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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. oh my...That IS a question. I can't wait to find out.
  2. Katrina couldn?t sleep before, she didn?t know why. It wasn?t as if there were a million thoughts running through her head or butterflies in her stomach. Just?I don?t know. She was staring at the wall with a lit cigarette, having thanked Dante?s back before, not knowing if he had heard her or not. Who knows how long it was before the announcement came, and everyone was in a commotion again. She didn?t have to pack much. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?You know, this whole ?final battle? thing isn?t too cheery of a concept?? [/COLOR] Katrina said to James. He gave her a really stern look back. Apparently this wasn?t the time for it. So she sat in silence for a moment. Five miles wasn?t going to be a very long distance. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Sorry I sort of missed much of that speech before. If they are heading in one general direction, most likely the source is going to be at the back of the onslaught. However, I could be wrong. Going cold turkey over here. But if they?re fanning out, it should be at the central pivot point. ? [/COLOR] She wasn?t an expert or anything, and people probably already knew what she just said. Her eyes silently apologized for how bossy she must sound. They were almost there and she had to make this quick, just in case. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Ok, I?m a complete newbie in this situation, and have a very high chance of not coming back. I just wanna say thanks for everything.? [/COLOR] Ok, maybe that just made everything worse with the awkward silence. She quickly tilted her head down, arms resting on her legs and eyes staring at her feet. This was it. At least now she made it clear that it wasn?t no blind action. She was indeed aware of the life risks.
  3. It sounds like an interesting story. If my own schedualling permits soon with school, I'd love to sign up myself.
  4. I acually find Saji's lollypop funny. Expecially knowing that it's suposed to be a cigarette. Sometimes the way he holds it, you could sort of just tell. Well, at least to me. In the episode before Rougetown...what was it called? The one where Loofy defeats Oorlong and finally gets a wanted poster. (At least I think its the episode) The way Sanji held the lollypop while pointing at one point, it looked like he was flicking ashes off of it. :animeswea Well, I found it amusing...
  5. Athough there's tons of anime that have great music, I'm heading a bit toward Kenshin being my favorite. Not only great opening/ending themes, but I love the background music too.
  6. Katrina just stood there staring at James, irritated. Randomly finding out that everything was?well HIS fault, sort of puts a damper on things, no matter how you icing the cake. Especially being woken up in the middle of the night. Well, she assumed it was still night. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?You?re in your own personal hell. That?s why it talks to you,? [/COLOR] she said. Her voice wasn?t kind or anything, just indifferent. Katrina was going to just shut away as much as it took to keep her anger in check and not kick the shit out of some one. As greatly tempting as that was. Taking a deep breath, she continued. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?It found you, because it must have known you?d crack. Oh, you got what you wanted alright, but now you?re paying for it.? [/COLOR] She pointed a finger at him briefly. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?You run; it laughs. You despair; it grows stronger. You fight it; it fights back. You let it loose; it uses you as its material body. But most of all, you give in; It wins.? [/COLOR] That was her piece on the matter. Everyone else could make comments at their leisure, not that she really cared to open the floor and make this an all night discussion. She couldn?t say that she knew how he must feel, or anything sympathetic like that. She didn?t. It was fine with her if everyone called her cold and mean, and James got mad at her. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"My question is?are you going to give up and succumb a second time to this?Thing."[/COLOR]
  7. It wasn?t as bad as home, but still like Sandra assumed most of the world would look. Bleak and dismal. But there was something of grave importance, and she knew there must be. Why else would there be such a travel. And of course, wherever Kraven goes, the Clans follow. It was obvious. Just like the human race, with their quarrels and such. Any past, hopeful scholar could put an argument for ?we aren?t so different after all.? Yea right. Of course, none of those she was found hanging around took the time to sit back and think. Could have saved some precious lives. Walking above ground, she glanced at the paper in her hand, and then around at her surroundings. Yes, the girl braved topsoil. ?Where the hell?? At lest this way Sandra could have time to figure things out. Unlike around that horde of idiots she found some of her ?comrades? to be. They meant well, but complete, moronic, speak of the devils here they are. The safari style jeep pulled up along side her spraying up dust. Sandra coughed, and another stopped soon behind. ?Hey Sandra, look?s like you could use a ride.? A few of them sneered. She rolled her eyes, and turned to the leader, Drake. ?And you look about to get yourselves killed with all that ruckus.? Those engines weren?t exactly the quietest things around. ?Oh come on, you could use some help, instead of just wandering around on foot.? ?That?s nice, but I?m not heading in your direction,? she said. It was true. They were off to go ?hunt? their hunters. She was off to follow a mysterious piece of paper. As soon as this was over she could retire back to her home apartment. ?Yea, well, where are you going?? Drake asked. Sandra just pointed off in the one direction nonchalantly. ?Well what do you know,? he said. ?So are we. Hope in.? Sandra sighed, jumping in the back between old Jack (one of the few ?sane? in the group), and some woman named Christine. It was turning out to be a regular old party. ?Well Drake,? said Christine. ?Let?s go already!? ?Geeze Christine, save your temper for something useful girl!? He replied. Stepping on the gas, everyone drove off followed by small rolling clouds of dusty dirt.
