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Everything posted by Kuroshin13

  1. [B]Name:[/B] Mrs. Christina Ann Willmont [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Class:[/B] professional make-up artist [B]Alignment:[/B] Anarchist. That false government is going down...Even if it's the last thing she sees mortally. [B]Weapons: [/B] Any type of small blade she can conceal or throw from afar. She doesn't like to be seen too often, especially IDably. Once in a while depending on the objective, she may the one hidden in a tall building with a sniper rifle. [B]Personality:[/B] She's had to me able to adapt to many situations. If she doesn't hate you, you'll get treated kindly. Warm heart all the way. If not...expect no sympathy, a frosty voice, and chilly manner. Sometimes she's too nice for her own good, but does draw a line that should not be crossed. Ever. Always happy to do a friend a favor, Christina lets many just call her Chrissie, and almost always has a kind smile on her face. Cooking is a favorite pastime, especially desserts. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/ratatrae.jpg][COLOR=Purple][U][I]Christina[/I][/U][/COLOR][/URL] [B]Biography: [/B] [COLOR=Purple]"Wait, you want me to do what?! That's ridiculous, and thievery!"[/COLOR] The desk chair swiveled around as the professionally dressed woman turned to look at the guest. [COLOR=Purple]"Ma'am, I completely understand, but it IS the law now. According to-" "Listen to me mister, I lost my husband fighting for you people and what you stand for. As if that wasn't enough, the more time that passes the more restrictions that are placed. A Totalitarian Theocracy!"[/COLOR] She took the sheet of paper and slammed it onto the desk. [COLOR=Purple]"I'll tell you right now. I refuse to pay this, I refuse to 'repent' what did, and I refuse to serve your damn government any longer!"[/COLOR] Christina glared hard at the young man in his expensive, well-pressed suit. He was just the messenger, and didn't deserve the treatment, but this news was going one step too far. She rarely lost her cool, but when temper was met, it was best to run out of the kitchen and call the fire department. He was looking very nervous, despite the air he was trying to put off of the calm boss. [COLOR=Purple]"Do you know the consequences?"[/COLOR] The woman sighed audibly and sat defeated in the chair. [COLOR=Purple]"Yes,"[/COLOR] she said fingering the ordinance in her fingers again.[COLOR=Purple] "I apologize for snapping at you, but I've just been under a lot of stress lately." [/COLOR] She pulled a cigarette out of its pack and lit it. [COLOR=Purple]"When your team arrives in the morning to brand and expell me, I will not be here. Feel free to leave a message with the secretary, but I will not receive it."[/COLOR] Christina sat back and turned her back on the visitor once more, proceeding to type furiously with one hand while she smoked. [COLOR=Purple]"It's been a nice chat, but now I must ask you to leave. I am a very busy woman, and your government is due to crash down around you." "Yes, of course. Good Evening."[/COLOR] The expensively dressed man left her office, not without hiding his displeasure. She didn't hide her motives or train of thought, being almost obnoxiously open with the fact, almost mockign him. Christina was to become an Anarchist, and mighty good at changing other's appearances so that it was harder for the government and its lackeys to track down known and most wanted offenders.
  2. Naiya crossed her small arms and drew her face into a sort of pout look as she thought for a moment. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I can sing, getting some to open the gate, and taking awareness away so that much of the disciples will stand there looking like puppets. Once out of range they'd be back to normal, so somebody needs to knock 'em out on the way. I can't fly as fast as the to of you can probably go...so I'll have to sit on somebody's shoulder something of the sort. That leaves my last thing. You both need a way to drown out the sound of my voice so that I cannot affect the two of you with it. Knowing the way, it'll be a quick run to the Pheonix. Getting her out should be a fairly simply task...And then the blanks we may have to fill in on the way."[/COLOR]
  3. Chrys was powerless to do anything. She was drained, and in tremendous pain from Dreadnaught. Being carried back toward the doctor by two of Gale's men, she could only wish that it was indeed Achilles behind that look?and that he knew what he was doing. [I]'Don't put all your faith in the damned sword Achilles. Be confident in your own skills, not its?'[/I] she thought a bit bitterly. Not being able to do anything at all was the worst feeling in the world. In a state of being half asleep and half awake Chrys was brought back, and the Doctor gave a low whistle. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Back already youngin? What'd you get into this time?" "Shut?up?"[/COLOR] the fire demon muttered with great difficulty from where she sat. The doctor handed her some liquid and a cloth. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Think you can clean yourself up this time? I don't want to get burned again." "?ca?can't?"[/COLOR] she couldn't take it anymore, and blacked out.
