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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. Edgar blocked another of the knight's attacks and then kicked him the gut, sending him stumbling a few paces backward into the wall opposite her. Following through with another swing, a loud clang rang through the hall as it was countered. Both blades held in mid-swing, it was Edgar's turn to be kicked. The knight's armor was of course a bit stronger then hers, and the elf hit her head on the stone as she fell. She coughed, one hand on her side where she was kicked. [B]"ow," [/B] she said unenthusiastically while reaching for her fallen sword. The knight was laughing at her, taunting. That would be his mistake. [B]"?Without surprise, you're nothing compared to my skills?" [/B] That's the only words her ears heard as she finished standing up. [B]"Arrogant?b-"[/B] She tried to take him off guard with a neat thrust, but missed, giving him a nice gash across the front (without wounding mortally) as her left leg gave out, severely cut from before. How could she not have noticed? The knight's eyes went wide; she had at least succeeded in taking him by surprise. [B]"You've been practicing Edgara."[/B] She had learned to not let her movements betray her motives. [B]"After last time we met? Of course. If you'll excuse me, I have places to go and people to see," [/B] the elf said, tying a piece of cloth around the wound on her leg and gathering her things. The knight nodded, and she left him sitting there in the hall. A few minutes later, she ran into a guard running around yelling over and over, [B]"The King, His Majesty's in trouble! Help!"[/B] Edgar finished the pour soul off with an arrow, continuing her way to the throne room and the treasure chambers beyond. The room was bathed in such a green light?she laughed. The site of all present, well, almost all present, wrapped up tightly in vines was just too funny to let go. A figure standing right by where the King was sitting in fear turned around when he heard her. It was non other then Neiro. [B]"Hey kid," [/B] she greeted lightly while approaching them. She glared at the formally untouchable King, mustering the creepiest voice she could. [B]"Yes, I am back so soon. It would seem I'm not the only one that has personal business with you today?your majesty,"[/B] she sneered. Smirking the elf motioned for Neiro to continue. [B]"Please pardon my interruption, by all means carry on."[/B]
  2. Dusk and Casey were right behind Koske and Ayumu by a few feet. She tapped Ayumu on the shoulder. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey there. Weren't thinking of starting the party without us, right?"[/COLOR] she joked with one of her infamous fanged-looking grins that were anything but. [COLOR=DarkRed]"But Casey and I've got bad news."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"How bad?" [/COLOR] Ayumu asked noting the change in her tone.[COLOR=DarkRed] "Those things are getting brains of sorts," [/COLOR] Dusk replied, to which Casey confirmed.[COLOR=DarkRed] "That last one we just got was too easy." "Eh, they're just stupid. Man, I really need to get rid of this?"[/COLOR] Koske put in his two cents as he put a hand to his head for a moment. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh, yea! Here."[/COLOR] Dusk handed Koske another of the same mixture she gave Casey to drink before. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What is it?"[/COLOR] He was just as distrusting of the glass as Casey. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Tastes horrible, but it works. And fast,"[/COLOR] Casey told him. Dusk didn't bother to watch for Koske's expression if he decided to drink it, but instead stood next to Ayumu. She glanced around at the quiet area while she asked, [COLOR=DarkRed]"Um?am I the only one with a really bad feeling? Like an ambush?"[/COLOR]
  3. Cyrsanthema stood atop one of the higher roofs in Heria, keeping her own watch out. If only her people had listened to her, these people might have had a chance. Her anger welled up inside, she used the emotion to amplify her power regardless of the risk it poised afterward. Stretching her feathered wings, the demon flew off to quickly toward the southern gate, eyeing the hordes wearily from above. [I]'Slaughter,'[/I] she thought to herself as she watched for Gale's signal. [I]'Pure slaughter?there.'[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm going in!"[/COLOR] she yelled swooping down on the army a few yards out of range of the Archers along the walls. A few of the men raised their weapons ready, but she was the one that attacked first. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Fire Scourge!" [/COLOR] She made one move with her wings, sending crescent blades of energy flying at them. A couple of rows of the men about a few yards long immediately caught on fire and panicked, sometimes bumping into others and spreading the flames. But few others caught on as well as they burned to a crisp. The few who managed to put the flames out were severely ingured. With a simple swing of her weapon, she had taken one by surprise before taking to the skies again before she could be trapped on the ground. Chys had to watch and pace her energy before she got exhausted. That would be bad. Things looked pretty grim, right from the beginning. Some sort of long-range machine shot just barely missed her, and she lost her balance for a minute before steadying herself again. She looked around, trying to spot the culprit of almost taking her head off. There were a lot of suspects to choose from. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Great. Just great," [/COLOR] she mutted under her breath.
