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As Urth flew towards Ranma, he began to gather darkness into his palms. He shot it towards Ranma, who dodged it with ease. Ranma counterattacked with a fist that was incredibly fast. It struck Urth right in the face, causing him to soar through the air , and crash into a moon crater. Before the slow gravity could allow the dust to fall, he zoomed up to Ranma, and gave him a boot to the gut, making him shout out a little yelp of pain. Ranma stepped back, then charged up to Urth. They both then grappled a bit, then pushed each other back, causing them both to float in the air, both stunned by each others attacks. Ranma turned to see the newcomer. "It seems as though we have company brother.." Ranma told Urth. Urth shifted his view to the newcomer. He was brewing with energy. Urth new this was going to be some trouble. The Moon will have to initiate its backup, just like Earth did those years back, if too much energy is released at once. "I'm not your brother Ranma." Urth replied back. "Why not, we share the same evil heart." Ranma spoke to Urth. "I'm not your damn brother Ranma!" Urth shouted, again beginning to anger. He increased the gravity around him, then braced for any oncoming attacks from The newcomer or his brother.
((Where the crap is Sandman?)) "So...what are you here for?" Urth asked Ranma, who stood there, looking angry. "I put that collar on you for a reason. Zennousha told me that it had broken off after he had given you a great power." Ranma said. Urth looked at Ranma, slightly irritated. He looked at Ranma. Ranma's power was slowly rising, steady inch by steady inch. Urth saw that Ranma was sweating a bit. "You're afraid of me......is it because of my great power?" Urth chuckled. "You were given the power of darkness. You created a giant army of darkness. He need to slow down. If you control and abuse it constantly like this, the darkness will consume your body. They will control you, you will be the darkness' puppet." Ranma warned Urh. "No...I am not a puppet.." Urth said, becoming more annoyed by the minute. "Are you sure about that Urth? Think about it, you've been controlled since the day you were born. You do remember that day, dont you?" Ranma asked. Urth flinched a bit. "I dont remember nothing of my birth. All I remember is-" "Walking out of the woods, all alone, no one to help you.." "How do you know that?" Ranma chuckled a bit. "I'll let you in on a little secret. A secret that was sealed between Zennousha and his offspring...." Ranma breathed in deeply, ready to explain the entire story: "There was once a great warrior of Earth. This warrior was extremely powerful, and used the same abilities that you used to use as the formal version of you; Erutan. His powers were far beyond yours, he was so powerful, that it took 3 great warriors to take him down. They were Jukunen, Kairiki, and yours truly; Ranma. We were attempting to summon the Great God Zennousha before any of this, and Earth was the final planet. The "Protector and Savior of Earth", as he called himself, defended himself, and his precious planet, but after a fierce battle, he was defeated. Jukunen, Kairiki, and I were totally worn out, and too weak to even destroy anymore of the planet, so it was a total failure. Before dying however, the Savior unleashed his life force, killing him, but doing something so miraculous, that I couldn't believe it. He had restored the universe and recreated the planets. Uninhabited, but recreated, as life on those planets started all over again. We retreated back to Zennousha to regain our strength and plan out again, when Zennousha had an idea. He explained that he had created each of us from his own entity, and his powers. He had 5 strengths: Power, Wisdom, Chaos, Darkness, and an Unknown cosmic power. He had sacraficed 3 of those strengths to create Jukunen, Kairiki, and I, which meant that two more remained. He had sent the power of