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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I don't think it'll be very friendly to demons in similar aspect either,"[/COLOR] she hissed to Amer and Sarin, already uncomfortable. Unlike the others, she stook out as a dead giv- a-way to her heritage. Chrys explored the aircraft ignoring the landing warning, curiosity abounding. Staring out another of the windows, she gasped slightly at the sight of the city. It was all too weird. Moving off again she explored the interior of the airship, it all looked so?complicated. Passing by she over heard the old man's comment about the dwellers of the forest and frowned. She didn't like the sound of it although knowing nothing about either peoples. Walking over to Gale she stopped her restless moving around to laugh at his expression. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Yea, it is a pretty new sight to see, but?"[/COLOR] Gale turned to look at her after her voice trailed off worriedly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What is it?" "I think we've ended up in the middle of a growing conflict between two very different civilizations. Sound familiar?" [/COLOR] she asked. His lordship nodded thoughtfully. Chrys placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Maybe we'll get lucky and I'm wrong."[/COLOR]
  2. Chrysanthema was in the middle of a fight with one of the Archmages before being sucked up by the weird black hole. So of course when she awoke to find herself somewhere else entirely, the fire demon was more than a little startled. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Did I miss something important?"[/COLOR] she muttered to herself sitting up and rubbing her head. Looking around at the new surroundings, she didn't recognize any of it. Trees...trees...and nothing but more trees. She glanced around, and stood up. Walking around the immediate area, she still couldn't figure out an approximate location. And the stupid dress was only adding to her frustration. Chrys mentally counted everyone that was there. There was a new person?and no Gale.[I] 'Hm?might as well start getting everyone up and moving,' [/I] she thought making her way over toward Achilles. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey Achilles. I don't think we're in Fujin anymore?"[/COLOR] she shook him gently.
  3. Chrysanthema stood outside her room, scowling openly at her mother. After hours of fussing, Herthe had finally convinced her daughter to wear a dress. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Mom, I still don't see why I couldn't where something a little more?comfortable." [/COLOR] She hated playing dress up, and reluctantly moved back toward the older woman and looked herself over in the nearby mirror with distaste. The golden orange gown was charming she was forced to admit, but not a favorable wear nonetheless. The demon fidgeted around a bit and her mother just laughed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Chrysanthema, how many times must I say it? A ball is a formal gathering, and you must dress accordingly. Stop squirming, you look fine,"[/COLOR] she placed a clip in Chrys' hair, which immediately found it's way on the dresser. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Alright, I'll wear the dress, but leave my hair alone?"[/COLOR] Herthe laughed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Deal. Say hello to your friends for me. If you wait any longer, you'll be late."[/COLOR]Chrys nodded, rushing off to get out of her mother's sight before she thought of something else in the way of torture. ***** Finally arriving, she paused outside the ballroom doors to take a deep breath. The night was quiet despite the party in progress. The fire demon had a bad feeling but refused to show it. It was supposed to be a happy occasion, right? Gathering her composure Chrys walked into the room, and immediately looked around for those she knew. She immediately spotted Gale with Achilles. Walking up them she tapped Gale on the shoulder to gain their attention. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Greetings young King," [/COLOR] she grinned jokingly as he turned around. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Nice to see you again Gale. You too Achilles."[/COLOR]
  4. Fumbling around with her keys a bit, Antonia opened the door to her place and walked into the living room. Her mother, Mary, was sleeping on the couch.[COLOR=DarkRed] "Hello mother, I'm home." "That time already dear? How was your day at school?" "Oh, the usual bull. Thanks for asking," [/COLOR] the girl mimicked. She crossed over to the door to her room, and unlocked it to put her school stuff away. The folder went on the music stand, the keys tossed on the small dresser, and the junk mail in the trash. Walking out, she dropped most of the bills unceremoniously in front of her mother and was left with one small letter that she skimmed through. [I]'Oh, how nice of them...'[/I] she thought bitterly. Until about two weeks ago Antonia didn't know she had living grandparents, never mind that the said old folks didn't know she existed until a chance meeting with the Mrs. in the supermarket. Tossing it casually aside with the junk mail, she walked over to the counter and poured herself a small glass of wine while it was still quiet there. The teen guessed that it would be about a half hour before dear old mother would wake up and it wasn't an option for her to be home this early in the day. Placing the empty glass in the sink, Antonia grabbed a few supplies and left again, no idea where she was going to go yet, but a walk sounded good.
