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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yea, thanks Koske,"[/COLOR] Dusk replied sitting down. "You're welcome," he said. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hello Ayumo,"[/COLOR] she said. "Hi," he said back. Looking around the room, she peered at all of the downcast and worried faces. [COLOR=DarkRed]"So, do you think that they're going to yell at us all at once? I mean, there's only so much we can do on a skeleton crew."[/COLOR] "Who knows," Koske had said. [COLOR=DarkRed]"True is it that we have seen better days."[/COLOR] The boys nodded in agreement, knowing her random quoting as a normal thing, or maybe habit of you will prefer to call it. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Anyone know when they are going to let us out of here? I'm due for another shift at the lab later..."[/COLOR]
  2. Dusk walked through the long halls of the Soul society, dodging in between people and Wholes and ghosts alike. Trails of many different conversations drifted past her ears. This was too much. [I]'A shortage of Reapers at a time like this?' [/I] She mentally sighed and shook her head sadly before the looks around her caught her eye. A small smile tried to form on her lips. One out of seven this week alone. Seven? Yes, that?s the right number. Not great odds at all. After a while Dusk stopped looking at faces and concentrated on the way straight-ahead. ?Any luck?? She heard as she passed a desk. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more."[/COLOR] she replied gravely, holding up one finger without looking at the attendant. There were two more bodies in the morgue early that morning?poor kids. ?Better then none?? came the voice again. [COLOR=DarkRed]?I suppose,? [/COLOR] Dusk replied as she continued walking. It had cost her too. The Hallow had attacked her out of nowhere towards the end of practice just after she?d just finished a scene as Ross. Unable to move as well in the fake armor, Dusk got a pretty nice tear in it that she?d like to fix in time?alas. It was luck, not that of skill. Reaching the door to the counsils hall, she paused with a satin-gloved hand hovering about an inch away. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before heading into the meeting. Dusk didn?t expect this to go well.
  3. Katrina walked through the halls empty-minded, refusing to let any sound come from her mouth. She stayed silent, not even watching where she was going. Walls passed by in a blur, and the floor couldn?t be seen behind the paper of a sketchbook. The pencil moved along in a complicated pattern, relentlessly mapping out its path while not a thought passed through Katrina?s mind. It was a miracle that the girl didn?t walk into anything or anyone. A pale finger traced over long claws, smudging in shadows. Only a glint of sharp contrast was left. She felt the temperature drop as if walking into a butcher?s freezer. That was weird, because usually Katrina?s not affected much by general temperature, never bothering to dress for the weather or concerned by pouring rain. Mentally ignoring it all, she absently turned yet another corner. She flipped the page over, seamlessly moving onto another project. Katrina started sketching a picture of everybody standing together in a group. Kyle and Jory, Garet, James, Dante?now it was getting to her. She felt really cold. It was kind of suffocating, and she had trouble breathing normally. [B]?It?s almost a waste to toy with you??[/B] It sounded like the weird voice or whatever it was came from behind. She spun around on her heel, but saw nobody. [I]?Don?t tell me I?m going crazy??[/I] she thought turning back around. [I] ?Wha-??[/I] No, it wasn?t her imagination. Now she definitely couldn?t breath?Katrina felt like she was frozen to the spot. The book fell out of her hand, the unfinished ?group portrait? hitting the floor with a quiet thud as the pencil rolled across the hallway. A dark spot crept into the corners of her vision, as she slowly blacked out. She fell to her knees, then fell forward hitting her cheek on the floor tiles as red marks formed on the neck, contrasting greatly against her skin. Air could flow freely now that there wasn?t anything blocking it anymore.