darkness down to Earth, to slowly destroy the planet. The darkness engulfed the dead body of the savior, and it reformed into a new person. A weaker person, but a strong fighter nontheless. A fighter who can control nature beyond its will, and use it to his advantage in battle," Urth's eyes grew wide, and a fear had struck his heart, for the first time in his life, he had sensed fear. "Zennousha, he created a fighter; a fighter named Erutan." Ranma said. He wasn't done yet however, and took another deep breathe. Urth braced himself for more. "Zennousha realized his mistake after you had been found, since he noticed you still had a spark of light living in your heart. He had sent his first son, Jukunen, the Wisom, to kill you before anything had happened. He gave you the earth's orb, to awaken the sleeping powers inside, and tried to control you. Unfortunately, he had no idea that the darkness that lay inside was unleashed when you released the seal on your arm. It [I]infected[/I] Jukunen, and caused his demise when you and Majotte battled Zain and Rahk. Kairiki, Strength, was the next in line to kill you. He captured you, and was going to give you to Zennousha to die, but you had broken out of the prison. When you and "The King" battled, your darkness infected Your Majesty, and caused his demise. Now, you face Chaos; Ranma. You must be destroyed before you reach your ultimate form. If you do, then Zennousha will never be able to arise, and all 3 sons will have died. I must stop you before you can cause anymore trouble to the God." Ranma explained. Urth took it all in, and examined it. "So....that means.." "Yes, you are the 4th Son; you are a Son of Zennousha!" Ranma answered. Urth fell limp. He was shocked at all that was explained. "My life....my life has been controlled since the beginning. I was Jukunen's "lacky", and Kairiki's Slave Guard." Urth became angry, and a dark energy began to swell up inside of his body. "You...you were responsible for EVERYTHING!" Urth yelled. He didnt care about Zain sensing him anymore. All he felt was rage. He was evil deep down, and it was all because of Zennousha. "DAMN YOU RANMA! DAMN YOU KAIRIKI! DAMN YOU JUKUNEN!" Urth suddenly charged towards Ranma, preparing for a son versus son fight amongst the moon, while the Shadows creeped closer and closer to the Earth. "DAMN YOU ZENNOUSHA!!!" Urth shouted, closing the gap between Ranma and himself. ((Damn, my wrist hurts....))
Urth stood up from kneeling into the ground, and looked around. He was on a familiar orbital "asteriod". He was on the thing closest to the Earth itself. He was on the Moon. He shifted his eyes from left to right, there wasn't a soul to be found, not even his own. He chuckled to himself. Slowly, he raised his arm, which began to glow a dark purple color. Slowly in the shadows of the moon's craters, monster's began to appear. They rose up and landed on their feet, and bowed down to Urth. "Darkness so powerful that it became a solid form. A body completely eclipsed in it. I think I'll call them my Shadow Warriors." Erutan said to himself, although it seemed as though the Shadow Warriors had overheard him. "I have a simple mission for you all, and I expect it to be completed by Sundown." Urth said to his new army. The army made a battle cry, then slowly, they literally floated off of the moon, and began to fly towards the Earth. 'Zain will be able to sense them all too easily, but he shouldn't be able to see me from here, let alone breathe' Urth thought. He stood staring at the Earth for a moment, then got an idea. "Troops," Urth told the Shadow Warriors telepathicallly, "First, I want you to destroy the Woodling's home, after that...have fun." Urth then saw the big glob of darkness shift to a automatic direction, shifting towards a large land mass. Urth got a sudden jolt, he wasn't alone on the Moon. Slowly, Urth turned around. "I knew you'd show up." Urth said. "..and I knew you'd hide here.." Ranma said.