  4. Rounding a corner, she eyed the back of Mr. Krahn and quickly ducked back the way she came. Antonia was still divided on if she wanted to go to art today, and if decided no later, didn't want him to know she was here at all. [I]'Maybe I'll just hand in my still portrait and fake lessons. I'm involved in enough crap with the music department for it to pass...'[/I] He was one of those teachers always looking out for the welfare of the students, the caring type. She took down one of the other hallways, and came upon the guy Jason walking in the opposite direction. He looked almost ticked off by something. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What happened to you, get chur ass beat verbally? Or maybe a metaphorical-" "Shut up." [/COLOR] Antonia wasn't a lip reader, but those two words she knew well. Eh, Jason was no fun; she wasn't even going to bother. She made a motion of not understanding what he was saying, pulling out one of the earpieces for a second. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Nothing to say sir? Shame. Till next we meet, parting is such sweet sorrow." [/COLOR] Putting the headphone back in her ear, she made a mock bow in terms of goodbye with a nod of her head that held home to a hidden grin as she never faltered in step once. One of her favorite songs on the disc started playing, and she closed her eyes as she hummed softly with the melody. Looking down the hallway at a ground spot in front of her again, Antonia almost tripped over Tommy because of not paying attention. Opening her mouth as she looked at him, she pressed the pause button so she could talk to him. [COLOR=DarkRed]"No offence, but the last thing I need right now is your attitude,"[/COLOR] he said looking up. He looked miserable, and Antonia couldn't help but feel a little bad although not showing it. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Touché my friend, Touché,"[/COLOR] she nodded. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'll be on my merry way then, skipping through the woods with my little basket of goodies for Grandma, spreading joy and cheer as I sing with the birds." [/COLOR] She indeed did skip momentarily followed buy a twirl, half Little Red Riding Hood and half Sleeping Beauty, succeeding in making him laugh a little. With a small wave, she wandered off once more.
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Sounds like a plan to me, but when?"[/COLOR] Naiya nodded, then giggled delicately to herself. She dived in the water, and placed herself next to the dragon's ear for only her to hear. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Does Menae have a crush? That's so cute!"[/COLOR] She grinned from ear to ear. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I can tell you know."[/COLOR]
  6. Jem was soaked through to the bone, and kept blinking to try and clear moisture from her vision so she could see better in the already unfavorable visibility. She held onto the rope tight as she could, front foot perpendicular to the direction of the rope, trying not to slip along the wet deck even though Azuroth was keeping them steady. If any of them slipped to much it could throw the others off. [COLOR=Indigo]"I can't see from all the way back here, Some one give a shout when they've reached the Captain!"[/COLOR] she called as best she could over the crashing of waves against the hull, rain pelting every surface, and howling winds.
  7. Chrysanthema wasn't sure if her body would obey her if she tried to move another inch. The shock was wearing off, and she dropped the scythe.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "But thanks," [/COLOR] she whispered. Trying not to move him too much, she picked up the unconscious Emilio carefully in her arms and flew a bit shakily down to the Doctor's office. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Doctor Dunstrum?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Yes, Fire Starter? What is it this time you little whippersnapper?" [/COLOR] Chrys rolled her eyes at the old man, causing him to laugh. She motioned with her head to Emilio as she placed him on an empty bed next to Gale's. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You're the best I know Doc, if you can't do anything I don't know anyone who can. He's already lost a lot of blood?" [/COLOR] The girl was very upset. The doctor gave a low whistle. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What a number you've done on this one. I feel lucky to only suffer a burned face." "Oh shut up,"[/COLOR] she muttered while looking at Gale. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Where's Achilles?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"He ran off somewhere, something about going after a demon named Dredick."[/COLOR] Chrys' eyes went wide, he was going to rush head first into goodness knows what, goodness knows where? She ran to the door and called back, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I have faith in you Doc!" [/COLOR] Exiting quickly, she rushed after Achilles.
