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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. ((There we go. Finally had a chance to talk to someone on AIM about the future of TFTI. This follows the same time as XYZ's post, before Reds. Someone just PM me if [b]ANY[/b] changes are needed to follow how things are going.)) Majotte shot off towards his destination, about to take his place back in reality. He recognized where he was going, it really took him back. "What!?" Majotte said before he could land. A portal opened up below him, and before he could stop himself, he was already in. He was standing amongst the doors that would open up to a long hall before reaching another door, where the round table of the gods were. But, infront of the door, was Sahruk. "I couldn't exactly make my way back to your land. So I had to bring you to me." Sahruk said as he walked up to Majotte, "You should thank every god besides yourself that you are a god. Zennousha wasn't exactly the beginning...But he's not the end either." "What!?...What do you mean!?" Majotte shouted, nearly fed up with these adventures. "Your friends. Particularly Seidaku...They have fallen under the hands of Demona. While they can hold their own now, you are definately a necessity and should take into consideration your place on the counsil." Sahruk said, determined Majotte would make the right choice. "This Demona..Who is she?" Majotte asked. "I can't say too much about her. I myself have never exactly chosen to venture within her lair, nor have I known anyone who's even mentioned the vile demon's name unless they were to come in bad news." Sahruk said, briefing Majotte. Majotte looked up, and looked down, walked around for a few minutes thinking deeply. "Man, I really wish I had the power of wisdom right now. It would help making my decision a little bit easier. Despite the fact that I've already made my decision, I probably could've been a little more assured that it would be a good choice." Majotte said looking up with his old smile, "But yes. I'll do it." "I knew you would." Sahruk said, "Now. Go. There is no reason for you to waste time!" ((Later))
  2. Sahruk acknowledged Seidaku's idea and knew it was his time to leave. He said his farewells and went back to the heavens, for good. "I don't know if I can prepare myself for this Seidaku." Majotte said, still trying to mediate his power, "I don't even think I can harness this power...But I'll try." Majotte charged up without making any physical change, but at the same timer, totally outpowering what he'd be at if he was in his last Mutant Stage fully charged. He did what he could to prepare himself for what could be a big risk for what they had just finished. "Alright, let's do this."
  3. Thoughts and ideas rampaged through Majotte's head on how he could possible become some sort of aid to Seidaku, but at the time, the bottomline was, he was simply too exhausted. He couldn't even pierce the power that was protecting Shar and Seidaku from leaving their arena, and this is [i]if[/i] brute force would be an option. Majotte turned his face to his father, who was shocked at Shar and Seidaku's sudden, change. "If you have some good news or something powerful to give us, you better make it quick!" Majotte said in a very ordering tone to his father, "We're going to need an absolute miracle to get out of this alive." "Yes, that is what I'm hear to bring." Seidaku said as he opened his palm with his arms extended, "...A miracle. Come. All you have to do, is stare into the light." Seidaku held something in his hand that was completely invisble to the naked eye, but it produced a vision shattering light, powerful enough that everything past his wrist was completely impossible to see. "If you choose to take it, Majotte, you will take your place in recreating the counsil. The one that Zennousha so..easily, destroyed. You will inherit(sp?) the powers of Pride, Strength, and Force. Giving you the power to pump a mortal's adrenaline with pride, or to give one unbelievable strength. Also, follows the power of Force, giving you the ability to slightly alter existance as you have done today with the death of Zennousha. Look into the light if you choose to accept your new place on the counsil. As a God." Majotte divulged his vision into the light, eager to empower himself, without any hesitation. His body froze, and the power sunk into him. As this happened, Seidaku turned his face to Zain. "If you wish to Zain, do as Majotte, and take your spot among the counsil. Attend your role, and gain the powers of Skill, Ancestry, and Force. Your abilities as a fighter is extremely tremendous, and this wouldn't be if it wasn't for your ever continuing skill. Also, gain the power of your ancestors. Let your power increase by tenfolds, gain the power of the Woodlings. Gain the power of the Angelic Demons. Gain the power of the Saiyan. And as with Majotte, gain the power of Force. For ever the time come where existance as we know it might come to the brink of extinction, do your job, as a God." Alast, Seidaku turned his head towards Suzu. "Ah yes. Who can forgot young Suzu, you had your own part in this battle for existance too, and therefore, you get what you've earned. The power of Level, Wisdom, and Force. You weren't exactly the strongest soldier on the field, but I watched. You always seemed to..through death and suffering..keep up with everyone else. You were even so powerful enough to fuse with Zain and bring your strength up considerably, yet little did you know, you two both had the blood of your father Noah flowing inside you. You've leveled extremely, and you must continue to increase your power, and gain strength that you would think you'd never even feel, with every battle you have. You've also gained the power of Wisdom, if you choose to accept, you will come to know everything their is to know about existance, and for all eternity will you have this knowledge about all eternity. And of course, if you've been listening, you should know exactly what your power of Force is all about, and you should come to use it wisely, God." Majotte only began to move as the power still continued to move through his body, as he was able to manage something out of his mouth, "Do it." he said.