  5. [COLOR=Teal]"I don't know?"[/COLOR] Alma started taking one step back. [COLOR=Teal]"Do it,"[/COLOR] he said simply. She guessed patience was starting to wear thin. Nodding briefly she concentrated, going into a double vision because of the mind's eye that would show her shadows and reflect Kain's fears for him alone to face in full color, sound, and smell. [COLOR=Teal]"Just don't kill me for it, please."[/COLOR] With a last deep breath she pushed all hindering apprehension away as the vision took it's place. (ooc: I know it's kinda short, had to rethink things a tad. It's up to Achilles what is seen and such reaction)
  6. [B]Name:[/B] Chrysanthema- Chrys (Chris) for short [B]Age:[/B] looks about 22 [B]Race: [/B] Winged Fire Demon [B]Abilities/Magic/Weapons:[/B] The wings allow her to be able to fly. She uses a scythe-like weapon made out of a hard onyx crystal that's very hard to obtain. Along with general demon attributes of demon kind like increased speed and strength, Crys is very apt to wielding fire. Main specials= [I][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Fire Scourge[/COLOR][/I]- Two crescent blades of red energy are flung by her wings, immediately setting fire to any enemy they touch. Limited range according to how much power is released. [I][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Heat Wave[/COLOR][/I]- A wave of volcanic heat is unleashed around her, making it very difficult for those around her to function if they aren't used to Volcanic conditions. The closer one is to her, the greater the effects. She's been practicing some new techniques?none that she had shared with anyone, yet. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/1103927299_by_aelithe.jpg][COLOR=DarkOrchid][U][I]Chrysanthema[/I][/U][/COLOR][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Chrys is a carefree girl, loving to just relax and enjoy things. However, she can grow very serious when it comes time to. Matters with the war three years ago had forced her to grow up a bit?well?more like a lot. Chrysanthema has a fiery spirit when it concerns things she cares deeply about. [B]Bio:[/B] After the war, Chrys moved back to Mt. Hinote and the other volcanoes in the south to deal with family issues that were left unsettled because of Fujin's distress. Good news, she wasn't going to be an exile anymore. Bad news, the demon had to stay put for a while and catch up on things and certain expectations. As soon as she got the chance the girl went off on her own again to visit everyone and do her own exploring. She kept in close contact with Gale and Achilles, running into Emilio once in a while, but lost contact with the two Harmonizers.
  7. Chrys basically let Achilles and Emilio take the offensive, she just helped out where she could cover one of their backs or distract Dredick for split seconds here or there. She felt something weird outside the doors as she glanced at them in mid-dodge of an attack. Letting it be, she turned her mind back to the matter at hand. Even though it was three against one, with fairly coordinated attacks, she silently wished Gale would hurry up and get there. The help looked like it might be needed. She watched Achilles attack with Dreadnaught, and Dredick had to block and attack from Emilio at the same time. Chrys took the moment to throw a couple of fireballs but was blocked by a wall of water. Damage was being taken on all sides. Looking at the fight one would think that the three of them were gaining an upperhand, but Dredick's expression thought otherwise.
  8. Alma raised her hand in a motion of stop, and then looked around alarmed. She played around with a few buttons on a pad in front of a screen to look through the security system. She really didn't have much of an idea on what she was doing, but was shown how to do this by another elemental one time. She glanced at Gin's expression through the corner of her eye. [COLOR=Teal]"Wow, what are you doing?" [/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR=Teal]"I'm checking something, I have a bad feeling," [/COLOR] the girl stated simply before stopping as she found the screen. On it were three figures, two of them in a heated argument. [COLOR=Teal]"Time Cops?" [/COLOR]she muttered. [COLOR=Teal]"Damn?"[/COLOR] She pulled away from the monitor as Kain stepped through off of the pad and immediately crossed over to take care of the boy with the bad shoulder. The girl stopped Gin from saying anything. [COLOR=Teal]"If you didn't get it by now, he's in charge," [/COLOR] she said evenly. [COLOR=Teal]"You mess up in life, you'll probably die. When you die, most likely you'll be serving him in death." "Now that that's taken care of, what do you have to tell me?"[/COLOR] Kain said turning toward the two. [COLOR=Teal]"Bad news, the cops are at the front door. Good news, Gin can use his sword to send like, wind cutters or something from its blade at an opponent?and I don't scare people by accident anymore,"[/COLOR] Alma finished.
