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Everything posted by MomochiZabuza
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Along those lines, (purely out of question), but how do people escape from China if china is communist?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Okay, there is one thing that has bugged me every since I finished this anime. [spoiler] In the last episode, when Dante is riding in the elevator, and Gluttony eats his way through, and then Gluttony attacks Dante and she attempts a transmutation and then the elevator shows up empty, I was pretty lost. I've looked for the answer elsewhere and they've come up with theories, but I wonder if anyone knows what REALLY happened.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I've heard people say she didn't have enough time to complete a transmutation, but can't she do transmutations without a transmutation circle just like Ed and his Sensei?[/spoiler] sorry if this has been talked about before in the thread, I searched "Dante" but I didn't find anything about it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=PaganAngel][font="Gill Sans MT Condensed"][color="#993366"][size="2"] OH, the other day, I saw the RADDEST Nextel commercial ever: Guy 1: *walks up to guys 2 and 3* What'cha doing? Guy 2: Looking at dots. Guy 1: What kind of dots? Guy 2: Red dots. Guy 1: Can you talk to the dots? Guy 2: *orders a shipment via the dots on his cell* Guy 1: Can the dots talk back? Guy 2: *cell phone confirms the order* Guy 1: WHOA! Do it again! Guy 2: No, we don't agitate the dots. Guy 3: Yeah, we don't agitate the dots. Foreman: *enters* Who's agitatin' my dots? *looks at guy 1* you agitatin' my dots? Yeah... I guess it was kind of a you-had-to-be-there deal. But it was priceless. [/size][/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]haha I saw that I know what you're talking about. and I also saw that head-on thing and was wondering if that actually works. Does anyone remember the Go-Daddy commercial from two superbowls ago where she would be talking and her bra strap just pops? Hahaha that was my fav.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Esther][SIZE=1]Momochi, I want you to take a look at this post:[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Now look at your more recent post:[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Hmm. It sounds to me much worse than my post. You asked me why I sound like I'm mad at you and I hate your guts, just because of my stern tone, yet you're over here yelling and cursing at a guy for commenting on your post. I smell a hypocrite.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Your face is a hypocrite. Hell yeah what now shove that in your eye.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Didn't mean that in a mean way I say "shove it in your eye" to a lot of things}] P.S. if you read the whole post of mine you can tell I'm not being 100% serious. and if you can't... you need to work on your reading comprehension skills and it's no longer my problem. I mean, seriously, no one is serious when they go: "OOH, YEAH THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT" and if they are they are just obnoxious and they need to stop.
[QUOTE=Mr. Maul][/font][/size][/color] [font=Garamond][color=SeaGreen]Do you always believe everything you hear or read in the media?[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]uh, do [B]you[/B] read a whole sentence? Because if you read what I put ONE ******** SENTENCE after that I said [B]"I shouldn't believe everything I hear"[/B] IN FACT, IT WASN'T EVEN A WHOLE SENTENCE LATER! It was the same sentence connected with a comma so before you try and tell me off or something you should read the whole post SHOVE [I]THAT[/I] IN YOUR EYE! OH! YEAH THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT! ...sorry I'm having a bit of turrets syndrome I am having a stressful day.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Holy Crap! so I was trying to find that resident evil commercial you were talking about and I found a different one for Resident Evil 4, it's in French but that's not the point. Watch at your own risk. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEVCW8oMN5M&search=resident%20evil%20commercial]here.[/url][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='John']"Mormons are pefectly normal people" wouldn't sell as many papers as "omg mormons have a billion wives", though, would it? :P[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana] hmm yeah I guess you're right lol. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Well, a lot of times I say I'm South Korean just to save people the trouble of asking if I'm "North or South?" But then again I do call myself Korean-American a lot as well, it depends on who I'm talking to really. Hm I'm getting a bit off topic, but on topic, I highly doubt NK will really do anything, I think they just want us to fear them and respect them as a power, although I personally don't respect them anymore because of this. Also, would you honestly try to start a war if three countries (all the same size or bigger than your country) allied together to fight against you? That would just seem stupid.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] edit: but then again, that's pretty much what Iraq did... -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I try to keep an open mind toward everything, but Mormons... well it's hard because I've only ever seen one news report on Mormons and it was some 2 hour special where the father had 3 wives and 3 children with each and he abused many of them and one was so poorly treated she ran away, but this time when she returned to her "village" the news followed her and the people in this particular city refused to be publicised. Consuqently, the news had a field day and pointed out every single negative thing about the Mormon religion. People like me, who have rarely ever heard of Mormons, really have no other experience with Mormons so I assumed it was all true. But reading this post, perhaps it's not? If Mormons would be a little more public and open and maybe point out the good parts of their religion to the press, perhaps they wouldn't be made fun of so much? But like I said, I barely know anything about the mormon religion so I could be wrong about all of this, all I know is it was on the news and I shouldn't believe everything I hear.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Ah I see what you mean about the faded word/border mishap. But other than that I really like the banner. As much as I don't like the color lavender on anyone or anything, I really like the faded and smeared effect and the repetition of the word "loveless" in random places in different shades. The one thing that kind of bugs me is the three white lines that go through the banner, though I'm fine with the black ones, but I would have to see the banner without the lines and with the lines to really decide which one looked better in my opinion.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sequel of the Century! Pirates of the Caribbean 2!