  4. "Heh. I'm sure Seidaku's not trying to get you all hyped up, because I know we probably couldn't handle it too easily. But when you think of it, [i]you[/i] probably would be better off going in hell. After all, you'd have fun battling the Prince of Darkness, wouldn't you?" Majotte said picking up his sword that was pressed in the ground. He rested the blade on his right shoulder, with it pointed back behind him and walked over to Noah-Inei. "I'm really really messed up right now, and so are you. That makes us eve--Wait, are you considerably stronger as a fusion?" Majotte thought about this for a second. "No. Nevermind, I think I can still take you." Majotte said smiling, "That's if..you still got it in you.." But, before Majotte could continue to enlighten Noah-Inei with anymore taunts, he stopped to focus his attention on a light that was coming out of the sky. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was his father. He landed beside Majotte with a smile on his face, and looked at everyone. "Majotte. Seidaku. Noah-Inei. Even you Shar." Sahruk said, it a calm manner. "Zennousha has finally been taken care of. The time warping will come to an end for you have actually defeated him." "Yea, we have other things to take care of." Majotte said hastily, looking at Noah-Inei. "Ah. Not so fast. And I'm afraid I have something that..[i]might[/i] come as a disappointment to you Majotte, depending on how you take it. I've come bearing a gift, for each of you. Despite the fact that I've come from the heavens, our lord has even brought a gift for you Shar, one that you can enjoy while in Hell if you wish." Majotte turned his head to Sahruk, "Alright. Spill it."
  5. Majotte had little to say about the death of Zennousha. As the ashes and smoke blew away from where the ground where Zennousha had died, Majotte couldn't help but saying, "I'm getting old. This is really going to hurt in the morning" He downgraded down to his normal state, and stretched one of his arms. He walked over by Noah-Inei. "Well..Suzu...Zain..? Whoever I'm particularly talking to, I don't know what we're going to do about your frien--err, enemy or friend. Hell I don't know, what are we going to do about Shar? Is he an enemy too, because I am way too burnt out to raise my power to defend myself against a dog.." Majotte said as he turned back to Seidaku. "Well, hopefully I won't have to go with that again..No offense. But..Did, did you hear something from Zennousha? It sounded like he said something about a [i]demon[/i], I'm not sure, I didn't really hear him."
  6. "What in the world!?" The mutant said, in shock of the new fusion. Zennousha sneared as he seen Zain and Suzu fuse. He hissed as he turned his face to the fusion between Majotte and Seidaku. He knew he was in trouble, but there was little he could do about it. There was a long silence as the two warriors stood up, looking at Zennousha, when all he could do was turn his face back and forth, unable to watch both. He looked at the Mutant, turned his face to the Saiyan, and jerked back, but didn't see the Mutant. "Fu--" Zennousha grunted as he took a shot to the chest that would 'knock the wind out of him'. He stepped back a few feet, holding his chest, bending down. Zennousha then tried to sucker out a shot on the mutant, but the difference in speed was [i]noticeably un-noticeable[/i]. The mutant stood their, against the kneeled down God, holding him by his wrist. Whether he had to the strength to defeat Zennousha or not, he was at the perfect time to commense such a plan, but, when he made a move, something happened. Holding Zennousha's right wrist by his left hand, he attempted to slam Zennousha straight into another dimension, but before the fist could make it, Zennousha made direct eye contact that shattered the half of the man that belonged to Majotte. His fist haulted and Zennousha used this as a perfect time to head butt him. Although, with quick enough reflexes, he snapped out of his fear, and jumped back, avoiding Zennousha. "Damn. I swear to god I seen Majotte's father in Zennousha's eyes.." "What do you have to do with Majotte!? Who are you really!?" Zennousha said, trying not to ignore the newly fused warrior. Shaking the shock out of him, the man looked back into the eyes of Zennousha, and responded, "My name? I am..."
