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Everything posted by Kuroshin13
These places are all interesting...I used to have a question, but it was of those random moment things and quickly erased itself from memory... :animeswea heh...oh well.
Ashleigh nodded. [I]'Very well?'[/I] What was with that guy? Clearly he had one of the gems; she wasn't stupid enough to let a thing like that go unnoticed. But in all respect to table turns?no, she would keep a close eye on Gaara. Especially if it was what she was starting to suspect. Stepping back, she crossed her arms to watch the proceedings very carefully. One eye fell on the others around briefly in turn, keeping tabs on any changes in situation. If anything was out of line, she was ready to react on command. Now there were three gem carriers in one place, not counting the Boss of course.
Chrys stood up calmly as if nothing was going on. Stepping over to where the guys were surrounding Amer and Sarin, she coughed to get the crowd's attention. Without changing the relaxed expression of her face the girl said, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If anybody else here would like to start something, I will personally see to it that you all will have your lives cut especially short and painfully when you won?t be protected by the rules of the bartender."[/COLOR] One particularly weasel looking guy up front felt she was bluffing. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Winged or not, she's just a girl-" [/COLOR] He was sent across the room and into an empty table by a swift punch, taking a few buddies with him. Many of them stepped back, but a there were still those that stayed stubborn. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"This [I]is[/I] very entertaining?I shouldn't probably interrupt any further though. Have fun. Let me know if you need me for anything." [/COLOR] she sat back down to enjoy a drink while she watched, almost feeling a bit sorry for the men. They were way out of their league.
Katrina was silent for a moment as she thought severely. It was a big decision after all. Looking at the area, she had one of those 'it's finally over moments'. Taking a deep breath, she knew that if otherwise she would regret the choice for the rest of her life. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I'd like to stay with you. If it's not too much trouble of course."[/COLOR] she said calmly, immediately more certain now that her words weren't just thoughts.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Alright then, if you insist. I'm going to head off with those so-called 'losers' to the city, and am taking Gale with me,"[/COLOR] she said in the general direction of Emilio. [I]'You can go too, I don't really care?'[/I] rang for a moment in her head. Like she needed the Kappa's permission?hmph. Only another reason why she [I]should[/I] go. Pulling Gale with her she took Sarin up on the offer, immediately spotting them all sitting around with food and drinks. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Room for two more?"[/COLOR] she asked jokingly.
Katrina nodded with a smile. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Of course. I wouldn't dream of running either." [/COLOR] She looked over at James saying, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Besides, in a way we're both that stubborn you'd never win the argument anyway."[/COLOR] ooc:I'm a bit writer blocked myself...
Ashleigh turned her head temporarily to glare at the guy who just walked up with the attitude like that. What part of she didn't speak did he not seem to understand? Or was he just a bit slow? She pondered possibly the later as she resumed the escort, knowing that he kept looking at the back of her head after seeing enough of the boring scenery. [COLOR=Teal]"So your name's Ashleigh?"[/COLOR] She nodded curtly. [COLOR=Teal]"Obviously you work here?by choice?" [/COLOR] [I]'what's with the small talk?'[/I] The girl tilted her head to the one side for a brief moment and then shrugged, it had never really occurred to her. Just something she was used to. They had arrived. Knocking, she didn't have Sarin waste his breath asking before she walked into the room, half dragging Gaara from behind, half gently pushing him forward a step. Immediately taking her eyes off the guest, she bowed for real this time. [I]'I still don't see why Boss bothers toying with them. It'll eventually end up his downfall?I will not be stupid enough to question it though?'[/I] she thought.
Edgar grinned at Niero, and then slightly bowed her head in respect. [B]?It would seem I underestimated you. It?s just that I?ve killed for so long, other ways of dealing with opponents are foreign to my perspective. I apologize,? [/B] she said before turning away and closing her eyes to concentrate. [I]?I would have still preferred to eliminate this particular threat by violence though,?[/I] she thought. [B]?I?m having trouble with my senses in this place?I cannot read anything from our immediate surroundings as to a probable route to take if we want to learn anything.?[/B]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"As much as that sounds appealing, I won't just abandon Gale and Achilles in that company," [/COLOR] she said with a stern look. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Unfortunately for me, I'm not an expert swimmer. If you want to go on ahead, then by all means do so."[/COLOR] At the risk of alerting the whole entire area of her position, she tried yelling to see if they could possibly hear her from inside. Most likely not, but it was worth a shot. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey you Guys! Can you hear me?!" [/COLOR] She called, knowing very well she looked like an idiot at the moment.