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Crysanthema- Crys (Chris) for short [B]Age:[/B] looks 19 [B]Race:[/B] Winged Fire Demon [B]Side:[/B] Fujin-not officially in the army [B]Abilities/Magic/Weapons: [/B] The wings allow her to be able to fly. She uses a scythe-like weapon made out of a hard onyx crystal that?s very hard to obtain. Along with general demon attributes like increased speed and strength, Crys is very apt at wielding fire. [B]Main specials[/B]= [COLOR=Orange][I]Fire Scourge[/I]-[/COLOR] Two crescent blades of red energy are flung by her wings, immediately setting fire to any enemy they touch. Limited range according to how much power is released. [COLOR=Orange][I]Heat Wave[/I]-[/COLOR] Waves of pure volcanic heat spread over the surounding area, making it very hard to funtion if you aren't use to volcanic conditions. Again, the affected area is limited by how much energy is released. The closer one is to her position, the worst the symtoms. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/1103927299_by_aelithe.jpg][I][U][COLOR=Red]Crysanthema[/COLOR][/U][/I][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Crys is a carefree girl, loving to just relax and enjoy things. However, she can grow very serious when it comes to matters dealing with the invaders. She carries a burden upon her shoulder's that will frequently put a hamper on her parade, as she's still in the stage between childhood innocence and adult responsibility. Originally from a town high up in the volcanic mountains to the south, she left her selfish-acting kind to help the Fujins. Cyrsanthema has a fiery spirit when it concerns things she cares deeply about. ( -.- I know, its pretty short and general.)
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Yea, I?m coming,?[/COLOR] Katrina said nonchalantly. She walked up to Dante, a look on her face as if she really was going to hit him. Just before she would have punched him she stopped, instead walking passed him and leading the way out of the garage. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?No, I?m not going to hit you,?[/COLOR] she called back without turning around. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I?m in the mood for a walk. You can come with if you want.? [/COLOR] Without waiting for an answer, Katrina walked away succumbing to her own bit of wanderlust.
  6. Edgar had been standing in line behind the human and knight at the Inn coincidently, but chose to make herself little known. After they had left, she walked over to the high-spirited clerk standing behind the counter. A leather-gloved hand dropped the key for room 178 onto the wooden surface.[COLOR=Purple] ?If you ever dare to try to same antics with me as you did that boy, you won?t live to see another payment...? [/COLOR] she threatened quietly. The clerk gulped, and nodded about a million times as he turned to hand up the key. With the hood of her dark cloak down, she left a little while after the two, making sure to give the knight a head start. She didn?t want to be following to close to anyone, forbid she?d run into any complications. In the past months Edgar had already searched most of the southern lands of the kingdom. That would prove useless if the ironic suspicion of a traveling half of the mirror turn out to be true. But that situation would be handled at a different time if the need arises. She traveled East into the forest, silently welcoming the dimmer lighting a little. A very tiny sliver of a small purple shine escaped from the top of a sheath hanging to the side off of her waist. Stepping quietly through the spacing between trees, Edgar traveled along no path, the soft mist covering the unseen ground cooling the skin through her boots. It wasn?t a kind forest, she could tell. The wind whistled past her pointed ears, crying tales of the fiery death of giant spiders. The trees rustled with tales of many intruders. Edgar smirked. A raven colored crow-like creature with glowing red eyes cawed as she passed under its branch, the sound echoing around the vicinity. Edgar tuned sharply north, heading for the direct center of the forest, set to take care of a small mater of treasure hunting.
  7. I think I'll start off in that cozy-looking Inn dotted on the map...*nods* That sounds like a good spot. Don't know where i'll go from there though.
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?I think if James really wanted us dead?that wouldn?t have gone as it did.? [/COLOR] Katrina lit a cigarette herself; mentally laughing at how one day she?ll be an old lady with emphysema if cancer won?t kill her first. She handed the pack back to Dante. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?I?d believe it. That is, some of it at least. When you factor in that he?s the start of all this, it could tilt either way.? [/COLOR] She shrugged, grabbing her pack and stepping out of the car. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Well, you?re still alive, right? Wait, if you can hear the voices...maybe they could hear you too?? [/COLOR] She asked curiously. It was a random question, yes. Katrina?s stomach chose that exact moment to remind her that she hadn?t eaten anything since before school. If the world were animated, she would have had one of those little sweatdrops on the back of her head. She quickly changed the subject. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Sorry for what??[/COLOR] She sure as hell didn?t feel like there was anything about that situation to apologize about.
