. The light gathered so quickly that it exploded, sending Zennousha soaring towards the ground. A loud crash came from the ground that Zennousha hit hard. A large cloud of dust began to cover the area. Seidaku felt his spirit warp back inside of his body. Slowly, he levitated off of the ground, and flew slightly higher into the air. He saw the cloud erupt high into the deep space. Using the power of wind, Seidaku blew away the dust. He then saw, to everyones dismay, the figure that was his father standing, only with minor scratches that were made from the burns. Seidaku looked at his father. He then noticed something else. Zennousha was laughing. "I am a god, foolish mortal! That means that you cannot defeat me..." he chuckled. He looked deep into the sky, Seidaku following the direction he looked. Seidaku's eyes grew large. In deep space, approaching at an incredibly fast rate, was an immense ball of energy, possibly larger than a giant sun sized star. Although the entire energy was viewable, it was still a small distance away. "That thing will incinerate this planetoid before it even hits!" Seidaku shouted. With a roar, his body begna to glow gold once again. His six wings spread out, and a large amount of light poured out of his body. "This is it Zennousha!" Seidaku yelled. With a brief yell, Seidaku threw the energy he had been gathering towards the blazing star. The energy was so immensly strong, the shockwave from the throw sent blood rushing out of Seidaku's mouth and nose. An energy ball the EXACT same strength and EXACT same size came hurdling from out of nowhere, and charged towards the other star. Seidaku knew that this was it. Hopefully the blast would take place far enough for the planetoid to not be destroyed. He began to throw more power into his energy source, when he looked at Zennousha. He was doing the exact same. The energy grew closer and closer, and right before impact, there was a bright light. Then, there was complete silence. The light dimmed out. Seidaku looked up, as well as Zennousha, at what was going on. They were visible, both attacks. They both incinerated each other, than exploded. Things were still extremely quite. Seidaku opened his mouth to talk, but when he spoke, nothing came out. All the sound had been vacuumed into the attack. Suddenly, everything came back one thousand fold. Another shockwave was sent hurdling towards the planetoid, and like a small childs playtoy, the planet was shattered into pieces. Another bright light came, and Seidaku passed out. Seidaku opened his eyes, and looked around. Though the planet shattered, the pieces where still floating around in midorbit. He couldn't find a sight of anyone, but could feel their spirits still alive. He looked straight ahead, and another figure stood up. Zennousha stood on both legs, badly injured, like Seidaku, and obviously anyone else caught in the blast. Seidaku looked back at the energy blast, and was shocked. The energy was slowly expanding. "Soon, the explosion will engulf everything in the universe. I may be destroyed, but my mission will be complete. The universe will be totally annialated! (SP?)" Zennousha chuckled. Seidaku stood, staring at the expanding explosion. Everyone would die if that wave even touched them a small bit, no doubt. "Father.." Seidaku told Zennousha. "That wave wont get here for awhile," Seidaku began to cover his body again with his wings, "and we are both still alive," Seidaku drew into a battle pose. "This fight is still on!"
Seidaku and Zennousha stared at each other for a few moments, knowing that the power they were unleashing upon each other was tremendous. Seidaku then went into a battle pose, and began to unleash another ability. large gusts of wind began to swirl around Seidaku's body. Zennousha stared back, confused at what was going on. He then decided not to take any chances. He fired a small particle beam that soard towards Seidaku. Seidaku concentrated, and opened his mouth. A large amount of light was shot out, and fizzled the particle beam into nothing. Seidaku smiled at Zennousha. "Take this!" he roared, sending the power he had gathered towards Zennousha. When he sent it, the wind begun to spin at an alarmingly fast rate. It had become a large tornado. It plowed right into Zennousha. Zennousha crossed his arms to protect himself. "This doesn't even hurt.." Zennousha replied, chuckling. "I'm not done..." Seidaku said. He gathered a small amount of red colored energy into his hands, and the electricity around it began to spark around it. Seidaku snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the energy was sent flying at the tornado. It collided with the twister, creating a flaming tornado. Zennousha gasped, and quickly created a mini barrier. The tornado then ceased, and Zennousha was there, without even a scratch. "You still can't hurt me.." Zennousha said. "...and you can't hurt me." Seidaku smirked. He knew time was running out before the attacks were sent. He decided to try to finish it here and now. A golden ray of light shot down from above, about 3 inches away from Seidaku's body. Then, an item appeared, and old relic that was a gift from Jukunen about 9 years ago. Seidaku held the golden arm brace in his hands, and latched it onto his arm. Seidaku then began to gather energy into the hand the brace was on. "I saw this coming all too well." Zennousha said. He shot a small amount of ki towards Seidaku. Before it could impact, it spread into eight larger masses of ki. It struck Seidaku in seperate areas of his body, sending him flying. Seidaku opened his eyes to see a glimpse of the brace fly off of his arm, and onto the ground nearby. "SHIT!" Seidaku yelled. He looked up at Zennousha, who began to laugh hysterically. "4 Minutes..." he told Seidaku.