  7. Zennousha's attention was pulled over to the figure. He opened his mouth to the new comer.. "Fear me not, I need not know your name, but I can make it painless if you do not decide to leave." Zennousha said, ignoring Zain. "There isn't a drop of blood in me that fears you, the only thing my mind can tell me is that I'm the one who should be feared." The man spoke, with high confidence. "Enou-" "Catch!" The man shouted as he launched a ball of glowing energy towards Zennousha. Zennousha reacted by reflecting the ball, only to leave his chest open from an attack from under his arms, sending him towards the clouds. Embarressed, Zennousha's hands quickly began glowing as he charged right back at the man, who yet, remained nameless. He punched the man's face, but he merely budged, not his body, but just his face. "What's going on!? Why is your power still rising!?" Zennousha asked, with a slight showing of fear in his voice. In that moment, the man's face began to lose color, and turn into a grey blue, same followed with the rest of his skin, and as this happened, his body mass began to change. Slowly, a tail emerged from the pants. It was thick, and pointed. It wasn't spiked, but smooth. The hands and feet grew noticeably, as their nails became talons. His legs and body also grew considerably, but not quite enough to outgrow his clothing. Enough to make him nearly a foot higher. His hair then took the color of his skin. "Introduce yourself to the power of a mutant God."
  8. ((I haven't been able to grab some computer time since I've been getting some punishments for some incident with the cops, and I barely get time to jump on Aim. I'll try to get a post in tomorrow, but it's 4:17am right now for me, and according to my sleeping habits, I won't have enough time to squeeze in a post since I'll be out of the house by 1pm till 'bout 6, where I'll probably go to EG's place to spend the night playing Champions: Return to Arms)) ((p.s. w00tles?))
  9. "Alright. Let's do this, let's not screw up the process either. I'm only going to try this once, and if we screw up. Well, fuck it then. I just want to make sure, one last time, that you're ready to do this." Majotte paused, and looked at Zain after he heard what he said to them. "Are you ready for the Fusion?"
  10. ((Yea, you have been PM'd almost a week ago))
  11. ((Dude o_o I've been waiting to talk to you on Aim, where've you been))
  12. Majotte had just barely realized what had happened to James, and what he did about Zennousha's duplicating technique until after Zain shot off to the beast. He looked on at Zain's speed and skill with his blade. "Sad thing is..He may be one, but he's still the same person who shot those beams of energy that each of us were barely able to hold back." Majotte said turning his face to Seidaku, "I have an idea." "Now, you've probably come to know me to the point that once I tell you this, you'll know that I'm only going to consider this once, so listen closely.." Majotte went on to explain the idea to Seidaku.
  13. ((Eh.. Mak = XYZ TheDude = Outlaw o0makurayami0o: hey, your back TheDudetrincoll: yeah, my comps been in the shop o0makurayami0o: i know what that feels like o0makurayami0o: so its all fixed now? TheDudetrincoll: nope, just on a friend's o0makurayami0o: oh o0makurayami0o: well, we'll wait for you TheDudetrincoll: na, ive been too long gone and lost my writing edge TheDudetrincoll: you guys can take over my char, or just kill him off TheDudetrincoll: he's been killed once already o0makurayami0o: are you sure? you were one of the best writers we had TheDudetrincoll: yeah, maybe ill come back later, but i have no free time and no will to write right now o0makurayami0o: ok, if you saw so Eh..))
  14. ((May as well wait if you ask me, even if he gets it fixed, he probably has to worry about stuff like Christmas and New Years like me --reason I'm not on AIM often, mainly gifts--..By the way, Merry Christmas))
  15. Majotte immitated the others, and brought power to his arms, enough to hold back the blast. "James! You have to do the same, or we could all be toast!" He shouted as he tried to hold back one of the Zennousha's blast. Majotte looked on at Seidaku and Zain, both doing their fare share. It all seemed like slow motion, slowly, as the energy blast came towards James. "This is total bullshit. Things shouldn't even be happening like this."