((no kiddn)) Urth sneered back towards Zain, and cackled a bit. "I have no time for you and your little friend. Zennousha will be born into the mortal world soon." Urth said. He levitated a few feet into the air, and muttered a chant. Instantly, the ground and sky turned black and purple-ish. The entire planet was engulfed in darkness. "I believe my duty on this planet is done." Urth said. "I hope you enjoyed your home on Earth, because Earth is going to be destroyed, every last piece sacraficed." Urth told the angry Zain. He smiled a bit, and suddenly his collar began to glow. THe collar opened a rip in the air, and immediatly sucked Urth in. He had barely escaped from the now infected Enerjun. Urth opened his eyes to see that he was again in the temple of Zennousha. He walked towards the statue. "Lord Zennousha, Enerjun has been engulfed in the darkness, Earth is all that remains.." Urth informed the statue. The statue was struck by an unknown energy source, then became animated. Zennousha had posessed the statue. "Good. You are one of my best fighters, almost as good as Ranma, which reminds me," The statue said, "Since you've done such a good job, I'm going to give you yet another power." The statue shot a dark beam of energy towards Urth. The energy engulfed Urth, and then became to change his appearance. His once "holy" clothing had turned black, comepletely darkened by the evil energy. "I have given you the power to control darkness. Theres one more thing you must do for me. I need you to create an army to detroy the Earth and wipe out humanity. I must be reborn to take care of those pests." Zennousha spoke, obviously talking about Zain and Majotte. Urth understood what he had to do now. He began to walk away when he heard a shattering sound. He looked and found the source. His collar around his neck was gone, as was the rod on his back. The pieces of the final orb had quickly entered Urth's body. He had understood what had happened; His heart had been completely taken over by the darkness. Urth smiled at the thought of an evil heart, and the irony that followed. "I'm going to destroy the Earth, the one thing I had sworn to protect, and Zennousha will rule all." He thought. Urth chuckled a bit, then broke out into an evil laugh. Darkness engulfed Urth's body, then he dissapeared.
The Solar Ray funneled down from the heavens and slammed down onto Rashield's house, the entire area was incinerated in an instant, and smoke began to spout from a smoking crater that was remaining. "My job her is done....huh?" Urth thought to himself. He looked down into the smoke, someone was still there. It was Rashield, but she was different. She had transformed, she looked quite tough to take down. "I've seen something like this, when I was a child..." Urth thought. It hit him: He had a vision from Erutan's past. He had of flashback. His mid-section was being slashed away by Rahk's glowing claws, Rahk apparently was attacking in a rampage. Urth regained his posture, and suddenly his crown began to glow even more. "D...DAMN YOU RAHK!" Urth shouted. He raised his hands into the air, creating a tsunami, and within an instant, it spouted electricity, just like what he did against Rahk on the battle at Earth. Rashield braced for the impact, when suddenly she made a quick jolt forward. She clutched her head in pain, and began to shout out. Her hair began to turn red, as did her body. It was like Ark's transformation. Rashield quickly charged towards the tsunami, and fired off a ki ball that pierced it, and blew it into millions of water droplets, causing it to rain. "Thanks alot wench." Urth told Rashield. He quickly turned all the droplets into sharp icicles, then formed a group into a large one, that head right for Rasheild's throat. Urth dashed forward and fired a beam of lava towards her. "Stabbed by ice or melted by heat, it doesnt matter to me." Urth said, hoping the attacks would take her out for good.
Urth proceeded with his original plans, constantly killing off millions. Warriors of the planet charged recklessly at him, and all parished in the blink of an eye, falling under Urth's powerful might. Urth slowly breathed in deeply, and breathed out a very shrill cold wave that froze anything it touched on impact. Many died instantly from the extreme bitter cold. Urth cackled a bit, then found a hut, the only place not damaged by Urth's wrath. He approached the hut, and blew the door down, sending it to the back of the hut, and through the wall, making a large rectangular hole in the back. He looked at the character inside the hut, it was a woman, an old woman, at least in her 60's. "Old wench, your no use to this planet anymore anyway." Urth said, and began to charge up a blast, it was the size of a baseball, then grew about 5 times the size. "Why are you doing this?" Rashield ask Urth, to which sounded more like a plea. "I need to make way for the arrival of Zennousha..." Urth said. He looked up in the air, and just noticed soemthing: There were 2 suns above the planet. Urth laughed a bit, then held up his hands. Both sun's radiated energy gathered into Urth's hands. He began to combine them with his previous charged up energy. He now held the power of the 2 suns of Enerjun in his hands. He cupped his hands behind his back, as rocks began to fly about and around himself and the helpless Rasheild. Urth cracked yet another smile from his mouth. "Solar Ray!"
