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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. Kimi sighed, and then followed. She walked. Indeed it was others from this large group the toddler sent to handle things. The demon was a bit pessimistic about all of these things that were happening. Whoever it was behind this stupid ?situation? was playing with them. [I]'I know I should have just evaded the law enforcement and take advantage of the chaos.'[/I] she thought. Upon reaching the group the girl said, [COLOR=Olive]"You [I]do[/I] realize that running ahead and getting separated is how 'teammates' get killed and the enemy wins, correct? Or maybe the term 'Divide and Conquer' if you couldn't follow what I said."[/COLOR] That's when she noticed the storm she had walked into. [COLOR=Olive]"I'm late aren't I??[/COLOR]
  2. oOo...fun... [I]Loud cries challenge their enemies as they race, reddened song flowing through the rythmic beats[/I]
  3. [B]"I suppose that settles things then," [/B] Edgara mumbled to herself more than anyone else. An invasion of Orcs wasn't surprising in the least; she had been an active part of discussions dealing with the matter of threat. First Officer of the Elite Shadow Squad wasn't a position held lightly. [I]'I warned them all, stupid counsel, but no. They were too busy worrying about our dear cousins to look at the front stoop?'[/I] she thought. No doubt once at this Stronghold place, Edgar would have no choice but to speak with herself on a few matters?and of one matter in particular of Elvin importance.
  4. Ashleigh nodded. [COLOR=Teal]"Sure thing Boss."[/COLOR] She smirked a little seeing the semi surprised look on Gaara's face. From what, she couldn't tell. Sarin knew of course she wasn't mute, and none of the others had met her before now so it wasn't much of a shocker. Leon was suspicious though. [COLOR=Teal]"You aren't even armed,"[/COLOR] he said. [I]'That's what you think,'[/I] she thought. [I]'I am faster then I look as well.'[/I] [COLOR=Teal]"You wouldn't mind if we moved to another nearby location, right? Wouldn't want to get in the way or anything," [/COLOR] she remarked.
  5. [COLOR=Olive]"Yea yea, I think we can observe that much our selves," [/COLOR] Kimi replied with arms crossed. She had more to worry about than those two she was with...there was no sufficiant shadows anywhere on hand. [COLOR=Olive]"Did anybody else expect a welcoming comittee?" [/COLOR] the little demon asked as she saw two or three lumpy black blurrs traveling at a fair pace toward them. The heat waves distorted the shapes a bit.
  6. ::scratches head:: Hm...Being a Sophmore in High School now, I've been called alot of different things (goth, punk, Poser because I don' t shop at Hot Topic and such like everyone else in the world, etc). We really don't have defined stereotypes in my school though. Many times they either meld together or cross each others boundaries. I guess that I would be...more of the independant loner-type person who doesn't give a flying hoot about all the junk that goes on and only hangs out with a select few people that aren't completely fake and annoying. I really don't know, I just do my own thing.
  7. Kimi didn't take lightly to being woken up, usually she was a very light sleeper if she slept at all but...[I]why[/I] the hell was she sleeping? Oh well, no matter. [COLOR=Olive]"Alright, I'm up,"[/COLOR] She mumbled as Royce was soon to sit up also. She took a look around the desertish area. [I]'crap. Not my ideal zone of comfort'[/I] The girl squinted until her eyes gradually grew accustomed to the lighting.
  8. [B]"Shall we go say hello then?" [/B] Edgara asked as she started to walk toward the three future guys, the others along side. [B]"Hey Edgar," [/B] Neiro started hesitantly as if not sure if the question would be too rude. [B]"Where's the future you?" "Where I'm from, we try to refrain from coming in contact with our future or past selves if it can be helped. [I]If[/I]-"[/B] She cast a sideways glance at the present Loki during the emphasis on 'if'. [B]"-there is a future me, she would know that as well." [/B]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hmph. What does being a girl have to do with anything? Thanks though."[/COLOR] Chrys said. She looked at the ground before saying anything about what was bothering her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Don't worry about it?I-It's nothing, really. Just a bad day gone worse," [/COLOR] she lied through her teeth. Sarin probably knew it too. Knocking into Amer had either put some sense back into her, or chased it all right out. It was her problem, Chrys resolved to just deal on her own. Who knows? Maybe it was nothing after all.
  10. Two guards met Ashleigh, one leading some guy with a gun blade. [COLOR=Teal]"Hey Ashleigh, Boss wants to see you as well as the visitors."[/COLOR] She nodded, walking with the group only to see the five gem holders staring at Sarin. The girl stood off to the one side where she could watch them all at the same time. Part of the summoned group, yet apart from it at the same time.