[QUOTE]I really dont know. My parents are christains, but I like to dress gothic, so I dont know. Im like half Satinic and half Christian.[/QUOTE] Dressing goth doesn't make you Satinic... Eh, I'm [I]suposed[/I] to be Roman Catholic, but I'm not high up on the religious scale. That's just me, more of a question mark than anything. I believe there's something out there, but for me to give a name to that would just be something I cannot do. Edit: Oh, before I forget. As far as I know, wicca isn't really a 'new age' religion, and has been around for a long time. Much of it coinsides with the age old witchcraft (which has 'evolved' through the ages), but with subtile differences in the rules and stuff.
They have Yu Yu Hakusho in a graveyard time slot at 5:30 a.m Saturdays. I heared that after the season was up, they were going to pul the show off air because of decreased ratings.
::deep in thought:: Oh, there really are to many even if I [I]could[/I] remember them all. Hm...There are quotes I like in a bunch of different series. Kakashi Sensei when Naruto got poisoned by the village of the mist guys..."Naruto. That was...really cool how you took the poison out and all...but if you loose any more blood, you are going to die. ::moment later after no reaction:: ^.^ It'd be a good idea to stop the bleeding now." Yusuke Urameshi (yyh)..."Yusuke Urameshi, age 14. Survived by his mom and everybody. After going through this big ordeal to get his life back, Yusuke had a brief second chance until he was EATEN BY A FISH! That's right! No heroic death! No fighting evil villains! FISH FOOD!" Sometimes it's the little background things behind what they are saying too that just get you to laugh.
Interest successfully tweaked. Lol I'm going to look up on some info regarding these places mentioned...and then possibly get around to the PMing part within a reasonable time frame if my time permits.
Chrysanthema didn't follow. Instead, she turned around at the first opportunity she could and returned to the camp after noting Sarin and Amer were missing. She stood at the edge in the background as she watched them fight with arms crossed. Did they realize that 'everyone' included them? Or did they feel that the two of them weren't part of the group? Either way she didn't really care. All she really wanted to know was whether she should wait for them. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey you two, are you coming or what? Or should I not bother waiting."[/COLOR] She felt a bit jittery, and didn't want to really leave Gale and Achilles with Emilio for any longer than necessary. Lake?water?bad location all around.
Crash. Bang. Rumble, thud, slosh. The most frightening aspect was the silence. Lights flickered out, furniture was overturned, and the internal atmosphere of the house was pure terrified chaos. Outside the building however, not a leaf was disturbed or sleep cast aside. It was a calm and quiet deposition, nothing disturbed beyond the boundaries of the picket walls. It was as if muted and veiled. Hour later, the sun poked itself over the horizon, giving the area a war, and fuzzy halo, but unable to cheer the empty yard. Something was missing. The neighbors didn't notice until that afternoon. Late afternoon. The local cops were arrived, and called the State department. Upon arrival they brought in their experts, and called for the Feds. Everything was roped off. At the foot of a rather large staircase in the ballroom, lied a large puddle of blood. Human blood. There was none anywhere else around that suggested movement after hitting the ground. However, the body was missing from the chaotic mess. No traces of anything helpful were found, not even a fingerprint of the missing victim. Authorities were stumped, how could they possibly have known the true horrors of what really lived inside that house, besides a missing person? They couldn't. Working long into the night, two from the team disappeared with glass-shattering screams and the ruckus of invisible fights. They were never found. Even a few priests and psychics were called upon to help the investigation, but none would set foot on the property due to the "spiritual accumulations". When marked for demolition, no construction company would take the job. "If the clergy won't go, why should we?" they asked. And so the Mockingbird Manor was left to rot on its foundation Almost a century later?it will happen again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miss Alice Mockingbird was the last known member of the Mockingbird family to live in the manor before she disappeared, leaving a large pool of her own blood and ransacked parts of her home. Eventually her tale became just that. A tale told by people to scare others. As opposed to popular thought of today, the gruesome story that was never uncovered is in fact true. A ghastly piece of ghosts and ghouls and bumps in the night. ::Sign-ups:: Name: Age: Gender: Special traits: (optional) something like a sixth sense that would make you more sensitive to the 'other side' Appearance: pic or writ Personality: Reason for being here: Why you chose to show tonight. (dare, double dare, bet, prove a point, whatever)
Ashleigh nodded, and closed the door behind her as she exited. The messenger ran off, having received his answer. Approaching the board, she posted the new rule. Without hesitation, she was quick to pull the nearest lazy bums over to take a look so they could spread the word. [I]'Finally,'[/I] she thought.[I]'Now maybe I won't have to do everything anymore.'[/I] She sighed, resuming her walks and watching the word spread. Some groaned in protest, but she shut them up with a look and body language that clearly said she would cut out their tongue if the operation became necessary to keep them in line. Eventually she came in a circle, smiling lightly that the watchmen ere more alert than she had ever seen them in the past months. The smile was warm, but the eyes were cold. They shivered at the look, knowing very well they were in for more than a kick in the future.