  4. Edgar laughed as everyone ran off to the castle. [B]"It looks like today will indeed be the day. This chaos is perfect?" [/B] She took off for the castle herself, but not through the front gates. Making a sharp turn left, the elf climbed up onto one of the nearby roofs and reached the top of a stone wall on the other side. The section held a hidden staircase that allowed her to get atop the wall. Bow drawn and ready, she ran along the edge to avoid one group of knights, able to see everyone fighting very clearly. Using the castle's own defense layout to her advantage, she quickly cleared the distance she needed to cover before reaching the ground with another staircase, Putting an arrow through the knight in front of her. Edgar paid no mind to the others as she passed except for a slight nod in general that said something along the lines of See you later, or Meet you there depending on how you took it. She turned down one hall after another, but didn't get very far before she stopped in her tracks, another knight leaning against the wall. He was dressed in a blue armor, and turned to meat her face to face in the torched lighting of the hall. [B]"Edgara,"[/B] he almost spat. [B]"Reduced to this are we?"[/B] [B]"I'm just collecting my pay owed to me. Sooner than planned, but none the less." [/B] She aimed an arrow defensively. The knight laughed. [B]"Ha, you know you can't get me like that. You do realize that you could've been one of us easily. Would've had a regular salary." [/B] [B]"Yes, I know," [/B] Edgar muttered. [B]"But I would have had to swear my loyalty, which he did not have."[/B] She aimed the arrow high to the right as a warning, knowing that she made it even easier for the knight to survive the shot in the close quarters. Leaning the bow against the wall, the elf tossed her cloak to the side as well, revealing the leather armor. She drew her sword to match the knight, with one arced swing to loosen up. Edgar cracked her neck.[B] "I'm ready if you are."[/B]
  5. Edgar sighed. She turned her head to look at Neiro, moving some of her hair out of her face and behind a pointed ear. [b]"Great, another one."[/b] She rolled her eyes, almost sighing as everyone shifted about and the commotion by that same demon magic. [b]"What am I going to do with you creatures?"[/b] she asked herself while staring coldly straight-ahead, not looking at any of them in particular. [b]"You wont have to do anything with us, we?ll just-"[/b] some little spunky girl started to say, but she was silenced by a jab in the arm by another companion. Turns out Edgar wasn't the only one who heard them. [b]"It's the Elf!"[/b] One of the knights yelled to the other two from horseback. [b]"Huh?"[/b] One of them called back, apparently not have been paying attention. [b]"The soon to be Ex assassin you twit!"[/b] he called back. [b]"Oh?hey look! She's working with the traitors, lets get them all at once!"[/b] the other said. Edgar frowned. They dare make such assumptions?She spun around with her crossbow in hand and shot twice. The Horse tumbled to the ground, followed by its dead rider. Another arrow was ready for a second knight, but was beat to it by that Holy Knight she saw in the forest. It was self defense anyway. Since the last knight was closest to her, the Elf took care of him with one swing of her blade in a purple flash. [b]"I told you all,"[/b] she said while turning back to face Neiro. [b]"Hey kid, have we met before? You look familiar. Older, but familiar?"[/b] A flash of green clothes and the sent of a village crossed her mind briefly.