  8. [I]'Senile woman, you said we were starting the classical era, not this crappy contemporary shit.'[/I] Antonia was bored, she could sight read the weird off rhythms of the tasteless [U]Traffic[/U]. Snapping her gum once in an obnoxious manner, she waited 'patiently' while much of the orchestra struggled through the same ten measures repeatedly. A knock on the door preluded to the entrance of the Dean, Mr. Dolan, or Deto as she liked to call him. She promptly burst out in Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 as a welcome. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Speraconi?"[/COLOR] he asked. Antonia packed her violin and slug the strap over her shoulder as she followed Deto outside. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yo, Deto! Long time no see, how's the wife been treat'n ya?"[/COLOR] She nudged him with elbow jokingly. The scowl on his face made her laugh cynically. Messing with teachers was one of her favorite pass times to drive away boredom.[COLOR=DarkRed] "I kid. So what'd you request my presence for, Almighty Detention-giver?" [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Enough nonsense Miss Speraconi, you know this is about your new 'artwork' on the pavement. Unfortunately I can't prove it's you. You however DO have detention for cutting school yesterday." "Ok,"[/COLOR] Antonia shrugged, and Deto gave her a weird look, but let it go. She pretended to head back to class, but instead entered one of the other buildings to walk down random halls. She passed by that guy Chris at one point, looking like he had somewhere important to go. After another classroom she stopped short, and backtracked after a moment a few steps for a quick wave at Tommy in his class. He was a nice guy, she didn't mind him. There weren't many people out there that'd put up with her attitude even for a short moment, and she had to make some humane attempt at socialness once in a while anyway. Glancing around, she took serious notice of the tighter groups people were staying in, afraid to be alone. Mentally shrugging, the girl laughed to herself at the paranoia. She wasn't about to change her ways for such a trivial fear, and refused to admit that she too, was even just a tiny bit frightened. She knew well the nature of rumors, her own 'love life' pulled into question multiple times with names called behind the back. The last time some one said it to her face, they met with a brick wall, then a car, and finally the street with a few extra bumps and bruises in addition to the bloody nose. [I]'Hm, where should I go next? So many places to choose from, yet none sound so appealing to attend at the moment?'[/I]
  9. I acually liked the Village. It wasn't scary, but it was interesting, and some of the ending things where a pleasent suprise. The worst movies I've seen personally are Scary Movie 3 -I think it was just plain stupid-, and The 40 Year Old Virgin which just bored the hell out of me personally.
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"One shot for the 'girlie' before she dies? My, aren't you the arrogant gentleman," [/COLOR] Chrys retorted calmly, content with just trying to rattle his cage a bit. The girl was determined not to let show much if any reaction to Emilio's words although possibly failing in the attempt. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If this is what it comes down to,"[/COLOR] She jumped up onto the outer wall and charged the Kappa where he stood. The scythe hit into the roof tiles, Chrys smirking as she looked up at Emilio again even though it was a complete miss. She hadn't even tried to hit him. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm right behind you."[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Sarin...I understand your concern-" [/COLOR] She placed a hand on his to remove it from her shoulder as she turned around to face him. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"-sort of, but when I said don't ask, I ment it."[/COLOR] She let go of his hand and motioned to walk back toward the rest of the group. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Let's just say that next time we meet, it may not be a pretty sight," [/COLOR] Chrys said as they walked. [I]'Maybe I should try to forget...'[/I]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Yes, easily,"[/COLOR] Naiya said fluttering around the area. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"But that's if they want to remember. If they want to remember everything about their past, I can help."[/COLOR] She moved around a little bit more, she always hated staying in once spot for too long at a time on most days. [I]'But where are we going to find somebody like that?'[/I]
  13. Naiya thought for a moment, leaning back on her 'chair'. Suddenly she shot up straight, eyes widened a bit. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I believe we'll need the help of a disciple, especially if we want to be turned back. Some one that can help us take down everything these poeple stand for behind that mask of golden shine and perfect glory..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Can't you 'convince' one or two of them with that singing?" [/COLOR] Menae asked. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Yes, it'd be very difficult to mantain, even if attemped on just one...But I think we need something more sure. It's too easy to tell who is under my spell and who isn't. We wouldn't get far."[/COLOR]