Seidaku felt a massive input of energy from the portal that James had ripped open. The power he then gained was enormous! He felt confident that he would be able to save everyone afterall. He stared deep into Zennousha's eyes. The devilish eyes glanmced back. Suddenly, sparks fanned out of both of there eyes, and beams of energy shot out from both sets of eyes. The light contacted, and Seidaku felt his body lurch forward. He turned around and saw something that shocked him. His body was still next to James' armor, gathering energy, but, how was he moving away from it? He looked ahead and saw that Zennousha was doing the same thing. Before Seidaku could look any further, he saw the image of Zennousha charge Seidaku, and slammed him in the face. "DAMN!" Seidaku said. The punch was real, or real enough for himself. He finally understood. Their bodies were gathering energy, but their spirits were still battling fist to fist. Seidaku stopped himself in mid-air, and charged back towards Zennousha. Seidaku let loose a flurry of punches, all which were evaded by Zennousha. Zennousha then counterattacked with a fistful of energy blasts. Seidaku concentrated for a quick split second, then a wall of ice appeared. The ki balls smashed the wall into pieces. Seidaku grinned, then sent the shards of ice towards Zennousha. They lodged themselves into Zennousha's face, and he roared with pain. After the shouting, Zennousha stood still, smiling. "Thanks for the power..." "What?" Seidaku questioned. Zennousha then raised his hands, and a wall of ice appeared in front of his body. "But how?!" Seidaku asked. "Simple, in this little world we are fighting in, I can do much more than normally, such as steal away any power thrown at me!" he explained. Seidaku grunted. Zennousha flung the wall towards Seidaku. Seidaku crossed his arms over his body, then right before the wall hit, he covered his body with molten hot lava. The ice melted right through the lava, leaving Seidaku safe from the attack. Seidaku went back to normal, and again stretched his wings out. He grinned at Zennousha, and, to his surpriise, Zennousha grinned back. "Just 7 more minutes, then your friends are all doomed..." Zennousha said.
Seidaku flew at an incredible speed towards Zennousha. Zennousha smirked, then did a spin kick that slammed into Seidaku's throat, and for blood to rush out of his mouth and into the air. Seidaku regianed his composure, and grabbed Zennousha's leg. He pulled his father's leg closer to him in a strong swoop, and at the speed Zennousha was going at, he slammed hard into solid rock that Seidaku made out of his hand. Zennousha too coughed out some blood, but, unlike Seidaku, his blood dissapeared. "I'll admit son, you are way more powerful than you were the past couple of times we fought..." Zennousha chuckled. He floated upward, then smiled. "Too bad I have to end it...with the same attack my sons used to take you down!" Zennousha roared. He began to gather energy into his palm, but not just any energy. Planets around them, as well as the stars, began to fizzle out and explode. Their energy rushed at a speed faster than light, and floated right into Zennousha's hands. "Oh no!" Seidaku yelled. "That blast will destroy everyone!" He quickly charged Zennousha, but before being able to land a punch, Zennousha formed an extremely pwoerful sheild, at least one-hundred times more strong. "He's using a portion of the power he is gaining to protect himself...smart bastard." Seidaku said. He then realized something, "If this sheild is that strong....that attack will blow this entire universe!" he yelled. He knew he couldn't stop Zennousha from blocking the attack, but there MIGHT be a way to BLOCK it.Seidaku flew several miles far from the battle in an instant, then began to power up, and, like his father, absorb some stars and planets power as well. "Dont worry planets, I will recreate everything after this is all over..." he said. Both Zennousha and Seidaku's energy expanded to large proportions. "This may take awhile..." Seidaku thought. ((OOC: After 15 posts, the attack will be launched))
Seidaku looked at James direction. "Maybe these warriors may be helpful after all." chuckled Seidaku. He charged up towards the energy ball containing his father, and threw a strong punch toward it. The punch bounced off the barrier. Seidaku rubbed his knuckles, then slowly began to gather energy into his palm. With a little burst of energy, Seidaku threw another punch that pierced the bubble a small amount, and slowly, inch by inch, it sunk deeper into the bubble. Zennousha began to laugh as his energy rose. The fist was inches away from Zennousha's face when the fist bounced back out of the bubble. "No way!" Seidaku thought. He gathered more energy than the last punch within both fists, and prepared to fire an even stronger punch. Right when he sent the punch towards Zennousha, the bubble popped, and a shockwave that came from it knocked Seidaku back several yards. "Ahh..." Zennousha said, seeming that he had felt a great rush of refreshment. He stood back up, and looked at Seidaku. He smiled and laughed, even when he turned around and saw Gekido, Suzu, Majotte, Shar, and James enter the battle. "Not even your friends can stop me now Seidaku. I have finally reached my full potential!" he roared, sending another powerful shockwave throughout the air. Several other orbiting moons that surround the planetoid suddenly exploded due to the great power Zennousha now weilded. Seidaku fell limp, and was caught off guard and struck hard in the cheek by Zennousha's foot. The attack sent Seidaku sprawling into the ground, face in the dirt. Seidaku flapped his six wings, and picked himself up from the ground. "No matter how much darkness there may be in this world," Seidaku said, changing his eyesight from Zennousha, to Gekido and Shar, "there will always be a light that will stop it!" Seidaku yelled, his body glowing gold again. He charged his father once more. "Trust me Zennousha......I WILL stop you! Even if it cost me my own life!"