  16. Majotte got up, on his knees, and to his surprise, he was missing an arm. "Holy shit." he said calmly. [i]Oh yea, before I leave. I'll leave things the way they should be. It is my fault anyway..[/i] Instantly, Majotte's arm grew back, the way it should be. He felt the new blood flowing throughout his body, he can tell a major chang had just happened as the blood made it's way from his arm to his legs, to his heart. "Oh yea. This [i]is[/i] the way it should be." Majotte said with a smirk on his face, "Let's see how far I need to go to use this." Majotte then charged towards Zennousha, and took his left, as told. Charged up, and taunted Zennousha to make a move.
  17. [i]Impossible.[/i] "Actually, it's quite possible." Sahruk responded, getting up. [i]Nevermind, get up and continue the fight.[/i] Sahruk took notice to the injured Saiyan and approached him, "Your arm is badly damaged...Well, the area where you arm should be is badly damaged. Now, hold still, this will hurt, but I'm sure you'll find it to be worth it." Sahruk said as he slowly embued Suzu with the proper strength to regenerate a new arm. Sahruk then charged up, for the first time, putting real power to his body. He leaped towards Zennousha. "My Turn." Sahruk said as he went between Seidaku and Zain, making direct eye-contact with Zain for a split second as he flew by. He uppercutted Zennousha into the air, and then elbowed him in the gut while he was a foot off a cloud, sending him back about 50 yards. He then charged up energy into his left palm. "Only one thing for me to try." With that energy, glowing light blue in his palm, he grasped the Heavenly Orb that was attached to his necklace. There were warriors of gods, and Heaven, even Hell. But, only few were selected in all eternity to own a weapon of the gods. No more than a 100 warriors in all Eternity have ever had a Godly Weapon handed down to them. Sahruk held the orb in his left hand, the orb began to glow. It's hidden powers were beginning to become activated. After a few seconds, it began to crack. And through that crack, a white liquid began to pour out. Sahruk sipped that liquid and felt it go down his throat and into his body. The cool sensation it gave through-out his body. The liquid activated something in his body. Something no warrior, angel, or civilian of Heaven should ever feel. The most important weapon a fighter needs to fuel his or her fight. Anger. The last resort. He was overwhelmed with greed, and drank the rest of the liquid. His armor, was then tainted with a dark dark grey, almost black, but enough to notice it was still gray. "The gods told me that one day, when I knew to use this. It would be limited. It won't last long. I need to use it wisely." Sahruk said, trying to contain himself. [i]Well, wise or not. It's too late to stop now.[/i] Sahruk then gave in to the anger, "Agh! This power is literally awesome! I haven't felt like this since before I died!" he shouted. By this time, Zennousha had made his way back to Sahruk. "So, there's a little bit more of a kick to this meal is there, now?" Zennousha said grappling Sahruk. "You better fucking believe it." Sahruk said as he was actually able to hold back Zennousha. He pushed Zennousha back a bit, and then shot an onslaught of energy attacks that were only meant to keep pushing back Zennousha. Finally, when Zennousha was far enough, he charged up an energy beam. He then fired his energy beam, and it ripped through Zennousha's skin and flesh. [i]Oh My God![/i] "Heh." Sahruk said with happiness in his voice. Although, he was quickly disappointed when Zennousha regenerated himself. "Damnit! Why can't we defeat him, or atleast hurt him!" Sahruk shouted. "Fool, I have the power of 5 gods within my body. I may be mortal, but do the math, 5 Gods." Zennousha said, taunting everyone. Sahruk then powered down, and stopped. "There's no point in continuing to fight him. I haven't given it my all, even with the power of the Heaven Orb. I'm going to leave it to you Majotte." Before Sahruk let go of his posession over Majotte's body, he looked at the others, Zain, Seidaku, James, even the still damaged Suzu. He through his hand up, and opened his palm, thus pouring a small trickle of the liquid he drank. "Let it fuel your need to survive" Sahruk said before his body hit the clouds. Not long later, it got back up, except, with the mind of Majotte. Looking the exact same way he did before his father took control. "Feels good to get back to control around here."