  8. Katrina stood in one corner of the room, just staring off into space. She was mainly going over James' instrutions in her head for a moment so that she wouldn't forget. When Dante walked in, she didn't run over and hug him like everyone else seemed to do. Mearly glanced at him, figuring he'd need all of the oxygen he could get at the moment. She sighed, saying [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Nice to see you again."[/COLOR] Katrina wasn't even going to ask about what happened to his hand. She figured she didn't quite want to know at the moment. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Glad you're immune, but just a wild guess, don't go being really reckless."[/COLOR] It was a comment worth a small grin, even if for a moment to show she was joking around even though you wouldn't tell by her voice. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"So, are we waiting for that other guy and the girl...Jory was her name?" [/COLOR] Katrina asked, reciving a few small nods. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Alright. Wake me up when they get here." [/COLOR] She closed her eyes, head down as she leaned against the wall casually without loosing balence.
  9. Kraven, the Vampire Lord seeking ascention. Heading off to Austrailia? This was news indeed. But why would the Great Lord leave his throne sitting, to travel...there? Sandra leaned back all the way in her chair, hands behind her head and eyes staring out at the dark ceiling. News indeed. She turned her attention abruptly back toward the hunter she was talking to. "Thanks for the news. I think I'll go see what all the hype is about," she said. "Great, we can always use another pair of hands to whipe out those scum." "No. I'm going alone. I've told you a million times. I'm NOT a Hunter, and don't wish to be one." "You DO realize, that these aren't going to be your low level bottom feeders anymore," He said smugly, hinting at the long scar on the inside of her left arm. "I know, but I told you. I work alone." Sandra stood up, ready to usher him out of her sight. Again. "Maybe we'll meet up sometime over there." The comment was never answered. As soon as she was alone, Sandra plucked a small piece of paper off of the bulliton board. "Red Eye, here I come." Grabbing her things, Sandra closed the creaky wooden door behind her. She was off on another 'adventure'.
  10. Putting the finishing touches on the paper, Katrina put everything away and stood up as there was a message over the PA about all the agents going to some debriefing room. Cracking her neck, she walked back into the noisier areas of the building. It must have been what, a couple of hours? She didn?t even know what it was she drew. Walking down a hallway she?d never been down before, Katrina sighed. [I]?Man, I?m gonna end up getting lost?that would really bite.? [/I] Hearing footsteps ahead of her, she had no idea who it could possibly be, assuming that everyone was heading to this debriefing room place. She moved out of the way and stood back against the one wall, mostly shadowed, ?looking casual?. It was some guy she?d never seen before, looking really mad about something. Probably somebody gave him a hard time with something or another. Either way, she didn?t get stuck having to talk or explain herself or anything. She let a sigh of relief, and looked around at the next hallway branch off. It was official Katrina was completely lost.
