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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Hm?that just poses a pretty little problem doesn?t it??[/COLOR] She pulled the lighter out of her pocket, and frowned seeing the fluid had disappeared. Sighing lightly, Antonia started walking alongside Tommy. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Actually, the word ?home? never sounded better.? ?Are you feeling ok?? ?Yea, yea, I?m fine,?[/COLOR] she shrugged. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Give me a few hours of sleep and I?ll be back to normal in no time.?[/COLOR]Antonia was in a little bit of a better mood as the two of them walked back to the building they lived in. It was a fairly short walk, but it seemed like in only took an instant before they were standing outside Tommy?s door. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Goodnight Antonia.? ?See ya Golden Boy. I?ll see what I can do about keeping the peace around here last for more than three days,?[/COLOR] she joked with a small point in the direction of her place. Probably wouldn?t happen, but it was worth the shot. He had a little sis to worry about, no reason why Tommy should have to go chase her around every few days when her mother looses it. Antonia started to walk off, but turned around. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Hey, Tommy?? ?Yea?? ?Thanks.? ?For what?? ?You?re the closest thing I got to a [I]real[/I] friend around here?I appreciate it.? [/COLOR] With a small hug the girl walked away to head back to her place. Walking through the door, she was smothered in a hug from her mother before even taking two steps. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Antonia, I?m sorry-? ?Mom?you can stop smothering me now.?[/COLOR] Her mother just laughed a little, but nonetheless let go and took a step back. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Ok, get some sleep young lady. You?ve got school to worry about in the morning.?[/COLOR] Shrugging, Antonia walked into her room and started getting ready for bed. Just another part of the rutine.
  2. Chrys was still upset, but she held back the sniffles the best she could as she stood up. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"?W-what's done is done. Your decision, I-I'll respect that?" [/COLOR] she said, and looked steadily at the ground. She wished Achilles would've said something before hand, told what he was planning to do, something.[I] 'I suppose all for the best.'[/I] She thought mentally prepping herself to move on. This was no time for her to slow everybody down by dwelling on things too much. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Well, I suppose we should figure out what we're all gonna do now?besides run headlong blindly up against a horde of Elves?" [/COLOR] Did she mention that she really, really, really, etc, hated them? Walking around behind Grace she put a hand on the demon's shoulder saying, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm glad you and Emilio are all right, you had me worried for a minute." "What's that supposed to mean?"[/COLOR] she asked a little defensively, considering Chrys' words could have been taken either way. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Means you're ok in my book. I'd be glad to call you 'friend'?you could ask any of them, I consider all my friends like family."[/COLOR] She turned to the newly revived Amer with a strange look on her face. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Um?welcome back?" [/COLOR] She didn't think she'd ever really understand the Harmonizers.
  3. Chrys stared after the way Gale had gone. She looked around, finally taking in the surroundings.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Where's Achilles, What in the world happened to Amer, does anybody if Grace and Emilio are all right, and who for that mater while we're on the topic, is this guy!"[/COLOR] she burst out with an exasperated point at Abaddon. Then she shook her head. "[COLOR=DarkOrchid]You know what? Never mind. I don't want to know. Forget I even asked."[/COLOR] Sarin just looked at her with an eyebrow raised. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I wonder what he saw in that vision."[/COLOR] Chrys took a deep breath and looked him the eye with a deadly calm look.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "The look on his face?and the terror in his eyes...was one that only appears on a man who's seen a ghost. I believe he saw some or all of us die. By the way he reacted to me, I was most likely one of them,"[/COLOR] she said sadly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It could have easily driven him insane."[/COLOR] The fire demon's eyes returned to the dangerous orange tone as she stated decidedly, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Elven heads are going to roll, and one of them will be their leader's." [/COLOR] Walking over to Sarin and Amer she added, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Knowing the King, he's gone off full speed ahead. Do you want me to stay here with you guys until ready to move on, or try to go after Gale."[/COLOR]
  4. Antonia was at Trish's merely just to have a place to crash for the night. That's all she really wanted. She paid no mind to the music volume, it wasn't the first time there was a party and it probably wouldn't be the last one she happened to show up just in time for. Being basically the only one left fully dressed in a non-revealing way, the teen took the cue to leave the room and walked into the hall fingering the lighter in her jeans pocket. Just wasn't her personal idea of a typical party. One hand was on the doorknob; she had one of those annoying nagging worry feelings?and really wanted to burn something. [I]'I have a few pencils left, why not. You can't have hell without fire.'[/I] Trish waved her from the doorway of the main room. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You hoo!" [/COLOR] she called. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Leaving already? Come on, we'll find you a date you antisocial wannabe. Have some fun." "Nah, I'll pass. I have to wrap your sister's B-day gift still anyway. Totally forgot all about it,"[/COLOR] she replied shaking her head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Whatever, your loss."[/COLOR] Antonia lightly scoffed to herself as she opened the door to leave. [I]'Yea right,'[/I] she thought. Standing on the top step somebody came up behind her, lightly placing his hands on her waist. He leaned in close, whispering in her ear, [COLOR=DarkRed]"Aww baby, you're all by yourself tonight? We'll have to fix that?"[/COLOR] [I]'Oh great, it's this shmuck ?what a day I'm having already.'[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, well, J.G?"[/COLOR] she replied in the most alluring tone she could muster. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What about Jenn?"[/COLOR] Jenn, or Jennifer Bailey, was her long time ex's current girlfriend. What could she say; she warned the Badminton teammate that he'd cheat on her in the blink of an eye. Not that the girl took notice, no one ever listened to Antonia really, even if she happened to be right. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What about her?"[/COLOR] he asked as if the girl didn?t exist. Antonia mentally rolled her eyes as she led him down the steps onto the sidewalk saying, [COLOR=DarkRed]"Maybe we should go somewhere else and have our own party then."[/COLOR] She turned to face him, in reality eyeing the stairs behind him. Perfect. J.G was grinning at her and she returned the face while placing a hand lightly on his chest and moving in closer to him. The cold look in her eyes didn't match her actions though, not that the guy noticed. Without warning, the girl brought her knee up to connect with his gut and in fluid motion push him down hard from the shoulders onto the stairs where he hit his head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'm not helping you cheat on your girlfriend!" [/COLOR] She spat on the ground. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Touch me with those intentions again and I will kill you. If I hear from Jenn you cheated on her like that as I warned her you would, I will kill you twice over."[/COLOR] Antonia flipped J.G off as she started to walk away in even more of a bad mood than previously. Normally she wouldn't have added the second threat, she didn't really care greatly about Jenn. However, J.G was the guy that cheated on Antonia with her former best friend a long time ago. He just annoyed her that much. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You?little?whore,"[/COLOR] he said. The girl stopped dead short, picked up some loose bits of street in her hand, and chucked it at his feet. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Sticks and stones bastard,"[/COLOR] she hissed.
  5. Chrys glared at Sarin from the corner of her eye. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Why," [/COLOR] she asked suspiciously. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Because I want to know is all, I'm trying to understand this," [/COLOR] he replied. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"No, you are playing matchmaker or something of the sort. I have my reasons?And at the risk of sounding like a snob, I feel I don't have to explain myself to you." "Well you're right about the snob part, but I still think-"[/COLOR] The sound of fighting way up ahead caught her attention and she cut him off midsentance. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Come on, they've met with trouble up ahead." [/COLOR] With a slight tug to get Sarin moving, she ran off to catch up with the others. It wasn't long until the tunnel opened up to a room. It was empty, but she continued to the other rooms, immune to the heat. Finally entering the decorated chamber with Sarin close behind, her first sight was Abaddon with Dreadnaught through his chest. Then she spotted the stone Amer and gasped in surprise. Sarin moved immediately to his brother first. Hearing a yell, she turned to see Gale just standing there as if he couldn't see. He was shaking, and yelling to himself. His sword dropped to the ground with a clatter, and Chrys ran to him. She grabbed him by the shoulders, trying to shake him awake. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Gale! Snap out of it! It's me, Chrys. Wake up!"[/COLOR]
  6. It was?awkward walking next to Gale as they followed the harmonizers through the tunnel. She steadily cast her gaze straight ahead. [I]'I hope Achilles will be all right?' [/I] Out of the corner of her eye, Chrys looked at Gale, and met his gaze before they both turned away again. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Gale?" "?yes?"[/COLOR] She got the feeling that he knew where this was headed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"We need to seriously talk?and truthfully." "I know?"[/COLOR] The young King paused as if battling internally with something he wanted to say. Taking a deep breath he continued. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"On the way here, when I said 'just friends'?I-" "Lied? Wasn't telling the whole truth?" [/COLOR] Chrys finished for him. He just nodded. She continued, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Sarin had informed me last night before everyone went to sleep?What a way to find out, no?"[/COLOR] The demon laughed slightly although a bit bitterly. Gale just looked down at the ground. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm sorry, I was just?to put it simply, scared."[/COLOR] Chrys stopped walking for a second in thought. [I]'Well girl, you've brought it up. Now've you got to follow up.'[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I was too," [/COLOR] she said quietly as she started walking again. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Of what?" [/COLOR] Gale was slightly confused for a split second as he asked. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"We [I]have[/I] been friends for a long time?and it has led to, other, feelings,"[/COLOR] the fire demon muttered as she looked at Gale. She brushed a single tear from her eye. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"But you don't want somebody like me?You are the King of Fujin. You want to marry a beautiful, proper, human, princess. I don't fit into any of those categories."[/COLOR]