Seidaku and Zennousha charged towards each other, both throwing a punch at the exact same time. The fists met in midair and caused a shockwave that caused the rocks around them to rise and disintegrate. Both fighters flew back from the wave, and charged again, only for a exact repeat attack. Another wave threw them back even further. Seidaku then raised his hands into the air, then punched them towards the ground, sending energy all around Zennousha. Suddenly, the ground beneath Zennousha collapsed, causing Zennousha to lose his balance. No sooner did this happen did Seidaku force his foot deep into Zennousha's gut. The god flew off into the air, only to halt and charge back towards Seidaku. "I SHOULD HAVE NEVER CREATED YOU!" Zennousha yelled. His body suddenly dissapeared, and reappeared behind Seidaku. Zennousha grabbed Seidaku using his own devil wings, and punched him in the back a couple of times before launching him into the air with a small ki blast. "You son-of-a-bitch!" Seidaku yelled back. He landed on the floor, and slid backward as the friction slowed him down. He then covered his entire body, except his arms, with his wings. He charged right towards Zennousha and threw yet another punch. Zennousha swiftly moved out of the way, but was then struck by Seidaku's left upper stretched out wing. It had been transformed into ice at the last moment by Seidaku. Zennousha was sent flying towards the ground, but stopped himself in mid-air. He let out a large amount of energy, creating a crater where he stood. He then cupped his hands together, and fired an extremely large energy blast. Seidaku again covered his body with his wings, and then started to create walls of rock. The beam easily broke the walls, and slammed into Seidaku, knocking him back a couple of feet. Seidaku stretched his smoking wings out. He looked at Zennousha. Both were gasping for air already. "DIE YOU BASTARD!!!" Zennousha yelled, his voice echoing throughout the galaxy. He snapped his fingers, and in an instant, a good sized group of Shadow Warriors were created. The began to charge Seidaku with weapons also created out of darkness. "I refuse to die, at least until you are beaten.." Seidaku replied, and like Zennousha, he snapped his fingers. Another army appeared from the air, but these were different. They were a bright white color, and had a pair of angelic wings like Seidaku. Both armies met, and another battle began, with Zennousha and Seidaku watching their warriors fight. Seidaku then jumped high into the sky, and his body was instantly covered in fire. He began to descend towards Zennousha. Zennousha then covered himself with his wings, and was struck hard. His wings gave way, and Seidaku's foot smashed into Zennousha's face. Zennousha was sent flying into a nearby wall. Seidaku added energy to the wall, and created a large spike against the wall. Zennousha landed directly onto the spike, causing it to impale his gut. "Ugh....I guess your power is much more than I had anticipated. My power hasn't fully recovered. I need more time!" Zennousha said. He easily tore off the spike, and regenerated. He then unleashed another large amount of energy. The energy turned a dark purple, and was sent into the core of the planetoid. "WHAT!" Seidaku yelled. Zennousha had just forced a large amount of darkness into the planet. More shadow warriors were going to appear. Seidaku knew this. Zennousha then flew high into the air, and covered himself with a barrier. "His energy is growing! He's getting stronger!" Seidaku yelled. He charge quickly towards Zennousha, but was then sent back towards the ground by the punch of a shadow warrior. "They are protecting him. Shit." Seidaku thought. He charged the shadow warrior. "If Zennousha reaches his full potential, then I fear that the universe will be doomed!"
((OOC: Got my CPU fixed faster than expected. w007)) Seidaku walked along a planet's surface. The surface made a sound as if Seidaku was walking on grains of rock. The pebbles rolled around every time Seidaku took a step, and the crumbling sound not so far behind. He looked up towards the casle, and a door slammed flat down on the grainy surface of the planet. A figure slowly walked out of the door, his eyes filled with anger. Kairiki stood about 100 yards away from Seidaku. Before Seidaku could charge Kairiki, a shadow appeared in the midpoint of the two brothers. Another figure floated down right next to Seidaku. It was his father Zennousha. "Ah Seidaku, you have arrived," he said, then gave Seidaku a angry face, "but you still aren't at your full power!" he yelled. "Why? Can you not feel the darkness within you swelling?" "What darkness is there to show father?" Seidaku asked Zennousha. "I only have one goal, and that is to kill Kairiki and seal you away, and restore the universe like I have done thousands of times before." "Ha ha ha! No darkness you say?" Zennousha said. He quickly stretched out his arm and slammed Seidaku in the face, causing Seidaku to fall backward. Without another second however, Seidaku formed a rock wall to catch him, and he stood back up, and looked back at Zennousha, smiling. "What the hell are you smili- AHH!" Zennousha screamed. His hand had begun to bubble and then evaporated into the air. It quickly regenerated afterward. "There...really is no darkness left inside of you...is there son?" Zennousha said. "The humans have corrupted you with their false rules and the "good" that you believe is in your heart. You aren't my son no more!" Zennousha said to Seidaku. At this, Seidaku grinned. "You're right Zennousha, I'm not your son," Seidaku said. Slowly, 6 spots on his back began to glow, "I am not darkness neither. I am the light, I am the hope of this universe," the spots began to spout small white feathers that began to grow in length, "It is up to me to stop you Zennousha, and put an end to you and your evil ways," the feathers then exposed 3 pairs of wings that instantly spread out in six different directions, "I am now," Seidaku said, with a wider grin, "a god." Zennousha looked on at the new being with amazement. Seidaku looked entirely the same except for a major difference. His eyes had become white, his pupils vanished. His hair began to glow in a bright white color as well, and a golden aura began to surround his body. His six wings covered his body, as if he was a Seraph. Two wings covered his feet, two more covered his upper body, and the other two began to flap themselves, making Seidaku levitate a few feet from the ground. "Finally....this is your true power!" Zennousha yelled in excitement. He began to concentrate, his energy growing rapidly. Suddenly, he transformed as well, with the exact same appearance as Seidaku, but with different color. His wings were black, his hair was red, and his aura had an evil purple tint to it. Seidaku floated in the air. "The others will easily sense this power we are emitting, "the mountains around them began to crumble away at the power they were giving off, "but that wont matter! None of this will matter! This is the final battle!" Seidaku yelled as he dashed towards his former father, Zennousha doing the same, as they came closer, a crater began to form on the ground, Kairki powered up, awaiting the other fighters. Seidaku let out a final shout before the long battle began: "I WILL STOP THIS INFECTION!"
Seidaku looked on at the battle, and looked on at Zain. He began to think about how Zain was in the past. "I can't stand watching a great fighter such as yourself fall to the darkness in such a pitiful way. I'm sorry Zain, but now you will die..." Seidaku said to himself. Quickly, Seidaku swiftly stretched out his hand toward the planet, and began to add more power to the surface. The gravity on the planet began to change rapidly. The planet began to glow a hot red color, volcanic lava began to spurt out from cracks in the planet. "There! The planet's core has been destroyed. In a few moments, that planet will be gone, along with anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast. Forgive me Zain..." Seidaku said. He quickly flew out of the blast range and into space yet again, now heading towards Zennousha's holy grounds. "I hope you are ready father..."