MomochiZabuza replied to The_Mix_Breed's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Ah I want to see that movie so badly! The first one was so good even though I fell asleep the first time I saw it, but that wasn't my fault because I started watching at around 12:45 am and I had no idea it was going to be that long. And I was only 12. One of my friends didn't like the first movie because she says the [spoiler]pirates that turned into ghosts creeped her out because they looked disgusting, she's a girly girl.[/spoiler][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Esther][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]No, not really. I think you've actually got the whole thing twisted, if there are two races that I think are extremely alike, it would have to be North and South Koreans.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Just a little FYI. I hope you know that a lot of South Koreans have ancestral links to North Koreans. Some North Koreans escaped to South Korea before the North came under communist rule, and probably your grandparents or grandparents were some of those people. So I think you should re-consider thinking of North Koreans as "your own people." [/SIZE] [/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]What do you mean "the trapped people in the North and South"? In previous posts I believe you said something about South Korea being a democratic, free country unlike their Northern counterparts. So how on Earth could the people in South Korea be trapped within their own country? And I don't think that the guy was trying to make it seem like the Koreans were going to bomb the school. He was simply being an idiot and trying to implement that there's a large Korean population at his school into his joke. I agree, it was a poor choice of words and there is reason for you to get upset. But I also think YOU made a poor choice of words as well.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Regardless of if they are my parents, I still don't consider them my own people because that's a personal opinion that I have free reign over. Second of all, when I said "the trapped people in the North and South" I meant the trapped people only in the North, and then the free people in the South, but I now see why the wording was confusing to you. And his statement can be interpreted in many different ways, regardless, I wanted to make my point.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] P.S. why do you seem so angry at me? It's just my opinion and you seem to be getting very worked up about it. I mean, I'm just a kid on the internet voicing my own free opinions and you all seem like you hate my guts, if you have something to say or you want to correct me (which I am totally fine with) I'm pretty sure you can find a less atrocious way of making your point. Double Edit: Lunox, I agree on your part where you say that people shoudn't just ask if you are North or South, I personally say I'm American and when they ask where I was born I say "Cleveland" because I know they usually expect some sterotypical answer like "china" or "Ugumakatakanowa". I'm not sure where you live Lunox but it get's really frustrating to be asian down in the south because first of all, everyone expects you to be chinese, everyone expects that you can't speak english, and everyone assumes you're related to all other asians. It's really quite annoying and sometimes it causes me to snap and exaggerate, the only reason I want poeple to think that South Koreans are Different from North Koreans is because I also want to be valued as an individual, not "An Asian". -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Well some people think that we could save more people if we just gave more money, but that would mean we need more money, right? So I have a couple questions about money. Q. Is the world making more money? I know that if we make more money, then the value of money is [B]supposed[/B] to go down, right? But people use money, and we continue to make more people. (Make as in give birth to), and so if the amount of money stays the same, and the value or money stays the same, but the amount of people goes up, wouldn't the value of people go down? Since there is less money for each person to use? (Not that the value of a person can be measured in money, but the necessities required for a person to live that requires money) But then again I don't know what is happening with money and the world so I was just wondering.