  9. Katrina walked up the brick steps to her house, and pulled out her keys. The house key was on a small key ring, one of a pewter dragon wrapped around a crescent shape. One hand on the doorknob, she turned halfway to look back at Dante. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?You can come in you know,?[/COLOR] she said. Once inside, she threw her keys on the nearby counter, walking across the bright living room to the hallway. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Alright. I?m going to go upstairs and take a [I]real[/I] shower?? [/COLOR] lifting her wrist and glancing at an imaginary watch she said, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Give me 15 minutes, tops.? [/COLOR] Dante gave her a disbelieving look. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?I?m serious,?[/COLOR] She called back from the staircase. True to her word, Katrina was back downstairs dressed in black jeans, and a dark blue t-shirt that had a grey brush print of a crescent moon shape. Her hair was tied back in the red ribbon, and her contacts were now silver. ?I told you,? she grinned. She couldn?t help it. She liked Dante. Her gaze was caught by something outside the window, and her expression changed drastically. Dante saw, and glanced at the window behind him; the thing was gone. ?What?? He asked. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Nothing, it was nothing,? [/COLOR] Katrina said with a small, strained smile. That?s when she spotted James pulling up to the curb. He was looking a little tense. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Uh oh, think we?re in trouble??[/COLOR] she asked pointing.
  10. [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/tiger.jpg[/IMG] How's that? I hope you like it.
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Sounds good,? [/COLOR] Katrina said. She herself felt in need of a cool down rinse off. Walking over to a bathroom with a shower space down the hall from the gym, she turned on the water expecting to be back around the time Dante was done. She would have loved nothing better then to take a full shower, but that would be kind of pointless without a change of clothes. [I]?I wonder if I?d have to ask permission in order to go home and grab some fresh cloths?ha. Good thing parents are out for the week,?[/I] she thought. After getting dressed again and squeezing the excess water from her hair, Katrina walked back toward the Gym and saw James heading further down the hall. She took a thick red ribbon from her pocket, and used it to tie her hair in a ponytail as she moved. Using a foot to open the door, she stepped back into the room while finishing her hair and leaning against the wall. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?The calm before the storm??[/COLOR] she said quietly to no one in particular.
  12. hm...I'll give it a shot. how's this? [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/gjfgjdfjg.jpg[/IMG]
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"?green/blue. That's their real color,"[/COLOR] Katrina said as Dante blocked her yet again. Getting more comfortable each try, Katrina started to not hesitate as much with each strike. Her moves became a little more fluent, and there was no way she was giving up. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Incase you were wondering about my hair color too, this is it."[/COLOR] She said, taking a step back. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Except for the green." [/COLOR] Brushing a bit behind her ear, Katrina took a deep breath before trying again. Each strike was blocked, and blocked again. Each and every time. It wasn?t too long until Katrina?s energy started wearing out, and her breathing a bit heavier. She gave up, stopping to regain her breath.
  14. [SIZE=2][B]Name:[/B] Edgera Glimathreil (Edger for short, like Edger Allen Poe) [B]Age:[/B] Looks about 20 [B]Race:[/B] Dark Elf [B]Backstory:[/B] Hm?that?s a hard one. There really isn?t much to say, for she really doesn?t like to reveal that sort of information. Ever. Edger in fact had not grown up in the kingdom at all, but one to the southwest. Dreknem. She doesn?t necessarily work for the King, but rather is an independent agent. Gold speaks many words with a silent glitter. Many times in fairly recent years she has been employed by the King or one of his officials to take care of certain loose ends, including troublesome people. That is, if the gossip is correct. A dark fleeting shape in the night, or a hooded figure in the dark corner of a tavern, and then-slit. That is about all that?s known as fact about her. An assassin. A mercenary. Bounty hunter. Thief. Edger has been called every such name in the book. Like most of ?her kind?, some have attributed her automatically in allegiance with all that is evil. Rumor would have it that Edger might be after the lost half of the mirror herself. That would be true. Of course, there would be a high price to fetch with the king. Yes, it?s always about the money. But [I]why[/I] she wants the money, is another secret she won?t give up easily. [B]Abilities/Magic/Weapons: [/B] Although she doesn?t wield magic, Edger is very in tune with nature, and can read the ?vibes? easily. Whether it is a voice in the wind, a sent in the air, etc. She uses a wooden longbow with deadly precision, but on a rare occasion will wield a simple sword if need be dire. She knows how to ride a horse extremely, and on foot is naturally very quiet. She can walk in silence and slow her breathing, very successful at sneaking