Seidaku looked on as Majotte approached him. "So, you found a way out of the atmosphere." Seidaku said. "I suppose you want to know exactly what is happening. Look down there," he said, pointing. "That weird monster giving off that toxic aura. That is Zain. I dont know how, but he allowed himself to plunge into the depths of his own hell. He is now more powerful, and out of control." Seidaku finished, looking at the others. "I have no idea who they are, but from what I've seen, Suzu is fighting for a better good, Zain and the other 'toxic' are against Zennousha and his children," Seidaku gave out a sigh, "Unfortunately, that means me as well." He realized that Majotte didn't have a single idea about himself. "Now I suppose you want to know who the hell I am. Very well." Seidaku said, ready to explain everything as brief as possible. "I am Seidaku, I was created by Zennousha along with Jukunen, Kairiki, and Ranma, who are my brothers, to destroy everything and resurrect Zennousha into the mortal plane. Somehow when I was sent to destroy earth, I became good-hearted, and fought against my family. I defeated them, and reset the universe, only for all the events to reoccur, creating an infinite loop. Only Zennousha kept his memories, and continued to try. This time however, something new happened. I'm not sure what it truley is, but whatever it was, it helped Zennousha escape. Zennousha claims this to be the last time for these events to happen." Seidaku then looked on at Majotte. "Also, you and Zain apparently got killed during the battle.." Seidaku looked into the stars, thought for words to say, then continued. "The one you call Urth is gone, I'm the new 'Urth'. I need to stop Zennousha, and I think I know how, but I'm going to need help..." "I need you to come with me, if you can, to Zennousha's fortress. It is located in the depths of space, in the darkest corner of the universe." Seidaku said. "But first, we may need to kill Zain. He is furious with me, and wants to kill me, so incase he tries something, I'm going to blow up this planet. Even if it kills everyone on it. It won't matter whether they die or not if my plan goes correctly as planned." Seidaku explained. "So, what exactly did you come up here for, besides making me explain everything to you?"
Seidaku flew towards the grounds of the battle. He looked on at what he had just seen. Jukunen was now a black boiling puddle on the floor. Seidaku looked at the person responsible for the attack. "Zain?" Seidaku said to the "monster". Quickly, Seidaku flew to the puddle and began to look at it. A hand reached out of the puddle, but slowly melted back into it. "I see, the ooze that covers Jukunen stuns the regeneration process," Jukunen's hand came back out, along with some of his arm, "but it wont hold him forever, sooner or later he will come back." Seidaku thought to himself. Suddenly he got an idea, his brothers can be greatly slowed down by the attack Zain had done. If they could plunge all three of his brothers into that darkness that the ooze had, then it is possible that they could go forth and attack Zennousha. "Then that is when I'll seal him away..." Seidaku said, already planning his inevitable fate. Seidaku then remembered how pissed Zain was at him earlier, and slowly began to float back. "If that is Zain," he thought, "he will try to kill me too. I will watch from afar then." and with that, Seidaku flew once again higher into the planets atmosphere. "And if anything goes wrong, I blow this damn planet into oblivion, along with Zain." ((OOC: Happy Thanksgiving))
Seidaku continued to fly through space at an incredible speed until he found the planet that was emitting the power sources he was looking for. He saw nothing but one person: Majotte. He looked far away from Majotte, and saw that there was a battle going on. He could see that Zain looked different, and there were two others fighting him, one had an evil toxic aura surrounding his body. "I dont have time for this." Seidaku said. He slowly levitated back into space, and slowly began to turn around when he saw three figures zoom past him and charge directly into the battle. "Oh hell.." Seidaku said, remembering something Zennousha said awhile ago: [I]"As for the past Zain and Majotte. They were killed at the hands of my sons." [/I] Without second thoughts, Seidaku blasted back to the battlefield.
Seidaku leaped into the air, along with some Shadow Warriors into the air as well. He stretched the swords to his side, and they began to extend. Seidaku then began to spin like a top, and left and right shadows were being sliced by lightning or melted in half by the fire. He then combined them into one large sword, and slammed it into the ground, crushing a hanful of warriors. More began to appear as Seidaku charged another army. He quickly let go of the swords as they dissapeared into the air, and flew at one warrior. He grabbed the warrior, and slowly the warrior grew stiff. He was incased in ice. Seidaku began to fill the warrior with ki, and hurled his dead body at a large group. The ice expanded across the planetoid, and froze a large amount of shadow warriors. Seidaku snapped his fingers, and the ki within the warrior caused a massive explosion, that shattered the other frozen ones into pieces. Several hanfuls of one hundred warriors popped out of the ground. Seidaku looked as they constantly grew in number. "Thats it, I'll finish you now!" Seidaku yelled, he flew back into space, and his hands began to glow with a yellow tint. He clapped his hands together, and in an instant, the planetoid exploded, killing millions of shadow warriors. The wave from the explosion caused Seidaku to fall backward, but he quickly regained his balance. He looked at the remains of the planetoid float around. He gasped when he saw that even more began to sprout up out of the ground. With a roar, Seidaku fired a rain of sharp icicles that fell down upon the warriors. The ice stabbed warriors inumerable amounts of times. That wasn't it unfortunately, more begant to sprout from the darkness. Seidaku got an idea. With a simple clap of his hands, he unleashed a light from his body so powerful that it incinerated all the shadow warriros into the deep space. Seidaku had won. He floated down towards a piece of planetoid, and suddenly got a rush of memories back. He saw a castle on a dark red planet, then the memory faded again. "Father is calling me. I now where to go now..." Seidaku said to himself. He powered up a bit, and began to fly in the direction of the planet when he suddenly felt a large amount of energy. It came from around the same area where Zain, Majotte, and James where. "Shit.." Seidaku thought, as he blasted in the direction of the energy. Not known to Seidaku however, underneath another piece of the planetoid, where his brothers. Without making a sound, Jukunen, Kairiki, and Ranma began to follow Seidaku.