  11. Sorry. I use different expressions when I talk, and pardon my lack of editing skills. Just because I re-read something, does not mean that I can fix everything. I WAS NOT TAUGHT THESE THINGS. Please stop harping. I'm trying, I really am. I resent what you said. :animesigh I WASN'T trying to set restrictions, but from you were implying in your first post, I going with [I]the impression I was given[/I]. I'm not the only one who thought things were getting off the origonal topic. :animeangr Go verbally attack them. [QUOTE]"3. The facts are, no matter which age you choose and which restrictions you apply, you are going to get both sides of the fence. And there is no certain, 100% proof way to dertimine the 'lesser of two evils'. - facts? I see no facts. What fence? what does "100% proof" mean? What evils?"[/QUOTE] Facts are/both sides of the fence.= It has been proven on multiple occations that it's not going to be one group alone you are dealing with there are always two or more sides. Nothing is going to be comepletly unanimous. 100% proof=bad expression, I admit it. there is no sure way to tell what will happen. 'lesser of two evils'=Expression used like saying, 'what's worst.' Again, PLEASE STOP HARPING ON ALL OF MY MISTAKES. This is no longer a debate, but an all out fight in MY oppinion, which I'm entitled to. I'm out, good luck with your debate.
  12. (ooc: Starwind, Katrina DID know about the whole thing with Dante?) Katrina hat to admit, it felt good to let out some of her anger on James. She calmed down a bit, and wouldn't be screaming or yelling at anyone for a while. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Big mouth, I outta hit that goddam-"[/COLOR] She stopped herself and took a deep breath with eyes closed, resuming her normal posture. Opening them slowly she watched James' retreating back for a minute. "Maybe you should apologize." Kyle suggested. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I know, but that doesn't mean I want to?some one better give me a REAL job to do when the battle plan's finished, or the Chaos Eater's aren't going to be your only problem." [/COLOR] She knew this wasn't the time to be stubborn. She left them with that calm threat and took off to catch up to James before he got too far away. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Dude, wait up a minute."[/COLOR] She said stepping in front of him so he?d have to hear her out. She wasn?t getting a nice look. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I'm sorry, alright? For loosing it back there. I just don't like feeling completely helpless, ya know?"[/COLOR] Without waiting for an answer, she took off in a different direction, head down and hands in her pockets. A small blade found itself embedded harmlessly in the wall as she passed, a last ditch outburst of frustration. Wandering over to a relatively quieter area, Katrina sat on the floor leaning against a wall and took out the sketchbook she kept in her black bag. Pulling out a pencil, she started drawing.
  13. Katrina tossed over the events in her head while she wandered around, looking at all the different weapons, etc. She half hated Jory for acting like Katrina was completely clueless on the entire matter. The other half however, kind of admired how hard she was trying to keep herself together. A smirk came wanting to enjoy the moment of aggravation, but didn?t. She thought back to Dante for a moment, but there were no specific thoughts that came to mind. There was just finally time to let everything sink in. Her eyes narrowed at a wall, she truly could not enjoy the scenery. Abruptly turning around, Katrina had made up her mind. Setting off to find everyone, part of her was trying to talk her out of it. Yea, so she wasn?t the fondest of that damn school. And maybe there really wasn?t a good reason to be sticking her head on a platter, but it was still her school. Pulling out a smoke, she reached for her lighter, and then realized something. She never got it back from Dante. Looks like no nicotine for now. She came upon Garet, Kyle, and James in the middle of an argument, her fists still clenched and eyes narrowed. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?I?m helping too. Nothing you guys can say is going to stop me.?