  7. Damn the elves and their sneaky movements, taking the camp by surprise like that. She was awoken clumsily by sounds of battle, it seemed as if they had started the party without her. Couldn?t blame them though, she was having a hard time fending of the elves that had surprised her as well. The sun was barely up, and the numbers were overwhelming. It didn't take long to realize that the point wasn't to kill them?they intended to take the group alive for some odd reason she didn't feel like pondering at the moment. She stood in the middle of a ring of arrows and swords. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Don't you vile creatures ever take a time out?"[/COLOR] she growled angrily before making a point to take each and every head off one by one as they tried to catch up with her sudden burst of speed, even for demon standards. Her eyes started fading into more of an orangey tone, but she kept in check. Chrys really hated Elves. Watching her comrades' movements from the corners of her eyes, she tallied up quickly who was around and who wasn't. Emilio and Grace were missing; they must have been out talking when the ambush stuck. Hopefully lucky enough to not be attacked as well. Rising in the air above the din a bit, she looked around and noticed Gale was gone too. An unidentifiable pang ripped through her heart. It was the last straw. Her dark eyes fully changed to a fiery orange, and she cut through more of them with a Fire Scourge before getting knocked out of the sky by an Archmage from behind. From either side Elves pounced on the opportunity, holding her still. She laughed maliciously as they jerked her to her feet, intending to burn them away in one shot with some of her newer techniques. The fire demon stopped short, hearing the division leader's response to his underlings' cries of 'We got one of them'. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If you want to see your precious King again, I suggest you calm down and stay put like a good little demon scum," [/COLOR] it said. She spat at the Elf's face, but nonetheless backed down from her planned retaliation. They had Gale?
  8. Chrys couldn't say anything. Any words she could have mustered in her defense then would have sounded pathetic and cruel. Gale had said 'just friends'?but even she was not blind enough to overlook the feeling that there was something being hidden from her. [I]'But how could I have- oh, I see?'[/I] She shouldn't have asked, should have just let the whole thing drop. At the same time that she was miserable, the fire demon couldn't help but be a little irritated at some of Sarin's words, and they way they sounded. He wasn't there; he didn't know what was said. With a choked sigh, Chrysanthema faced away and closed her eyes. She decided to just stay away from the king for a while?at least until they both had a time to 'cool off' for lack of a better term. Chrys fell into a light asleep with a heavy heart.
  9. Antonia sat outside her door leaning back a bit to listen to the miscellaneous bangs, crashes, and yells. She had been back from the dinner with her newly found grandparents for a while, and made the mistake of defiantly telling her parents where she went and whom she met with. Something hit the door where her back was on the other side?sounding suspiciously like a CD player. Standing up, she kicked backwards in 'silent' disagreement before walking away without a word. [I]'I knew I should have shredded the damned thing, and knew better than to tell them I went to meet them. I should have just blown off the entire thing. Wonder why Mom stopped keeping contact, they're nice enough people?I should have known better?'[/I] She just kept walking, not wanting to be anywhere within the block around her home. No music, no paints, no extra gum, nothing. This was a bad thing. She didn't feel like doing much anyway, and mentally went through a list of possible places to crash at for the night. The teen didn't get remarkably far before running into Tommy, set to pass by with just a passing wave. That was until she stopped hearing her name. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You don't have your CD player?or your bag. What's wrong?"[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR=DarkRed]"My player, alas, met with such an unfortunate accident?and any ruckus is probably my parents," [/COLOR] she said without turning to look at him. [COLOR=DarkRed]"If my Ma suddenly decides she cares and asks where I went?please make something up. I'll be on Harbor Drive. The usual place." "Again? And with what has been going on."[/COLOR] Antonia wouldn't answer, and Tommy just sighed. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Just be careful?I saw Ash and Chris with Vala near there,"[/COLOR] he added as an afterthought. It made Antonia pause. It was strange. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Funny, I didn't think she was his kind of girl. You sure?"[/COLOR] Tommy laughed. [COLOR=DarkRed]"That's what I said when I saw them." "Anyways, I'll be fine per usual. Get some sleep or something, seeya after school tomorrow."[/COLOR] The girl waved a Goodnight over her shoulder as she continued on her way without saying anything more to anyone. Ignoring all surroundings, she stood on the front steps of a Club Buddy's place and collected herself before ringing the doorbell. It didn't take long for Trish to open the door. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey, well if it isn't my little whore," [/COLOR] she greeted jokingly with a grin, and one of those penetrating voices that at no matter what volume spoken seems to be heard by everyone within earshot. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What did I tell you about saying that?" "Oh relax, no one around here's gonna care. Come on in, I'm about to have a drink and some company," [/COLOR] Trish invited while stepping aside. Antonia followed her inside and shut the door behind them.