  6. Lea's smile had turned to a hard line of thought. Not that Achilles could she her face, as she wasn't looking at him. Why was the knight being so nice? She didn't quite completely trust it. She WAS a rogue after all, just a mangy thief. A bit strange for a coincidence chance meeting, yes. A fated acquaintance? Lets not go that far in thought yet. Sharply turning down another alley that probably not many residents at all new about, she let go of his arm as there wasn't any more crowds to get separated in. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Alright. It's a small place, but has VERY good service. Cleaner than most places around here, too."[/COLOR] She could tell that he was a bit unsure of where she was going with this, and paused outside of a doorway that had nothing but a large grey curtain for a door. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"They like to remain a secret, at ALL costs. You up for it?"[/COLOR] Achilles thought for a moment, but apparently listened to his stomach on the matter. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Yea," [/COLOR] he nodded. [COLOR=DarkOrange] "Alright,"[/COLOR] she replied leading the way through the entrance. The room was a little on the dimmer side, but still had plenty of light ot see. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"I know the best table too." [/COLOR] Lea led him to a table toward a back corner of the room, the perfect spot to keep an eye on the rest of the place and the door. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"I know it doesn't look like much." [/COLOR] She said handing him the menu and sitting across from him at the round table.
  7. At her apartment, she threw the keys on the nearby table and sprinted to the kitchen. If only she could remember where she had put them?Opening cabinet after cabinet, she finally started to find what she was looking for. [I]'Alright, I've got the Tabasco sauce?where's-oh yea!'[/I] She snapped her fingers in delight, the twirled around and rummaged through another cabinet for the Tequila portion of the recipe. In a moment two shot glasses were placed next to the ingredients, followed soon by a bottle of Advil. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, that's everything."[/COLOR] Dusk was out the door again, heading off to meet the others. She had a funny feeling that somewhere along the line she'd run into one or both of the stupid drunks. Hence the glasses and stuff. After leaving the apartment, she had to walk past the Beach in order to get to Ayumu's. In the distance, she saw Casey stumble his way down the slope, almost tumbling to the sand. Sighing, the girl grabbed her cape of a jacket closer around her as she picked up the pace a little. Catching up to him she said, [COLOR=DarkRed]"What are you doing here?" [/COLOR] She paused. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Besides looking like you're about to throw up."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"A Hollow's gonna be here any minute,"[/COLOR] he said with such an attitude that Dusk almost just left him there drunk and all. [COLOR=DarkRed] "Here,"[/COLOR] she sad pouring a half and half mix of Tequila and Tabasco sauce in one of the glasses and handing it to him. Casey looked at it weirdly. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What the hell is this?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"It'll clear your head like a shotgun. I suggest you drink it."[/COLOR] She was dead serious too, and grinned at the look on his face after downing it with a skeptical look. [I]'Kids?'[/I][COLOR=DarkRed] "And that, is exactly why I don't get drunk when drinking,"[/COLOR] Dusk finished.
  8. Katrina must have half dozed off for a bit, cause she strangely, opened her eyes as a few people she didn?t know talked as they walked by. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]"Hey, what do you think of those two higher ranking guys who ran off a little while ago?" "Oh, um?James and Dante?" "Yea, them. They ran off toward the center of the invaded area." "Really? Isn?t that where Agent Kain?s blockade is up?"[/I] [/COLOR] The rest of the conversation was lost as they passed out of earshot. Katrina shook the sleep from herself, running out the door before anyone could notice. The idiots, even she knew they were going to just get themselves killed without some sort of plan in the works. It didn't cross her mind to try and drive as practically ran the way back toward the city. She had never been gladder for those years of doing cross-country. It took her a while, but she finally made it to the blockade, only to see a bunch of rookies just standing around and muttering between themselves like they had no idea what to do about anything, or where they were even. She walked the last yard of distance, her eyes set in a firm glare. A couple of them shifted wait while looking at her, before one stepped forward. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Sorry miss, but it's far to dangerous to go beyond this point."[/COLOR] She glanced around, and saw no Kain. She knew him by sight. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You have three higher ranking agents about to freaken [I]die[/I], and all you retards can do is stand around like damn idiots?!" "But our orders were to-"[/COLOR] He was cut of by a punch to the jaw by Katrina, sending him off balance and falling on the pavement. Everyone took a respective step back. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Screw your damn orders! Are any of you even [I]armed[/I]?" [/COLOR] she asked. They nodded confusidly through the stares. Katrina wasn't letting up. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Even if Kain wasn't dragged off we'd-" [/COLOR] one started to mutter. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Exactly! I should thank whoever dragged off your apparent boss. And don't give me any sweeper team crap either. You want lives saved? You get your behinds in there and help out!" [/COLOR] Katrina looked at all of them, daring them to say something. They glanced between each other nervously. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Fine,"[/COLOR] she stated walking past, stopping just beyond the blockade. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You're a civilian!" [/COLOR] one of them called.[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "You can't even defend yourself and you might as well be committing suicide!" "And are you all going to let me just walk right into the war zone?" [/COLOR] Katrina taunted. One of them moved to stop her, but got his foot stopped on, followed by a knee to the gut. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Anybody else? Or are you all going to stand around like the cowards you are?" [/COLOR] She got no responce, but could tell she was getting to them. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Look. I'm not asking you all to run in and save the day, but we need to get them out of there. At least do it for that damn Kain so he can continue to feed orders to your robotic minds if not for the others."[/COLOR] The rookie whose jaw she punched walked over and stood next to her, turning around to address the rest of the 'team'. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Looks like the little lady 'aint giving us a choice." [/COLOR] It worked. They sort of started to think for themselves, a few opting to stay at the blockade just incase. Katrina on the other hand, stupidly went with the others to find Dante, James, and Kain.