Urth felt his and Ranma's body get pulled into the teleport pod, his body weight seemed to have multiplied for a second or two, then seemed lighter as they flew through the pod. Everything surrounding them was blue, with streaks of dark violet. Urth opened his eyes, and looked around. He gasped, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in his head. "Is something the matter friend?" Ranma asked. "Nothing, just these people look familiar.." Urth said, looking around. People were walking around, looking at merchants and purchasing goods. Others were sparring, and even more were tending to their young. "They look just like Rahk." Urth thought. Another large jolt of pain quickly erased this thought from his mind, and he was again filled with the urge to kill. "I think I'll let you take care of everything on this planet. I'll go take care of your precious Earth. It will take me a view hours to prepare however, the power surrounding it is great." Ranma explained to Urth. He waved his hand towards Urth, and suddenly Urth was filled with incredible power. "I'm awakening the power Zennousha gave you." Ranma said. As he head back through the still open portal, he turned back. "Have fun..." Urth once again looked around. So many targets with so little time. He then finally noticed that everyone was staring at him. He looked at himself and found the reason. His body had changed. His feet where cold and light blue, the color of ice, his fists were bulging with surrounding rocks, his hair was on fire, and electricity was constantly floating around his body. He took a step towards a random person. He left footprints of giant ice wherever he had previously stepped, causing the populace to begin to panic. The shrill cries of terror delighted Urth, and in the corner of his eye, he noticed a warrior attempt a sneak attack. Urth ducked, causing the poor warrior to fly right by him, and in an instant, Urth fired an icicle towards the warrior, impaling him in the face, and slamming him into a nearby buliding, pinning his faceless body against it, with blood flowing down where his eyes and mouth used to be. It was the first casualty of Enerjun, and there were going to be plenty that would follow. At this thought, Urth smiled.
((My post has been edited.))
Flames were breaking out of buildings, and countless amounts of pedestrians fled in terror. A handful egnited and were engulfed in the flames, and if they were lucky, were left alive, but totally helpless due to the powerful burns. Most died on contact with the fire. Two dark figures hovered over the town. One reached out his arm and fired several ki blasts towards a power plant. The explosion caused a massive reaction, and a huge fire broke out. "I do believe this is were you take over friend." Ranma said with a big grin on his face. "You take the bunch running around, I'll kill the survivors." He added. He descended and began slicing people up, blood flowing as high as twenty feet from the impacting blows. Urth stared at the beggars and the fleeing people with an evil glare in his eyes, then in an instant, the ground surrounding the villagers was immediatly destroyed, along with the incinerated populace. Urth's grin grew in size as they died one by one in the hands of Ranma. The two murderers walked into the temple that again sprouted from out of nowhere, and inside looked exactly the same as the few other temples. "Great Zennousha, please accept this planet as an offering to your arrival." Ranma said to the statue. The statue began to glow, then started to speak Zennousha's words, "You have done well Ranma. I can feel my power almost at maximum. I just need a few more planets," Zennousha had just seen the newcomer. "Who is this my son?" Ranma knew if Zennousha found that it was Urth, that he'd kill him, leaving Ranma with nothing afterward. "This is just another follower of your ways my lord. He has aided me in glorious battle." "Very well, I thank you for your time then great fighter." Zennousha thought for a little while, then spoke again, "For helping the great god Zennousha to power, follower, I shall give you some more power!" Zennousha said. He waved his hands across Urth's body, and in an instant, he felt his power inscrease by much more. "Enjoy it for now fighter." Zennousha said to Urth. "Ranma, I only need two more planets before I can finally arrive on the mortal plane. "Which planets are they, I'll destroy them with ease." Ranma said with excitement in his voice, and dried blood on his face. "The two planets are Enerjun....and Earth....." Zennousha said. "Without a second to spare, Ranma and Urth both ran towards the teleportation spot, and were both automatically sucked into it, and to their first target: Enerjun.