  18. Sahruk looked on as Seidaku, the son of the god, a god himself, couldn't stand up to Zennousha. "We're not making any progre--" Sahruk's statement was stopped when Zennousha turned the tables and went on the offensive. He landed a direct body check against Sahruk's armor, burning his own skin in the process, but his skin merely regenerated the burnt skin. Sahruk flew backwards, and he recovered by backflipping off his hands, and rebounding back to Zennousha like Majotte did earlier against Gekido, except, not secretly sipping an android into the ground. "Try this on for size!" Sahruk said as he flew passed Zennousha, ramming his legs, causing him to fall forward. He began the move he once taught Majotte how to do, in his own way. As Zennousha tilted forward, his neck was slammed by Sahruk's elbow, forcing him to slam into the ground, but was interrupted as Sahruk managed to get under Zennousha's body before he reached the ground. Sahruk immediately launched Zennousha back upwards into the air, through the roof of the temple, creating a huge whole. "Celestial Dance!" Sahruk shouted as soon as Zennousha went through the roof. He charged up and beat Zennousha at getting to the clouds. He was about to grab Zennousha by the neck and twirl his body around his own, and then launch him back downwards, but, by the time Sahruk was going to grab the demon, Zennousha took control of the attack and speared Sahruk farther up. "Aghh! DAMNIT!" Sahruk shouted as they flew upwards. Zennousha then reversed the move, by hurling Sahruk so fast down back into the temple he couldn't even regain control and landed right down back into the temple, flat on his back. "We're failing.." Sahruk said with a discouraged tone. [i]We're not all here. If everyone else tried, we could probably stand a better chance.[/i] "Yes, a better chance. That will not guarentee both of the following things, 1. They won't even consider working with us, and 2. We still won't have a chance. None of the others had the power of gods, this...This demon! He consumed all the Gods on the counsel!" Sahruk said still on the ground. Then, Zennousha returned, elbowing Sahruk right in the center of his chest. Zennousha got up and grabbed Sahruk by his shoulder pads, and put Sahruk on his feet. Sahruk stood there, dazed, the wind knocked out of him. Zennousha stepped back and prepared an 'underhand' punch towards Sahruk. [i]The fuck!? Snap out of it![/i] Sahruk quickly grabbed Zennousha's fist, and stopped it immediately. "Fool.." Sahruk and Zennousha said equally, although, Zennousha proved to be the only one to deserve saying it by putting more power into that punch. Overpowering Sahruk, Sahruk's body flew back towards Seidaku.
  19. "Agh! NO!" Sahruk shouted, along with Seidaku, he knew what this meant. Without wasting anytime, they all knew what had to be done, and so it began. Sahruk began the fight without any words. He ran towards the prepared Zennousha, he grabbed his blades and pumped them right into Zennousha's chest, burning as they slid in. "What!?" Sahruk said with surprise. Before he could realise that his swords gave no pain, he was booted in his gut, sending him through where the temple doors used to be , although he quickly charged back just as quick as he was sent back. Sahruk watched as Zennousha slowly pulled out Sahruk's swords. Zennousha held them by the handle, burning his skin every second, but Zennousha smiled almost as if he felt nothing. He threw the swords to the ground, showing that they would do nothing, and wielding them would be pointless. Sahruk charged up his energy and gaven Zennousha something that was worth fighting. Zennousha merely pushed off every punch and kick, almost as if he could predict the next 30 punches and kicks in 3 seconds. Not stopping, Sahruk shouted out to his comrades, "I could use a little help here!" Zennousha merely cackled as the barrage of attacks failed to make any harmful connection.