around. [B]Personality:[/B] Edger would be, cold some say (which is untrue). She takes her business very seriously, for personal reasons she?d care not to disclose. She is not easily angered, with a fair patience. That however, will not keep her from getting annoyed fairly easily. Especially if you continuously ?bug her?. She doesn?t hesitate to kill. Or at least, give a threatening warning. As an elf in general, she looks to have a ?superior? attitude. Looks. She?s very furtive, but straightforward at the same time. You?ll get truthful answers, but Edgar will not hesitate to leave out bit and pieces. She isn?t unfriendly, but isn?t a social butterfly either. Her voice and mannerisms are on the quiet side, but isn?t afraid to speak her mind when she feels like it. [B]Appearance:[/B] Edgar has dark, dark grey skin. Her eye color is pure black, and has a dim, purplish red hair color. Tall and slender, she has the pointed features and elegance attributed to the Elvin kind. Including the telltale ears. She is a hard one to read, her features never betraying a thought or emotion. Although liking to wear a long hooded cloak on occasion, she wears simple leather armor, a reddy brown in color.[/SIZE]
  15. This year I'm taking forensics, and my teacher's a bit "forgetfull" to put it lightly. So about 15min until the end of class, his cell rings. Not too special right? he goes. "Just an example of what you shouldn't be doing." So he turns it off. Turn's out. the cell wasn't off. 10 seconds later, it rang again. That repeated another 3 times until he picked it up, said hello, and listened for about 10 seconds. He hung up on whoever it was while they were still talking. The phone rang again. He jus tdidn't get th eidea of shutting the phone off completely. He looks just like the guy from the Six Flags commercials.
  16. Katrina held the wooden sword in one hand, parallel to the ground as she studied it for a moment.[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "Alright," [/COLOR] she said. Automatically she griped it like she would a switchblade or dagger. "Loosen up a bit," Dante said. He took hold of her hand, adjusting her fingers a bit. "It'll be easier to move." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"It's weird," [/COLOR] Katrina replied. "You'll get the hang of it," he laughed. Dante proceeded to show her some basic moves, of which Katrina mimicked. At first it was difficult, but soon she started to get the idea of it. She was still a little clumsy though. What would you expect from a beginner? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Ok, I think I'm getting the hang of this?a little,"[/COLOR] she said while starting to relax her mood of complete concentration slightly. She paused long enough for a quick, innocent smile. To bad that didn't show behind her red contacts.
  17. Katrina carefully watched Dante swing the large sword around easily. She tried to hide how nervous she was as she took a position across from him, but most likely was failing miserably. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, James was going to let me use a shield that belonged to his grandpa?but personally..." [/COLOR] With a slight of hand, she pulled out a small knife while turning sideways to face him. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"...I'm better at small blades."[/COLOR] A smirk found its way to her lips, but quickly faded as she took a deep breath. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I wouldn't last 30 seconds. I don't fight like you guys." [/COLOR] She pointed the end of the knife at Dante before hiding it again somewhere unknown to him. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"A regular school yard brawl or a fist fight in the street I can handle. No problem. But the fighting you do? Not exactly my area of Expertise."[/COLOR]
  18. Personally, I have no problem getting up infront of the class or anything to make a speach or something. I remember that most of them hate me (and I don't really care an inkling about them or what they think), and know already that the amount of people acually listening is close to zero. Also with plays. I can act fine, since it's not necessarily "me" up there. :catgirl: But it helps initially for me to add at least one 'joke' or 'witty' comment as I go, maybe an amusing observation that's relevent. (IE, one of the important people i mentioned in my triboard report on Korea looked exactly like my social teacher. With a longer beard. Even he laughed when I pointed it out.) For me it works, even if it fails to lighten the mood and no one finds it funny. Then I'm too down to be nervous. :animeswea :animedepr However, I can't get rid of my nerves when I have to read something that I wrote...Like a creative story, poem, etc. But I found so far, that if I consentrate on what I'm saying alone, I can make it through without many of those 'uhhs', 'ums', etc. But that's just me.
  19. Katrina laughed lightly. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Eh leave ?em be, they?re getting re-acquainted.?[/COLOR] Walking next to Dante she looked confused at the ?too much chaos here' comment for a quick moment. [I]??So can he like sense-you know what, lets just relax and enjoy the moment.'[/I] She thought, pushing it to the back of her mind. Her expression returned to one that was very hard to read. [I]?Gym, eh??[/I] Katrina had a small flash back to the last Physical Education class she attended. They were playing dodge ball that day?she almost grinned at the thought of seeing the red marks on several faces.
