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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. Chrys narrowed her eyes at Sarin, not bothering to be polite back.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "If you say so Gale," [/COLOR] she said trying at least to sound a bit hopeful. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'll let you boys discuss whatever it is?" [/COLOR] she trailed off walking over to a rather large rock and perching herself atop it with legs crossed and arms folded. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'll be over here." [/COLOR] Chrys shut her eyes, but was far from sleeping. She was listening very intently on what would be said. The girl still didn't trust these new people enough without being even a little aware. Plus, she needed to prepare herself mentally and practice control. Something that she never fully mastered back home before running off like a hothead.
  2. Calmly Edgar released a few arrows as they came into range, the orcs falling easily.[B] "Annoying pests?"[/B] she mumbled, stepping in front of Neiro so that any lucky orcs to get that far would have to go through her personally.[B] "Stay put-" [/B] she was about to say kid, but stopped herself. [B]"-Neiro, before you end up with more blood on your hands. You aren't a killer, and shouldn't end up as one[/B]." Releasing another arrow into the throat of a nearby creature, she glanced at the boy. [B]"If you feel I am wrong, then prove it so."[/B]
  3. Katrina sighed letting Jory run off. She would have gone too, but being unarmed was a tiny drawback. There was no doubt she would die almost immediately, not even being able to help in the least. Useless. She could feel it. Somewhere, deep down, but nonetheless still there. Not that it would matter in the long run, Katrina would find herself as some other identity?if the general theory was correct. She almost laughed. Until an image flashed in front of her eyes, she was having a major deja vu. A similar scene of another time, but a memory jogger even so. Why was she able to see this person's life so clearly? But it had hit her. There was nothing to lose. There was a bit of rubble where there was once a door to a small flower shop, a building that had been there for a very long time, always blessed with very good upkeep. Things have changed, and she hoped she would be able to find it. If [I]it[/I] even existed. Eventually Katrina found it, all rotted and stowed away in it's hiding place. An image of a delicately carved box flashed through her mind as she reached in and pulled out was left of the case. Cobwebs were the only adhesives holding the top together as she removed it, pulling out two knives. The blades on each were of a surprisingly good look, after all of the years. The glint of a little light almost made them glow softly. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh my?"[/COLOR] she trailed off. The plain handles felt surprisingly like she had held them before, almost as if at home. There was only one way to find out. Running instinctively in God only knows what direction, she figured it was now or never?or die trying. The scene was worse than a full out war zone, even though that's what it was. [I]'What can I say, 'I'm a tad stubborn.'[/I] She thought, as calm as if she?d been in the middle of a war before. There was one place farther ahead through the maze of chaotic streets that looked almost as if it was being avoided for a big standoff. A stray Chaos Eater that didn't look to be caught up by something or another ended up right near her. Something in her head told her to go ahead and try. Throwing the one, it hit dead on as if a bull's eye on the Eater target. It reared back in pain, during which time she used to finish it off, and collected the former projectile from the ground. [I]'Thank you Dina?' [/I] Katrina thought approaching closer to the 'ring' area.
  4. Eh, I was GOING to go all out out for Halloween and dress up fully as Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho just to scare everyone I know (almost the complete opposite of how I act). However, I haven't had much time to sew it and go get suplies and everything...plus, I'm making a Koenma Costume for my 4 yr old brother. :animeswea With Holloween on a Monday to boot this year ( :animeangr ), and all the other stuff i have to do after school that day, I don't have time to go walking around or anything. So instead of going all out, I'll be wearing a hooded cloak I made, playing the mysterious figure that hangs around in the background but is the real evil mastermind of whatever plot afoot. :animesigh
  5. [B]"That may be so, but it doesn't make it any less weird."[/B] Edgar replied, almost laughing as she noticed the way Loki looked at Salima. [B]"Speaking of enjoying life?Maybe you should be walking with [I]her[/I]. You never know...she may like you," [/B] the elf nodded in the direction of the girl before glancing quickly at the sleeping Neiro. She felt partly guilty; the kid had to take on such a task and at such a young age.