Urth and Ranma flew about twenty miles before Ranma had stopped in the air, then plummeted straight down into the forest. While descending, Urth recognized it right away. It was the same site that Zain, Majotte, Rahk, and himself had fought against each other about a 10 years ago. "Why are we stopping here?" Urth asked, still unaware that the mysterious man was Ranma. "I just need to do something very quick, you might want to get out of the way..." Ranma replied. Urth levitated around to the back of the village, and overheard Ranma mutter a little "chant". Suddenly, there was a large crash, and a large building had emerged in the middle of the villlage. It was a tall red building, and looked ancient. Ranma waved his finger at Urth. "Come." Urth obeyed and followed Ranma up the stairs and passed the doors. Everything was pitch black, until a clapping sound came out of nowhere, and candles emerged out of the darkness. Urth looked around, and his eyes widened to what he had seen. It was a group full of men in black cloaks like the man he had met. They began to approach him; Urth knew he was in trouble. "You Son-of-a-bitch!" Urth yelled at Ranma. Ranma simply chuckles to himself, and within a blink of an eye, had rushed up towards Urth and gave him a nice punch in the stomache. Urth spat out a bit of spit onto the floor, and then felt a small amount of blood flowing throughout his teeth, giving them a nice red coat. "Ranam sent his men after Urth, and they changed him up against a wall. Urth guessed it was a hexxed wall, since they had drained all of his energy right out of his body. "I do believe you have seen this before..." Ranma spoke. He revealed a gold collar filled with rubies. Urth gasped when he saw them. Not only was the collar like those from the planet Char, but it was also covered in pieces of the final orb. Suddenly something clicked inside Urth's head. "You are going to try and control me, aren't you?" Urth asked Ranma. "You seem to know the technology of Kairiki's weaponry (SP?). Ranma replied. "This is an improved version of the collars that 'Your Highness' had obtained, you will be under my control in seconds." Urth began to panic. 'What was this mysterious man going to do with me under his power?' he thought. His heart was racing, and his energy was completely wiped out. He already knew what was going to happen, and there was nothing he can do about it. "So Earth Guardian, tell me, do you have any final words before you are under my control for the rest of your mortal life?" Ranma asked. Urth thought. He might as well asked questions. "Yes, yes I do. Who the fuck are you?" Urth asked. "Who am I? My name is Ranma, I am the son of the Zennousha, God of Chaos and Destruction!" Ranma replied. He slowly began to latch the collar aroung Urth's neck. He knew this was it. "Zain...Majotte...Tanna...Where are you?" Urth muttered under his breath. Slowly, he felt a surge of energy, and within a few seconds, his heart was full of darkness.
(This RPG is still in medievil times is it not? I dont believe that they'd know about anything called New Orleans and Los Angeles and such things. Try to keep up on what place in time this is. This is possible and probably still in the BCE Era.)
Urth knew know what to do. Slowly he walked towards the edge of the floating temple, the new rod of his on his back (kinda like a sword). He spread his arms, and then fell off. His body soared towards the infinite nothingness and gained more speed as he went. Urth threw out an immense amount of power then suddenly dissapeared. There was a bright flash of light outside of a remote village, and Urth appeared in the middle of the light. He walked out and glanced around. His rod began to uncontrollably blink, another piece was there somewhere. He strolled into the village, where a old man was preaching. Urth walked by, carefully listening to the man. He had no religion, training took up all his time, but it was nice to hear the mortals and their prayers. "Zennousha is coming soon! Repent or you shall be destroyed!" the man yelled out. Urth flinched a bit, but wasnt really bothered about this Zennousha person. This however sparked Urth's interest. He strolled up to the man. He was wearing a black cloak, the only appearing body symbol was the man's mouth and chin. "You are interested in the God Zennousha are you not sir?" the man asked Urth. "It has intruiged me quite a bit..." Urth replied. "Zennousha only spares his followers you know. You should repent and join his side." "Sorry, I don't do requests." "Are you sure?" Urth looked at the man. "Your commitment to this Zennousha God is admirable, but no, I am not interested." "I see," The man said, "but are you interested in this?" The man reached in his pocket, and revealed a shard. Urth gasped, it was the piece he had looked for awhile back. "How the hell did you get that!? I've been looking for it!" Urth straightened himself and remained calm. "So, are you interested in a trade or something?" Urth said, desperate for the shard. "Yes. Follow me, and the ways of Zennousha's Laws, and I will give you what you seek..." "Very well. I will comply." Urth replied to the man. The man handed the piece over to Urth, and suddenly it was absorbed into the staff at his hand. His elemental energies increased a bit more. "Wow, how did you do that?" The man said. "That is none of your business." Urth replied. "Follow me." the man said, smirking. "After you..." Urth replied. "Only a few more shards and I will be truly perfect." Urth thought. The man walked a bit ahead of Urth, although Urth still followed. The man made a evil grin inside his cloak. To Urth's surprise, the man began to fly. Urth followed in a beeline fasion. "That was too easy." Ranma smirked, as he flew with Urth into the distance.