  9. Lea narrowed her gold eyes at the elf. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"A hair. To help a 'friend'." [/COLOR] Normally her crossbow would be ready, but she hated to say it, and was caught in an undesirable situation to be making any sudden moves. Her ear twitched as the girl replied seriously, [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Yes."[/COLOR] The silence was so such you could hear the shattering of a wooden table all the way down the street. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"How much were you about to cut off there?"[/COLOR] She didn't like the look of the dagger, and was debating on risking the arrow. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Just a few locks, not a patch or anything," [/COLOR] Catrina said, unsure of weather Lea would actually consent to it or not. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Sorry, but I don't do Charity,"[/COLOR] Lea mentioned as she half fell, half threw herself backward from the edge of the roof she was standing at. The Elf's arrow severed a few locks of hair as it whizzed passed, embedding itself in the wooden wall across the street. Lea took off down a few of the darker alleys, not caring to see the elf pick up the bit of hair that fell.
  10. Dusk reluctantly walking back inside after a final sigh. All she had to do was sit in the back room sorting through a bunch of papers. IF she finished, there might be a way to get off early?but the vibration of her cell was getting more annoying by the second. Peeking around the corner, the coast was clear. She answered, but whispered.[COLOR=DarkRed] "Dusk speaking."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"It's Shoma." [/COLOR] That went without saying. Dusk could tell this wasn't going to be pleasant for the ear. Good thing she could multitask.[COLOR=DarkRed] "I already talked with Ayumu. He said he could handle it, but I'd rather he'd have some back up,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Then you know all about Koske and Casey," [/COLOR] she said, the mess upon the desk became more organized by the second. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What is so troublesome?" "There's going to be a Hollow raid, and it cannot wait until morning to be stopped," [/COLOR] he said. [COLOR=DarkRed]"How much time?" [/COLOR] Dusk asked somberly quiet. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You would have to meet Ayumu in a little less then an hour." [/COLOR] Shoma knew that Dusk wouldn't be able to let it sit on her conscious, no matter what was said. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll need a reason to get out of here," [/COLOR] she whispered as another finished folder found it's way to an alphabetical pile. She hung up with Shoma just before Josh walked into the mess of a room. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Yo Lancey, we just got the call in. I'm really sorry. Your ma's in critical. They said it was a heart attack,?[/COLOR] he said with sympathy. Dusk looked up with wide eyes, going so far as to imitate a small welling of tears. [COLOR=DarkRed]"My?mother?" [/COLOR] she squeaked. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yea. Go on up to the hospital, we've got you covered," [/COLOR] Becca could be seen standing behind Josh, peeking over his shoulder. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Thanks guys?" [/COLOR] Dusk muttered as she stood up ready to leave. Of all the things? Once out the door, she headed off to get ready and meet Ayumu.