  10. Chrys sighed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I hope you're right." [/COLOR] She looked in the direction of the mountains. They were pretty far away. She walked with Gale in the direction, hoping they would meet friendly company before the unfavorable Elven presence. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You know, just our luck would be that we ended up the farthest away out of anybody."[/COLOR] Gale laughed a little, and she joined him.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Maybe," [/COLOR] he said. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If so, do you think the others will wait up for us before going on ahead?"[/COLOR] Chrys laughed a little more. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It depends on what they find when they meet up with each other."[/COLOR] After a while they had walked pretty far, but were still a good deal away from the mountains. Was it really the Dwarf range? Or was it another in the North? Hard to tell. The fire demon stopped short, shaking her head. Gale stopped soon after, looking a bit tired. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What is it?" "Since you had to just keep running off without giving yourself any time to heal up a bit, you're in no condition for this walk. It'll be faster if I just carry you while flying?And don't argue."[/COLOR] Gale nodded, and she helped him onto her back before taking to the skies. They were making much better time now, and would be catching up to the others fairly soon. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Gale?" "Yea?" "I was wondering, about what you said in the forest?before knocking me out of the sky that is."[/COLOR]
  11. Naiya giggled lightly to herself as she fluttered around adding little things here and there to Menae's diagram. She hadn't been throughout the rest of the compound before and was trying to memorize the crude layout for further references. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Well, if we just spread out from here?what we'll need to do is be able to open the other pens very quickly. There'll be less of a successful reaction from the disciples with we keep strike quick and hard, hopefully not in such a predictable manner they can trap us."[/COLOR]
  12. Jem glared at Sano from the corner of her eye. Sure, leave the female out of the fun. Fine, that was no big deal. Jem stood up from where she sat with a silent 'humph' and walked toward the back of the cove where she last saw Azuroth. Might as well fill him in about the navy. It was getting harder to see as she traveled farther. [COLOR=Indigo]"Hey, you still here?" [/COLOR] she asked the dark, not really getting an actual reply in return. She found the cave, and stopped short seeing him in the middle of practicing. Jem leaned sideways on the wall a bit as she watched for a minute while staying out of the way. It looked highly dangerous, and the pirate didn't want to startle him or anything. He was very skilled; she had to say that much to herself. After a while he had started to slow down to stop, and finally noticed Jem's presence. [COLOR=Indigo]"How long have you been standing there?" "Not long," [/COLOR] she answered. [COLOR=Indigo]"Just thought you might like to know we've got a hunter ship from the British Navy pretty nearby looking a bit damaged. Sano's inviting you, Ron, and Alex to maybe go raiding later."[/COLOR]
  13. Alma just stared down at what remained of her drink for a minute before replying, [COLOR=Teal]"well?I suppose it was my fault. Everything?" [/COLOR] The deader nodded curtly. She finished off her drink as she gathered her thoughts. [COLOR=Teal]"Some of my manner and, mostly my speech at times, they ain't very respectable of a young lady in these parts. So I suppose you could imagine the disdain from the other ladies and the treatment from many of the men?"[/COLOR] She closed her eyes, Heaven forbid she left out any important details. It was one thing to maybe see her corpse walking around, a completely other notion to [I]be[/I] the walking corpse. [COLOR=Teal]"It was the middle of summer around, when everything's all really dry and easy to catch blaze? [I]Ol' Clem and his group of fellas had decided to try something new and invited me in on their poker game one night. I did a bang-up job, made 'em look like big fools. Stormed out the doors after the blow-up?and met with some outsiders passin' through on their way to California. A storm was setting in, could hear the start of thunder and lightning in the distance. Sure enough, the fellas walked out and started after to by hook or crook get back at me. They got me in the small alley over by the General Store?Clem