Urth sat cross-legged inside his home, the Unknown Temple, and was meditating, concentrating on the Earths elemental balanced energies. He had been meditating for the past 5 years, searching for the 3rd and final orb. He could feel it inside his body, the other orbs, Char and Earths, constantly told Urth of the final orb. Its wherabouts are unknown, but soon, it was Urth's destiny to find the final orb, and complete himself. The orb would give him incredible strength and power, and even give him the potential to be the strongest fighter ever known. He looked into the water in his temple, he knew not whether Majotte had died or not. Tanna was alive, he was sure, but Tanna's power was oblivious to Urth. Another fighter could be used on Urth to protect it. Suddenly a massive jolt of energy had struck Urth right in his head, everything he had been meditation about earlier had dissapeared, and he was only concentrating on what hit him. He turned around, and faced the wall of the temple. He had gotten jolts now and then every several days, but not as strong as this one. Urth didn't bother to try investigating it, as there is nothing but grass, air, and a bottomless fall. Urth approached the wall, and stroked it with his bare palm, viewing the image potrayed on it. Urth then realized something. "That....wasn't there before.." Urth thought to himself. Urth looked over the image: It was a picture of a man and the three orbs. Urth was watching the image move, until it suddenly melted. Another picture appeared, and it showed that same man, but, to Urh's surprise, the man was dying. A gigantic ball of light was surrounding him, destroying everything in its path. Suddenly the ball faded, and the man had dissapeared. Urth looked uneasy at the wall, has a handprint suddenly appeared. He looked at it, and slowly brought his hand forward and touched it. They were the same size. A bright light had blinded Urth, and he heard a slamming noise. The light dimmed, and to Urth's surprise, the wall had opened; a secret compartment. There was an old box that was decaying from age inside the wall, and Urth began to open it. Urth did not expect to see what he saw. It was 2 small shards. He grabbed them, and suddenly, they connected to each other, and another light had appeared. The light faded again, but this time, the two shards were one. It appeared as a large ruby. What surprised Urth even more was when he saw that they were attatched to a long staff-like object. Right when he grabbed it, a large amount of power had rushed into his body, flowing through his veins. He knew he had just found what he was looking for. It was a piece of the final orb..