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Ack!" [/COLOR] Thud. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"ughk." [/COLOR] Chrys rubbed an ankle as she glared at the offending rock that she stumbled backwards over. Eh, so it would be a pinkish color for a while. No big deal when you stop to think about it?but damn annoying. She stood up and dusted herself off a bit, than kicked the rock in a random direction. [I]'Crap,'[/I] she thought. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Emilio!! Watch-" [/COLOR] too late. The girl rushed over as the rock hit the meditating Kappa square in the side of the head. She was sitting on her knees next to him. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You ok? I'm [I]really[/I] sorry."[/COLOR] Emilio brushed her hand away with an irritated look on his face. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What the hell's your problem?"[/COLOR] Chrysanthema stood back on her feet, looking him dead in the eyes. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It was an accident, sheesh. I said I was sorry?"[/COLOR] [I]'I ment it?'[/I] she thought while turning her back on the Kappa and walking defiantly back into the city. Once out of sight, she started running. Being pissed for getting hit with a rock, fine. Chrys could handle that. But there was something else behind it?contempt? Did he hate her for something she didn't even know about? The girl half hoped to run into either Achilles or Gale. She knew she could always talk to them about almost anything.
  12. Ashleigh stared over the edge of the front gates, casually scanning the area before moving on. For once it looked like everything was in order around this place?it was a bit unnerving. There was actually nothing to do besides sit and wait for something interesting to happen. Stopping by the Kitchen, Ashleigh decided to pay a visit there and see how things were going with the next meal. She hadn't been there in a while. Entering, a few of the people looked up surprised. Taking a look at the soup cauldrons, the girl pulled a couple of small spice bags off of the one shelf. A pinch of this, a dash of that. Ashleigh put the spices back where she had found them while a cook hovered over her shoulder, wondering what she was doing. Out of earshot of the others in the kitchens, the girl pulled the cook slightly aside so none could see her lips move. [COLOR=Teal]"I have a few recipes to give to you later after I write them down,"[/COLOR] she whispered softly. The cook's eyes when wide with surprise, just short of stuttering. [COLOR=Teal]"Don't act surprised, and don't tell anyone, or I shall personally kill you. Understood?"[/COLOR] With a line of motion across her neck for show, she turned around as the cook gulped, but nodded. [COLOR=Teal]"Y-yes."[/COLOR] Ashleigh left again, as if she had never stopped by in the first place.
  13. [B]"Well then tell that to your future self, maybe he didn't get the memo." [/B] Edgar only glanced at the present Loki before staring back at the one approaching them. The direction he traveled from? [B]"I presume it is relatively safe to say my home is no longer in existence...." [/B] she mumbled. What was going on? One hand twitched slightly as she narrowed her eyes. There was still a chance that what they were seeing wasn't the entire story, maybe something else going on, but she was prepared for any outcome. The strange thing was, the distant figure didn't look suprised to see the group as far as she could tell.
  14. Edgar just walked a few paces away. Something still felt very off to her, but familiar at the same time. Moving to a higher location (by about a half a foot), she looked around as far as possible at the moment. She wasn't positive...no, it couldn't be. A dark look crossed her face for a while, the dark elf was concentrating so hard not wanting to believe what her senses were telling her. It wasn't long before her ear caught the sound of hurried whispering, the group wanting to know what was up with the demeanor. [B]"I might know where we are, or at least relatively close enough to it. But it isn't possible."[/B] [B]"What are you getting at?"[/B] the knight asked sounding a bit tired. [B]"This place, reminds me of the land at one of the borders of my kingdom?But this is a wasteland, and where I am thinking of?the inhabitants were prosperous."[/B]
  15. Chrysanthema flew off to a secluded spot outside the city boundary. If she knew Gale well enough, they would have something to do relatively soon and figured to take advantage of the quiet time to train. Placing her weapon in the ground standing straight up, the winged demon sat Indian style on the grassy clearing and closed her eyes to meditate on controlling energy flows for a while. She was getting better, but still not where she hoped to be. Then again, she was never the type to do her homework. The wind picked up a little bit, and Chrys felt like there might be a storm on its way. Hopefully not too close?She looked at the sky, noting the position changes. It grew darker than before. Oh well, the girl wouldn't let a little thing like the dark stop her from practicing. Picking up her scythe blade, she concentrated on an invisible opponent that only she could see. To anybody else it would look as if fighting with air, but Chrysanthema was so detached form what was going on in the outside world she didn't pay any attention. All she could see was what her mind saw, not the eye.