  14. Chrys laughed. There wasn't much behind it however. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You and your bad lines?"[/COLOR] her voice trailed off as she looked almost blankly at everyone. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"?Gale's still out there I suppose? I'll go get him." "The Kappa's missing too," [/COLOR] Sarin mentioned offhandedly. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"No, I know where he went?" [/COLOR] Chrys turned and started walking. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"?Just don't ask, and don't bother me about it."[/COLOR] She left the three of them there to hunt around for Gale. There'd be no flying for a while, so she walked instead. [I]'It wasn't what you did, but finding out it was you who had done it was the most upsetting?A little salt wouldn't have mattered.'[/I] Stopping short, the demon looked up at the sky, one had clenched in a fist by her side. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"EMILLIO YOU JERK!" [/COLOR] she screamed, knowing he was probably too far away to hear, but it made her feel slightly better. Stepping through the aftermath maze, she finally found Gale lying on the ground. She gasped, hoping beyond hope that much of the blood wasn't his own. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I want a medical team over here stat!" [/COLOR] Chrys called out, thankfully there was one nearby that responded quick enough. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What's it look Doc?"[/COLOR] The doctor shook his head. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"We'll do all we can, but it's up to him to pull through."[/COLOR] The fire demon nodded, and looked at Gale's face. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You better pull though, what're the people of Fujin going to do without you?"[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"No, you've always been there for me. I should tell you?I'm just?not sure how to say it,"[/COLOR] Chrys said closing her eyes. She took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again to look at Achilles, they were almost ready to overfill with tears. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"A while back, there was the incident widely known as the Tragedy of Dantes Peak. Almost 4000 of my kind were killed, but it wasn't in reality a horrible accident." [/COLOR] Achilles nodded that he followed what she was saying, and Chrys choked on her next words. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I?just found out?that Emilio's father was behind it,- another story that goes way back but that's besides the point-?i-it was Emilio who did it, killed everyone." [/COLOR] Just thinking about it was enough to get her upset, and voicing it was another matter entirely that allowed tears to streak her face once more. However, she felt like she had to say something, talk to somebody, and there was no way she was going back over there to talk to the Kappa.
  16. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Sometimes people don't belong here, that's the problem. They think they can rid the world of everythign bad, or anything that resembles somethign other then the perfection they hope to create. It isn't possible, there is too much of a grey area where people really live."[/COLOR] Naiya sighed, and leaned back to look straight up. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I think we should put together a group effort...suprise and overwelm them."[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Damn, I don't wanna go ta class?"[/COLOR] Antonia grumbled looking at her watch as she sauntered up to the high school. Yea, there was still plenty of time before the bell rang, but that didn't make it any less imposing. Snapping her gum, the girl checked the battery life on her CD player. She was a bit partcial to the CD's even though they were outdated in technology in regards to Mp3 players and Ipods. [I]'Damn, this thing goes through batteries faster then an SUV goes through gas.'[/I] Her head was still a little off from drinking the night before, even after taking triple the recommended dose of your average over-the-counter headache reliever. She could see people chatting, every noise and light making her head throb even more. This place was a nightmare, going to some fairly well funded school with a bunch of kids who actually have lives after this. Thanks to dear old Grandmommy and Granddaddy. Dropping her History textbook into the bottomless pit that was her locker, Antonia turned down her music slightly while grabbing a thin purple folder. [I]'Lovely lovely, Orchestra than Art. My, will I ever find time for Physics? Dear old Physics, the poor old soul, where labs aren't nearly as fun as my beloved Chemistry?'[/I] Clipping her hair up, she stuck two freshly sharpened pencils through her hair as she winked through the mirror's reflection at a nearby boy that was wondering what the hell she was doing. With a small slam to make sure her papers stayed inside the locker, she didn't bother locking it again while she left to go take out her Violin and tune up. [I]'Or did they want me playing Bass today?I can't remember.'[/I] So she'd be a bit early, it was a class she actually liked.