[B]Name[/B]- Kimi [B]age-[/B] far older than she looks. (looks about 10) [B]gender[/B]- female [B]race[/B]- demon [B]Personality[/B]- Quiet and calculating with a photographic memory. When speaking, it always sounds a bit patronizing?to many people's annoyance. That can't be helped. She's a bit proud of herself, and won't back down from anything or anyone. Kimi never goes back on her word. [B]Weapons-[/B]Spirit Energy. Well, demon energy to be precise but that's beside the point. She uses it to manipulate concentrations of shadow around her. [B]Favorite techniques:[/B] [U]Binding-[/U] used to stop an opponent from moving by employing their own shadow to hold them. [U]Shadow Cutter[/U]- She flings a bunch of shadow shuriken toward her opponent. Only one is the real deal though. [U]Melt- [/U] Kimi uses the shadows to conceal her appearance and alter the position of her spirit energy to confuse opponents. Since her energy is empowering the dark, expect a few lights to snuff out. [B]Appearance[/B]- [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/kimi.png][COLOR=Sienna]Kimi[/COLOR][/URL], except she wears a grey kimono. [B]Bio[/B]- Kimi had been stranded in the Human world for a very long time and it ended up getting a bit boring, so she ignored the little voice in her head that told her to 'stay low' and got mixed up behind the scenes of a few minor demon activities. Nothing that really warranted an arrest (Koenma wouldn't be able to prove anything in a millennia), but tell that to the pacifier-sucking baby. In exchange for her 'freedom', he wants her to help out the detectives.
Chrysanthema snapped her head to look at Emilio hearing him laugh. The bloodied brand of a med on one corpse's uniform caught her eye. [I]'that bastard?'[/I] she thought. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'll be right back," [/COLOR] she said to Achilles, a small flame behind the look in her eyes. A moment later, Chrys was standing in Emilio's way, blocking his oncoming strike with her weapon in hand. Her free hand punched the mildly surprised Kappa in the side of the face. Not enough force to do any damage, but enough to get his attention. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Idiot"[/COLOR] she hissed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"They might be the enemy, but probably are the only ones who know how to treat the strange wounds. Now that you've started this mess, I won't forgive you if you make it worse, whether intentionally or not." [/COLOR] The medical worker she saved was trying to scramble away in fear. She grabbed the person by the back collar. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Oh no you don't, I need you to take a look at a friend of mine?" [/COLOR] she said, dragging him and a small box kit back over to Achilles.
Ashleigh walked the grounds like she always did, the big bad boss had locked himself up in his quarters like usual. Of course she was aware of most things that go on around the place, the time old survival theory of 'keep your mouth shut and your eyes open' was to thank for that. A messenger ran over, and shoved a sealed letter at her, telling her to take it to the boss. She narrowed her eyes at the man, knowing just how much everyone was afraid of disturbing him. Nodding, she turned away and walked the distance to Sarin's quarters. She knocked. [COLOR=Teal]"What?!"[/COLOR] Ashleigh didn't answer. How could she? [COLOR=Teal]"Answer me!" [/COLOR] came the yell. The girl walked though the door and unceremoniously dropped the letter on the desk in front of Sarin before finally taking the time to briefly bow her head in 'respect'. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the head of the messenger, most likely waiting to see if there would be a reply or not. [I]'Most likely awaiting orders for his division to move in on some unsuspecting town,'[/I] she thought.