Seidaku landed upon a mysterious orbiting planet. He looked around, he knew his family was on this planetoid. "Father, show yourself.." Seidaku said, loud enough for anyone to here. He heard footsteps behind him, and out of a crater came Zennousha. Electricity spouted around his body. "Hello son...glad to see you made it.." Zennousha said, amused. "Where's Jukunen, Kairiki, and Ranma?" Seidaku asked Zennousha. "They are off on their own business, destroying planets completely at random. Enough about them though, I read your thoughts, I know why you came. You came seeking the answers to your past..." "Yes. You are the only one who knows the true secret to my past. I want to know everything, from start, to finish." Seidaku said. "Another long explanation about your past wont do any good now that Earth has been destroyed, but I suppose so. You are my son, a mistake I might add." Seidaku flinched at the words. "Mistakes.....I've made too many of those." Zennousha chuckled for a bit, then began another speech about Seidaku's past. "A Long long time ago, I dont know how, but I was awakened by a powerful force. I found that this force was the darkness and evil within the heart of mankind. It gave me enough strength to gain consciousness. I found that I was imprisoned within the statues you have seen in the past, within the temples. I knew I would never be released into the mortal world unless enough darkness was spread throughout enough planets for me to gain power to break my seal, so I did the next best thing. I created 4 immortal beings, and took them in as my sons. I created them all equal, but within time, a characteristic began to grow within them. One aged much faster than the others, making him a bit weaker, but still lethal. His age gave him wisdom beyond any wisdom known to the universe. I called him Jukunen. Another son began to grow large, and his strength far exceeded my others. I called him Kairiki. Another son of mine fell deep within the chaos that lie within him. This chaos caused his body to go pale, matching the color of the darkness. I called this son Ranma. That left my final son. I watched as he gained the ability to control and distort the elementals throughout the universe. I was impressed, but other than his magic, he didnt gain anything else. He was exactly what I wanted in a son. He had pure hatred for all, including his own family. At least, that is what I thought. I named him Seidaku, the purity. I believed Seidaku to be evil, but he soon got corrupt from the humans, and turned to the side of good. I needed to kill him, so I sent my sons after him. All four of my sons battled, but in a close battle, Seidaku managed to win. With his last breathe, he found a way to seal me within his device, some sort of bangle on his arm. It trapped me inside, and that is when Seidaku unleashed all of his energy, recreating the entire universe. I awoke millions of years later, it seemed as though only a day went by from my birth. That is when I re-planned my escape from my tomb. Ending, that is why it is an infinite loop, just like you thought." Zennousha explained to Seidaku, but he didn't stop there. "The side-effect from Seidaku's explosionw was that all my sons lost all their memories, so I have had to refill them myself, except for my one son Seidaku. He was reincarnated as a demon on Earth, and ran into two specific characters, Majotte and Zain. Erutan had no memories from his previous state, so I attempted to use this as an advantage, but through every time, he regained his old person, and recreated the universe, thus, beginning the loop again." Seidaku looked to the ground. "So...how long has this loop gone for, and what ever happens to Zain and Majotte in the past..?" "This battle, this infinite battle, has gone for at least 10 billion years, last count." Zennousha said. "But now, this time its different. Something happened that wasnt suppose to happen." Zennousha said. He then answeed Seidaku's seocnd question. "As for the past Zain and Majotte. They were killed at the hands of my sons." At this, Seidaku flinched. Before he can ask more, Zennousha continued. "Like I said, this time it is different. Something happened that didn't happen the previous times we've done this." Zennousha explained. "And what do you suppose it is?" "I know what it is. Erutan was killed." Seidaku's eyes widened. "How does Erutan's death fit in with this?" Zennousha gave Seidaku an angry look. "Erutan had found the orb before dying in the past. This time, he was killed beforehand. I have yet to find out how this fits with the loop. Also, in the past, he had found the armband from Kairiki, not Jukunen, so it may be that it is my fault that this happened." Zennousha then smiled, "But whatever I did, my plan finally worked. After 10 billion years, I have arrived on the mortal plane, and there is no power that can stop me. Not even you Seidaku." Zennousha told him. Seidaku understood what he had to do. "In order for me to fix the loop, I must do something unimaginable. I need to find a way to destroy my father!" he said, knowing that Zennousha could listen in. "Not even your friends can save you!" Zennousha yelled, and in an instant, he was gone, and in his place, was a gigantic army of shadow warriors. Seidaku looked around him. There had to be at least one million of them. Seidaku didnt get fazed from this however. With a deep breathe, he created two swords from the air. One sword was covered in flames, another was busrting with electricity. "Its time for me to break the loop!" Seidaku said. With a battlecry, he headed towards the giant army.
((OOC: Hey man, cool down on the character control.))