  18. Chysanthema had stopped paying attention to what she was doing. The numbers in the Dark Army were dwindling, it'd be over soon. She stopped for a breath, tacky blood dripping down one arm and off the tip of the scythe. Most of it wasn't hers, save for the caked wing and throbbing shoulder. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Mizale, how does it look from up there?"[/COLOR] she called up to the hovering demon. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"They're starting to panic, expect a retreat call anytime now. We've already taken out much of the larger mechanical weaponry." "Good." "The Harmonizer you had us watching is talking to another?" [/COLOR] Chrys shook her head. [I]'So Amer's up then,'[/I] she thought. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If things get out of hand, pull out and give them a wide berth. If Anyone needs me, I'll be over this way," [/COLOR] she pointed to where she had left Achilles. Standing above her dozing friend, the fire demon crossed her arms. [I]'If I go to wake him up, am I gonna get killed?'[/I] she thought eyeing Achilles' sword hand wearily. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey, you up? Or should I leave a message and try again later?" [/COLOR] She knelt down beside him, and gently shook him awake. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"How're you feeling? I thought you might've liked the tree."[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"No, that's all right Menae, I'm going to give my little voice a rest. I would be 20 now I supose..."[/COLOR] Naiya said trying to mentally tally the time she had spent there. She nodded to her self that her math was correct, and smiled from her tiny perch as she looked over at the Chimera. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Nice to meetcha Azuroth."[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Acually, a hotsprings sounds like a great plan. Yesterday I had this place frozen and pretended to be an ice cube from bordom,"[/COLOR] Naiya laughed, swinging her little feet in the water as steam started to rise from it. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I won't sing. Usually I don't this much, but today has been an interesting turn of the normal. It's more of a calling sometimes according to what somebody needs, rather than a want. Don't worry about it."[/COLOR] She looked on as a few of the disciples who were awake brought the Chimera fearfully back to the pen and closed the door behind them as they hurridly left.[COLOR=RoyalBlue] "A few years back, I was in the rebelious teenage stage when captured on a night's outing. I still say I wasn't really doing anything truely wrong and so I am still here."[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If I hadn't been late that day?"[/COLOR] Chrys stood back up; she turned her back on Emilio. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I was supposed to be there, when it happened. I was caught late on another matter, and only arrived at the precise moment that marked 'too late'."[/COLOR] She shuddered before continuing and caught a shaky breath. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I-I knew it wasn't an accident but couldn't back it up. Many of them were close friends, not just kin. That day?I?swore revenge if I ever found out!" [/COLOR] She wouldn't look at him, tears falling from her face onto the ground. After a pause she gathered her bearings and crossed her arms, trying not to sound sad or angry although both feelings were screaming for control in a mix of turmoil. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm supposed to hate you. Part of me does. But at the same time, I can't. Given the chance now, I'm not sure if I could make good on my words that day. He was the one you were fighting with before, right? I couldn't see well, but I could still see."[/COLOR] She turned her head sideways to look at Emilio out of the corner of her blurry vision, face streaked with tears. Chrys was about to say something, but closed her mouth again and shook her head. Head down, she walked a couple of steps away. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Feel better," [/COLOR] she said rather callously before walking away. Chrys' father looked at the Kappa from the corner of his eye has he watched his daughter walk off, then sighed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If you didn't tell her I would have said something later, and the results would have been worse. You got off easy so far, be grateful."[/COLOR]
  22. Hm..There are too many to counn that involve High School alone. Not to mention things outside of school havign to do with family. I went to my little brother's elementary concert earlier in the week and was helping tune some of the instruments of teh orchestra kids to help out my teacher and stuff. A classmate of mine (interloping on MY territory-long complicated 'relationship' story, not ment for here) was cunducting the kids through their songs to keep them in their seats and not walking around getting the instruments back out of tune again. That was all fine, but he had no idea what he was doing (being first and foremost a band kid) and every time I tried to help him out (nicely by the way, I wasn't being an a**) he wouldn't listen. I'm sorry, but I know what I'm doing much more than he does on the matter, proven fact. I ended up embarising him infront of a bunch of Emelmentary students, but he DID deserve it. One of many points: If the kids are having trouble with a small section in the middle of a concert piece, you do NOT start them all the way back at the begining poor children. The most recent thing though was last night when my parents wouldn't let me hang out at the nearby arcade with a few of my friends. No matter that bull they were saying, the real reason they were against it was because I would be the only girl out of a group of 5. :animeangr Paranoid I tell you! We were goign to meet up with my cousin (girl) anyway and play a few round rounds of Halo with her and her friends (mostly guys as well). That's it. Nothing wrong, illegal, or such. But no, they can get that through their minds. I'm not that kind of girl, they should know better by now.