  6. Chrys looked out over the desolate remains of what was once the city. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Damn?"[/COLOR] she mumbled. Looking at the southern horizon, she could faintly see part of the mountains that she once called home. With a sigh, she turned her attention back to the present and shivered when she saw where they were headed. A completely different look set itself on her face than a moment ago as she stretched. She was a lot more relaxed.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Everyone present all right?" [/COLOR] With a glance around she thought so from as far as she could tell, then again she wasn't the medical expert. She was humming an old melody in her head as she began to help set up camp. Chrysanthema didn't want to think about the snow at the moment, deciding to deal with that when the time came?She'll try to prepare herself later after everyone settled. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'll volunteer for the first watch during sleep. Just in case,"[/COLOR] she declared.
  7. Edgar felt very out of place walking always a respectful distance behind everyone else. They all seemed to get along so well?it was the price she paid, considering. As the group marched on in the sun without her the Elf stopped, looking on the right. What was that a little ways away? She looked ahead, peering as far ahead as she could beyond the group. [B]"Maybe we should stop and sit down for a while we still can?" [/B] she called. Only a few turned around, it was easy to forget that Edgar existed; it was unconscious for her to try and stay as much in the background as she could. Seeing others pause, the group slowly came to a halt. Somebody from over there opened his mouth to talk, but she interrupted.[B] "I trust nobody has a truly clear sense of [I]where[/I] we are heading. There's a patch of rubble that's still standing for the most part over there that looks to at least hold some shade. I personally do not think there would be any Inns or such close by."[/B] She silently took notice of the sharp glances everyone gave each other, and let them talk amongst themselves. Edgar half wished she never ran into these people, and sought work closer to home. Then she wouldn't of had to be so uncomfortable traveling like this.
  8. [B]Name: [/B] Ashleigh [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] None. Seriously. At least that anybody knows of. Many have assumed her mute; she isn't one to speak aloud. Ever. Only on rare occasion has[I] anybody[/I] heard her quiet voice. Calm at all times, she takes things that come her way with a grave indifference and has a tendency to push most people away from her. She'll act like nothing is going on around her, but in reality be paying the utmost attention. Very good with chores in general, and doesn't really complain or anything. [B]Gem:[/B] none [B]Weapons: [/B] Daggers that she can use for both near and far rage as the need arises. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/1101761854_esANI-aqua.jpg][COLOR=SeaGreen]Ashleigh. [/COLOR] [/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Well it isn't the profession she would have chose, but that didn't stop her dear father from sending her off with the wrong crowd. It was just a normal workday in the yard, toiling away as usual to keep the house in order during one of her father's late sleep days after being in town all night. She was the only child in her family, her mother died in childbirth. Papa was always disappointed he didn?t get the son he wanted. Anyway a small band of travelers, one of which was a good friend of Papa's who she found surprised to see up and about after the night's escapade. Had trouble walking though, a real laugh, if there weren't consequences to follow it. They came by the fence for a chat, weary from the long travel they were on. Ashleigh had no choice but to play the good hostess, otherwise her father would get mad that she turned away somebody he knew (and could have a drink with). Inside the house, she showed them to the round kitchen table, and motioned to excuse herself from the group to wake Papa. At first she had a rather heavy object chucked at her, but at mention of Grendrel all was forgiven. Joining the party, he had Ashleigh pour everyone a good drink as they all got to talking. Many words pass around a table with a round. Preparing dinner as the men spoke, she wished to keep an eye on everyone for her own sake, and the home's. She just finished cleaning after all. They were talking about some supposedly wickedly strong guy out traveling around, and the growing numbers that followed under him. "There'ss gonna be ssometh'n great, and we're gonna git in on it. Rumors of a new age glimmer in the distance. We're always up for another comrade to travel along with." "Ahahah," Papa laughed heartedly. "Well in that case, take my good-for-nothing daughter with you! Maybe she'll be of some use, instead of scrounging around on my kindness." He was drunk out of his mind. As soon as the words left his mouth, Ashleigh dropped the knife she had been using to cut the vegetables onto the floor and turned around. "That's right, you heard me you good for noth'n wretch. I'm sending you off," he father replied. The girl only nodded submissively, and turned to get ready for when the group was about to leave, finishing the small salad was working on first. On her way out the door however, that same knife found its way imbedded into the wall inches from dear Papa's ear as a parting gift. He was capable of starving himself, let the drunk suffer and die slow. And so she traveled with the band, nonetheless joining the following when the time came.
