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Everything posted by Sandman
Majotte looked upon the onslaught of chaos that was reaping the planet. Not to far from the direction he was looking, he noticed the two most vile demons he had yet to truly cross paths. Before he could do anything, he also noticed the enormous crash landing from James. Not long after the landing, Majotte close to James, deep into the ground. "That's what happens when you help people that shouldn't be helped" Majotte said knowing that James' 'companion' arriving was completely irrevelant. Majotte took a look around the area, to quickly note his surroundings one last time. [i]If you need me, just say the word.[/i]
"You know, I couldn't really care less if it was Zain in particular, but for godsakes! Please tell me that you weren't aware of Ranma...Fuck, were you even aware of that monster, Vec!?" Majotte said as his power began to moderate. He looked down towards the planet the left, still in sight, "Zain's not stupid. Whether he's somewhere deep inside that monster, if he needs to live, he'll do what he has to do. Something tells me that he tried to convince you with words of friendsh--" [i]Take it easy, currently, he's the only one around you who's willing to stay on your side.[/i] "Man, this is bullshit. If Zain gets back on my road, you'll be next on the list." Majotte said as he flew in Seidaku's direction in a level of speed that's just below the amount of speed he once used to transport through timelines.
[i]You do know what he did, right?[/i] "No, not really. I don't even care, as long as what needs to be done gets done." Majotte said as they continued to fly through space. [i]Oh, well you really should care. He provided a portal for Zain to get off the planet and to somewhere safe.[/i] Majotte immediately haulted on the spot. Completely speechless, he just turned around, looked at James, and said, "Did you..Did you just make a portal for Zain? The kind of portal that would...Allow him, to get off the planet safely? [i]Along[/i] with that monster that accompanies him!?" Majotte said as the tension in his voice began to rise along with his power.
Majotte seen Seidaku blast off into space, "Nice to know he cares." Majotte thought as he was still putting the pieces together. He then looked back down as Zain caught James' arm. [i]He's vital to the plan[/i] "Yea.." Majotte said as his armor went off his face. He rushed down to the ground as quick as he can, and grabbed Zain's massive hand, feeling the heat that was emitting from his energy. Majotte's thoughts about Zain rapidly went through his head, all the things that have happened, and all the things that had yet to happen. [i]Do it[/i] Majotte then pushed James back, and grabbed him before he can regain his stance, and he zoomed off into space pulling James with him. "James..If you're not ready to breath in space, be ready. We need to make some distance, [i]and[/i] catch up to Seidaku!"
Majotte got up from laying on the ground after he had the wind knocked out of him. "Agh. How long was I out?" [i]Long enough for that kid Suzu to regain his strength. Long enough for Vec to join the fight. Long enough for Seidaku to make the scene. Long enough for Jukenen, Kai--[/i] "Yea. Ok. I get it.." said Majotte as he brought his armor up to his neck, "What did you say about Seidaku?" [i]He's high in the atmosphere, watching the scene from afar.[/i] "Hmm. We need to talk, but I can't let the others know that I'm leaving, hell, I can't even let them know about Seidaku..I have an idea." Majotte said as he held out his hand. Less than a minute passed, and a copy of an armored Majotte stood beside him, "This should keep them fooled for awhile." Majotte then flew off into the distance so no one would notice him when he'd make haste to the sky, at the same time, he'd have the copy Majotte make his way to battle, but hiding in the shadows. Not hiding too well, he wants to make it seem so that Majotte would lure the others in by making it look like he's hiding on them. Majotte thought this through as he headed into the way up into the atmosphere. [i]You know, odds are good your plan will work.[/i] "What?" [i]I've been reading your thoughts[/i]. "Oh, real nice." Majotte replied sarcastically. Soon, he was about to lose his oxygen, so he covered his face with the metal that surrounded his body, which came with oxygen it stores while on ground incase, such an event were to happen. He neared Seidaku, and once close enough, he questioned him about what [i]exactly is happening, and who exactly is he[/i].
((OOC: I thought the demon problem was settled, wasn't it?))