  20. [B]Name:[/B] Dusk Lancey [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Well, it?s kind of hard to tell. Maybe a split personality or something of the like. One minute she?ll be quiet and reserved, the next? Lets not go there. She usually doesn?t take to others very well at first, but stick around long enough and she?s a very loyal friend. Dusk is a bit bookish, loving to delve into other realms and time periods. She has a small fetish (not sexual) for violence, which always produces a fanged-looking grin that?ll give anybody the creeps. Although far from an alcoholic, she loves a good drink, when she can get her hands on one that is. An artist in many ways, Dusk loves to draw, paint, write, and above all, act. [B]Weapon:[/B] Just a regular katana. [B] Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/sfdhsdfhds.jpg][COLOR=Blue][U]Dusk Lancey[/U][/COLOR][/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Dusk grew up in a normal family, went through public school, and had her share of friends. Yup, just your normal childhood. Except for one thing. Being a child, her young mind allowed her for closer ties to the world of spirits, seeing them around wherever they went. But as grown ups shrugged her findings off as imaginary friends with weirdly specific names; she soon just kept quiet and eventually lost sight of them herself. However, she always got a chill whenever a Whole was near, although never troubled by a Hollow as she was growing up. After finishing High school, Dusk was ready to move on to college. Moving out of home at the age of 18, she has been living on her own since in an apartment near campus. A very busy young lady, Dusk is always running around between classes, her job at the local Starbucks, and an internship at a Forensics Crime Lab about 5 miles over. Lately however, strange homicide cases started pouring in, and those that Dusk has been learning from are pretty much stumped. No evidence left behind what so ever, completely unpatterned (as far as they can tell), and no glaring similarities. A very scary mind, the crimes looking to be the biggest serial possibly unsolved murders of the century. Campus life is proving to be the usual though, tons of work, and late night weekend parties every once in a while. Lately, she?s been working with a group of others on a version of Shakespeare?s Macbeth, showing in about a month. She?s playing Ross, and doubling as the Third witch. Fun times. But still a normal, uneventful life. That is, until she received a mysterious email.
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?I saw the tail end of things,?[/COLOR] Katrina said. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Looked interesting enough.? [/COLOR] She started walking next to Dante, and couldn?t help but let out a small grin at Garet?s reaction to being called dead weight. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Heh, if he?s almost dead weight, you just might end up going down with him for that comment,?[/COLOR] she laughed. Yes, laughed. For some reason Katrina was feeling a bit more relaxed around these people, if that would be the right word to use. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] ?Why would I be busy??[/COLOR] To her it seemed like a weird question, but hey you never know. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?But the answer?s, no. I?m not busy.? [/COLOR] She accompanied the two to the infirmary. They all got a weird look from the doctor, who wordlessly said something along the lines of ?what the hell?? [I] ?He?ll be sore in the morning...?[/I] Katrina thought.
  22. Good thing the group had fairly good drivers. Something happening nearby was sending tremors throughout the entire area. Mini earthquakes were fanning out all over. The jeep Sandra was in made a sharp left turn with loudly complaining brakes, coming to a sharp stop before possibly crashing. It wasn?t a large hole in the earth, but big enough to total the vehicle. ?What the-? Drake was cut off by Old Jack, who had his own comment. ?Listen.? Voices were coming closer, sounding like a mini argument or something of the sort. ?I told you [I]we[/I] should have waited until they got closer!? said the first voice. ?It?s not [I]my[/I] fault that whatever?s going on-? ?Shush you idiot! You?ll babble like a damn human!? ?It won?t matter if non survive.? One Drake?s cue, everyone in the jeep scrambled out and sat backs against the side of the vehicle away from the approaching vampires. ?Alright, sounds like only two of them and we know they?ll be able to find us no problem,? Drake ordered. ?Sandra, could you try and take out one ?? ?Only if I?m attacked,? she replied seriously. When were they going to learn? Christine had her own battle plans. ?Oh come off the table, Drake. Let?s just go in and kick vampire butt!? Standing up, she ran around the side of the jeep to engage with the vampires. There were three of them, relatively weak ones. ?Hey look, the rodents are still here,? commented one particularly skeletal one. ?Eh shut it,? Jake called back at it. Sandra wasn?t going to stick around and see this though. [I] ?This is my stop? [/I] she thought quickly, taking off in the confusion. They