Katrina's eyes went wide. What the hell was happening? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What's with James?" "It's all the hatred he's taking from his family. It'll try to take over again." "Not good." [/COLOR] She didn't like the way he looked. Worse than before? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"He's going through so much internal conflict crap?isn't there any way to help?" [/COLOR] she asked, worried there was nothing to do but stand and watch as a friend dug themselves in a deeper hole.
Chrys carried Achilles to the edge of the enemy camp, where there wasn't any fighting going on. She propped him up against one of the few trees in the area, and kneeled next to him. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I've never seen anything like this?but I'm [I]guessing[/I] it's not majorly serious," [/COLOR] she said fingering a strip of cloth for a bandage. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"The best I can do is wrap you up until a med expert can take a look at you. I really don't know what the hell to do." [/COLOR] He only nodded as Chrysanthema bandaged his arm and leg the best she could.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Left."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Huh?" [/COLOR] She looked, and then a smirk crept to her face as a crescent of energy hit him dead on, shot from the movement of her weapon. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Thanks."[/COLOR]
Being 'mute' sure had its perks. None in the area really cared about the girl's presence as she toiled away, light green eyes cast apathetically at the ground in front of her. [COLOR=Teal][I] "Hey man, look at what I found in that last city." "Wow, what a find. Great quality." "Yea, surprised a big fancy pace like that had such measly defenses." "I know what you mean. Such good weapons, and soldiers with no skills." [/I][/COLOR] Ashleigh barely listened to the three laughs as she passed them. In one hand was a small flask, out of which she took a tiny sip of the liquid inside. Plain water. She stood silently atop a small hill, keeping a minor watch over the area. The watchmen seemed to have been slacking off. Again. [I]'Idiots.'[/I] she thought. [I]'Just because it's unlikely to be attacked, doesn't mean you ignore your posts.'[/I] One swift kick to each gut woke them up effectively. A glint of the dagger in her outstretched hand voiced for her the words she didn't say. Grudgingly to two went back to their post, but as the girl walked away to attend to some minor chores, she knew they would only snooze again.
Without moving an inch or opening her eyes, Chys voiced her own opinions. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I think [I]everyone[/I] should head off together in the direction we were going to initially take and brave a camp farther on before they have a chance to send anyone out here. If we're lucky, we can branch off before meeting up with opposition. They are north you said?"[/COLOR] She didn't need to see whether Amer nodded or not before speaking again. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"All the more reason to get a move on before we reach the city too late to help. I'll distract them, and catch up to you guys after." "You're planning on standing in their way alone? You'll be killed," [/COLOR] Gale stated. After a deep breath she continued.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "I will not stand to argue this time. I'll just send them off in the wrong direction and buy some time. They probably don't know it was that Emilio guy who killed their comrades. And won't suspect anything for at least a few minutes. It'll be easy," [/COLOR] she continued calmly. [I]'Maybe set fire to their camp...'[/I] Chyrs had made up her mind and would stick to it. If anybody disagreed they would have to drag her along by force. She would make sure of that.
Katrina awoke feeling better than to be expected, but didn't have time to dwell on it. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You're up." [/COLOR] Katrina looked at him and narrowed her eyes slightly. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"?Dante?" "The one and only,"[/COLOR] he said. A normal look crossed her face very briefly. She couldn't help but hug him, just short of tearing a little. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I thought you were-" [/COLOR] she choked. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What's with the makeover?"[/COLOR] she managed to grin slightly.
Katrina was locked in her own small fight, getting by dealing with whatever happened to come along as the situation came. She wasn't prepared for the school blowing up just after she arrived though. No voice left her throat as she was flung to one side by the force of it all. The girl could feel her back slammed into something pretty near and she could have sworn something, somewhere cracked. Her body was human after all. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"ow?" [/COLOR] she managed to groan, it hurt to breathe?a lot. Katrina's vision was a bit fuzzy, she felt like her head was swimming although she wasn't dizzy in the least. She caught a look at a small glance of blood before she couldn?t hold consciousness any longer. Her eyes closed and her head rested on an arm.