[/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE]Kuroshin, i'm simply asking that you go back and reread what you wrote so that you can make the understanding of your post more coherent. Is that a bad thing to ask? I mean i serisouly did not understand what you said the last time! I'm not trying to be mean. I reread my post to correct typos and whatnot, you should too. [/QUOTE] 1) I DO look over my posts, but I can't keep correcting every little thing. I never said you were trying to be mean. Did you read through CAREFULLY and try to pick out what I was TRYING to say? All I'M asking, is that you be a little more specific with what I need to make clearer. [QUOTE]If drinking were made legal at an eariler age then that age group would have a lot more drinkers. I'm sure of this. Sure, there might be less of a cool factor, but can you really imagine drinking not being consdered cool??? [/QUOTE] 2) I never implied that. Are you forgetting the whole purpose of this??? I only ment that it would be LESS COOL, not that it would be a dramatic thing. I DO AGREE WITH THE AGE 21 DRINKING RESTRICTIONS. [QUOTE]The pot thing was a valid point, don't tell me it wasn't. I was replying to what Ilium said about the cool factor. I was giving an example. Pot would become more popular if made legal, regardless of the cool factor. It's even a better point than beer! Pot isn't addictive like alcohol is. Since you don't have to look at addiction in the situation of pot the cool factor apparantly doesn't have a very big influence, legality does.[/QUOTE] 3) You failed to get my point. Your debate is about being and adult at 18, not whether we should be aloud to drink at 18. As an example against Illiums point, maybe. [COLOR=orange]But there is no question of maturity concerning pot.[/COLOR]
  15. you forgot this: "She turned me into a newt!" "A newt?" *everyone stares and guy looks nevous* "I-I got better." :D sorry, had to add it.
  16. Well pardon me for never being taught proper grammer. Not all of it is bad, I use some wierd...what did the teacher call it...'eh, i forget. Plus you add in normal typos and some bad spelling. ABOVE that, it's not necessarilly completely the grammer, but the way I think. (I type the thoughts as they come.) Are we still arguing the point of pro and con here, because I really don't see that happening anymore.[I] I'm merely trying to help by throwing ideas out into the open. Anything could be said and argued upon.[/I] I'm agreeing that the loos of coolness is a valid point, and isn't that what counts? Who ever is judging (or the teacher or whatever), is going to look for a [I]convincing[/I] responce. Bringing up pot, is not it. (I'm not calling myself an expert or anything) That being completely illegal all around, and HIGHLY more addictive than alchohol (alcholics NOT included), its completely off topic of the "minor til 18" thing we started on. Or, if i can make that clearer: "I disagree. If something like pot were made legal it would become way way more popular. There is absolutely no doubt. " would in short be off topic due to its illegaltivity all around the board. There is no question about age and maturity on that issue. Like I said before, drinking is not the only thing to concentrate on in the debate.
  17. [QUOTE]The 21 law isn't pointless in any respect. You think if there wasn't a law the amount of teenagers that drink won't go up? That all teenagers that want to drink do drink? That's not so. The law does stop kids from drinking. By the way, if you're a teenager that does drink illegally, you ARE a kid. How stupid do you have to be? Sure, i've got a free education! But i'd rather go drinking with my friends! And risk it all! >_>[/QUOTE] Oh yea, the official numbers go up, I'm not denying that. But that also says, that even if you COULD drink, not everyone does, right? (you also have parents for that ^.^) Oh, and if the technical adult age would be 18, you can't always in every respect all them a kid. By the way, I wasn't necessarily talking on a mass scale basis there. That also doesn't mean that all of us teenagers that do drink illegally just go with a buch of friends to go get stoned at 10 a clock at night. That my friend, would be pointless -.-* Along with your regulars who don't give a rats *ss and go get stoned or something, there ARE and would be responible underage drinkers, just like you have very irrisponsible adults who love nothing better but to go drink with of buddies. The facts are, no matter which age you choose and which restrictions you apply, you are going to get both sides of the fence. And there is no certain, 100% proof way to dertimine the 'lesser of two evils'. hm...Maybe we need some talk about voting rights...like weather people are more suited to make an important decision about the government at 18 or 21. I'm almost certain that will come up. :animeswea I say that you are more apt to make a good decision at 18, because U.S History and Government class is still 'fresher in your minds' to 'learn from past mistakes.' :animesigh I still can't figure out how Washington ever put up with all of the cr** going on...
  18. Man, I really like the artworks so far...i'm itching to contribute myself, but with a lack of scanner...Anyway, Like I said. They're really good. I'm expecially fond of the symbolism aspects, even the suggestions portrayed by color choices.