As Seidaku flew away, he began to think about what would happen should their plan, whatever is was, was to fail. Seidaku would know what would happen to them. Zennousha was relentless, he'd kill them. What of him? He was now immortal thanks to the 3rd Stone. Why would Zennousha try to kill him after giving him the power of immortality? He then fell into a deep thought as he sailed through the galaxy. He remembered when he was that little naive boy Erutan. He remembered everything about Zain, Majotte, and Rahk. He remembered the battle with the Jukunen in the earth's core. Then he remembered his meddling with the arm band hew as given by Jukunen. That is the very thing that planted him on Char. "Damn," Seidaku told himself. "I'm an idiot." Seidaku then remembered his visit to Char in its entirety. His capture, his solo escape. He remembered fighting Kairiki, the Seraphim, and the death of Erutan. Urth crawled from under the dirt where Erutan lay, and a new warrior was born. It was thanks to Urth that everyone made it out of their okay. "I should have never messed with my band... He then thought about Zain's words on New Char. It WAS Seidaku's fault that all of this had happened, but what if Seidaku didn't do anything about it? Would the consequences have been better or worse? Suddenly, Seidaku paused in mid-flight, he began to have a flashback, to the time when he had fought his brother long long ago. The Earth was engulfed in flames, corpses where piled in every direction, and building where tattered and shredded into the ground, some nothing more but ashes. 4 characters zoomed by at a blinding speed, each sending fists flying towards one character. Seidaku dodged all the punches, and countered with a barrier of electricity. The other 3 fighters bounced off, then one hurled an orb at the shield, immediately absorbing the electric surge. Seidaku smiled at Jukunen, Kairiki, and Ranma. All four of them were horribly injured. It was as if they had been battling for eons. Seidaku made a final charge attack towards his brothers, then formed his arms into blades of ice. He rushed right through the middle, tackling Ranma, and at the same time, slicing Jukunen in half, Kairiki was lucky to dodge the attack by leaping in the air. Kairiki fired a volley of ki waves. Seidaku noticed them while exchanging fists with Ranma on the floor, when Seidaku's body suddenly liquefied into water vapor, leaving Ranma to deal with the attack. The ki waves pierced Ranma's skin, and before he could let out a shriek, he choked on blood and died. Seidaku revaporized into solid form, and stood in front of a furious brother. Kairiki charged and slammed into Seidaku, and as Seidaku did to Ranma, piled a hanful of punches into Seidaku's bloody face. Kairiki then felt a piercing object slash through his body, and stopped. He then fell sideways and lay dead next to Seidaku, who had let Kairiki have a handful of icicles into his heart. Seidaku stood up, and looked around. His clothes were all ripped to shreds, the Earth was ready to explode from all the energy let loose from before. His face, no, his entire person was covered in blood. He weakly headed towards a temple on a hill. He threw open the doors, and a statue of Zennousha appeared. "Now father...its your turn!" Seidaku yelled. The golden arm band on Seidaku's left arm began to glow golden as Seidaku unleashed his life-force. He made a large explosion that engulfed the Earth, then spread though the galaxy. Before dissapearing, Seidaku saw Zennousha's spirit fly into the band, then he disintegrated. Seconds later, Erutan walked out of a forest, and found Majotte. (OOC: End Flashback here)) Seidaku looked around, everything fell into place. "Its......its an....." he suddenly felt all his breathe get sucked into space. "Infinite circle..."
Seidaku looked towards Majotte. "Its Zennousha, he's a god, he'll see us coming..." Seidaku said to him. "I should know, I'm his offspring by the way." he added. He turned and looked towards Zain. He could see that Zain was angry at him. That was the first time Seidaku had ever seen anyone actually mad at him. "What's the matter? Personal problems bothering you???" Seidaku turned quickly, but saw that noone was there. His eyes widened, and then he understood. He had to get as far away from Zain, Majotte, and James as possible. "Zain, Majotte, I have to go and fight Zennousha. You two can make a plan, but I cannot be in any part of it." Seidaku told them. Before flying into space, he turned back and told them what had just happened. "Zennousha can read my thoughts!"
Seidaku looked back at Zain, and concentrated his eyes slowly on Zain himself. His blood began to boil, and a few rocks were stumbling around on the floor from the rising power around them. "I say on Urth's behalf that I am sorry, but I know that words won't really do much anything now. We need to take action. I cannot bring back the dead, but I can recreate the planets. It saps my energy a bit however, so if we safely want to fix everything back on Earth," Seidaku paused, and again concentrated and fixed his eyes onto Zain's. "And Enarjun, we need to kill my brothers and my father first..." Seidaku walked away from Zain, they needed space to cool down. It was Urth's fault that all of this had happened. Urth, like Kairiki and Jukunen, became lazy and corrupt. Seidaku's power began to lower, his mind becoming more clear. He sat on a nearby boulder, and just began to think. He bgan to think about everything that had happened, ever since his Rebirth as Erutan. He hated his father. He wanted to kill him, at all cost necessary.
"The earth....its gone.." Seidaku mrmured, loud enough for all four of them to here. He stood up, rage began to build within him. "Zennousha WILL pay for this....I'll make sure of it..." he stated. "I promise you earth, I'll defeat my father, and bring you back..." He stood back up after regaining balance, and looked onto the three warriors that he had saved. The man in the armor looked strange to Seidaku, but not too unfamiliar to him. After the tech on the past Char, he wasnt surprised by anything. He was shocked when he saw Majotte and Zain however. They had both changed so much. Seidaku remembered a brief statement by Zain. "Okay...," Seidaku said, slowly breathing in, preparing to tell all he could. "My name is Seidaku, I am the form of purity that lay inside that of the God Zennousha. I am his fourth son, along with Jukunen, Kairiki, and Ranma. They had tricked me into working for them in my previous forms which you recognize as Erutan and Urth. I tried to get revenge upon them at what they had done to me, but I failed, and because of my selfishness, I lost the battle, and the Earth." Before they could answer back, he spoke again. "We need to find a way to take down my father and brothers, and recreate the Earth. I can recreate it now, but they'd only destroy it again. So...does anyone have a plan or something?" Seidaku asked, but then spoke again. "Tanna....I forgot about him. There was no way he could survive that. I guess that means he is dead." Seidaku spoke. He looked towards his friends. "Majotte, Zain, what the fuck happened to you two, and who is this guy?" Seidaku said, pointing to James.
Seidaku looked on at Majotte's attempt. It was in vain, nothing could stop the moon now. With great strength, Seidaku let out a shout, and all the fighters, James, Zain, Majotte, were all taken into the golden light. All four of the fighters were thrusted into the depths of space. Seidaku reopened his eyes to see that he had teleported them back to a planet he'd been on before, and hoped to never come back. It was Char. Somehow, Seidaku recreated the planet during the transmission. He then felt a terrible pain in his chest. The earth orb was ringing in his brain. He knew what had just happened. The Earth had just been smashed by the moon. Seidaku looked into the sky to see a very large explosion, yet very small to his view, take place far far away. His heart sank, and he fell to his knees is failure.