struck a match for his smoke, none of them expected a punch aimed at him. We were really close to this barrel of old papers, and it caught. Only a matter of slow-time minutes before much of the building was taken too. People scattered about everywhere, rushing for water and such, mothers hurrying their children to safety. Things spread quickly, basically claimed most of the entire street here before the rain came down heavy and they started to get an upper hand on the fire. Many of us were in the middle with fire on either side, the smoke and everything making it impossible to tell the way out?One of the fellas yelled out to Clem, I could see him pointing at me, nobody else was near. Of course I turned my tail and ran, only thing I really could do. Ended up back in the Old Saloon where everything started, and went for the spare revolver they always kept behind the bar. Blocked by the fire, I turned around again and part of ceiling came down in front of me.[/I] ...That's the last I remember of my life as Eleanor,"[/COLOR] Alma finished as she hunted through a bunch of clippings on the far side of the room. All right, it was probably more information than needed, but she didn't want to overlook anything that might have been important. Finally locating what she was looking for, the woman skimmed through quickly for the statistical information to read. [COLOR=Teal]"Here it is, 34 died."[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Listen to me Gale. [I]We[/I], are going back there with the others and seeing this to the end. You are not staying here. So he had a family to look forward to seeing, who's to say life under Elvish rule would have been better? Who?s to say that he could not have easily chosen another path? Is this Elf Lord so powerful? Having no more use for the warriors would he dispose of them himself later on?" [/COLOR] Chrys was trying to convince Gale verbally, she wouldn't drag him by force. It wasn't looking very good. What was suddenly so wrong to make the King buckle like this? [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You dying will not change the fact you killed them. It won't erase it from you. I told you, this is war. But it goes beyond that?whether you want to be or not, you are the King of Fujin now. It is your duty, your responsibility to protect them, the entire populous. Sacrifices have to be made, and yours will be pointless. Since when have you ever just given up? It's not a rhetorical question."[/COLOR] Her hands were on her hips, giving Gale a harsh look as he wouldn't look at her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Never?but it isn't the point,"[/COLOR] he said, not letting up. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Why did you kill them?" [/COLOR] The fire demon said, trying to lead Gale in baby steps to her point. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"To survive. But they had families! And I killed them in cold blood! Not like a king, not like a warrior!" "So you can survive." "Yes!" "What does your life mean to Fujin itself? Why is it so important that you live, aside from the fact that all of us would miss you terribly?"[/COLOR]Gale didn't answer. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Protection. Guidance. Hope. If you stay here?you are abandoning all those people that need you, you are giving up and letting the Elf Lord take over. Suicide. Dooming your entire people," [/COLOR] she paused to let it sink in. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If you still cannot see it, I will have no choice then. You know how I feel about giving up like this, and you know I'd rather die then be under Elven rule, die fighting until my last breath if need be. And in meeting you again in the afterlife?I'll make your eternity hell. Will you go through with your little depressed suicide mission because of one man's family, and watch from death as the Kingdom of Fujin falls to the Elf Lord, and what ever results that would bring to the [I]thousands of lives for many generations[/I]? The choice is now your majesty."[/COLOR] Chrys had never seriously called him anything other then Gale unless joking around before. It was a serious matter, and to emphasize the point she dropped the familiarity of calling him by his name.
  15. Hm...a few different possibilities Black- hidden, elegance (in a strange, unique sense), mysterious, sometimes darker minded Ice Blue- chilly, reserved red- passion, wrath, blind Purple- artsy Along that sort of line, but on the rare occasion I'd choose [COLOR=White]white[/COLOR] over every other color. Not for purity, spiritual, or anything like that. Because it is all the colors, yet none at the same time.