  16. [B]Name: [/B] Jeane T. McAnull [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/windowshopping.png][COLOR=Navy]Jeane[/COLOR][/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Sad, but very strong willed. She has a deep regret for something that happened in her past. Kind-Hearted Jeane looks for that little light in everyone that screams compassion no matter what the case, and is the first to offer a shoulder to cry on or quiet words of support. On a normal basis she prefers to lead a mainly solitary lifestyle, and even during work concentrates on business and tries to stay focused. Jeane never wants to be a burden but always feels like she is, and that if something goes wrong it's her fault. [B]Power:[/B] A kind of recognition of sorts. There's always at least one prominent memory of life that takes a formidable hold on a person's soul be it a horrible death, deep betrayal, a loved one, anything. If strong enough, Jeane can 'see' that memory. It usually is helpful in knowing how they got to be the way they are, or a reason for doing whatever it is. [B]Bio:[/B] Jeane grew up in a very stressful household near New York City. Her parents didn't quite get along extremely well with each other, but neither believed in divorce. The old crow of a grandmother claimed everything was fine until her stepdaughter gave birth. Everybody else in the family said otherwise. Her parents fought a lot, and Jeane would always walk out of the house and down three blocks to the park no matter the weather or how ill dressed. School was no better. For one reason or another, the rest of the students preferred to pick on her. It was a very small district with kids whose great grandparents had many of the same teachers. Most families dated generations back. Snot-nosed brats the lot of them. There was way too much drama for a healthy learning atmosphere. The random conversations did prove a bit entertaining though, and she did have her few friends to talk to. At age 18 she skipped out without notice to anyone after a night on the town with her best friend. It all had happened so quickly, but who knew that the little 'game' as it was referred to would indeed touch contact with the other side. It wasn't no Bloody Mary or Candyman, but scary nonetheless. While doors slammed, and books moved, the friends had trouble with the poltergeist they had come in contact with in that condemned apartment building. That was when Jeane discovered her ability, completely on accident of something that apparently was in her blood. She didn't mean to, but as she moved to open a door the rest of the way to leave the room, the invisible presence must have moved to close it at the same time or something. A 'vision' flashed through her head of a small child being picked on excessively by a bunch of older bullies. Cathy was worried seeing her friend's reaction, but Jeane just reassured her it was just the fright of the moment that night. She parted from Cathy leaving a cell number, then traveled around where she could work on miscellaneous jobs at various stores and companies as the opportunities arouse. They never spoke again, and Jeane feels somehow responsible for her best friends later death (in some weird, cosmic way). One day she ended up going to her Great Aunt Rachael's home and visited for a while. There, she learned that Aunt Rachael has a secret of her own, able to sense the presence of somebody on the other side, but nothing else. After about a month of staying at her Great Aunt's house and helping around the house and such (of course not without the family bonding), her Aunt introduced her to a group of people she had become acquainted to.
  17. Chrys laughed behind her hand as Emilio turned to snap at Sarin. She put the other hand lightly on his shoulder. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Don't bother. It serves you right for calling everyone dorks."[/COLOR] She turned around, debating on which direction to take. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"The reason I left the bar, was to get some fresh air and become use to the environmental surroundings here. I've never been this far from Mt. Hino and the other volcanoes."[/COLOR]
  18. Kimi frowned at Royce. [COLOR=Olive]"Very well, I believe I will sit this one out then. But the next opponent we may encounter will be mine."[/COLOR] She was a bit ticked, thinking that they didn't really think her of any use. Putting on a face of indifference, she stood back a respectful distance to watch in silence. On the plus side, it would give her an opportunity to study the people she was with. She slightly raised an eyebrow at the massive weapon that the demon opponent had pulled out of seemingly nowhere. A swift down stroke came in response to his outer defenses being cut, rousing up tons of dirt, dust, and ashes to distract the three of them. His attack was fast for something of that magnitude, but not enough to make any significance. [COLOR=Olive]"Oh my, what a nice weapon you have there. Carve it from a tree?"[/COLOR] Kimi taunted, causing the thing to growl in anger. It was to make sure it didn't loose itself in all the choking debris. If its position wasn't obviously clear from that, then it was hopeless for her to waste her time helping Spirit World.