Seidaku felt the power coming from a familiar person below. He looked down to see that it was none other than Zain. With his new strength, the moon slowly began to drfit back upward. Seidaku breathed a sigh of relief when he saw results actually showing. "Thank you Zain, thank you very--" His sentence was cut off when he was knocked flat on his back back by someone, or something. He turned around to see who it was. It was Jukunen. Slowly, Jukunen reached for another orb in his cloak and then, he threw the orb onto the moon's surface. Suddenly, the moon had a incredible surge of gravitational pull back towards the Earth, and began to re-approach it around 100 miles per hour. "Jukunen..why!?" Seidaku told his brother. He knew his power wasnt fully reached yet, the orb inside was still filling him with power, but he knew that as of now it wasnt enough, if only he had waited a bit longer. He needed that power now. "I can't stop the moon now. The Earth, and all its inhabitants, is going to be destroyed..." he thought. Seidaku, with rage building, charged Jukunen, then right before reaching him, he morphed his arm into a sharp chunk of ice that easily cut Jukunen in half. Blood began to float in bubbles around the body, then hit the surface along with the pulled gravity. "You cant kill me with Zennousha now in this mortal plane. Can't you see that?" Jukunen questioned Seidaku. Seidaku looked on in horror at the Earth. Water particles were alreadu floating into the air, and in certain portions of the world, people where beginning to levitate into the air due to the moons own pulling force. There was only one course of action now. Seidaku flew higher, far away from the Earth's pull, then slowly began to gather energy. ((OOC: Seidaku can breathe in space)) His body began to glow gold as he began to concentrate onto Zain, Majotte, and the other warrior warrior's life force. "I'll have to teleport them out of the way of the explosion...just like I did on Char.." Seidaku said to himself.
Seidaku began the battle by charging towards one of the shadow warriors, right when he was about a foot in front of the shadow, he unleashed his aura onto the enemy, and the light from the aura automatically incinerated his darkness. Seidaku turned around and did a roundhouse kick to clear out the area that the warriors were closing him off of. "Time for my magci to take control!" Seidaku said. He waved his arms in a circle, then shot out a fiery blast of energy that slammed into a bunch of warriors, burning them to ashes. He spun around and flew into the air a bit. He pointed down towards the moon and fired off several lightning bolts that killed off another handful of enemies. Seidaku then stretched out his arms, then cupped them behind his back. Wind began to build up behind him as the warriors all charged head-on. he unleashed his gust of wind. It was so powerful that most the warriors were killed by the impact of the wind, their bones being snapped on impact. The others were then blown at incredible speeds towards Earth, and burned into the atmostphere. Seidaku got caught off guard and and shadow warrior began to choke him from behind. "Nice try.." Seidaku said. He closed his eyes, and a icicle shot out from underneath the shadow warrior, and impaled its body, cutting it into two. Seidaku then turned around, and decapitated the 2 slices of the head with the helps of a fiery punch. The last of the monsters dissapeared. "Now....," Seidaku said. "To get this moon back toits orbit. I hope anyone down there can help." Seidaku floated in space for a little while, then concentrated all his energy into his hands and onto the moon. "I attain the power of the stars. I can force any heavenly object to move!" he said to himself. He then forced energy onto the moon, then in a pulling motion, slowly began to slow its falling speed. To Seidaku's dismay, the moon didnt stop, but only slowed down. "Damnit! I'm not at my full strength yet..." Seidaku said. Hopefully someone on Earth would help him...
What was once Urth zoomed through a large forest, when he looked up. The moon was inching closer and closer to the Earth. He felt his father's large powersource on the moon. He quickly blasted upward at a 90 degree angle. He looked down just to catch a glimpse of his friends fighting his family. He hoped for the best to come out of this, then took off towards the moon. The moon was falling and an alarming rate, but still "floated" in the pulling gravity. He landed on the surface, then looked on at his father. "Hello Seidaku, its been a long time..." Zennousha said. Urth guessed that he was talking to him, being they were the only two there. "So, my name is Seidaku now." Urth said to his father, grinning a bit. ((OOC: Try to call Urth Seidaku from here on out)) "I dont have time to play with you know son, I have a universe to conquer. Dont interfere or else!" Zennousha roared, causing the moon itself to shake. Zennousha didnt waste any time. He raised his hand into the air, then a large group of Shadow Warriors appeared, and surrounded Seidaku. "I see you can control the warriors as well father." Seidaku said. "I gave you the power, so that'd only mean I'd have the power myself." Zennousha said. Then, in a flash of lightning, he dissapeared. An overvoice boomed out over the sky above. "You are still not ready yet Seidaku. Prove yourself worthy, and soon, I will fight you..." "Anything to rid the Earth of your presence." Seidaku said, as he braced for battle.