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] Um, what the hell. North Koreans and South Koreans are extremely different? It's not the people in North Korea's fault that they are under the rule of Kim Dong II. Do you think they're happy about starving and love him or something? This the biggest load of BS I've read in a while. Bottom line, the people of the continent of Korea are not very 'different'. North Koreans just happen to be dying because of a disgusting leader. Moreover, I find it sad that you're more concerned about maintaining South Korean 'reputation' than helping your own people.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Uh, I'm not sure which people you are talking about? Are you talking about North Korea? Or South Korea? Or USA? Because North Korea isn't what I consider "my own people". All I'm saying is that you shouldn't stereotype Koreans (The trapped people in the North and South) as crazy missile-happy communists. I was only pissed because that one kid said that "A bunch of Koreans came to my school and nothing happened" like he expected them to bomb the school or something. But you are right, I see that I shouldn't have sterotyped all the North Koreans the same, I meant to say Kim Dong II and his supporters. I also didn't mean to point blame at all North Koreans or anything like that at all or say that it's their fault, I do agree it's Kim Dong's fault but he is the leader of North Korea so when I said North Korea I really meant to say him.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Deus Information Name: Xander Age: 17 Sex: Male Country representing: South Korea Appearance: [img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/3244/xander7es.png[/img] Experience: Xander has played in the past and is slightly experienced, he met a girl named Misaki Suzuhara, and battled her in a one-on-one match, with high stakes of money. He?s wealthy as you can probably tell by how he?s dressed, allowing him to be able to support such a bet. However, he lost for his first time ever against this girl newbie and was furious. He stopped playing Angelic Layer for a while but when he heard of this new tournament he had to join, he knew that if he ever saw that girl again, he could beat her. Angel Information Angel's Name: Evelyn (Evee for short) Entry Phrase: Make some magic, Evee! Appearance: [img]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/7803/evelyn7aj.png[/img] Stats: Strength- 5 Defense- 9 Agility- 7 Evasion- 1 Morale- 3 Style: Evee uses a Brazilian martial art called Capoeira, which is a very dancy martial art that uses deceptive moves to play an optical illusion on the opponent. It consists of many handstands and fancy footwork to create almost break dance-like moves. She may look like she's a bit clumsy, but she knows exactly what she's doing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] P.S. If one of the pictures doesn't show, right click and click "show picture". If that doesn't work, right click and search the link.
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Wait, so I lost track after [Spoiler]South Korea lost[/Spoiler], which sucked by the way, the ref was visually impaired or something. I also saw the game between Portugal and England, and I really wanted England to win but I [spoiler]kind of thought that Portugal would beat them[/spoiler] So who do you want to win? Portugal or France? I think I'd rather take France. Am I the only one that thinks Ronaldo is extremely annoying?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Hmmm, definately Clairvoyance. I was thinking of mind control, but if you could control [I]everyone[/I], then what kind of fun could you have? But with Clairvoyance you could see the future or the past or anything just by touching things that have meaning, so you could kind of control your desiny in a way I guess. unless I got the definition of Clairvoyance wrong, but I just want the ability of premonitions, like that girl in "That's so Raven" :][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
What could you not live without?