  9. Naiya stired a little, then opened her eyes. She had been half asleep and half awake through some of the before conversation. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I hate smelling salts..." [/COLOR] she muttered looking around at the disciples with unmasked contempt. Her eyes fell on Chains. He looked like he was in charge of this little...the tiny sprite fluttered over and hovered infront of his face, glaring. Some of the others either clamped their hands over their ears or took a step back. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Don't even try singing,"[/COLOR] he warned. Naiya shook her head. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Don't worry, I have no intention to...although I have half a mind to send you all to the bottom of the lake after drugging the food like that."[/COLOR] she was more than little upset, that if she were to have finished eating, it would have been a lethal dose. Instead, she brought her hand up and smacked Chains before going off with a 'hmph' and sitting on Menae's head. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I got most of this little deal being set up...anything unfavorable to the three of us and I will not be so calm and complying."[/COLOR]
  10. Jem looked around at everyone relaxing. Seeing Sano steal a couple of glances at the captain she just had to laugh, seemingly for no reason. Thankfully it didn?t call too much attention as she wandered off by herself to take a walk on the other side of the cove. Glancing back toward the way they had come, she imagined how the dark sea must look and smiled remembering past storms she's sailed through. [I]"Jem! I thought I told you to stay below!" "But I want to help! You said I'd have to learn sooner or later, so I chose sooner!" The waves were ruff, each crest of foam threatening to sink the small ship in already shaky condition from a navel battle they had barely managed to win not 3 hours before. The older pirates all out did the younger girl in height by a great amount. Jem was only 12 then. "Aye, I did say. But listen to me girl, if you fall overboard non 'er this crew will be coming to yer rescue. If you can manage the cross, help the lad with the helm while we take of the sails."[/I] Jem sighed. They were fun and adventurous times. Before joining up with this new captain, she had almost forgotten just how much her life at sea meant to her. All the opportunities it possessed, just waiting to be found. Forget laying low to fool the law, she was never making the same mistake again. Clarice Minerva would never be coming back, Jem Roally was staying in control.
  11. Alma walked closer to Gin, thinking him a bit strange. [COLOR=Teal]"I wouldn't do that?" "Don't worry, I am skilled enough with this sword for nobody here to get hurt," [/COLOR] he replied through fluid movements. [COLOR=Teal]"That's not what I meant," [/COLOR] she said moving toward one of the counters next to the samurai and moving the containers farther back. [COLOR=Teal]"If you were to break something potentially important?the repercussions of it will not be pretty. For any of us."[/COLOR] As Alma turned around to face Gin, her eyes accidentally met his for a moment, and he jumped in frightened surprise with an alarmed look. [COLOR=Teal]"W-what was that? What are you?" "Sorry, I didn't mean to?I'm an elemental like you. That is what Kain meant when he said to learn to control my abilities. My element is Akasha, or Soul. What is yours?" "The guy said something about power over wind, but that's ridiculous," [/COLOR] he started to laugh but paused. [COLOR=Teal]"Right?"[/COLOR] Alma shook her head. [COLOR=Teal]"No, he was right?and unless you can use that sword with your wind abilities, it isn't going to be of any importance if I am to get you to learn anything." "What about what you said about your own control?" [/COLOR] Gin asked. [COLOR=Teal]"Practice makes perfect." [/COLOR] She stated simply, taking her eyes off on the ground once again to look at the twin with the bad shoulder for a moment as she concentrated. He didn't look her in the eyes so she couldn't tell if she was getting better or not. Alma looked at Gin again. [COLOR=Teal]"Are you ready?"[/COLOR]