[i]His soul is tainted with anger. You better watch yourself[/i] "I'll be fine." said Majotte as he entered a battle stance, the metal raised all over his body as he finished his sentence. Once Zain was close enough, Majotte prepared to launch a counter attack, but to his misfortune, he wasn't fast enough, yet, slow enough to be blown back a good 100 yards. [i]You know, in all logic, a Super Saiya-Jin 3, particularly one of his power, is most likely to really hurt you if you haven't ascended in any way other than your metal.[/i] "You know what?" Majotte said as he felt his left shoulder where he was punched, feeling the warmth from the blood rushing through out his body, he was pumped, "I can kind of tell that, seeing as how [i]I[/i] just took the punch." [i]Try not to do anything stupid, you still have to worry about Zennousha.[/i] "Yea?" Majotte said as he powered up into an SSJ3, unnoticable from under his robotic skin, "Tell that to him." Majotte then plunged forward as Zain did.
"I don't really come up with ideas...I just wing it and see what happens, It's always seemed to have worked out for me in the past, while your idea is good, I'll hold on to this tracker, and.." Majotte said looking up, "We'll see what happens.." As James left into the portal, Majotte, still looking into the sky, was completely fixated on the exact direction of his home planet, "Of all planets, this is one that destruction will not make it's way to.." [i]You have good intentions, but if what you say is to be true, then you must stop Zennousha, and his minions. If you ask me, I say you do what's best one more time.[/i] "Yea." Majotte said as he looked to the direction Zain went in, looked for few seconds, charged up, and blasted there in a few seconds just in time to see Suzu's hair go back to normal from being unconscience.
Majotte turned to James, with his attention caught. [i]You know, he's on to something. I don't quite know if he was free, but whether he was or not, trapping him is an indeed possibility.[/i] "I was planning on using the brute force plan, but I guess your plan could work. Although, I'll be damned if any one of us could summon up some sort of power to confine him, or atleast hold him back.." Majotte said losing confidence. [i]It can be done, only question is, will everyone be able to hold their part?[/i] "Well, as much as I support the idea, which is very little, they can't expect much from me." Majotte said as he turned away from everyone else about to walk away. [i]Not going to happen[/i]. Majotte's legs then went numb, and he fell to the ground unable to make that next step, "I'm starting to get sick of this...Tell me more about these past gods."
[i]I'm starting to notice some tension ((ooc: sp?))between everyone here..[/i] "I'm starting to thank god you're not my conscience, or else I'd be the slowest fucker here.." Majotte responded in his mind so no one would get the thought that he was just talking to himself. [i]I didn't tell you that I could kill you on the spot, did I?[/i] "If you did, I would've warned you that whether you can or not, you wouldn't have the guts to make the move, hiding in my body and all" [i]Nevermind that, you are aware that your 'enemies' could be planning, finding, and-or just getting stronger, right?[/i] "I don't have enemies. I've settled my enemies in the past, and as for now, I attack upon being attacked.." [i]Oh foolish me, what could I have been thinking? You and probably the closest people to you need to make a gameplan, now.[/i] "Heh..Yea..Ri--" Majotte then noticed he was bleeding off of the tips of his fingers, "Touché.." [i]Now.[/i] Majotte then turned to everyone, and made sure he was grabbing everyone's attention by raising his voice, "If we need to do any saving, of anything, for one last time, we better start making a plan to hit those fools before they get a chance to hit us."
[i]Well, I don't know what he needed to do, but the moon could have been stopped. As far as pushing it back, I'm not sure, but I could've definately stopped it. Atleast long enough for help..[/i] "Yea..It's too late now anyway.." said Majotte as he turned to Seidaku, but still talking to himself. [i]Also, keep a close eye on Zain. It's not like he's your best friend..[/i] "Way ahead of you.." Majotte thought, sending the message, "As for what happened to me... I'm not too sure. I [i]believe[/i] that I've been cryogenically frozen for the passed 4 years. I'm not too sure, my memory of Char is vague, and I think it's 4 years because the machine I was awakened from had a "4" on it.."
Majotte fell to his knees as the controlling of his body was interupted by the transportation. The pain slowly stopped, until Majotte was able to get back on his feet again. "Well that was completely useless. It almost happened too." Majotte said as he was securing the area. [i]Wrong. I'm glad it didn't happen, it was too early, and almost would've been completely unnecessary compared to what has yet to come.[/i] "How would you know?" Majotte asked, seemingly talking to himself. [i]...[/i] "Whatever...How exactly did we get here?" he said to the first person he noticed, James, but quickly glancing to Zain, "Or did it have something to do with you?"