  19. I'm handing over my congrats, and must say that I'm really exciteted about this whole giant event. I've been reading the posts so far, and am really...what's the word...*5 min later* uh, between intreeged and impressed for a lack of better words. Again, much kudos to go around. Everything's just been so interesting so far.
  20. [QUOTE]I think that having restrictions at 18 is a good idea. I mean, if there were absolutely no restrictions right when you turned 18 it'd be kinda crazy. It's like hitting a kid with a ton of bricks, it's all at once. You gotta go easy on the kid and ease him up to being an adult. If a kid that's been living with his parents all of his life all of a sudden had the oppurtunity to drink, smoke, and go to nudey bars right when he got away from his parents, why wouldn't he go crazy? Go on a drinking binge, get some lap dances, and smoke his life away. Eighteen isn't mature enough for most people to have those choices. I mean look at some of the people in your school, do you think they'd ignore the sin? Or would they go crazy with the drinking??[/QUOTE] You've pretty much stated most of my argument right there. Although its true that we have to deal with all of the problems before the privleges, you could argue that its a state of "earning it". I live in the U.S, and from what MY expirience has been, we (not necessarily I in most cases) already DO drink, smoke, sneak into clubs, bars, etc. before the 'official age' which makes the 21 law kinda pointless on one respect. But anyway, they sort of HAVE to let us be full-fledged adults at 18, because that is when we're out of Highschool, going off to colledge, "leaving the nest" so to speak. We're heading out into the 'real world' and there's nothing they can do about it.
  21. [B]Name: [/B] Jeneene Elisabeth Facilini; 'Jenel' [B]Race:[/B] Sorcerer [B]Weapon:[/B] A ritual dagger [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Heght:[/B] 5"5 [B]Weight: [/B] 130 [B]Birthday:[/B] August 13th, 1981 [B]Appearance:[/B] She has bright green eyes and long strawberry blond hair that goes down to her mid-back and accents the lightness of her skin. Jeneene has the build of your average delicate/frail young woman but is anything but. She likes to wear casual clothes, mostly in purples and greys. Thin, but not too skinny. Around her neck she wears a thin silver chain, which holds home to a silver pendant of an angel with blue-tinted wings. [B]Skills: [/B] She excels in defensive magic, but lacks a little in the offensive area all around. Jenel's also pretty good with healing magic, but not amazing. She knows both Italian and English, and is a bit light on her feet. [B]Bio: [/B] Jeneene grew up in Italy, training as a sorcerer, not really taught about the religion of the churches: only about her duties. She never questioned anything, and blindly followed her orders. But there was one flaw with her that drove some of the others away. Knowledge. Jenene was always looking to learn something new, or find about things that 'didn't concern her'. Always with a smiling light heart and willing to lend a helping hand. Of course, that soon meant she tried to find out all she could from her superiors about this mysterious Lance she happened to overhear about. When asking about it, they'd give her a stern look and a disapproving scowl that made one want to sulk out of the room and back to bed. Giving up on that, she eavesdropped whenever she could, always quietly bolting off when about to be discovered. Acquiring a bible and reading the hidden book within the confines of her quarters, she over time came to realize just how wrong what they were doing was. Her superiors eventually suspected/found out what was happening, and over to America she went, where the confidential, high up secrets were not known. She left the Church in a mix of disgust, and betrayal. Before she left however, Jenel was told the tale of the bishops of WWII by an older church authority that was a good friend of a former Cardinal. In reality she is still bounded to the life she left in Italy, no matter what angle it?s viewed at, and cannot just disappear even if she wished to. She searches for some way...if at all possible...there might be to help stop what looks to evolve into bloody massacre.