  20. [i]Holy Shit[/i] "Well I guess we have no time to waste!" Sahruk said as he charged through the portal to see Zennousha unlocking his fury on James. [i]Hurry up![/i] Sahruk bursted towards Zennousha and unleashed his first real attack on Zennousha knocking him away from James. "Not so brave now are you!" Sahruk said in a rage that's rarely seen in heavenly beings. "Who needs bravery? Who needs immortality!? All I need is power, and with that, I can be rid of the only thing that stands in my way!" [i]What's he talking about!?[/i] "Do you honestly believe that you can still take us on, after all of this!? Especially after you've lost your immortality? Now would be the time for you to start realizing that your death is an indeed possibility, you mere mortal." Sahruk said trying to get under the demon's skin. "Foolish man! I am the strongest of those other gods! They know it...Try to stop me." Zennousha said as he trampled through the clouds to get to the temple that was within sight. [i]Shit![/i]
  21. Sahruk made his way back to the scene within seconds, making it quick enough to hear the Patriot's metal hit the ground. He turned in the direction of the noise, and seen James connect to the ground. Trying not to unveil any emotion, he turned his face, still calm, towards Zennousha. Not looking back at Sahruk, he had his attention. "Demon. I do not underestimate you, for you have killed an allie who did not deserve the pain you gave him." Sahruk said in a moderately leveled voice, "Do not underestimate me. While I may not be as strong as you. I am dead. You can't kill what is dead. I am immortal... I will fight you as long as it is needed, but I will not quit. This body of my son is a posession. I shall fight as who I am, not as Majotte. I won't risk the life of his body." At that time, without even flinching or twitching, the robotic arm that belonged to Majotte, slid right off the butter. The flesh melted away, thus revealing a whole where his arm used to be. Through that whole, every little bit of metal and artifical [i]life[/i] sipped out. [i]What are you doing!? 'You' may be able to put a load of power into this fight, but once you leave my body, I'll be nothing but a weak little shit![/i] Majotte groaned inside Sahruk's head. "You're pretty selfish aren't you?" Sahruk said as he stood their missing an arm. [i]What's that coming from? James death? I know he's fine. I can read your thoughts just as well as you used to be able to read my thoughts. If you know that somewhere out there, he's fine, then I'm going to believe you.[/i] "Heh, touché." Sahruk said as he continued the transformation. Sahruk closed his eyes, and his hair was pulled in, making it a bit shorter, just barely making it a little lower than his ears. An arm grew out of the whole, completing the body. Long shoulder pads were equipped to Sahruk that had gold and white tribal designs all over them, he equipped long tipped boots that matched his other equipment, which consisted of gauntlets, a belt, and a helm that only covered the forehead, back of the head, and the jaw. Leaving the face exposed. All of the body's key parts were covered except for the chest, legs, and arms. The should pads connected to each other through a necklace that went around Sahruk's neck, which held a pearl like orb. A large orb that was about the size of a fist. The Orb of Heaven, which didn't resemble much, it's a unique item that's given to those that represent warriors of Heaven, a symbol of peace. "I am now, ready, for battle." Sahruk said as he faced Zennousha, horribly damaged, but powerful nontheless. Then again, as was Sahruk. He tightened his grip on his blades, and just as soon as he was about to charge at Zennousha, he remembered Gekido.
  22. "Now!" Majotte said as he launched himself into the air, barely getting 'nicked' by the crimson electricity which sparked through his metal. His body went just between his two blades, which he caught while going upwards. Majotte landed in dust caused from the energy beam by Gekido. He held his blades in a very distinguished manner, giving off a look of confidence, showing that he's ready to continue. After a few seconds, he smiled, turned around, and flew off towards Zennousha's direction, shouting, "I think your shoes are tied." --Flashback-- ..."Say what you wi--" Majotte was cut off from the rampaging Gekido who body-checked the blades so hard, that the impact shattered Majotte's stance sending him flying through the air. While in the air, without regaining his posture, he let his armor cover his body completely, putting him into 100% power. Flying face up, horizontally, backwards through the air, he threw his blades into the air, landed on his hands [b]--which, as quick as he could, in the split second he had, injected the proper metallic liquid needed to form an Android version of Majotte into the ground. "Hopefully, I'll be able to stall him long enough for that copy to grow, I only need a minute or two." Majotte thought.--[/b] and backflipped onto his feet. Not wasting anytime, the instant he landed on his feet, he quickly rebounded himself back into the direction of Geikido, catching the blades as they fell towards the ground. [i]You think I didn't notice that?[/i]... --Flashback-- There, gripping Gekido's feet with incredible strength, were two metallic hands, belonging to an Android Majotte, who was willing to be blown up, as long as he could hold down Gekido. [i]We don't have any time for chances[/i] "What do you mean!?" Majotte shouted as he zeroed (sp?) in on Zennousha, already feeling the massive power he's been collecting. [i]This is a god, other than his own son, when it comes to someone else, I can put up a good fight. You can't.