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- Birthday 10/08/1986
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[CENTER][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray][B]December 19, 2007 10:07 pm The Local Bar Los Angeles, California[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Deirdre was sitting at her usual table, her shoulders completely bandaged. ?Did you get in a fight?? Fayt Baltaren walked in and sat directly across from her. ?Not this time. Just a nasty fall.? she said. She kept one hand on her drink, not even looking up at him. Fayt was probably her only friend. If you would even call him that. She trusted him, and she didn?t have to feel uncomfortable whenever he was around. But she wasn?t friendly toward him. She could not understand why he would stick his neck out just to keep her company. But she was thankful that at least he was understanding of her. ?Nasty fall? What kind of fall?? he asked with a laugh. ?The kind that busts up your shoulder, you moron.? she said. ?Whoa, no need for the insults. I?m sure it was one hell of a fight.? ?I crashed my bike, and ran into an alley wall.? she said as she took another drink. ?Are you serious?? And you only came out with a busted shoulder? You?re damn lucky, you know that?? She smiled for a second as the words rang in her ears. [I]Lucky. Hmph if he only knew? [/I] He looked at her smile, and rather than be thankful for seeing her smile, he just got uncomfortable. ?Uh, hey don?t do that? you?re starting to creep me out.? he said. She looked up and laughed a little as she sat up. ?So are you getting a drink, or what?? ?I can?t, I?ve got to be going. But I needed to talk to you about something I heard. Talk is going around that your going after the guy in the Grey Trench Coat.? ?That?s right.? she said as she took another sip. ?Well maybe you shouldn?t.? he said seriously as he leaned back in his chair. ?Are you kidding me?? she said as she looked at him. ?Don?t tell me you?re worried about my safety.? she said sarcastically. ?On the contrary. I worry about [I]his[/I] safety. And that?s why I don?t want you going after him.? ?You?re insane.? she said with a laugh. ?He?s a good guy. Just let him walk, Deirdre.? ?Sorry can?t do that. I don?t give up my prey to other hunters.? she said as she stood up. ?Deirdre, he?s saved countless of people, and has been labeled a criminal. Can?t you-" ?A vigilante is a criminal who doesn?t feel the need to adhere to the laws.? ?Give me a break, Dei, you have never given a damn about justice.? he said staring at her. ?Maybe not, but I hate people who can?t seem to save the people within the means of the guidelines.? He stood up and looked at her straight in the eye. ?I?m betting on the fact that you can give a damn about that too. What?s the real reason here, Deirdre.? She stared at him and grabbed her jacket. ?I won?t give up my prey. Let him answer for his crimes. If he truly is the hero you say he is, then the authorities will find that out for themselves. As for me, I can really just give a damn about everything.? She walked out of the bar and walked down the streets. He looked on and shook his head. ?Women.? he said and sat back down. She kept walking, not feeling the cold wind whip around her. She had no destination. She smiled. The only reason she would not give up this man, was because that was all she was good for. That was all she wanted. To put small goals ahead of her, that would get her by everyday, without feeling lost without a purpose. She was lost. But she never looked back on the decision she made. She could have a life if she wanted to. But what good is a life where you hate yourself with every fiber of your [I]own[/I] body? Deirdre waited until dark. She looked at her watch and it was a half past 1 in the morning. She knew she'd come across him sooner or later. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man struggling with a monstrous looking person. Not understanding what was going on, she waited and watched as this man fought this beast. Suddenly, he swerved out of the way and shot the monster in the chest point blank. He was standing over the broken looking body, almost sorrowfully. She walked over and pulled out her gun. "STOP!" she said to the man. He turned around slowly, and she saw the distinctive scar on his eye. He was the man she was looking for. "Now that you've had your fun, I'm taking you in." she said as she raised her gun to his head. He stared at her and shook his head. ?You assume too much.? he said as he leaned against the wall. She shrugged with her gun still pointed at his head. ?I don?t exactly think that fits my description, but you?re entitled to your opinions. Now MOVE.? she said motioning for him to put his hands over his head. ?May I see a badge?? he said. ?I don?t work on Police hours, jack.? she said evenly. ?Then how do I know I?ll be going in for questioning? No badge, no arrest.? he said with his arms folded across his chest. ?Fine.? she said as she shot three bullets. He ducked