  23. Naiya let out a small laugh. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Yes, I have never sang that loud before and must admit it wore me out a little. I almost feel a little bad for leaving the Chimera in the tunnels, but there was nothing I really could do." [/COLOR] She jumped off of Menae?s head and dove into the cool refreshing depths of the water. Resurfacing she glanced at the sheer rock face, as if seeing a person that wasn't there. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"They will bring him back here shortly I suspect, we are still being observed for the moment anyway."[/COLOR] She could feel another tug at her heart, wanting her to sing a melody that had popped into her head, but she resisted the urge and was content to sit on the edge of a water flower as she talked with Menae. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I can make this into a rejuvenating hot springs too. How'd you get to be here anyway? To be captured I mean."[/COLOR]
  24. Ash wasn't sleeping; she just didn't feel as if she could. Walking around outside for the fresh air, she heard a shout and turned to look at the commotion. It was the kid Xsuyoh, yelling at the figure running with a pack full of things. She watched it turn and shoot the guy with his own invention, and then took the cloaked thief by surprise as he started to run again. Tripping the figure, he stumbled and dropped Xsuyoh's things on the ground as he took off again, being outmaneuvered into a very bad position. The Dwarf picked up the fallen possessions, taking an admiring note to the craftsmanship as glanced with her excellent vision in the dim darkness. Not bad. Not as good as a Dwarf could do, but decent nonetheless. She figured to ask him after he'd waken up. Crossing back over to Xsuyoh she took a small canister of a liquid out of a pocket. Sitting the kid up, she placed the open container under his nose for a moment to allow the strong smell to wake him up with a jolt that almost sent her drink flying onto the ground. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"What [I]was[/I] that stuff?"[/COLOR] Xsuyoh had wrinkled his nose a bit from how strong the Spirit was. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Watch it, you almost spilled my drink,"[/COLOR] Ash replied reproachfully. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"My Backpack! ?"[/COLOR] Ash cut him off before he could say anything further about the theft. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Relax, it's safe,"[/COLOR] she said handing him his bag.
  25. Chrys stared at Achilles for a minute in shock. She sighed in relief, haven been terrified that he actually was going to kill her back there. Her attention was drawn away as the Dark Army humans in the area stated to recover from the fading effects of the heat wave. Some stared for a moment, but they came to well enough and readied their weapons. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Oh no you don't?"[/COLOR] she muttered, a flash of orange crossing the normal color of her eyes. Gathering up a massive amount of energy, she changed her position in flashes, surprising the soldiers and chopping heads clean off one by one as she moved quickly around in a circle. She released the pent up energy in a triple set of ranged attacks that took out many of the humans at once. With one arm she motioned above at a fellow demon, signaling a group attack at the army's larger mechanical weaponry. They knew just where to hit the blasted things too for a full explosive effect. Covered under mass confusion from other fighting nearby, Chrys picked up Achilles and made her way to get him out of there. She took off, and felt something tear through her wing sending a wave of pain through her system. Have a little difficulty flying, she made it none the less to a safer place outside of the battle zone and set him down under a tree to sleep in peace. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You better win Achilles, or I'm taking my anger out on Emilio for giving that damn sword to you. I'll check back in a bit?"[/COLOR] She turned back to the battlefield, and inspected the hole in her left wing, glancing briefly at the blood dripping onto the clean patch of grass. [I]'Damn, the thing actually hit a vein?Oh well, I'll deal with that later.'[/I] She saw her dad and Emilio nearby and walked over. As she arrived within earshot, she heard Torran say, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"...For my daughter." [/COLOR] That stopped her dead in her tracks. Buy the looks on their faces something was going on and she didn't think she wanted to get involved. Too late, she was already too close to just walk away. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You all right?" [/COLOR] she asked Emilio. Looking from his face to her father's she said suddenly, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Anything I should be aware of now that other wise I'll end up finding out later on my own anyway?"[/COLOR]
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