  9. Edgar just stood near the group silently, what was with the change in scenery? She started to walk a few feet toward where Neiro was standing, but stopped short and glanced around. Strange. Her ear twitched ever so slightly, the only betrayer of a slight annoyance. [b]"Where ever we all are now, I don't like this place much,"[/b] She mentioned. It was just a feeling, but not a very good one. The dark Elf continued her walk, but vaguely uneasy and half expecting something unfriendly to appear. Finally reaching where Neiro stood, she glanced along some rubble out of the corner of her eye. [b]"Is this the great power of the glass?"[/b] It was a bold stab in the dark, but she asked anyway and was not surprised when the boy absently nodded before jerking out of his personal shock. [b]"So?Where are we?"[/b] she asked. [b]"I'm, not sure..."[/b] He answered. [b]"I see."[/b]
  10. [QUOTE]Cryus (I think thats how u spell it) sounds like little Yugi and Alexis Rose is an awsome charecter (she looks like Kaiba)( lol As from experience ppl make fun of it. Oh-well I like though[/QUOTE] Really? From what I saw, Alexis Rose reminds me a bit of Joey in looks and Mai in personality.
  11. Diving into the fray and keeping a small distance from the others, Chrysanthema rushed in to have a piece of the action herself. She knew that everyone couldn't hold back the forces forever and wondered how many there really were, the horde seemed almost endless as she cut down one soldier only for him to be replaced by others. Dodging to one side, she rammed her shoulder into an opponent (knocking him into others and falling in a pile) while quickly taking out the one in front who almost shot her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Heat Wave?"[/COLOR] she whispered while kicking a dark soldier in the back, releasing as little energy as she could without reducing the effect she was going for. She grinned listening to the collective gasps of those in the very small immediate area that were suddenly hit with the volcanic heat. Taking the hesitations to her advantage, Crys took them down quicker than she would have gotten to normally, careful not to set anybody on fire in these close quarters. Too much panic would be bad.
  12. I'm still a little iffy on GX my self. I don't know, something about it isn't just making me want to make a mental note of when the next episode is. It's got its good points though, like when you're dueling everything isn't always about all the yelling in pain when your lifepoints are attacked. I don't who it was...a teacher as far as I think, got hit in the head with a peice of his monster. Mildly entertaining. :animeswea
  13. Edgar just shrugged and walked away by herself down the castle halls. What would she do now? This was the first time in many years that she had no other task to accomplish. Retire? The word sounded so bizarre inside the confounds of her mind?she never thought of that possibility before. It wasn't long before she came across Salim, Gale, and Loki talking. A throbbing pain in her leg reminded her that she never properly examined it earlier. She sat on the ground a distance away from the group, half acting as if she didn't see them. Well, it was half right because she never looked at any of them. The cloth she used earlier needs to be changed, but other than that it looked relatively minor. A crude bandage job, but effective. The small crow Edgar saw flying overheard earlier outside flew over landing on her shoulder. [b]"You [I]better[/I] make sure this gets to Ashleigh," [/b] she said while handing the bird the small satchel she took earlier. [b]"All these years I'm doing the dirty work and all you have to do is play messenger?Don't screw up because I'm not going to be the one paying for it."[/b] The 'bird' looked at her as if it was glaring. That's because it was. A younger acquaintance of hers back home who was pretty skilled in shifting shape between different animals. He cawed impatiently, one that most likely meant something close to Of course I won't before it flew off for the last time.
  14. Dusk took a step to the left, staring down the Hollow that turned its head to follow her movements. She stood ready, waiting for it to make the first move. An upper limb charged at where she stood. Dusk jumped back a little, immediately countering to slash at the hooked arm. She missed. Moving out of the way again, she strived to make sure that her little confrontation wouldn't get in the way of Ayumu's fight. How Dusk hated the way everything looked in this place, sort of difficult for her to concentrate completely. A howl from the other Hollow distracted her and before she could react, Dusk was smacked in the side and went flying. The first thing that met the ground was her back, and she rolled to a stop. Using her hands to push herself to get back on her feet, Dusk could faintly hear a yell, but it was jumbled to the pounding in her head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'm fine!"[/COLOR] she tried to call out, but coughed instead. The thing rushed at her again, but Dusk didn?t try to dodge. 'Wait for it?wait?now!' One of the Hollow's arms embedded itself in the ground, as she jumped up and came at from a side angle, making sure her strike hit home.