Majotte charged towards the Moon at a continuously increasing speed. By the time he was close enough to the moon, he can feel a slight pull towards it as it mixed with Earth's gravitational pull. He was high enough in the sky to see the stars in daylight. He ascended into his SSJ3 stage and held out his hands as he attempted to get a mental grasp of the Moon with his energy. Finally, he was able to grasp the Moon with his energy, keeping his distance about half a mile. Although it was simply too strong, even for his SSJ3 powers. It was almost as if he had no effect on pushing away the Moon. "Gah! What space twisting power is this!?" Majotte asked as he was slowly being pushed back towards the Earth, "I doubt this will have any affect.." Majotte's body was then completely covered in metal, as he was 100% SSJ3. "I can't believe I already mastered the use of this arm." said Majotte as he was still being pushed away. Fire propelled out of the bottom tips of his wings, that gave him a boost, but still yet, no luck. [i]There is still hope, think Majotte, think![/i] Majotte took his advice and started to think, while this was hard enough to do so while most of his thoughts were concentrated on the Moon. Majotte responded, "Well, there is one thing I could do.." Meanwhile, back on the ground, the android Majotte gave a punch to Kairiki so hard that it bursted through his golden chestplate, and sent him back a few miles. With this time he had, he launched up in a few seconds beside the real Majotte, and immitated. Although, the two were only able to slow down the Moon, but were unable to push it back, nevermind stop it. With a mind of Majotte's, the android pondered, "What if we just destroyed it?" only to get a quick slap by the real Majotte. [i]I guess I'll have to do this...Reform...[/i] The two Majotte's reformed, and instantly, Majotte felt a seemingly never-ending throbbing all over his body.
"We can easily destroy planets..But our goal obviously, is not to destroy the moon for this planet..It's going to be hard to concentrate the right amount of power to shift the moon, especially since I don't want it to go too far into space." Majotte talked on. [i]I'm not quite sure if this can be done single handedly..Do you think Zain or James would be too busy with what they're doing?[/i] "I'm not quite sure.." said Majotte as he turned around to see the battle raging, "Worth checking." Majotte then shouted Zain's name, to see if he'd get a reaction. "This would probably be a lot easier if we were all here. No one knows if Tanna made it through, and we had some unfortunate problems with Ar--Rahk. As for Eru--Urth, I'm not quite sure where he made it." said Majotte still waiting for a response from Zain.
"Kairiki..." Majotte said under his breath. [i]Not a smart move.[/i] "It's going to have to be done sooner or later." said Majotte as he went into a battle stance. [i]Wait and see..[/i] Majotte then charged directly at Kairiki, spreading his wings and equipping his swords. He haulted about a foot away from Kairiki, and jumped over him, holding out his swords in a vertical fashion, he cut through Kairki's shoulders, immediately seperating him from his arms before he could do anything. As Majotte landed, he looked back to see the fallen body, do nothing but rot away in a mere couple of seconds. Although, just a few more later, Kairiki re-appeared infront of Majotte's very eyes. As if nothing even happened to him. "Imposs--" Majotte shouted before he was pounded right on his chest, causing him to gasp for air for a few seconds. Slowly, he made his way to the ground, on his knees, trying not to drop his two swords. The punch from Kairiki, reinforced by his golden gauntlets, sent a quake through his body that shattered some ribs, and tightened his lungs. While Majotte was gasping for air, he was kicked by the golden boots of Kairiki that sent him straight into the crater that was made earlier by Vec and Ranma. "I honestly expected more out of you, seeing as how you managed to kill me..twice" Kairiki said as he walked away from the crater. As Majotte was laying, breathless on the ground that was still cooling off, the metal from his arm began to spread inside his body. Majotte was able to feel the life coming back into him as he felt the metal putting the bones from his ribs back together, and reinforcing them. As well as a new air path into his lungs caused them to inhale and exhale at a regular pace. He got up, feeling as strong as he did 5 minutes before. Suddenly, Majotte felt a somewhat tingly feeling stretch across his robotic arm. Then, the palm of his metal arm opened up, and liquid metal poured out, simmering the ground it landed on. From that liquid metal, it hardened, and grew upwards. From a foot, to a leg, to another leg and foot. From there, it went upwards to create a robotic body, 100% equivalent to Majotte's power. As this happened, the armor on Majotte's arm began to spread through the inside, and outside of his body, resulting in two reinforced android Majottes. Through Majotte's scouter-like vision, numbers flashed across his eyes (ooc: bad dbz reference, but it was as if he was wearing a scouter..) going on and off: 100%. "Three times." The android Majotte charged straight towards Kairiki's backside and kneed it, sending him flying forwards, bent back slightly. Just as quickly, the real Majotte appeared about 5 feet in the air infront of Kairki's flying body, and kicked him just under the chin, sending Kairki upwards, spinning backwards. The android Majotte appeared in the air, putting his fists together, slammed his fists down on Kairiki's golden chest plate, cracking it. As Kairki's body plummetted downwards, the real Majotte grabbed him by the leg, and swung him around and into the distance he let him go. "Gah..I won't allow this to happen.." Kairiki shouted as he gathered energy in the palms of his gauntlets. He stopped in the air, and charged up two massive forms of energy in both his palms. The android Majotte appeared inches away from Kairiki, so close he could feel the power of the energy against his mettalic skin. He grabbed Kairiki by the neck, and started to squeeze really hard. "Never!" Kairiki shouted and shot right through the android Majotte's body, annihilating it, although, the shoulder, upper chest portion, and head were still in tact, allowing them to still grasp Kairiki's neck. Then, the body grew back. The android Majotte charged up into SSJ2, continued to hold Kairiki by the neck tightly. Meanwhile.. "Good, whatever portion of my body back there should keep Kairiki busy, thanks for the advice." [i]As long as he doesn't die, you shouldn't have to worry about him being recreated with restored life.[/i] "Now," Majotte said as his mettalic skin went back to just his arm, "What's your advice on the moon?"