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I really couldn't live without the internet. I mean, how did they get anything done back then without it? I always talk to people and make plans on AIM and myspace, without it, how am I supposed to know who's going where and when? Well yeah there's the phone but my parents think I use "too many minutes" and refuse to get me cricket service which is free minutes and everything for only 20$ a month. Pretyt nifty huh? Plus, w/out the internet, we couldn't even be here talking about this right now.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Ålpha-Æpsilon']Besides a bunch of koreans came to my school. Nothing bad happened.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Don't ever say that ever again. All I'm hoping is that people don't have a bad impression of all Koreans because of this. My Parents are South Korean and I was born in Ohio, I currently live in Charlotte, NC. I hope that you all don't think any less of koreans because most Koreans in the United States or other countries are South Korean because you can't really leave a communist country like North Korea that easily. Besides, it was already declared that the USA, Japan, and South Korea will all be prepared to fire missiles back at North Korea if they try anything funny. I though, South Korea is pretty wealthy, because they are a democratic union. North Korea on the other hand is communist and run by retarted communist leader Kim Jong Whatshisface, I don't really care. South Korea has completely different views than North Korea, which is why they refuse to merge or share any of their wealth with North Korea. [B]Bottomline, North Koreans and South Koreans are extremely different, please remember that.[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Name: Abel Age: 18 Gender: Male Blood Type: B negative Physical Appearance: [img] http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/9963/1126qq.png[/img] *Special Ability: Creates a type of energy called chakra by turning his blood into vapor. This energy is unattractive to those that carry the virus and wards the infected away for a period of time. Abel also regenerates blood over time so that he does not run out of blood using this ability. *Weapon: Abel can channel his chakra into small waves or small pellets that he can shoot at the infected. This energy has no effect on uninfected people. The higher the infection the more damage it does. Personality: A bit promiscuous and always rebellious. He is sensitive towards those infected with the virus and doesn?t like ever killing them, especially because they remind him of his father. Biography: Abel grew up in a wealthy region of Manhattan with his Father and Stepmother. His real mother lived in San Francisco and they divorced when Abel was 6 years old. His father worked as a neurosurgeon in a large hospital and was well known throughout most of Manhattan to be one of the best in the field. However, 2 years ago, when Abel had just turned 15, Him, and his father were involved in a freak accident at the hospital involving a newly introduced virus that was being studied. A flask of the virus splashed in the ER, and would have infected Abel if his father hadn?t stepped in front of him, the virus splashed onto his father and Abel breathed in the residue. He assumed that this was the reason why he got his unique ability. The virus had infected his stepmother through sexual contact with his father and within a day his father and stepmother became maniacs rampaging through the streets of Manhattan. They were captured and maintained for a while in a maximum-security prison but eventually escaped. Abel, having nowhere else to go, moved in with his mother in San Francisco. With his father no longer considered stable and his mother not legally related, Abel inherited every last drop of money. He bought himself a nice apartment in San Francisco and now roams the hospitals and medical research facilities, searching for a possible cure for his father. Character Snippet: December 19, 2007 1:30 am San Francisco Bay San Francisco, California Abel walked down the brightly lit streets of San Francisco to where he has been walking every Wednesday night for the last year, MRFC, the Medical Research Facility of California. He had a friend there named Jin Pyo, a medical expert in virus vaccines. Dr. Pyo has been trying to find a cure for the same virus that infected Abel?s father 3 years ago, and he promised Abel that he was getting close. The facility was huge, pretty much a skyscraper with its 119 floors. The automatic doors of the vast building slid open with a ?ding? as Abel approached them. He walked up to the front desk to ask the clerk, Debbie, to page Dr. Pyo. Debbie was usually quite beautiful. She had tanned skin and Flowing brown hair that was wavy and luminous in the flourescent office light. Her eyes were always an emerald-shade green and her body type was skinny with vivacious curves. She wore a lavender suit that she hated, she always said that lavender is never a flattering color on anyone. ?Hi Debbie, is Jin here?? He questioned cheerfully. ?Ugh? uh yeah hold on.? She slouched over and pressed down the intercom button. Dr. Pyo, please come down to the ground floor, Abel is here to see you. ?Uh, are you okay Deb? You look kinda pale.? Abel told her. ?Er, I don?t know, I?ve been feeling sick since this morning, I heard it?s just a stomach flu going around the building.? [I]?Glazed over eyes and dilated pupils, pale skin and bulging veins??[/I] Abel was silently thinking to himself. He slowly clenched his right hand into a fist and began to evaporate his blood, creating the aura that the infected find so appalling. ?UUH! WHAT IS THAT STENCH?? Debbie moaned as she slid her rolly-chair back from Abel. [I]Exactly what I thought? all signs of the virus...