  12. (ooc: I'm not sure, last I checked it was still early in the day like around second period...I would assume its still school hours though.) Antonia nodded and sat down next to Tommy on the couch. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I just might?down at the Tom Cat there's this bartender we all call 'Mix Masta'. He owns this small little pizza joint/multi cuisine restaurant on the corner there, just so happens he's looking for help."[/COLOR] She motioned to the pasta. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Good stuff, as always. Better than the grub I usually eat." "You have the worst diet of anybody I know,"[/COLOR] Tommy said shaking his head a bit. It was no secret that her meals usually consisted of either fast food or junk food snacks. And it was when she decided to eat, no set timeframe as to which meal was when. Antonia just laughed. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Anyway, the salary's pretty good. Mix Masta's got this little rule though with most jobs. I don't think you'd have to worry 'bout it, but I'll tell anyway: If there's anything you're not supposed to hear or see, you didn't." "You know a lot about this?" "I ran a couple of short notice deliveries for him once. Nice guy. How else did you think I saved up enough for my computer so quick?"[/COLOR] Tommy visibly frowned, not liking the sound of it. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You know, one day you're going to get arrested or worse."[/COLOR] Antonia shrugged then stood up, and started to head back into the kitchen. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll do the dishes, it's the least I can do for bumming food off ya again."[/COLOR] Tommy got up and walked after her. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Maybe you should let me handle it." "Relax. I promise not to drop or break anything this time,"[/COLOR] she said proceeding to clean up. After washing and drying, she helped put everything away. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Think about it for a while, then let me know. As far as I've seen, he likes to keep one business separate from the other, so you shouldn't haffta worry about anything illegal or anything like that."[/COLOR]
  13. Naiya was never more happy to the fact she didn't eat raw meat...except maybe seafood. But she also had started eating, not as much of her meal as the others, but just enough to feel effects from the gunpowder. The water grew colder, the sprite trying to keep herself awake by splashing her face with the now icey water. It wasn't working. Returning the temperature to its normal nuetral state Naiya fluttered clumsily over toward Menae and Azuroth, not able to wake them up either. [I]'Will...not...give in,'[/I] she thought determinedly, seaching her mind for any favorable options. Time ran out. Reaching her water flower, Naiya passed out for a fairly brief amount of time.
  14. (I'm starting in ancient Rome?) Alma wandered about, lost on the paved streets of the Roman capital. After arriving, she had lost her way easily. At least she was out of everyone's way. And it looked like there were no Time Control officers around to worry about?not that she truly understood what they were exactly. Her blank eyes looked about in the evening, it was growing dark rather quickly. Then again, Alma's feel of time wasn't all that reliable. Not many citizens were up and about any longer, and the girl finally took her eyes off of the ground. She vacantly noted how oddly dressed she was compared to everyone?There was a distant crash of thunder and a bright strike of lightning followed by the rain. A still photo flashed in her mind, almost too quickly to process. With a rare hint of life in her expression she muttered, [COLOR=Teal]"This isn't it?but where? When?"[/COLOR] She was broke out of her thoughts by the appearance of another woman, looking terrified out of her mind. Alma turned slowly to look at her with her head tilted to the one side. [COLOR=Teal]"Come on, I've been given orders to tell everyone to hurry up and get back to the lab. Why did I let you leave again?" [/COLOR] she talked hurriedly, as if her life was in danger. [COLOR=Teal]"Because you wanted to get rid of me for a while? Because if I found some of my memories I wouldn't be so useless?" [/COLOR] Alma stated unemotionally. The other woman just sighed, and was on her way again. [COLOR=Teal]"Should I go?" [/COLOR] Alma asked herself quietly before sighing and heading off herself back to the lab. Once arriving she saw Kain just standing there, and made an unconscious thought to stay out of his way as she quietly took her place in a corner of the room. She was dead scared of him.