  11. [I] He can't let me stay alive?I know too much.[/I] Edgar thought grimly. But the question was how long she could last. Flee the Kingdom? Where would she go? Not home. Not now. That?s when she caught sight of the group standing a bit away. A small wind brought the sent of a demon's magic to her. A small black bird that circled overhead once interrupted her thoughts briefly. It was no natural bird, and if she was correct?she'd face him when the time came. Glancing over the travelers briefly, Edgar recognized most of them. She sighed and turned around to look over her shoulder, keeping an eye out for the knights sent after her that were sure to be not too far behind. [B]"What are you doing here?" [/B] She questioned carefully, her hands hidden under her cloak and one hovering on the hilt of her sword. Not because of the newcomers, but of the knights that were about to arrive. [B]"There is a faction of loyal Knights heading this way, who know that some of you were involved in the death of others. They'd just LOVE to bring back two glories in one raid."[/B]
  12. Edgar walked through the gates of the city, the ends of her brown cloak swishing around booted ankles as she walked along the cobblestone. The Elf had long ago since abandoned the idea of trailing, which would be a further waist of energy as at this point. She would lie in wait, just like the spider. The grandiose stone castle loomed in the distance, the kingdom colors and symbol wavering on a banner. Homes, shops, and people slipped by faceless, but it wasn't long before one of the loyal city knights approached her from a side alley that was little traveled or seen. [B]"Edgera Glimathreil, you are to come with me." [/B] Of course it would figure that the dear almighty King would not want to publicize dealings with one such as her. Silently the Elf followed him, up through a round about way before ducking into the building to meet with the King himself. [I]?What does he want this time??[/I] she thought slightly annoyed. It wasn't long before Edgar was bowing before the dim-lighted and mighty figure. [B]"You called?"[/B] [B]"Yes. It would seem that reports from some of my knights failed to come through. Rumors are the two bands are dead." "They are?"[/B] Edgar started, half expecting where this would be going. [B] "I want you,"[/B] the king stated. [B]"to get rid of whoever is responsible. Of course, you shall be paid in full."[/B] Edgar visibly frowned. [B]"I cannot do that your Majesty. For one reason of pure numbers-" "Who?" "-One is a Holy knight, traitor to you, a dragon, and a strange human. As I know of."[/B] [B] "Is that too much for you to handle?" [/B] his Majesty teased. [B]"Which brings me to my second point. One was the famed Crimson Slayer. As you can see, I cannot take the job." [/B] Edgar turned to walk away, but was stopped by two swords crossing the path in front of her. [B] "Defying a direct order is treason."[/B] With one motion, Edgar's bow was pointed at the King as the knights gave each other panicked looks.[B] "You know that if you give the order, you'll be dead a good amount of time before I." [/B] She was reluctantly let out of the castle without incident, but it was made very clear by the looks she got. Edgar was now an enemy of the King.
  13. Lea let out a small sigh of relief before a fanged grin appeared. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"See you around then. Hopefully on good terms as well."[/COLOR] She walked off letting Achilles take his nap in peace. Her left ear flicked with a small breeze. She wouldn't steal anything from the knight; it would be too rude. Besides. He'd probably have one eye still open to make sure Lea didn?t try anything funny anyway. She walked rather slowly back to the city, but not without scratching her ear once. Coming upon the outer wall, she leapt gracefully atop, moving along roofs until she found one suitable to sit on. Lea glanced around, perhaps looking for the next victim of a snatching. Or maybe just to keep an eye out for any trouble she may encounter?she really had no reason, except for just being there.
  14. Katrina stood outside in the hall as everyone went in and out to of the council room. At first she just paced back and forth, but eventually her feet wore out on her a bit, a little tired from all of the recent events. She didn?t want to sleep or anything though, she just couldn?t. It wasn't out of fear or anything, just that half dead feeling. Stopping in mid-step, she turned to one side, and leaned against the wall. Katrina let her legs slid out from under her to sit on the ground hugging her knees while staring at the floor. Eh, she'd ask somebody to fill her in later after everything was settled this way she wouldn?t end up with only half of a story, although with her luck that would be exactly what happens.
  15. Dusk sighed. She knew that Ayumu was more than capable of takeing care of it. If they need her, there'd be a call. She sighed, stopping at 'home' to drop off her stuff before going to the lab. It?s not like she really had much of a job to do. Grabbing a few things from the fridge, Dusk put together a small amount of food that she could eat at break later. Walking through the glass doors at the lab, Dusk was immediately given a task to do, running files from one area to another, a runner for the time being. She looked at the brown file in her hand as she walked across to where Dr. Mushnemn sat in his office, readjusting his large glasses as the old man flipped through different reports. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Becca sent me to give this to you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ah...thank you,"[/COLOR] he said in that creaky voice of his. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Please tell Josh I need to see him." "No problem."[/COLOR] Dusk sighed, poking her head in to another of the rooms to call Josh over to Dr. Mushnemn?s office. Apparently he already knew. With a Yea I'm going, he left, having her finish the tests on the latest victim's blood. That was about her evening for the first half of the shift. And who knows what the second half would be like. During break, she sat outside in the cool air while munching on the snack, staring aimlessly at the sky.