[/i] "Damnit! I don't see what you're trying to say!" Majotte shouted, slowing down, seeing as how he knew he'd need time to talk to [i]him[/i]. [i]We don't have time for you to take a chance and see if you can take on Zennousha, let alone stop him from charging up![/i] "No! I'm telling you I can--" Majotte was cut off by a sharp pain in his neck, which started from his feet, and went all the way to the the tip of his head. Almost like something was happening. His armor lowered, and so did he, as he neared the ground. The last things he heard were inside his head, the sound of his father, [i]I'm taking control...[/i] A few seconds passed from a glow of light that had almost everyone's attention. An almost completely re-animated Majotte, with some minor changes. "I stand, not Majotte. But notice the similarities." The warrior said, as he stood up, still holding Majotte's blades, "I am his father, Sahruk. A warrior from the Heavens, a fighter of God." Sahruk then looked down at the poorly made Katana's and new they would simply not do. He tightened his grip on them, and they began to burn, slowly, but surely, into ashes. The ashes fell to the ground. Slowly, they reshaped. Into huge, long broad katanas. They were covered in gold holy sculptures of dragons and knights. The handle of the blades were sculpted to look like a Knight in golden armor, as he held the actual part of the sword. The sword was wrapped around with a golden sculpture of a serprent, which at the tip, the blade came out of the mouth of the creature. Two swords of this standard were rarely seen, as they are gifts from God himself. "This battle does not end yet..Or here." Sahruk said as he charged toward Zennousha, surprised by his power, but not impressed, nor, unimpressed. "Hault, demon!" Sahruk said as he held both of his swords up in a cross. Reflecting light from clouds, and onto Zennousha's face. Burning it, so much you can see steam rising off of his skin. The areas around the spot evening boiling. Bubbles of puss came off Zennousha's face, "Hault!" ((OOC: I'll try to provide a pic of the swords, and Mak, next time I see you on AIM, I'll do a description of Sahruk if you need it for the site.))
  23. Majotte crossed his blades over each other, making an X-Shaped shield, that he intended to guard himself from Gekido. [i]There is no way that's going to work..[/i] "Say what you wi--" Majotte was cut off from the rampaging Gekido who body-checked the blades so hard, that the impact shattered Majotte's stance sending him flying through the air. While in the air, without regaining his posture, he let his armor cover his body completely, putting him into 100% power. Flying face up, horizontally, backwards through the air, he threw his blades into the air, landed on his hands and backflipped onto his feet. Not wasting anytime, the instant he landed on his feet, he quickly rebounded himself back into the direction of Geikido, catching the blades as they fell towards the ground. [i]You think I didn't notice that?[/i] "I don't care if you did, I just hope he didn't." Majotte said as he neared Gekido. When Majotte was within range, he stabbed both his blades through Gekido's feet, pinning him to the ground. He then grappled Gekido by his shoulders, and pushed forward, as Gekido pushed forward in his direction. Engaging into a seemingly completely even grapple, staring each other down face to face, eye to eye. "I can't believe you let such power take over your body Zain." Majotte said as he struggled to hold Gekido, even with his blades pinning his feet, it was very hard to keep him maintained, trying to spark a conversation, "I mean, I always thought you were strong enough to do things on your own. But if that's how you want to do things, I think It'd be only fair if I did it too...Wouldn't you agree?"
  24. Majotte smirked at Gekido, "I see you're still in there Zain...Not the same person, but you are Zain." Majotte said as his shimmering metallic wings slipped out of his back, 'popping' themself into place on the his shoulder muscles. Majotte stretched out his arms upwards, vertically parallel with his body, warming up. [i]Let's try to keep this one-problem-at-a-time, alright?[/i] "Who said there was a problem?" Majotte boasted as he made sure the only armor on his body was his massive wings and his arm, which was a given. Only then in the corner of his sight, he just barely seen the aura that was coming off of Kairiki's golden armor, but he knew what it was. He shouted at Suzu, "Kairiki may not be as wise as his..[i]late[/i] brother, but he's also not stupid. I found out the hard way, brute force alone won't kill that savage." [i]Oh so there's a heart in you. While I have a chance to talk, I may as well notify you of Zennousha charging up some kind of energy that has a somewhat elemental feel to it, and I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm feeling some drainage in the Universe.[/i] "Well. Let's get this shit down." Majotte said as he pulled out two blades, one for each hand. He charged towards Gekido in an all too familiar feel. Although, not powered up in any way, he jumped his power up to SSJ2, while his armor power jumped up to 50%. As this happened, Majotte teleported at the exact moment he 'flashed' into SSJ2 almost as if he disappeared. About 100 yards upwards, Majotte flew downwards in a straight line, with both swords pointed down side by side, seperated by about 5 inches of air between them, both being thrusted in the direction of Gekido.
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