  16. Chrysanthema watched Amer and Sarin go off on their own to find Gale. She shook her head, and turned to face Emilio as he approached her and Grace. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Why didn't you get Gale away from here?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey, lets ram the hilt of a sword into [I]your[/I] back and knock [I]you[/I] out of the sky, see how you like it," [/COLOR] she said bitterly, but immediately apologized. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm sorry Emilio?I didn't mean to be nasty about it. I'll go round up our fellow stubborn idiots, the two of you need to talk before we part from this crazy world we were all sucked into."[/COLOR] She left Grace and Emilio standing there on their own, taking note of the changing surroundings with worry. If she couldn't get to Gale before they went sent back home, he could seriously die. For keeps, she mentally added seeing the remains of the broken stone lying on the forest floor. How much farther could he be? And how injured? If indeed the group was being sent back to face the entire Elven forces and their commander, than failure was not an option. The pull of the sky was winning unfortunately, and she stopped short as the black hole experience began again. She mentally beat herself up over it, of all the times for this to happen. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Well, this might be it?" [/COLOR] she muttered, ready to just give in and see what came next. Finally spotting Gale nearby at the last few moments, Chrys didn't think about it, just tried her best to reach the young King. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Gale you idiot!" [/COLOR] she yelled.
  17. Jem watched from afar what little part of the ending scene with the captain that could be seen. Not facial expressions or anything like that, but you didn't need to in order to tell. She'd seen similar body language many times before when friends became deeply attached or romantically involved with somebody. Part of her wanted to walk back over toward the rest of them and join the upset seeming captain?but was hesitant. This was the first adventure where the crew didn't seem like a happy family. All right, given that this was a little more of a mix match than she was used to, but still. One eye followed slightly in notice as Azuroth passed her, nodding to herself in response to his little comment she happened to overhear. He was right. The pirate guessed he was trying to get away form the tension a bit himself. With a sigh, Jem slowly made her way back toward the 'group', if that was what you could call it against her nagging judgement. She stopped next to where the Captain was sitting. [COLOR=Indigo]"Boy troubles Capt'n?" [/COLOR] she asked jokingly. It failed to lighten the mood. [COLOR=Indigo]"You don't need to say anything to me, just thought you might like the company."[/COLOR]
  18. Antonia went a tad pink in the face for a brief moment. It wasn't exactly something she was used to hearing. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, I wasn't planning on heading out on an inspirational whim until sometime after nine or tenish when there's less people wandering about?" "Oh?I have plans for then?"[/COLOR] The girl paused in thought. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Believe it or not I have a dinner date in a few, with a dear old couple who go by the names Grandmummy and Granddaddy,"[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I thought that- well, you had said..." [/COLOR] Ash started. He faded out seeing her nod seriously. It wasn't a look she gave often. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I know what I said, and I know it sounds like I am lying to ya?But I'm serious as hell right now. I didn't think I had living Grandparents until I met the Mrs. last week in the supermarket?" [/COLOR] she looked Ash in the eyes the entire time so that he would know she wasn't lying to him. The girl hadn't even told Tommy that bit of news yet, and he was the closest thing she had to a best friend. Well, pretty much any friend. Pulling a purple gel pen out of her pocket with one hand Antonia took hold of Ash's hand in the other. She wrote her cell number on the inside of his hand, her normal, almost cynical expression returning to her face. [COLOR=DarkRed]"That's my number, rain check then? You've got my word, however far you'll trust that."[/COLOR] She saw Ash nod, if a little unsure nonetheless, from the corner of her eye as she glanced at her watch. If she waited much longer she'd be really late. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I've gotta get going now though, loved the chat. I'll see ya later then I guess."[/COLOR]
  19. Chrysanthema smirked. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"All right, I have a little bone to pick with them anyway." [/COLOR] She sped up to catch up with Grace even though still a little sore from the whole 'lets knock Chrys out of the sky' incident. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey Grace, listen,"[/COLOR] the fire demon started as they came in reach of the Elven Archers. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I know it's weird timing, but I'd better introduce myself formally. Sorta. My name's actually Chrysanthema, but just call me Chrys." [/COLOR] She paused in flight to burn the oncoming arrows. The two women looked at each other with smirks. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What do you say we really get this party started?"[/COLOR] Chrys asked. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"No time like the present,"[/COLOR] Grace replied as they both joined in with the others. The fire demon immediately went after one of the Archmages firing off light attacks at Sarin. It looked like the same one she was about to kill last time, but it wasn't. They all looked alike anyway so it didn't really matter. She kicked it from the side, sending it reeling into the one standing a few feet away from it. Looking at Sarin's appearance she paused to say to him with an eyebrow raised, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"So that's why you seemed different?what kind of magic did you use?"[/COLOR] Before he could answer she was hit with a high-pressured water blast from the recovered elf, knocking her into a tree and cracking it. Soaking wet with a soggy, ruined dress, she slowly stood back up, glaring as if the offending Archmage would burst into flames by sight alone. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Damn, multi-elemental? I thought these guys only specialized in one element type each? Thanks for ruining my dress though, saves me the trouble."[/COLOR] Her scythe appeared out of nowhere in her hands, and she charged the Elf while moving toward the side to escape the path of another attack. The good news was that it took precious time to cast each spell. Plenty of time to bury her weapon in the Archmage's body, setting the Elf aflame from the inside with a wave of energy from the blade before removing it again. Chrys was still intent on going after Gale by herself after all the Elves were taken care of...and already had a little plan formulating on doing things a bit differently.