  16. [B]Name: [/B] Dreka Ryon [B]Age:[/B] looks somewhere around 19ish, but is older than she looks. [B]Race:[/B] Wingly [B]Dragoon spirit:[/B] none [B]Weapon:[/B] a very large squeaky mallet, kidding. Dreka wields a staff, but you can count her feet in too. [B]Appearance:[/B] Dreka keeps her long silver hair tied up in a high ponytail with a light blue ribbon, matching her crystalline blue eyes. She wears an ocean blue skirt with a light green off-the shoulders top that has short sleeves. Dreka constantly wears a pair of pale grey fingerless gloves. [B] Personality:[/B] She would whole-heartedly defend those she trusts, and tries to see the good in people, no matter how small that feeling may be. Not necessarily childish, she can sometimes be a little brash. Stubborn as well. [B]Backstory: [/B] She used to live in the Wingly Forest, one of the few places where her kind still thrive, if you could call it that. Just like Meru before her, she had a bit of wanderlust issues. Of course, this was not without a little scorn and disapproval from a few. After traveling around for a bit, she 'settled down' in Fletz.
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"No,"[/COLOR] Katrina whispered. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"REAL luck would be if those damn things [I] don't[/I] follow." [/COLOR] She knew that there was no way to argue on anything at this point. Now if only she could find where?man this was going to be hard. Not only did she have no idea where she was supposed to be going, and James was still?something or another. The constant mumbling really started to tick her off as the hospital shrinked farther away in the rearview mirror. At least she didn't see any eaters at the moment, and silently hoped those two would be alright. The whole present situation seemed bad. With a small twitch, Katrina pulled over on a side road, and moved closer to James. He mumbled something about "you again...fear and love," before growing silent again, but it was hard to make out exactly what the words were. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Alright, I know that you're probably dead tired, but I really have a bad feeling about letting you stay like this. I hope you aren't going to be too mad at me for this?"[/COLOR] she muttered. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"EY JAMES! Time to get up." [/COLOR] Katrina poked his shoulder a few times, but there wasn?t much of a positive reaction to waking up. Sighing, she turned his head a bit and slapped him really hard across the cheek, not having water to poor on his face. Well, she succeeded in turning the side of his face red. It would be up to him to wake up.
  18. Sounds of a fight nearby found their way to Edgar's ears, making them twitch slightly as she paused. Looking over to her left through a few trees, she spotted the remains of the demon camp with two figures fighting. [I]'I won't get involved in this.'[/I] she thought while pausing to take a quick look. One looked like a Holy Knight, the other had their back to her. It was the Slayer again. She stood silently next to the tree to watch one attack the other, and two more figures across the clearing from her position. Lets see?a dragon? And some sort of knight with red armor. They were farther away though, and Edgar preferred not to step forward out of the shadows to get a better look. [B]"I know you are there Elf, come out."[/B] It was the Crimson Slayer. She could see others jerk their attentions by the sudden revelation that she was even there. [B]"No thank you, I do not have a death wish at the moment,"[/B] she replied as calmly as she could manage. None of the group she had encountered before, and had no reason to stay or get involved with this small little detour. [B]"Who-"[/B] she heard the knight start, but didn?t stick around for him to finish. Edgar darted away back through the trees, still intent of finding Kenzai. Besides, she could buy some time to find a 'safe' distance seeing as how everyone was busy with each other. She darted swiftly through trees not bothering with a trail, silently slashing at a rather large web that poised itself in her way. With one trail of a purple light, the sticky web fell to the ground. That's when she heard it. A soft sound from up ahead a ways?it sounded like a horse. Sigh. This area was infected with giant spiders. She supposed she would have to go save the poor thing from a very unpleasant fate. Edgar cam upon the horse tangled in one of the webs. An arrow flew passed above the animal; hitting a spider and making it fall to the ground dead. [B]"Azkeresh nin sholdbereth, mith nigran creaturner vun ze?Calm, down, it's alright."[/B] It took a few moments, but the horse finally calmed down for the most part. She wouldn't be able to cut it loose otherwise. With a few swings of her sword, Edgar freed the beast. Anther spider dropped down behind where the web used to be, and the animal bolted off back to the south along the safety of a path. It left her to be surrounded by the monsters. She set another arrow in its place, ready for a fight.