As Majotte killed off numerous Shadow Warriors at a time, he couldn't help but to stop now and then to take a quick peek at the sky. "Zain..Correct me if I'm wrong..Do you notice anything different about the moon, despite the fact that it's daylight, and it's clear in sight?" Majotte pondered as he fired energy waves to the Shadow Warriors.
(OOC: Nah, too early to get into any [i]major[/i] fights that might cause death or something. I'm still on the first page, me and mak agreed that we should hold off anything like that for later.)
Majotte flew into the sky to start dropping these Shadow Warriors making the ones that actually make it to the ground weaker. His wings extended, and they shredded into the warriors that were making his way to the ground. "My swords won't be of much use here.." Said Majotte as he charged up. So repeatedly he just starting blasting energy waves upwards, each about 6 feet in diameter, killing the monsters. Killing off numerous monsters, some of the ground minions noticed, and jumped up and 2 grabbed Majotte by his legs. "Gah, Little bastards." said Majotte as he started kicking the air downwards in an attempt to knock them down. Then, from above, 2 more jumped down on his shoulders, trying to pull him down. Finally, a fifth one speared him in the chest plummeting them all to the ground. Majotte charged up into a Super Saiyan 2 and they all disintegrated as the aura overwhelmed them. Then, Majotte continued the process of killing the Shadow Warriors.
"Okay! Now wh--" Before Majotte could finish his sentence, they were instantly transported onto Woodling land. By then, Majotte was able to sense a whole population of people who's powers were familiar to the type Zain had. By now, the Shadow Warriors were within site, but the moon was not noticeable due to the sun. "Zain, I'm assuming that those dots in the sky aren't here to greet your people, are they?"
"Finally.." Majotte said, he stopped to take a deep breath..."Well..I don't really know what to s--Fuck!" Majotte then fell to his knees again as he was slowly getting used to. [i]Time is running out, tell him to grab your hand, his..robotic..friend will definately be of use too.[/i] Majotte responded to this inner voice, thinking to himself, "You should start making this a little bit more painless.." Majotte then took his thoughts off of himself and looked at James and Zain without hesitating. "Quick! Grab my hand, just trust me!"
Majotte was nearing Zain, he was within a couple miles until he seen everything around him turn a dark purple color, like it was tainted with evil. He haulted and viewed his surroundings. [i]Continue, It'll be safe. You must find Zain.[/i] Majotte charged in the direction he felt Zain's energy coming from. After about a minute, he seen him, "He's with the robot" Majotte said to himself. Majotte made his way within hearable distance, and shouted Zain's name repeatedly until he responded.
Majotte made his way to the temple. "This is the direction they were last walking in, they should be in here." said Majotte as he felt a recent power source. He walked into the temple, and to his surprise, nothing but another shrine, almost completely identical to the one he seen in another temple. "These places must be everywhere on this planet.." Majotte thought as he looked at his reflection in the pool. Then, he heard something behind him, almost like rocks grinding against each other. When he turned around, he seen a large golem, "Nice." Majotte spread out his wings, and grabbed one of his swords, he held it forward, upwards, right before the golem jumped towards him. The blade was so sharp, the golem fell in two halves just by jumping into it. "Gah...what the he---Ahhhh!" Majotte screamed in agony, and fell to his knees, [i]Concentrate your energy, concentrate it all on Enerjun..[/i]. Majotte rested on his knees for about a minute, got back up, and did as he was advised. From there, he was instantly transported to Enerjun, "Ah! I can feel his power. He's close!" Majotte said as he flew in Zain's direction.