[B]Name:[/B] Arashi Stride [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Mal [B]Nationality:[/B] USA [B]Appearance:[/B] Black Hair, brown eyes, with Black Pants and black shirt. A white jacket covers his arms up to his hands, and goes down to his thighs. Wears a necklace with a Pokeball latched onto it. [B]Pokémon:[/B] Gengar: Female Sableye: Male Misdreavus: Female [B]Biography:[/B] From birth, Arashi was an orphan that lived within the confines of a daycare center in his town. He was facinated by Pokemon, and always watched the battles that took place on the television, and became fond with watching Ghost types fight.. When he had turned 12, he witnessed a horrible sight. His foster mother, who had nurtured him from his birth, was brutally murdered in front of his eyes. Arashi was shocked, and had fled from the murderers into the woods nearby. It was very late at night when Arashi had woken up to another shock. A Gastly was standing over him, preparing to put him to sleep with Hypnosis. Before Gengar could finish, a strange man had captured the Gengar, and without a word, gave it to Arashi, and left. It has been 4 years since that day, and Arashi has now made a living in Pokemon Training, using his favorite types of Pokemon; Ghosts. His Gastly had evolved into Gengar, and he had caught a Misdreavus and Sableye soon after, training them to become the best Ghosts in all of the Pokemon World. Arashi's hopes are high as he decides to join in the PFL, and dreams of finally coming from the shadows and appear as a great Pokemon Fighter.
Or, you can download them here: [URL=www.freewebs.com/bgstk]www.freewebs.com/bgstk[/URL] The entire site has no significance to TFTI, but on the home page, scroll down to the very bottom to find the links to the downloads.
[COLOR=Green][B]Name - [/B] Urth (AKA Erutan) [B]Pronunciation -[/B] erth (Or Earth) [B]Age -[/B] 4 Years Old. (If you must, Erutan is 23 years old) [B]Sex - [/B] Male [B]Race - [/B] Mystical Human [B]Height -[/B] 5'9'' [B]Weight -[/B] 186 lbs. [B]Hair color - [/B] Red and Black [B]Hair style - [/B] Spike Up (Like Super Saiyan 2. Spikes connected to the scalp are red, extended spikes above are black. [B]Eyes - [/B] Purple [B]Body - [/B] Semi-Built [B]Weapons -[/B] Scepter with a Red Ruby on the end. The ruby powers his abilities even further. [B]Clothes - [/B] Black Boots/Pants/Shirt, with a cape. Inside of cape is red, outside of cape is black. The Cape aids by defelcted any weak projectiles. [B]Distinguished marks - [/B] Scar on chest where the Imposter Orb that Jukunen had was placed (TFTI 1). Scar on back where the Seraphim's Ki attack ate away the flesh (TFTI 2). [B]Special Powers - [/B] Can control all elementals and nature-like abilities. [B]Handicaps - [/B] He is an orphan, so he's not really bright in the head when it comes to brain power. [B]Transformations - [/B] Mystic Power-Up: Elemental Powers increase a great deal in this form. [B]Special Moves -[/B] Can Distort, Create, or Destroy anything using Elemental or Nature-like abilities. [B]Bio - [/B] Urth was formally the Earth?s Guardian Erutan. Erutan had absorbed the Earth?s Orb a long time ago during his child years, thus making him a Human with incredible power. After the fight on Earth, he accidentally teleported himself to the planet Char, and was taken as a prisoner. Erutan released that without the Earth?s Orb on its own planet, Earth would decay and rot into nothingness, so he tried to return until he was dragged into a war against the King. During the battle, Erutan was killed by a creature, and was shot into the center of Char. It was there that his remains absorbed another orb, The Orb of Char. His body regenerated into a new being, an exact reincarnation of Erutan, who gained the memory of his old counterpart. The new being also changed his name, Urth. During the final moments of Char?s destruction, Urth teleported Tanna and himself towards Earth, saving their lives. Years have passed, and Urth?s Elemental Power sky-rocketed to new extremes. It was awhile before he realized that The Orb of Char had given him more power than that of Elemental Power. His aging process has slowed down by a large amount, allowing him to live hundreds of years more than regular humans. It also changed his race again. When a sibling, he was a Demon, then Earth?s Orb made him a Human, then The Orb of Char transformed him into a Mythical Being. Urth feels that there is still one final Orb in the universe, and if he somehow manages to absorb it, then he will be able to live forever with eternal elemental power, and guard the Earth until it ceases to exit. The problem with this is that he cannot leave Earth, for the above reasons. Urth now waits patiently for the day that he discovers the final orb, and guards the earth from all evil.[/COLOR]