  19. (ooc:I'll keep that litle detail in mind...) Edgar frowned a little in dismay remembering as she had watched and mostly heard the famed Crimson Slayer take out the knights she had been tailing. She stood with her back to a tree, so none would see her around the trunk. No doubt one or more of the group could probably smell her elfish sent or even sense her presence. That?s why the dark elf skipped out to of the area pretty quick. Most likely somebody would think that this hunter was after their head. Stupid knights, not knowing when to quit. Speaking of whom?Edgar figured that she would tail Kenzai for now. She liked him better than most of the other knights anyway. He wasn't stupid. If only Aeries, her horse, wasn't kept back home...the inconveniences just kept stacking up.
  20. Screams and yelling ran through Lea's ears, not from anything that was happening at the moment, but just the remembrance of the city ringing in her mind. Pick pocking and small thefts were getting a bit dull, except for when she removed something from somebody's possession and placed it in another's when she was bored out of her mind or on a cloudy day. Those turned out interesting. Driving the city life out of her head, the midnight Katiano was stretched out on the branch of a tree with the perfect amount of shade to take a nice nap. She had been laying there most of the day, any travelers passing by and happening to look up would think she was nocturnal. Not that anyone really traveled into the city-state. And if they did, usually trouble found them one way or another. A scowl found its way to her facial features, remembering the day Neft was burned down to the ground. Nothing stood there but a black hole in the middle of the countryside. If it got around that she was the last surviving resident, she feared that somebody might come after her head to finish the job. No matter how unlikely, there was still the chance. The echo of a young man's voice ran though her head, bragging about how many traitors he had killed, and houses burned in front of their eyes as they were executed like dogs. She shook her head violently in an attempt to drive away her personal demons. A small bag of shiny change she had been playing with almost fell to the ground, and she stumbled to catch it. Some green leaves drifted to the grass, upset by the commotion she made on the branch. Relax time was over. Lea quickly pocketed the cloth bag as she crouched, ready to jump lightly down. She didn't expect anybody to be under the tree. In mid movement, she tried to adjust herself so that she wouldn't land too close, or, Gods forbid, on top of the poor guy. Lea hit the ground next to the man with a thud, thoroughly startling him a bit. Sitting where she landed, she shook her head lightly and picked a fallen leaf out of the braid. [I]'A knight,' [/I]she almost gasped looking at Achilles. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"um?oops?"[/COLOR] What was she supposed to say? Sorry for almost landing on you but you were the one under the tree?
  21. Katrina took a sharp left through the newly turned red light, causing the old couple coming the other way to honk. [I]'Good thing I know how to drive?even if it IS without a license. I'm so dead?but it's fun.'[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Hey, anybody actually know where we're going? It's kind of critical."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Weren't you following Dante?" [/COLOR] she heard somebody ask, but it didn?t register who because she was trying to concentrate on the road. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yea, but he's starting to pull farther ahead. You can only get so far with these bigger vehicles."[/COLOR] At least there was plenty of gas in the tank. Glancing in the rearview mirror, Katrina hoped none of those things would be following. She felt really guilty about Jory. [I]'If I didn't go get my sketchbook?'[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If Jory really needs that much blood, is anybody the same blood type?"[/COLOR]
  22. Dusk thought for a minute, glancing at a small clock. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I don't know?they have me working another extra shift at the lab?"[/COLOR] "Again?" Ayumu asked. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yea,"[/COLOR] she replied. [COLOR=DarkRed]"So many unanswered deaths. How do you tell people that their friend or relative looks to have been mutilated by some tiger that must have snuck out of the zoo and [I]then[/I], BACK into the zoo unnoticed." [/COLOR] She sighed. [COLOR=DarkRed]"False face must hide what the false heart doth know...you know?"[/COLOR] "You feel bad for all those people. They lost loved ones, and don't even know what happened to them." [COLOR=DarkRed]"Exactly." [/COLOR] She could see that Ayumu looked a little disappointed, and said as they walked down the hall, [COLOR=DarkRed]"I [I]do[/I] have time for a quick bite though. If you're all right with that?unless you'd rather tail after Koske and Casey to make sure they don't get wasted. That'd be a pain,"[/COLOR] she said trying for at least a small laugh. Upon pondering what she just said though, she felt like she may have made it worse.