((yea, though it may seem like the "final fight", this story is far from over. I'm glad you guys are starting to post more often, thanks.)) Urth slowly got up, then looked around the surroundings, all destroyed. He suddenly got a blast of memories, so many memories that blood slowly dripped out of his nose spontaneously. He remembered everything now. Visions were appearing in his mind. He saw a divine warrior fighting off 3 familiar faces, Jukunen, Kairiki, and Ranma. The warrior was wearing white clothing all around, and a bright white light aura was glowing from within. A complete opposite of the once dark aura Urth had previously had. Another vision had resurfaced. It was the man again, but he was injured badly. He rose to his feet, and looked down. On the floor, were 3 men, all dead. Urth's eyes widened, they were his 3 brothers. "But...how? If he killed them, how did they return?!" Urth thought to himself. His thought was broken through a shriek coming from the warrior. He had suddenly been engulfed by a bright light, then a huge explosion took place. Urth opened his eyes, and everyone was gone, but the wrecked planet they were on had recovered fully. "This must've been when the warrior sacraficed himself." Urth figured out. He then had another vision. He saw the statue Zennousha wave his arm, then 3 dark portals opened up. His 3 sons appeared. Zennousha then hurled another energy source towards a familiar planet. Urth then had the vision he'd been having for as long as he could remember. [I]"Meanwhile, far far away, a young teenager had just woken out of a sleep. Erutan, he was called, had just woken up. "[/I] It was the last thing he could ever remember. Something then fit into Urth's mind. "He can recreate them...." He said to himself. Urth looked outside, and sensed his fathers power. It wasn't heading towards the battle however. It was heading towards the moon. Urth looked on, awaiting on what would happen. He could also feel his warriors dying off slowly. Zain, Majotte, and someone else had been taking them all out. Urth smiled, then he felt a terrible feeling. He suddenly felt a immensly large power level pop up out of nowhere, and a immensly low power level pop up. His eyes again widened, and his jaw dropped. Kairiki and Jukunen had been reborn. Urth had to think everything out, and fix all that he had done. First he needed to help out his friends, and rid them of the shadow warriors. As thoughts filled his mind, and truths unfolded to him, he saw something growing on his foot. A bright light engulfed his body, and then he had reappeared. He looked upon himself. He now wore pants, a "robe-like" shirt, and a cape that went down to his ankles. Everything was white colored, and a golden aura had surrounded him. "Do not worry Earth. I am back..." Urth said. He slowly walked backward, then in an incredible burst of speed, shot towards the battlefield to help his friends out.
Urth reappeared inside the temple. It was far from the battle that was about to take place. The Shadow Warriors were incredibly strong, so they'd hold on long enough for the Moon to strike Earth. He sighed, and approached the statue, which immediatly became animated. Urth felt an immensly strong presence. He knew right off that Zennousha was not happy. "Urth, what have you done to Ranma!" the statue said, declaring an answer. "I've done nothing with your son, he was attacked, I simply fled the scene." Urth replied. "I see. I've scene the events of the Moon lately, and I believe Ranma will easily destroy that strange man. All he needs to do is unleash the chaos within his body, and he will be nearly invincible." Zennousha looked towards Urth. "As for you..." Zennousha raised his arms, and beams of energy broke from the ground, and strapped Urth into the wall. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Urth shouted. "You didn't think I was that stupid? I knew it was you all along Urth." Zennousha replied. "I am a god, you cannot hide anything from me. I read Ranma's thoughts the night he recruited you. You killed Jukunen and Kairiki. You killed your own brothers." Zennousha stated. "I am not apart of your damn family!" Urth stated. "And now," Zennousha said, clearly ignoring Urth. "I'll kill you. Your energy will be slightly less than enough to bring me into the mortal plane. Hm Hm hmhm.. Zain and Majotte will never see it coming." Zennousha said aloud. Urth looked over the situation. Again, he was helpless, and a feeling of hopelessness began to fill his being. He was used....again. For his entire life, he was controlled, from his "birth", and now to this, his death. "No....NO! I've come too far to die like this!" Urth said through a frightened voice. "I'm afriad your time is up my son! HAAA!" Zennousha began to absorb as much of Urth's life force as possible. The energy was then transferred into the statue. The eneergy suddenly stopped, the statue was fulfilled. Stormed began to surge overhead. Not just from the temple, but all over the planet. Zennousha was finally rising, and if Zain and Majotte couldn't stop him, then the universe was going to be destroyed. Urth fell towards the floor, lifeless. The statue cracked in a few places, then exploded. Now standing was a glowing figure, no bigger than Urth himself. He looked onto Urth's body. "Urth....your my son, and although I'd prefer you dead, I want to experiment with something. My 3 sons could not take your predacessor down, they were pathetically weak. I want to take my chances and try to take you down myself, the way you should be: Complete." Zennousha explained, his body still not exposed to the world, the light still too blinding to see through. Zennousha placed a immensly large gem next to Urth's body. "This is what you were looking for. This is the final piece of the 3rd Orb." Zennousha said. Slowly be walked out of the temple. Lighting bolts were stirring and striking random objects, creating fires here and there. "By the time you awaken," Zennousha told Urth. "Dont expect your friends to be alive..." Zennousha spoke. He then blasted into the sky, destroying the entire area around him. The temple was then blasted into millions of pieces, except the floor which Urth lay on. The surrounding area was inside of a newly formed crater from the blastoff. Urth still had mental images. In a short amount of time, he'd done so much wrong. He sent the Moon hurderling towards Earth, as well as the Shadow Warriors. He'd left his brother on the planet with that strange creature. He Allowed himself to plunge into darkness, he destroyed Char, the home of Rahk, he killed millions of Angelic Demons, he destroyed several planets, gave their lifeforce to Zennousha. He'd allowed his entire family to control him throughout all his ventures. His eye cracked open just long enough to see the orb standing next to him. He blinked, and it was gone. "You should have killed me father," Urth said, slowly beginning to recover his strength back. "Because giving me the final orb is one decision you will forever regret!"
Urth slowly flew towards the ground, and landed softly after letting t he gravity hit zero again. He got up and looked on at Ranma, who was engulfed in the ooze. "What the fuck is this guy?" Urth asked. Urth again looked at Urth, the Warriors were still on their way towards the Woodling Ruins. Urth sighed. "I might not survive this match," said Urth, in a pale tone. "So I guess I will take you all down with me!" He yelled. He suddenly covered the moon with a force. A force so powerful that the moon suddenly jolted off its natural course. "I increased Earth's gravity, the moon is now heading towards the Earth. Once it impacts the Earth, Earth itself will be gone, Zennousha will rise, and the universe will be history." Urth explained. He looked at this newcomer as well. "Not even you will survive this explosion..." Urth then shifted to Ranma. "Sorry 'brother', but sacfrafices had to be made." Urth chuckled. Urth suddenly sank into the ground, and within an instant, reappeared inside the temple of the planet he'd sworn to protect.