  15. Chrys tried to manage a stern look through her smile, happy to see Achilles was all right.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "You're an idiot running here by yourself?"[/COLOR] she couldn't keep the straight face and gave up the attempt. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"But I'm glad you're ok. Something's different about you though?" "I'm fully merged with Dreadnaught, and in complete control," [/COLOR] he said. Chrysanthema grinned, and gave her friend a pat on the back. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Glad to hear it. You haven't seen Gale have you?"[/COLOR] Achilles just shook his head. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I thought he was back there with you."[/COLOR] Chrys shook her head and looked down the hall at a mess of rubble and opened her mouth to speak. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"No, he ran off shortly after you-" [/COLOR] she was cut short by the sound of calm footsteps growing nearer and a dark shadow blocking the former view. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Your friend, Lord Gale, sacrificed himself in an attempt to kill me," [/COLOR] the figure chuckled. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You might as well give up, I've already won."[/COLOR]
  16. Chrys had her eyes closed much of the entire time, scared out of her mind although the last one to ever admit it. When they had finally reached the inside of the dark city well enough to start sneaking around, she had to stand still for a few minutes to readjust herself. Her lungs were burning, and she was a little dizzy. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm following you from here on out,"[/COLOR] she said to Emilio knowing full well she'd get lost in a second glancing around at the buildings around them. [I]'Wait a minute?is that?no?is it?'[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey Emilio?is that...Sarin's presence closing in on us? It's different, warped, but the core's the same,"[/COLOR] she hissed quietly while looking up at the sky.
  17. Naiya crossed her tiny arms and looked down at the reflections in the water. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I have an idea...be right back."[/COLOR] She dove down into the lake water, swimming all the way to the bottom. The temperature grew colder as she traveled, but never near a freezing point. Looking around, she gasped in delight at finding what she saught. Carrying a few shells that were covered on the inside by a pale mossy substance, the sprite broke the surface again to hand both creatures little hand-made earmuffs. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"My song isn't always for sleep, and no matter how long I spent with you you would not become completely immune to it. There are just too many songs. So I made you guys earmuffs. I know, not very flattering style wise...but it'll keep my voice out of your head without obstructing any other noise."[/COLOR]
  18. Antonia stared after Ash in unmasked surprise. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Don't- worry about it?"[/COLOR] her voice faded out. [I]'That was new?I can't remember ever seeing that much color in his face?' [/I] After a moment she shrugged, and continued down the hall as if nothing happened. Opening her locker, she fished around for her staff paper notebook before repositioning her violin case and slamming the door shut. Testing the door, the girl made sure that the next time she went to open it; it would comply. You never knew with some of the older lockers and the abuse they've seen over the years. With a last glance over her shoulder down the hallway, Antonia headed home. Almost home, not that she was looking forward to seeing her asinine parents; the girl stopped by Tommy's place and knocked on the door. There was a pause. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ya know, the way I see it you have two choices. One, you can open the door and we can talk. Or my favorite option, for two, I can make a horrible scene out here and then talk to you."[/COLOR] Her smirk never faltered, even after the door was opened a crack and she saw the look on his face. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What do you want?" "Relax, I'm trying to cut the attitude a bit long enough to do this. I know what happened, sorry for your loss and all that feel good crap. I wanted to ask, what do you plan on doing now? Besides moping that is,"[/COLOR] she said with arms crossed. Tommy sighed, and reluctantly opened the door the rest of the way. She wasn't going to leave him alone until he talked to her. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Drop out of school, find work," [/COLOR] he started. Antonia shook her head as if to dismiss the option. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Naw, no reason why Golden Boy should turn into a drop out. You've got too much going for ya academically speaking. I know a guy who can get you a night job, or you can do part time weekends and still catch school. Been doing it for years off the books, pays well enough in the least."[/COLOR]
  19. [B]Name: [/B] Alma (last name unknown) [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Side:[/B] elementals/Deaders [B]Weapons/abilities:[/B] She carries no weapons herself, relying on agility to run or escape unless trapped in a corner. Something in her bewildering mind tells her she isn?t a violent person, and as such doesn?t like fights if they can be avoided. If not, she clumsily gets by improvising until finding a way out of her predicament. [B]Class: [/B] Akasha, or spirit, depending on the times and beliefs. She has no purely offensive abilities, not being able to wield fire or bend earth, or summon dead legions, etc like many of her fellow former lab rats. When looking a person straight in the eyes, they can see their soul reflected in her mirror-like eyes. Fears, desires, all those that leave their imprint on a person?s heart for them alone to face. At present time, that is her only ?power? from the element, and not even used on purpose. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/bookmark3.jpg][I][U][COLOR=Teal]Alma[/COLOR][/U][/I][/URL] [B] Personality:[/B] He manner is more of an empty shell, hard to tell if she?s rowing the boat or asleep at the oar in most cases. Very impressionable, she will believe almost anything if the person telling her puts on a tone of voice or manner that screams trust, even if falsely. [B]Bio:[/B] Before Dr. Mount, she isn't sure of her former life, nor what time she was originally from. Just fleeting photos or sounds, usually much less than many of the others. The good doctor tried a different experiment with her, branching off to the element of Spirit as a trial to see if it would be similar to the other elements. As far as practical use was concerned, it was a failure. As a result of the fusion, she lost almost everything mentally. She had no real choice as to what side she was on, it was what she 'knew' in a way. Alma?s one goal now that she's out there is to find herself. Hide from the law, and do whatever it takes to regain what the Dr stole from her.