  20. Chrys looked over at Grace as they flew above the trees in an unsaid scouting pattern. The girl seemed a bit confused by something. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I know it seems a bit hectic, but you get used to it," [/COLOR] she said reassuringly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"We never really listen to each other much of the time when it comes to certain things."[/COLOR] She spotted the blast of water from Amer coming up from behind a ways below them, and smiled a little as she sped up flight. It had been a while since she flew that fast and it couldn't hurt to have a little fun at the same time. Spotting the injured Gale she waved a signal to Grace and called back toward the dragons, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Got him!"[/COLOR] Diving at a slight angle with a free fall speed, the fire demon pulled out of it at almost the last instant to run the last few paces over to the King and blocking his escape route in the direction Achilles bolted off in. She grabbid his arm to keep him from running past her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Chrys! Let me go, Achilles-"[/COLOR] he started, but she cut him off as the last of the group surrounded their friend. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If he went through this much trouble, no matter how crazy we think he is, give the man a chance. We can always hunt him down later. Right now, you're too injured to be running off anyway, and I don't need you dying from stupidity again."[/COLOR]
  21. Alma looked back and forth, unsure of where to go first. It was the quiet time of day, relaxing. Most folks were either having a home cooked meal or drinking to the sound of the piano. Out of old habits her sights were on the new Saloon, since the former one had a bit of a difficulty. [COLOR=Teal]"This burg's a bit simple compared to other places...but we used to see a lot of action in my day regardless. Used to. Looks even more boring now..."[/COLOR] Kain's slight change in manner made her nervous, usually she just followed him when necessary and carried out whatever orders she was given. [I]'Well, this is the Ol' American West,'[/I] she thought reassuringly to herself. Alma couldn't help but pause outside the steps with one hand on the swinging door and looked back at the Deader questioningly before continuing. All chatter stopped, more than half the town staring in appall and confusion as poker chips and cards alike scattered on tables and the floor. [COLOR=Teal]"Eleanor! You're supposed to be in the bone orchard down yonder!" "Hobble your lip Clem, you're all roostered up,"[/COLOR] she said emptily. It slipped her mind that she was supposed to be dead presently. The sheriff shakily raised his revolver along with a few of the other men in the area, but the guns went clattering to the wooden floor with one look at each of them in turn. The area cleared out pretty fast with fright from the brief but imposing scene. There'd be rumours floating around that her ghost was haunting the town or hanging around for some sort of revenge, whatever happened to stick in the telling. Alma held up two fingers, and the respective number of drinks were placed in front of her at the bar. She passed one over to Kain. [COLOR=Teal]"Eleanor?"[/COLOR] he asked. She sighed. [COLOR=Teal]"Used to be, but I'll stick with Alma. Sort of like a new life. After all, I 'died' in that fire."[/COLOR]
  22. Since the street wasn't that crowed and wouldn't be for about another fifteen minutes if her watch was correct, Antonia had spotted Chris and Ash from down the block. She had waited until only a few feet away before addressing them though, and completly didn't notice Jason and Kansas driving by. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What's the party for?"[/COLOR] she said while removing the headphones from her ears. [COLOR=DarkRed]"In other words, what's up, how's it going, long time no see, how've you guys been."[/COLOR] Antonia figured they weren't quite expecting to be bothered, especially by her. However, she didn't make any reaction to the little tidbit of momentary posture give away. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hi, Antonia?" [/COLOR] Ash said without really looking at her. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey Antonia,"[/COLOR] Chris greeted pleasantly. He always struck her as a patient fellow, probably why he gets along with most everyone effortlessly. Usually people rolled their eyes or inwardly groaned or something when she ran into them, easily showing displeasure at her company, but nothing of the sort applied this time. Either there was some amazingly good news or something was up. She didn't really care, but was offset nonetheless. Just wasn't your normal everyday occurrence. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What brings you here?"[/COLOR] he finished. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh nothing interesting. Just on my way to pick up a few new CDs. I'll swear it, this prehistoric fellow over here eats through them like a garbage disposal,"[/COLOR] she said waving the CD player slightly in emphasis. Snapping her gum Antonia poked the player menacingly. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hear that mister? I'll retire ya if you keep it up,"[/COLOR] she joked. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Anything interesting on the forecast? I've been hunting around for a source of amusement all day, so far nothing but a man in a hurry to get somewhere tripping over a curb and Prissy Miss Vala's reaction to getting his soupy lunch all over her pretty little outfit,"[/COLOR] the teen smirked in remembrance of the sight. [COLOR=DarkRed]"That'll be a bonus if she showed up to work yet."[/COLOR]