  23. Dusk acted like she wasn't listening, but most likely everyone knew better seeing as how Shoma didn't say anything on the matter. [I]'suicide mission?the only time people get out of those is in movies?'[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Who chants a doleful hymn to his own death?"[/COLOR] She said. "So you feel that way also," Shoma commented. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yes, but if we must go, and I mean absolutely NO other possible way that anything possibly can be done, as a VERY last ditch effort or something, I'll go with the others." [/COLOR] She stood up, slightly nodding to everyone as she excused herself to go outside. She spotted Ayumu just sitting there looking gloomy. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey,"[/COLOR] she said quietly. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You alright?"[/COLOR]
  24. Katrina rubbed her neck in irritation. The yelling back and forth was loud.[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "You know, misinformation gets people killed. Who ever the misinformer is, they're going to have more than impending doom to worry about?"[/COLOR] she spat, not meaning to snap at anyone. She had the normal look on her face, trying very hard to hide how scared she was at the moment. She had a major headache. "So, uh?Can somebody fill me in?" She paused just long enough to get a glace at some fuming faces, others unreadable. No one had a chance to answer before she changed her mind. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Never mind, I don't think I was to know?"[/COLOR] Katrina shivered slightly, remembering for a moment. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If nobody has problem," [/COLOR] she said walking to the hallway. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I'm going to go find my sketchbook." [/COLOR]
  25. Edgar walked along, small wisps of mist growing thicker and larger, nature quieting, and the way growing darker. The wind stilled, and the trees stopped talking. She was getting close. She could feel it. Her eyes could only adjust so much though in the very dim lighting. [B]?Azkeresh nin sholdbereth, mith nigran creaturner vun ze?? [/B] she sang softly. It was an old song passed down in her homeland in order to help calm creatures or beings. It wasn?t long before she cam to a small clearing, a small trees stump resting in the center. Vines bordered the area entwined in the surrounding trees, and not a creature was to be seen or heard for miles. [I]?I know you are here. Come out come out wherever you are??[/I] Edgar thought silently behind her song. The longer she could possibly hold off the Guardian, the better. Some old, dirty green vines hung down in front of her path like a curtain that she had pushed out of the way. Stepping over to the stump, she ran her hand along the flat surface, delicate fingers brushing along a shallow carving of an arrow. It pointed to the rock face on the left, a jumble mass of stones looked fused together from the building blocks of an ancient castle long ago. But what was so special about it? A large stomp sound could be heard and a crash through the trees caused Edgar to spin around on her heels, a wooden bow drawn, steel tipped arrow ready to fly. [I]?Time?s up? [/I] The beast had a rather large piggish snout, and a rough brown hide covering its body all the way to its black hoofs and three whip-like tails. Snarling green eyes stared back at her, the intruder. On all fours, it towered over Edgar, and strafed to one side as she followed the movement with her arms, leather armor showing from the opening in her cloak. The thing coiled back, an arrow flying at it, missing completely as the beast lunged. Edgar dived out of the way, the edge of the dark cloth getting ripped in the process. A flying arrow embedded itself in the beast?s neck as the Dark Elf hit her back on a mossy tree. The thing reared up on its hind legs, letting out a horrible screech heard that echoed throughout most of the forest, birds flying and other creatures fleeing. The beast fell dead, a few more arrows sticking out of it. A hoofed paw had smashed through the hollow stump, a small glimmer of light revealed. She picked up the tiny stone and dropped it in a small pouch. [B]?The Diamond Eye?? [/B] Edgar mumbled. [I]?Every treasure has its guardian??[/I]
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