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Everything posted by MomochiZabuza

  1. [SIZE=1]Well I believe Kochanski is actually quite common where I come from... But others tell me that it's an unusual last name. Pronounced ko-han-ski. Silent C. but everyone says kochanski anyways, I don't mind. I kind of like it.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Hmm well if there's one thing that bugs me the most in this world it's people who are raving and ranting about abortion and adoption and such. (Not you, other people) Because everybody has their own reasons for doing what they do, and unless it affects your life personally I don't believe you should take it personally. I don't want want kids either. Well, not right now anyways. Heh. My view on adoption is that it's great I mean, you're not ending a life, and if anything you're saving a life. And what you did seems smart to me because if you really cared about your child enough to be able to give them up to give them a better life than I think thats... well... great. :animesmil [/SIZE]
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