  23. Naiya giggled from her perched, she couldn't help it. The others looked at her as if she went crazy, but the tiny sprite just shook her head as she stopped to catch her breath. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I don't mean anything by it, it's just..." [/COLOR] She had to supress another giggle. [COLOR=Royalblue]"Menae, remember when we disgusing the posibility of gaining a disciple's help in an endeavor to bring down this place?"[/COLOR] The dragon nodded. [COLOR=royalblue]"Well," [/COLOR] Naiya grinned from pointed ear to pointed ear. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I think we've found a likely candidate."[/COLOR] She turned toward the Chimera, noting the two different names the particular disciple seemed to have. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Azuroth, did he remember you? When here...Mr. Chains looked like he was struggling to place a familiar face."[/COLOR] She couldn't help the state of happiness she was in, the thought of finally getting out of here in a hopefully sucessful, well planned escape attempt was too much of an event for her. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"We should invite him back for pleasant chats more often..."[/COLOR] Naiya looked at the pheonix, noting mildly what stage of her life the bird was in and frowned. When it reached the 'adult stage', they might have room problems. That would be the perfect time to strike...if they could whip up a sufficient plan by then.
  24. Chrysanthema had immediately taken the back way down to the main level after Amer posed his idea, causing her to miss the entire scene with Gale and the strange woman Reina. She didn't feel safe in this strange place?it was too much. Walking into the populous lobby she took note of the look in people's eyes behind their smiles as she searched around for Sarin and Amer...and maybe Grace as well. Spotting Amer she walked over, and leaned against a nearby wall to wait for the rest of the reconnaissance party. The fire demon had made a mental note earlier to have a private chat with the sky demon. She had noticed when Achilles sat to talk to her on the ride to this strange city, and assumed he had filled her in on a certain matter concerning a currently deceased woman. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Crazy as it may sound Amer, I believe we are safer in the forest with this?Leo who would have killed us, than we are here in the city?" [/COLOR] she mentioned quietly as the far elevator doors opened to Achilles and a woman with blue hair. Amer thought about it a moment, understanding her reasoning. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"In the forest, everything was pretty straight forward where as here, one must look around every corner and guard against every possible trickery behind the pleasant expressions." [/COLOR] Chrys nodded, watching the scene between Achilles and Reina carefully as they left. He was planning something?but what could have happened? [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"After we finish scouting an emergency exit?I think we shouldn't split the group anymore if it can be helped for a while?and take turns keeping watch at night if we stay here for the time being." [/COLOR] Amer nodded. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It's an idea?seems I'm not the only one who's changed a bit. Three years ago you would've said differently. And noticed less." "Yea, I grew up a bit," [/COLOR] she replied.
  25. Alma had left the lab momentarily, secretly glad to have gotten out of there, even if for only a few minutes. She wasn't much of a fighter. Sure she picked up little things here and there, but no match for the cops in her state. Each day that went by, new memories and such filled the place of those lost, easily moldable. What time was this? Better yet, where? The rubble of a burned down building filled her vision. She could hear and smell the surroundings. Creaking wagons, dusty roads, restless horses, and load chatter floating from saloon across the road. Alma fell to her knees as it all came back in flashes. This was it. [COLOR=Teal]"What is your problem? I thought I told you-oh?" [/COLOR] The deader behind her paused in mild curiosity. [COLOR=Teal]"Please forgive me, I don't know what possessed me to come here instead, I-"[/COLOR] She stood up slowly. [COLOR=Teal]"My memory returned?if it wasn't for the late Dr. I would have killed myself along with those slime?"[/COLOR] Alma turned to face Kain as a wicked grin that wasn't her own fleetingly crossed her normally empty expression in remembrance. Bending down once more she picked up an old western 6 shooter half buried among the rubble and twirled it on her forefinger briefly. [COLOR=Teal]"Sorry again,"[/COLOR] Alma said meekly.
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