already knew of her habits, not really caring one way or the other. Sure, Christine always is annoyed at her for some reason, but not like it was anything major to worry about. Away from the Hunter?s and their fight, Sandra felt the tremors run through the ground again. She stumbled a little, but it didn?t stop her from making her way to the giant, open doors. [I] ?Holy sh-? [/I] Dust was everywhere around what she assumed to once be a library of some sort, but she didn?t enter. Shelves were demolished; they were shelves, right? Yea, they must have been. To figures were jumping around all over the place. [I] ?Uh oh...? [/I] Drake?s words were true, but she knew that before heading out. Everything, from what she could see looked so...old. She?d never heard of any Ancient libraries on this continent. [I] ?Some secrets may be meant to stay that that way.? [/I]
  23. Katrina sat in a folding chair, staring blankly at the wall on the other side of the room. She sighed, moving her chair closer to the wall and used it as leverage to lean the chair back so she was looking comfortably at the corner of the ceiling. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?So?bored.?[/COLOR] Katrina leaned back just a little too far. Crash. Her head hit the floor as her upper back banged against the back of the fallen chair. Quickly maneuvering so she was sitting cross-legged on the floor, Katrina lightly rubbed the back of her head. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Ow,?[/COLOR] she said unenthusiastically. [I]'Maybe I?ll go for a walk?'[/I] So she did. It wasn?t long until she stumbled upon Garet, Dean, Dante, and Kain. Interesting. She stood a few feet away in a corner leaning sideways against a wall to watch in silence as the confrontation with Kain progressed. [I]'That?s gonna be a pain?'[/I]she thought noticing the blood trailing on the wall from Kain?s wounds. As Dante passed her with Garet she said, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Let me guess. Total scumbag?"[/COLOR]
  24. [B]Name:[/B] Lea [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Katiano [B]Class:[/B] Rogue [B]Weapon: [/B] She prefers a crossbow with deadly precision, but in a pinch will use any small blade she can get her hands on for the moment. [B]Armour:[/B] See Appearance. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/jdgjdf.jpg] [U][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Lea (in armour)[/COLOR][/U] [/URL] A short coat of soft, midnight fur covers Lea?s skin. In moonlight, it may look to have a purplish sheen?or even in daytime as highlights. She has a matching ears and tail, with long braided hair. Lea has cat-like gold eyes, which sometimes look like they may be glowing at night. She has great night vision. [B]Personality:[/B] Lea?s pretty lain back and relaxed most of the time. She can be a bit quiet, but by no means anti social. She has this thing for trees/sunny areas, and could just randomly sleep whenever and wherever she feels. It?s easy to think her nocturnal, since many times it may look like Lea?s sleeping when she?s not. Quite observant and definitely the curious cat, once she?s got her eye on something it?s best not to stand in her way. In short, Lea works for herself. Forever and always. Unless you ?prove yourself? in a way, she won?t exactly volunteer to watch your back. Temporary partners hve been known to not come back. Ever. Sometimes she can be a bit sly and spiteful?and can easily sneak around with no problem. Once engaged in a fight, or at least even preparing for one, Lea clears out her mind and relaxes completely. Some have called her either incredibly confident, or incredibly stupid. Niether however, is true. [B]Biography:[/B] Lea grew up in a quiet village not too far from the big city. Golden wheat fields, a fairly large meadow at the east end. There was even a wooden fence surrounding the borders. Everyone was nice, and pretty much got along well. For the most part at least. There was only one little problem. Many of the people refused to pay the outrageous taxes imposed by some mysterious overload that took power. One day while Lea was exploring the city, He had sent an amount of his large and powerful forces to completely level the poor village and everyone in it. Wasn?t too much of a secret afterward, using the village of Nepht as a ?prime example?. Lets just say Lea?s got a rather deep dislike for the overlord. To make a living, she started taking on paid jobs, everything from petty theft to small-scale assassinations. Within reason of course. At least, that's what's thought to be known. Much of Lea's past is a secret, and some information you hear about her may be incorrect.
  25. I think we're safer NOT burning the cross, before we end up proving them right in some twist of words. Although I do happen to like the idea of a big fire... But I say this: people are weird, and thats worse 'brainwashing' than the media. I'll chalk that up to another reason I never go to church, religion class, etc. and aren't too fond of people in general (no offence to anyone, one of my best friends is Christian). I'm just glad I go to a public school.
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