  15. The castle huh? Chrys was only half paying attention, letting the boys chat amongst themselves. She noticed how damp the place was, but the entire environmental situation didn't register well at the time. Chrysanthema grinned, thinking of finally getting to take down some more of those damn invaders when the warning came. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Well then call it?a tactical retreat that apparently failed,"[/COLOR] she said with a smirk to Sarin as she passed him, Amer, and Gale to run ahead also. The girl slightly nodded, her way of just letting the previous situation become water under the bridge. Did the citizens make it out of the tunnel before the enemy found it? She hoped so. [I]'I'm at such a disadvantage here?but there is NO way I'm going to let anybody think of me as weak. Not now.'[/I] She thought to herself, readying her blade without tapping into any of her energy at the moment. Chrys couldn't fly in the tunnel; it was too small. She also couldn't risk using some of her techniques at the risk of accidentally hitting an ally. [I]'Make due with what you've got?'[/I]
  16. Katrina only shook her head before staying with Jory and Kyle. A med team was currently looking after her, and Kyle was waiting in silence. She knew better than to go bothering people at the moment, and resided to just pacing back and forth. Absently, her hands found their way to a pack of cigarettes she had on her and a lighter. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Jory should be fine, but she's sleeping at the moment,"[/COLOR] A nurse said. Kyle stayed next to Jory and Katrina walked a few feet to the corner. Flicking some ashes, she stared at the direction of all the action. Where they were currently at had quieted down, and it was obvious that the battle seemed to have become more concentrated although she technically wasn't over there a part of it. She sighed, thinking.
  17. Chrys was having enough trouble keeping her anger in check because of the damn Harmonizer. Little, why she outta?She mentally smacked herself, getting back to the task at hand. With one last narrowed look at Emilio and the other two, she completely turned her back from the entire group, turning sharply on the heel of her shoe. She walked a few feet to peer around the other corner. They needed to stall so the people could hopefully sneak through the passage in the library to safety, and Chrysanthema needed to vent some anger before she lost control. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Alright. So now we have four, possibly six people?against an entire horde of invaders with strange weapons. That is, unless somebody would like to correct my counting," [/COLOR] she said with a clear general distaste. It was hard to tell what exactly her foul mood was from. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If you all would excuse me for a moment, I have something I must take care of?I'll be around the corner."[/COLOR] She motioned, pointing over her shoulder down the side street. Gale and Achilles knew what she meant, if Chrys lost control everyone would just be in more danger. She only got a half nod from Gale and one of those looks from Achilles that was hard to read depending on how you interpret the situation. Chrysanthema disappeared around the corner, ready to take down a few new targets.
  18. Katrina looked over at the now plain doors one last time, then stood up quietly. There was still a slight hint of red to her eyes. She caught up to James, she herself feeling a bit detached from the world. He looked like he was struggling a bit, but determined to continue. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, there's still work to be done," [/COLOR] she mentioned more to herself then talking directly to James. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"?have to find the others,"[/COLOR] he repeated. Katrina peered ahead a way, carefully looking for Kyle and Jory. She saw somebody in the distance walking in their direction, looking like they were carrying some one else. Poking James' shoulder to see if he saw what she saw. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Wha-?" [/COLOR] she exclaimed a bit surprised. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You're freezing!"[/COLOR] Everything always happened all at once. By all logic she herself should have been dead a long time ago...They picked up the pace to meet Kyle half way. He was carrying Jory, and she didn't look so good. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh no?"[/COLOR]
  19. As the three of them exited the library, Chrysanthema graciously took the opertunity to take out some frustration on a straggling enemy soldier, neatly beheading him from behind. She kept her scythe blade at the ready while they started in momentary surprise at the figure who seemed to have taking down the soldiers single handedly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Who are you two?"[/COLOR] She asked daringly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Two?" [/COLOR] Gale and Achilles questioned at the same time. Chrys pointed the end of her weapon at the alley where Emillio was hiding. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"There. Another?demon, I think." [/COLOR] There was no point in staying in the shadows anymore. She wasn't the only one to snap to further attention hearing a few shouts and the sound of more pounding feet heading their way. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Better yet, friend or foe?" [/COLOR] Chrys couldn't speak for the others. But in the situation as it was; the girl didn't trust them too much at the moment.