  22. Katrina stayed around after school; she didn't feel like going home yet. There was...some much she needed to think about, and home wasn't the best place for it. She imagined her parents yelling back and forth over the stupidest things. No, believe it or not, this place was a better choice at the moment, even with the so-called Chaos Eaters. Those kids kept coming back to her thoughts, why? What was so- [COLOR=Teal]?Miss Minnow, I?m glad you joined me this afternoon, but pay attention. In front of you is ALL the work you missed today. I expect it finished in a half an hour.?[/COLOR] As much as he enjoyed this moment, he had a look like he wanted to be somewhere else. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Well you ahead and meet Sherry, and we?ll pretend this never happened, provided you fix my attendance.? [/COLOR] She had a calm, blank look on her face that the alarmed teacher could not read. [COLOR=Teal]?I-I-I don?t know what you?re talking about.? [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Oh yes you do. And you know I don?t bluff. So what do you say??[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]?Fine. Just get out!? [/COLOR] Katrina laughed as she walked out into the halls. Ah, it felt good to be rid of that nuisance. It wasn?t long before she heard the lockers crash, and turned the corner into that hallway. [I]?Man, this school?s messed up.?[/I] She thought. Katrina walked by one of the open chemistry labs, lightly glancing into the room, but it turned into a surprised look. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?Holy cra-? [/COLOR] Katrina dived out of the way of a flying stool. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]?What the?Where the hell did THAT come from??[/COLOR] She immediately thought about that kid with the ripped up lockers. This was going to be a long afternoon...
  23. [SIZE=1](ooc: looks fun?Let me know if I must change anything.) [B]Name:[/B] Sandra [B]Nickname:[/B] Impy (only used by her late older brother) [B]Race:[/B] human [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Weapons: [/B] The crossbow has become her preference, but she has had a small amount of training with various firearms. (Doesn?t have any herself) She keeps various small projectiles around, mainly things like throwing stars, kunai, and small knifes she MIGHT dip in holy oil. [B]Personality:[/B] Well?there isn't much to say. Toward everyone in general, she's easy to get along with, with a natural humor at things others may not find funny. As a child she was always the more 'devilish' one of the family, as her religious parents would say. As a young girl Sandra always had a bit of a fascination with the darker things in life, shaming the family, who thought something must be demonically wrong with her. She was dragged to every Church Organization possible to deal with her mental state, just short of exorcism. When the local head of the diocese mentioned it, she just laughed in their faces and walked out of the room. Her brother stood up for her, (training to become one of the order himself) and the verdict was that she was NOT demonically possessed. Toward a vampire though, there'd be two sides to her. If they were't trying to kill her, she could stand there and have a nice chat as if there wasn't anything different about them. Mostly a 'be-and-let-be' personality, but not afraid to defend herself. She isn't a religious person at all, and has been officially ex-communicated from the Church. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/gfhfg.jpg][COLOR=Purple][U]Here[/U][/COLOR][/URL] She dyed her hair permanently pink in the seventh grade to annoy her mother, who was on her back for skipping religious classes. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] It was late at night, a heavy rain pelting against the window of Sandra's room. Well, it wouldn?t be for long. She was leaving soon, cast out and regarded as non-existent by her family. That is, except for her beloved older brother. He always said that it would be 'love and kindness to turn her pretty head to the light of God.' Maybe given time, but it wasn?t to be so. Her fingers glided smoothly across the keys, looking at various web pages and writing something in a word document. One hand had a napkin pressed to it, resting on her leg. There was a soft knock on the door, followed by the entrance of her brother. He was the only person who had the key. "You're bleeding," he said. "What happened?" She only glanced at him, busy with her Internet work. "I did it myself?I wanted to see what all the fuss was about blood." Sandra was always truthful with most, especially James. "It's a?thirst if you will." He said. Something was definitely amiss now. He never talked like that. Normally James would have said something along the lines of 'You should read the story of Adam and Eve, and there would find your answer.' "James??" Sandra turned around to face him, and stood up, smiling. "Are you going to tell mom?" "No." Sandra smiled at him, ready for a 'you're the best'. However the words failed to voice, leaving her jaw hanging open at the sight of the canines revealed through his grin. James had been turned. The