[/I] The elevator made a ringing sound as Jin walked up to Abel. Jin wore glasses and his labsuit all the time, he had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that was always combed neatly to one side of the other. However today He was also pale and his hair was disheveled, his face seemed to have the same symptoms as Debbie. ?Abel! I?ve got great news! I think I?m close to isolating a cure for the virus!? He exclaimed excitedly. He put up a hand to put on Abel?s shoulder. Abel reeled backwards and recoiled from Jin?s hand. ?Jin, the virus didn?t ever get out recently, did it? You didn?t spill anything?? Jin thought for a moment. ?Well now that I think about it, I did spill a small sample of the virus but the Janitor came and wiped it up immediately.? Able shriveled up with horror, it was exactly as he feared. ?YOU IDIOT! Do you know where that mop has been? That mop could have been spread to every floor of this building by now! The infected mop water could be everywhere!? ??? Jin was silent. He locked eye contact with Abel. Abel knew what he had to do. ?Jin? who did you touch today?? Abel asked as casually as he could. ?Uh, Debbie, and that?s it. I swear.? Jin replied fearfully. Abel turned to Debbie now. ?Deb, who did you touch today?? ?Uh, nobody.? She replied blatantly. Abel turned to Jin. ??I?m sorry.? Jin spun around and took off in the other direction, reaching for the elevator button, but Abel ran and caught up to him quickly. The elevator opened with a ?ding!? Jin scurried inside and jammed the ?close door? button. Abel drew a gun he had hidden away in his jacket pocket, he shot Jin in the chest just as the elevator doors were closing. Able couldn?t see Jin?s dead body, and that helped him recover quickly. He turned for Debbie, who was now by the automatic doors, she was like a deer caught in headlights when Abel pointed his gun at her. She looked so? helpless, and fragile. Abel hesitated? he couldn?t pull the trigger. Not on Deb, she just can?t die like this, her bold beautiful eyes shined even brighter now that her skin was pale. Debbie took that brief pause to her advantage and slammed her way through the automatic doors, glass shattered everywhere. Abel pulled the trigger but it was too late. She was gone, He had let another one go?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] P.S. I'm not sure if the virus can be spread from hand to hand contact? But I made it that way only for my character snippet is that alright?
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]hmm well I honestly think history repeats itself and if you change it it will find a way back it's like that crazy lady with all the cats who one day tries to get rid of them all but they keep coming back. so I guess I wouldn't change anything. Edit: That means this was a useless post and I don't like that so I guess I would change the time that I got kicked in the head by my sister on the monkey bars and my head cracked open and I bled everywhere.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Funny and/or meaningful Quotes lines and sayings
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Gold diggers, like hookers, but smarter. -Random Poster I thoguht it was funny anyways.[/SIZE] -
Cruel Robbers Take Items From Cemetery
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Maybe some runaway kid took them? If I was 8 years old and saw a bunch of toys I would proabably take them too... I don't know if there are that many runaway kids in New York but I know over in boston there are a bunch... At least when I visited there were. And they were all either 9 or 10 and would probably go back home in a few hours. I ran away once. I went back to go get my bike. And decided to stay. It wasn't very well planned, I was 8. :/[/SIZE] -
Funny and/or meaningful Quotes lines and sayings
MomochiZabuza replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Nobody cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. -Cynthia Nelms[/SIZE] P.S. When I think of America, I see that we're winning. That's [U][I][B]MY[/B][/I][/U] America, :] -
[SIZE=1]Well in seventh grade you should learn about alelles and punnet squares and such... A short person giving birth to a tall person is like a couple with brown eyes giving birth to a child with blue eyes. If one of their parents had blue eyes than their child could inherit that trait. Anyhow, the major flaw in Darwin's theory was creation itself. He said we all evolved but he has no explenation for how what we evolved from got here in the first place. And what I don't understand is if we all evolved from primates why didn't anything else evolve with us? I mean, crocodiles were alive at the same time as dinosaurs (or so they say) and they are exactly the same. And plus, genetic mutation happens in plants too. Why doesn't a plant sprout legs and walk around with us? And don't tell me that they will in 1000000 years, because I can place a bet on that. Plus, not a single genetic mutation today has been proven to benefit or improve a species. Look it up and try to find one, a fifth leg doesn't help because extra body parts are always stunted. Same with human mutations like siamese twins. Why would that one genetic mutation change the skin color, hair growth, and brain functions for the better all of a sudden? P.S. I really don't know too much about this stuff but if you know an answer than tell me please because I truly do want to know out of pure curiosity.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]plus, they have done experiments on fruit flies, they've exposed them to different levels of radiation and such. But no matter how mangled or abnormal their eyes, bodies, legs, and internal organs had become, they were still genetically fruit flies. Unlike darwins theory that says we became what we are today from a big black furry thing and runs around on all fours.[/SIZE]