  20. Chrys sighed, and thought for a long moment. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You're right about the Harmonizers. Besides, lets say there is another attack. The people left will need all the help they can get, even if it is as shaky as those two."[/COLOR] She calculated a bit of math in her head, wondering if she could indeed rise to the occasion and not drown half way there. Her eyes narrowed at a random cloud. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"?I might?"[/COLOR] she nodded. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Yea, I think I can make it in regards to how long I have to hold my breath. However, I'm not exactly the best swimmer around." [/COLOR] The fire demon motioned to her wings. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"The last time I tried swimming under water, I splashed around a bit and almost drowned. Gale jumped in after me, him and Achilles were trying to teach me. Was in bed for almost a month with a nasty cold from the chill?I'll try though."[/COLOR]
  21. Antonia marched off toward her History classroom although she didn't have it until later. She figured to run a couple of errands around the school before heading home for the day. Sticking around just wasn't an appealing thought. She dropped off her essay, the teacher didn't care. Most of them were used to it by now. Walking out the door she mimicked the most used line by all of her teachers. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, at least your work is handed in on time?"[/COLOR] she voiced with one of Those Looks on her face. Heading by the art room to see if Mr. Kahn was back yet from his stroll around the halls, Antonia's cell phone went off. Seeing whom it was she hung up on them, only to be called right back. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Astrology 411, this is your daily astrologer speaking. Please press one for a general horoscope or nine for a sex compatibility guide." [/COLOR] She rolled her eyes as the beep sounded, followed by a question by the caller. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Let me see?ah yes, my crystal ball tells me that tonight may not be a good night to pay a surprise romantic visit, you may find her with another man."[/COLOR] Pause. The girl snickered. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Woa, watch what cha say ta me man, whore's a bit harsh don't ya think? Names like that get you killed around here now."[/COLOR] Finally reaching Mr. Kahn's classroom, she stopped to finish her conversation before going in. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Aight, catch ya later than, usual haunt. Bye." [/COLOR] Pulling an envelope out of her bag, she walked up to the teacher's desk and placed it in front of him. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Sorry Saint Vince, but I couldn't sign my work this time. I didn't have a real canvas, so I improvised curtisey of the school's parking lot. Don't tell Deto, k?" [/COLOR] She always referred to him as St. Vince after Vincent de Paul -Catholic patron saint of charity- because of how much he cared about people. Mr. Kahn lowered his voice so that classmates of hers would not overhear. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I assume you won't be joining us today then? If there is something you want to talk about, I'm here to listen and help,"[/COLOR] he offered. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Of course,"[/COLOR] Antonia said with a snap of her bubblegum, blowing a small bubble before popping it again. [COLOR=DarkRed]"And after I'm done talking to you, Deto, and the resident social worker, I'll jump off the Auditorium's balcony. Head first."[/COLOR] The teacher just shook his head sadly, but nodded nonetheless. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Alright then, I'll mark that you were here". "Much grateful, later."[/COLOR] she departed. [I]'I think I'll check to see how Tommy's doing?according to an e-mail opened on the computer screen in History he left early because of a death in the family. Remember Antonia, time to be nice. It's been a while, but you didn't forget how to be kind to people, right?'[/I]
  22. Standing where she was, Jem made a slight motion with her head and a hand in last wishes of a peaceful afterlife on calm seas for those who died there. She looked at the warm water for a moment. [I]'Well, I'm already wet, might as well.'[/I] Jumping in, she dove down a bit to collect a few clams. Surfacing again, the pirate prepared them quickly to be cooked, then went back to the ship to go get changed. A few minutes later Jem came back dressed in a simple long green skirt and dark tank top, red hair tied back loosely by some cloth. Setting her previous clothes to dry she sat down to eat, mostly keeping to herself. For a haunted place, it was kind of cozy. [I]'I believe the captain's right about this place, it's got that feel to it,[/I]' she sighed thoughtfully. [I]'Might as well make the most of the break.'[/I]
  23. Looking over and seeing that Emilio was up and about, she hobbled over to talk to him. Her legs pretty much gave out from under her as she half sat and half fell on the grass. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Ugh. It isn't going to work. Nobody's in any condition to go anywhere. If we go through with it, they'll just be in even worse condition than now from the travel. Not to be stereotypical or anything, but look at them." [/COLOR] She motioned to what was left of Gale's men. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"They're only human. You know the place, is there any way to maybe?sneak in unnoticed or something to find the two and get out of there without meeting the same fate?"[/COLOR] Chrys figured she might already know his answer, but had to ask anyway. Every train of thought just kept bringing the same unfavorable conclusion.