Majotte walked around, and someone bursted out of one of the burning huts. Screaming with pain, covered in heat strong enough that the persons arm was melting on the spot. Majotte tried to stop the person and ask questions, but the person only ran through his body. "The hell?" Majotte said in confusion, and he turned around and shouted at the person. The person showed no response. Then, still facing the person running into the distance, more people, hundreds of people were running around him. He turned around, and only seen hudnreds of people fleeing a large warrior. This warrior's armor seemed so tribal, and completely beyond the tecnology of the people he was fighting. "It's a warrior of Zennousha." said a man behind Majotte. "What!?" said Majotte quickly turning around, and noticed a spirit-like figure that was partially see-through, and had no feet,"No..You're not." "Yes. It is I, young one, you're having a vision." said the man, "I have little to say, and I'm sure you can say the same thing. Straight to the point...Your time, Majotte, it's coming. While, I doubt it can be prevented, I wouldn't want to see you die without making many people proud up there, or hell, down there too." "What the hell are you tal--" Majotte was immediately cut off when the spirit flew straight into Majotte's body. From Majotte's chest, he felt someone of a cold rush flowing throughout his body. Then in the blink of an eye, the burning village was gone and he was standing in the temple. "I need to find Zain." Majotte, feeling the insanely large invigorating power flowing in him, thought to himself really hard of what just happened. Majotte then bursted out of the temple, on his way to find Zain.
As Majotte journied through a couple miles of the battlefield, he haulted, with the sense of power nearby. "Hmm..Already in battle. I thought Zain was the nice guy, I didn't think he'd fight someone willing to he--No--Wait..This power is coming from ahead.." Majotte flew forward a couple hundred yards, and just barely in his sight was a giant wall of rock, which had a cave that was almost in a completely straight line from where Majotte was standing, "Why the hell would that emit power?" said Majotte curiously before he began to fly towards the cave. As he neared the cave's entrance, he noticed that it was getting green inside, almost like a glow, but not quite 'light', but like green figures. Once he was at the entrance of the cave, to his surprise, it was a giant forest which was seperated from the large deserted tundra by a wall of rock.."Well now, there's a lot of trees, but I don't see no reason for such a large power." Majotte began to explore the seemingly endless area, until he noticed something in the distance. A building. It was covered with vines, it was covered in age, almost broken down, the bricks and wood that put it together were so weak, a child could have pushed them out of the wall. Majotte made his way in, finding a rock-solid shrine of what seemed like a warrior looking into a fountain. The fountain actually had water in it. Majotte looked into the water, and reached in. It was ice-cold, and tasted fresh. It sparkled like crystals as the water rippled from Majotte's hand. Thinking nothing of it, Majotte turned around after a refreshing taste of water, and made his way to the exit, until he heard a rumbling in the ground. He turned around, and out of the fountain came a roaring wave of water, growing in size, a giant wave overpowered Majotte covered his body, and drowned out his vision. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, he found himself in the middle of a burning village. ((OOC: Please, try not to intertwine your character's part of the story with this one for the time being.))
The man bounced off of Majotte's quickly reacting wings, and his hands shook while he studdered, "Yo-Yo-You were the m-m-m-mmmurder-er!" "Yea, your king was a 5 dollar kill..." said Majotte as he looked up and switched his sites down to the man, "For you, I could make it free.." Majotte then held out his right arm, and opened his metallic palm. Before Majotte could gather energy, a whole opened in the middle of the robotic hand and a pointed rod shot out that was followed by a thin cord that was attached to the inside of the arm. It pierced the man's right shoulder, "Gah!" the man yelped as some blood poured on his clothing. "Hmph..Well, that was unexpected.." Majotte muttered as he looked at his arm, "Alright. You could tell your [i]Lord[/i] that if he wants to keep his throne. He won't bother stepping in my way. He keeps out of my way, I'll keep out of his way. I have no business with that man I ki---child I killed, he's nothing but history, and so is my care for it." Majotte said as the rod was pulled back into his arm, leaving a clean 1 inch whole in diameter in the man's shoulder. "Do you what you gotta do Zain. If our destinies need to cross, then they shall. As for now, I'm off to find some reasons." said Majotte as walked up to one of the soldiers and grabbed a pistol.