  20. Dusk looked around the new surroundings, but was having trouble seeing too far ahead with the weird fog that had settled in the area suddenly, seemingly stirred up like dust with their arrival. That bothered her more than the cold. Her breath mixed with the fog, unable to tell the two apart. [I]'Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore,'[/I] she thought. This was bad. [COLOR=DarkRed]"We're sitting ducks. And I don't see Casey or Koske. I could have sworn they jumped through too,"[/COLOR] she mentioned. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Divide an conquer."[/COLOR] Dusk nodded. [COLOR=DarkRed]"We've been herded like sheep."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"As if we weren't already largely outnumbered,"[/COLOR] Ayumu muttered. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I agree. I just hope the attacks sure to come aren't coordinated like teams?"[/COLOR] There was a small pause, not even a bit of wind to be heard in the silence. Dusk took a very hesitant step forward, testing the ground with her toes to make sure it was there since she couldn't quite see the ground. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I hope the other guys are in a better situation?"[/COLOR]
  21. Edgar ignored Loki's rushing about with the mirror as she searched for something of her own. Now she remembered Neiro. Would she tell him? No. This Elf would not ruin the kid's moment of revenge even though he probably would not have the heart to bring himself to kill again so soon. With a slight limp, she pulled on a lever that was hidden will in shadows beyond a thick curtain. Walking through the revealed passage, she looked around for her treasure. Ah, there it was. She only took one item from the room of the late king's secret treasure stash. A small package non-the-less, but worth the amount. Through another door, she followed through just to avoid fighting. With her assassin stealth, she stepped out into the hall and approached Neiro. So he had the lost half all along. She didn't care, having finally received the pay owed to her.[B] "Hey kid, are you certain you want to play around with that here? Word is starting to get around of that cheat's death."[/B]
  22. Katrina ran over toward James, she had seen only bits and pieces of what happened through all of the chaos around. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Glad to see you back to normal?ish. You all right? Where's Dante?"[/COLOR] She didn't like the look on James' face when she mentioned his name, immediately growing silent and expecting the worse. After a pause James answered. "Dante sacrificed himself to close those doors. He told me to tell you, he loves you." Katrina had to sit down, but knew that there was something James didn't tell her. She could tell without even looking at him by the way he took his next breath. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What aren't you telling me? And don't say nothing because I will kick your -" [/COLOR] A tear escaped down her cheek, even though she tried to hide it. Why would anyone need to see her cry? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "He was also an eight foot demon from Hell?" [/COLOR] James reluctantly said quietly wondering how Katrina would take it. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I can live with that,"[/COLOR] she replied, thankful for the truth at least. James let her sit on the curb and deal with it, looking around for the others. Katrina wrapped her arms around her knees, not bothering to move the bit of hair that fell in front of her face. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I love you too?"[/COLOR] she whispered.
  23. The evil TV Guide that comes with the newspaper...lol. I have the prime example of this past Saterday. I was so used to Futurama being on at 11 (i skip it), it took me TWO WEEKS to realize that they moved up Inuyasha into that time slot.
  24. Man, I've done that so many time's I've lost count...and not because any of them were hot. :animeswea I don't what is is, but sometimes the good guy justs make you want to go crazy or something, or just that the "bad guy" is cooler in general. I've voted for Hiei in YYH when first meeting Yusuke (and all times after that but still...), Seshomaru always above Inuyasha (even though its not really a bad guy/ good guy thing), there was one of the pirates in One Piece also...I forget who it was though...basically just so that they would shut Loofy up. Happens like that in Zatch Bell too. Among Many other senarios I could list.
  25. Cyrsanthema promptly backed off, knowing better than to argue with Gale at this point. It wasn't the time. She took out a few more enemy men as she went though, trying to help out some of the others. Hey, might as well fight the whole way. She spotted Gale running down the main street, and those chasing him about a yard behind. She circled around behind the small group, pelting a few of the enemy from behind with little fireballs. Others she took by surprise with her weapon, small flames licking the blade. Chys caught up to Gale, running next to him instead of flying. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"How are we going to get everyone out of the city?" "We aren't. They boxed us." [/COLOR] Chrys couldn't find the words to describe what she was thinking in her head. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What? Then-" "I know," [/COLOR] he said. As they went to turn one corner, the demon spotted some of the strange army and pulled Gale back onto the other street to take a different direction. The enemy didn't seem to notice. [I]'What are we going to do, what are we going to do?'[/I] The girl's thoughts were ready to put her into a small panic.
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