  24. She nodded. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If I see him?you do realize that neither of us are in any condition for this, right?" [/COLOR] Emilio nodded, and Chrys attempted a small grin. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Just making sure. I'll see if I can hunt down Sarin and Amer as well?" [/COLOR] She excused herself to get everything ready, hoping to pull together enough people who weren't very injured. From her point of view, the view was bleak. It took a while, but eventually word got around and everyone was set up and ready for the worse for the most part. There were barely enough people to defend the city incase of an attack, never mind the very few left of the air brigade and foot soldiers. Even then they really weren't in condition to be traveling around. Now all that was left was to find the harmonizers. She glanced around, not sure how much farther she'd be able to push herself. Finally spotting them with another she didn't recognize ever seeing before, not that she was curious but just noticed the fact, Chrys started to hobble over to talk to them. She stopped midstep, still pretty far away, and turned around again to look off in one direction. She had one of those feelings. The sudden loss feeling that can never be explained, but the effect that something really bad had just happend beyond immediate sight. [I]'Gale...'[/I] she thought out of the blue.
  25. Chrys faded in and out of awareness, catching bits and pieces of conversations and the sightless feel of the world outside of her sleeping insides. She could feel something against her cheek briefly, but was too out of it for any kind of reaction. It wasn't until a while later the fire demon woke up and found she could move a little again, but not without the pain at its fullest. With a little cough, she struggled slightly to sit all the way up and look about the room. Gale was gone. She had to do a double take for it to fully register. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Am I surrounded by idiots with death wishes today?!" [/COLOR] Chrys exclaimed louder than she meant to. Actually, she didn't even expect the thought to be voiced at all. Others turned to look at her in surprise or alarm of being woken up so suddenly. A bit embarrassing to say the least. Emilio opened his eyes to look at her slightly sleepy. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"That?was loud." [/COLOR] Chrysanthema just nodded an I know, afraid to say anything. She noticed Gale's necklace resting on his chest. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"He passed his birthright? I could have sworn Gale hated you?"[/COLOR] she couldn't help but laugh, causing another burst of pain to shut her up quickly with its only evidence being the look in her eyes. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What happened to you?[/COLOR]" he asked. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Achilles ran off on his own, and I attempted to stop him. He fixed that one the only way he could have?Now I see Gale's done the same thing?but in worse condition." [/COLOR] She moved to try and stand on the floor. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Idiot, but responsible. I'm glad you seem to be alright?considering I truly did attempt to kill you."[/COLOR] Before anybody could say anything else the old doctor walked back over from being outside. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Ah, so everyone's awake? Good. Makes my job easier as long as you youngin's don't get under feet. However, I have important instructions to pass on to you Fire Starter. Listen closely. Lord Gale said you're in charge of the army now," [/COLOR] Despite his greeting and initial tone, Chrys saw how serious the old man was. Half standing, the girl just sat right back down and buried her face in her hands like 'Oh great why now?' Her wings twitched slightly, she wasn't in any condition to be moving this much at once yet. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm no leader, I don't think I can do this?Emilio, do you have any ideas?"[/COLOR] She could barely think as it was. This whole ordeal was forcing her to grow up a great deal, and fast. There was no way she was going to give up though.
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