before the bullets made their mark. Three holes were in the wall where his head was a split second earlier. He rolled behind the alley. She reloaded her gun as she ran after him. ?Bastard, get back here.? she said. ?Do you really think I?d comply?? he said with a hint of laughter. ?I'll wipe that damn smile off your face!!!" she said as she jumped on the trash can and climbed her way up the roof. When she got there, she saw him running across another alley way. She pulled out a small grenade and threw it in the middle of the alley. The explosion rocked the man backward, and she jumped from the roof to the ground with ease. Before the smoke cleared, he threw a trash lid at her, sending her against the wall. The lid had hit her shoulder, reopening a few of her wounds. She screamed in pain and got back on her feet. She ran with her gun out, shooting after him until she cornered him in the alley way. ?This is your last chance bastard, I?m not going to repeat myself. I?ll take you dead or alive. Either way, I get paid.? she said. He turned around, and there was absolutely [B]no[/B] fear in his eyes. She ran at him, and the blades opened from her sleeves. She tried to stab him, but he moved and grabbed her right arm and blocked the left. He kicked her against the wall, and she kicked back off and jabbed him in the arm. He didn?t even flinch at the stab, instead he grabbed her neck and pushed her into the wall once more. He was trying to find a way out, but she was determined to kill him right then and there? or die trying She prayed for the latter. She hated living, and wanted to end it all. But her stubborn nature wouldn?t allow it. She hated being weak? and suicide, in her opinion, was weak. Dying like this would be worth the wait. Suddenly, her heart heaved, and she felt her body shake as she fought this man. Her anger was making her lose her balance, and the chill was catching her off guard. Suddenly, she couldn?t fight anymore, and with the open space to move, the man threw her backwards, and her arms flailed, making her own dagger bury itself into her chest. She dropped to her knees as the pain from the wound, and the memories started replaying themselves? her childhood of lost memories, ones long forgotten, and ones she never wanted to relive. The children, her foster parent, her homeliness, and the rape that ended it all for her nine years ago. She remembered dying that night, and how the pain hurt her? and yet she was forced to keep on living? the pain circled within her, and she looked back up at the man. She only hoped her own dagger made it?s final mark. ?Thank you?? was all she said before everything went black.[/COLOR]
Sounds good! I'm anxious to get things started! :D
No that sounds fine :) How long approx do the chapters need to be, and will we need to include [i]all[/i] the characters, or just the ones we decide to use? Can our chapters be about our characters specifically, or do we need to keep every other member in mind as well? I ask this, mainly because while it's really annoying to be left out constantly in a chapter, it's also a lot harder to include EVERY single person... am I making sense? lol, :animesigh
This RPG really sounds awesome. :) I just have a question on how [i]exactly[/i] the chapter system works... I don't think I've ever done that before :animestun :animeswea
[b]Name:[/b] Deirdre Ghent [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Blood Type:[/b] O+ (No longer completely human... the bio and snippet explains) [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Red Hair that comes down just below her shoulders. About 5' 6" tall, and weighs approx: 132 lbs. She has a scar on the right side of her face that comes past the back of her eye down to the middle of her cheek. Brilliant Green eyes and wears a Green T-Shirt with Black pants and a Short Black jacket. Very serious features, and is rarely seen smiling. [b]*Special Ability:[/b] None as of yet (later on she develops abilities as her heart grows darker...) [b]*Weapon:[/b] A gun in her leg holster and a dagger in each of her sleeves. [b]Personality:[/b] Deirdre means "Sad one," and it defines exactly who she is. Her anger and confusion surpasses her sadness, to the point of becoming numb to all pain and violence. [b]Biography:[/b] She doesn't have a family, she was left in a garbage dumbster at birth. She hates herself for simply existing, and doesn't have ANY friends. Unbeknownst to her, she has been chosen to be affected by the virus. But her will power is very strong, and her numb heart serves as a protection from this virus. Because she is numb to so many feelings, the power cannot engulf her heart just yet. But if she was ever to give into her anger, she would be turned. She doesn't understand what is happening to her, but because she was chosen to become a monster, she is beginning to develop abilities that she cannot comprehend just yet. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] [I]Deirdra looked over the rooftop, standing right on the edge. Her body felt cold as the wind slashed her from behind. She overlooked the city, and she saw the lights from the cars, and buildings. To anyone, such a sight would be breath taking, but to Deirdra, it was frustrating. She looked at her hands and they were shaking uncontrollably. She couldn't understand what was wrong with her. Every single time this happened, she struggled with herself, and calmed herself down... she wasn't sure how she was able to calm herself, but somehow, she was able to slow her heart from beating so rapidly... She felt a chill come over her, but this was seperate from the chill that was blowing behind her. This chill crept up her spine, trying to engulf her, and making her body heat rise. She cursed at herself. A part of her wanted to jump, but those thoughts only encouraged the chill to run deeper. She quickly resisted such thoughts. She looked at her hands, and in a split second she grabbed her gun and shot a single bullet that penetrated the light fixture below. Relieved that she still had control over her senses, she jumped off the building and landed safely down to the new darkened alley beneath the shadowed buildings. She stood there with her gun aimed at his head. "Wha- what do you want?" "Your head. Got a problem?" "YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!! ITS THE ONLY ONE I GOT MISS!!!" he started screaming. Deirdra stared at the man and picked him up by the back of his neck and slammed his face into the alley wall. "You're real cute, but I'm afraid it's not a literal statement that I'm making. I'm here for the bounty on you." "You got the wrong guy I swear!" he said as his face was pushed even harder against the cold stone. "I'm sure. Look, I'm taking you either dead or alive. Besides, I hate making mistakes... if you're not my man, then to save my reputation, I guess I should pummle your brain, one bullet at a time-" "NO, alright, it's me, just don't kill me..." he begged. A small smile crept over the side of her mouth. "That's a good boy." she said. He said some rather choice words as she picked him up by the hair and cuffed him. She loaded the child molester onto the back end of her motorcycle and made sure his slimy face was close to the end of her wheel. "You'll never walk these streets again." she muttered as she started her engine. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "You know, you're probably the best tracker in these parts... why don't you become a police officer, and join the honorable profession?" Sheriff Harris commented as he handed her her payment. "My heart's not in it." she said simply. "How can you say that? You've taken down every Godda-" "I told you, I can give a crap about the slime in this city. As far as I'm concerned, you pick up one piece of trash, and another falls in the gutters. It's never done, and I don't see the glory in running after a cause that is never going to be acheived." He stared at her, as she put the money into her wallet. "You're no better than the rest of them." he said angrily. She shrugged her shoulders and went out the door. She put her helmet on and got on her bike. She stared at her shaking hands and rubbed her palms together. She shook herself off and drove out of the dying city. As she drove, a white light flashed before her eyes and everything went black. Images of growing up in the ruins of the city she used to think of as home came flooding back. Smells of garbage on her clothing, Voices of children taunting her every step, the touch of cold rain on her body as she struggled to find shelter... Her body shut down as all the pain swept over her, and she lost control of her bike. She ran into the side of the wall and was thrown to the back of an alley where she woke from this nightmare. Blood seeped from her shoulders and legs as she lay beneath the garbage and puddles of sewage. Unable to move, she layed thinking of the anger deep in her. But something in her covered the black spot in her heart, making her go completely unconscious.[/I] OOC: Let me know if this is okay :)
While this more than likely seems really nerdish, or stupid, I have to say that my anime music is the one thing that gets me going no matter what. I think it's due to the fact that when I listen to a song, I'm thinking bak to a particular episode where it was exciting, and something compelling. I should add that it really depends on the ANIME that a specific song comes from. I don't think any song from Ah my Goddess! Could possibly get me pumping. :) So to be more specific, songs from Full Metal Panic, Cowboy Beebop, or Stand Alone Complex... even Trigun. Right now, music from SAC keeps me happy and gets me back into action on even the slowest of days. :)
Actually, I've already decided on using my own that I made for myself just recently... but thanks anyway!
Here is my avatar and banner :) All comments and criticism welcomed!
Can someone make me a banner with the Pixel size at 500x100 of Stand Alone Complex? Preferably with just Batou. I don't mind if it's one with Motoko either. :) Thanks