wind whipped through the trees howling, filling in the silence between the siblings. "Ironic," Sandra said, a true grin on her face once again. "So how does it feel?" "I couldn't say?I haven't really fed yet. Except on mother." Sandra laughed. "The look on her face. Man, I wish I could have seen that!" She imitated a surprised look of shock and horror, silent scream and all as she pretended to faint into the chair, all while trying to hold in her laughter. "But Impy?" James started, a predatory look on his face. "?I'm still thirsty." Sandra suddenly grew completely serious, as James had moved in for the kill. She backed up unknowingly toward the window. The wind smashed through the window, glass flying everywhere, as Sandra was pushed, stumbling out of the way to a corner of the room, smack into the wall, hard. Pieces of glass had cut her all over her back through the pajama tank top. One particularly large piece had made a gash all the way down the inside of her arm, just missing the major artery in her left wrist. From the impact of her shoulder on the wall, a dartboard fell next to her, some knives and kunai sticking out of various places. Struggling not to collapse and be knocked out, Sandra grabbed one of the Kunai from the dartboard, blood running down her arm as James lifted her of the ground by her shoulder. He leaned in, about to bite through the flesh on her neck, when in a desperate move of self defense, she drove the Kunai straight through his heart like a stake. Falling to the floor, she didn?t stick around long. Tears running down her face, she gathered some things, and set out to find the Vampire that turned her brother. She found him about a block away. "Oh, what's this, James' little sister? I expected you to be dead about now" She wasn't listening to his big speech. One thing was on her mind: revenge. "You turned him?" She asked, just to make sure. "Why yes, nice of you to notice-" She wasn?t playing any attention as she threw some holy water at his face. During the momentary distraction, she raised her crossbow, killing it with a shot. "You talk too much?" Sandra said before passing out soon later.[/SIZE]
  24. Katrina started walking to class. [I]'How many ARE there then? How potentially dangerous are they? Man, I just hope I don't run into any of them...'[/I] She thought to herself. Hearing some commotion up ahead, she decided to check it out this time. Rounding a corner, she almost bumped into Mr. Fletture. [COLOR=teal]"I was hoping to see you about the halls, Miss Minnow. This means that you owe me a detention after school." [/COLOR] He said.[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "Yes, I know," [/COLOR] she replied. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I just love our little chat sessions so much." [/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]"Well then, I'll be expecting you in my office later." [/COLOR] Mr. Fletture walked off, Leaving Katrina alone again in the hallway. A gloved hand punched the nearest locker before she started walking again, eyes narrowed for a moment. Passing another intersection by the stairs and turning the corner, she arrived at the 'scene of the crime'. Low and behold, there was Garet. The place was a complete mess! The door to the chemistry lab was also open. Wait, was that...blood??? [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh, my- Are you ok?"[/COLOR] She had no idea who he was, but figured that he was another of those new kids here to kill those Chaos Eater things. [COLOR=Green][B]"Yea. Fine." [/B] [/COLOR] Was all the reply she was going to get at the moment, accompanied by a scowl. She rolled her eyes. All right, she wasn't going to press the matter...much. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You're going to need a good amount of gauze, cotton balls, and Peroxide possibly if you want that wound to hopefully stop bleeding and start healing."[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Chaos?Eater?"[/COLOR] Katrina repeated slowly. Although it couldn't be seen through the contacts, the little hamster was running for his life on the little wheel. Looking back up to face everyone, she moved the hair out of her face, glancing at Tenjo. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"So, you saw it. Sort of."[/COLOR] Katrina turned and leaned against the nearest lockers, arms crossed.[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] "So these?things?in a simplest assumption of the basic name, would that mean they?eat, chaos? Or at least, are created from some sort of mass animosity or something? That's going on basic suggestions by the name though?"[/COLOR] She was thinking aloud for some odd reason. She didn't need to see the shrugs and strange looks to know they were there. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"But I agree. They aren't normal. That still leaves the question though of that IF they indeed killed the thing, why are they still here?"[/COLOR] She looked around quickly, standing straight up again and ready to walk away. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"That is, if they finished their 'job'?"[/COLOR]
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