  19. Chrysanthema turned with a rare but unmistakable scowl. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Don't call me 'babe'," [/COLOR] she warned, obviously a little ticked.[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"The name's Chrys. Keep it as such?so what brings you to the city?" [/COLOR] She was under the impression before that he wasn't particularly interested in coming. Emilio shrugged lightly.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Eh, I felt like it. What are doing out by yourself away from everyone else?" "I felt like leaving the bar. You can join the guys if they're still there."[/COLOR]
  20. Lea watched the boy hit his head one the table. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"I haven't heard of these places either. You are one strange lad," [/COLOR] she said. Something definitely felt off about him, but she wasn't sure? [COLOR=DarkOrange]"You said you did not find this amulet when you awoke?" "Yea?" [/COLOR] Jaxar replied, looking up from the tabletop. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Then there are two probable things that may have happened. One is that a regular thief took the chance as a perfect opportunity to relieve you of your trinket."[/COLOR] She held up a second finger. [COLOR=DarkOrange]" The second is that the said person brought it over to the local statesman trying to make a good impression. The former of course, is the better choice. That is, unless you just dropped it somewhere. Either way my bet is that it was picked up at some time or another."[/COLOR]
  21. Kimi walked over toward the group after the little conflict had resolved itself. [COLOR=Olive]"Kimi." [/COLOR] She pointed to herself briefly as way of introduction, grinning at successfully masking her spirit energy. [COLOR=Olive]"I've been sent here also by the tiny tot and ferry girl." [/COLOR] It would be nice to know the names of the people she was being forced to work with at least. Maybe later, she didn't care at the moment. They didn't have to look at her as though a feline had just talked though.
  22. About a block away from the train station, Kimi jumped down from a tree to continue the walk on foot. It wouldn't be long?but who where the 'others', and how many exactly were there? Oh well, she'd find out when she got there and took a look around. Not knowing what any of them were supposed to look like, she focused on energy signatures alone. [I]'Hm?'[/I] she thought. [I]'A few around here have that perky girl's energy trace lingering on them. And it seems I am not the only demon. Lets sit back a watch for a minute.'[/I] Kimi leaned casually against a railing, acting like she was any other little kid staring off down the street with a comfortable look on their face. She wanted a first impression of everyone before introducing herself.
  23. Chrysanthema sighed, not being able to hide behind a small smile any longer. As soon as the fighting had ceased, she left the table. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm going out for a while?later," [/COLOR] she called from the door. As much as hanging around there was fun and all, she needed a little quiet time. Glancing around, she left the quiet streets to fly around for a while. Maybe explore the city a little. She could feel the chill in the air, more sensitive to the temperature due to her customary environment. She perched herself at one of the outer walls, looking elsewhere over the area beyond the city.
  24. Kimi stood atop one of the taller buildings in the city, looking out at all the people moving about almost like tiny ants. After her latest escapade with the officials, she wasn't in too much of a hurry to find something fun. Besides. Her last talk with that pacifier-sucking brat had its repercussions. [I][COLOR=Olive]"I'll be sending some one to contact you in a few days about an important crisis on hand. I trust you will remain traceable and stay out of trouble until then, yes? Very good."[/COLOR] The toddler shuffled papers on his desk, putting on a look of all-importance as a blue ogre ran around as if not knowing what he was doing. [COLOR=Olive]"Well then I guess you may stay in the Human World provided you behave. You may go." "Just like that? Are you sure its wise to turn me loose among you precious humans?" [/COLOR] [/I] The childish looking girl could feel her smirk creeping again to her face, knowing that the toddler had no other choice if she was to degrade herself and help. A ferry girl in a pink kimono stopped in front of her, hovering on an oar over the building edge. A book was open to a marked page in her hand. [COLOR=Olive]"Hello Kimi. I'm Botan-" "The toddler sent you." "Yes, and it's disrespectful-" [/COLOR] she broke into a nervous laugh seeing Kimi's look of irritation at the complete waste of her time. Not something you want to see on the face of a ten year old kid. [COLOR=Olive]"Anyway, I'm here to brief you on the mission. Lord Koenma wants you to go with a group of others to investigate the suspected hideout of one Kahu?" [/COLOR] Kimi had heard enough. [COLOR=Olive]"I get my freedom when this is over, correct?" "Yes," [/COLOR] Botan replied. [COLOR=Olive]"Very well. I'll show up." [/COLOR] With that the demon walked away.
  25. Ashleigh yawned as if she wasn't paying the slightest attention to Gaara's match and clearly showed the boredom reflected in her face. [I]'Oh, was I supposed to be impressed or something?'[/I] she thought. Uncrossing her arms, the girl tugged on his arm and led him away before he could open his mouth to say anything in responce to the boss's words or anything. Might as well give the new third in command a short tour so he won't have a reason to get lost. She almost sniggered thinking about it. Pointing to each area of importance in turn, she completely ignored all questions and small talk. If he couldn't figure it out it was Gaara's own loss. [I]'How long will I be able to deal with this guy without saying anything?'[/I] she sighed. [I]'Maybe I'll get lucky?doubt it.'[/I] Stopping short, she turned to him with a motion to say, What now?
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