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Everything posted by Kuroshin13
Chys cut through another human as she listened to the demon's report. She looked extremely worried. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Fine. You stay here with Gale, Mizale. I know you're worn out, but I promise this will be easier."[/COLOR] The other demon nodded still out of breath, but he felt able enough to handle it. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Gale, I'll see you again later."[/COLOR] She sent another wave of energy through part of the army, setting a good many of them on fire, and then jumped up to fly off to look for Achilles. Immediately the girl spotted her father close by, carrying Emilio. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Thanks Dad,"[/COLOR] she said looking at the unconscious Emilio. He was breathing, that was good, but he was bleeding, which was bad. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It was as you thought,"[/COLOR] he said. Chrys nodded, she figured as much. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Yes, and she'll probably be mad at me for getting in the way,"[/COLOR] she said. Her eye color started to change, but she shook it off. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You care then,"[/COLOR] her father said with a scrutinizing look at the Kappa. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I wouldn't have specifically asked you if I didn't," [/COLOR] she replied taking hold of Emilio's hand and checking to make sure his pulse was all right.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "At least he's demon." "Don't even go there, Dad."[/COLOR] Her father laughed, reassuring her that Emilio would be fine in his care. Chrys parted, and shortly spotted Achilles taking out scores of the Dark army. Wow. She couldn't believe her eyes telling her that he wasn't tired; he must have been exhausted by now. The fire demon dived to reach Achilles, making a neat flip off of kicking an enemy soldier in the back of the head and landing neatly next to her friend. She immediately sent a huge wave of the Volcanic heat upon the area, making most of them around drop their guns and such with a gasp. It seemed not to affect Achilles at all, but it made her job easier. She grabbed his shoulder, and winced at the energy from Dreadnaught running through him. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Achilles, Stop! There's no way that you can't be tired in the least the way you're going. Take a breather, and pull yourself together. I know Emilio said the thing with the sword was a battle of wills, but if you expend all your bodily energy, you could die before then!"[/COLOR]
The first chance she got with the rampaging storm; Jem smacked both of them once each in the head. [COLOR=Indigo]"You are both idiots. I've been through weather such as this many times before, and can very well take care of myself. There was no need to risk yourselves as such?You two should have just stayed where you were."[/COLOR] They looked at her disbelievingly, and she nodded her head dead serious. [COLOR=Indigo]"I'm sorry you got hurt so on my behalf,"[/COLOR] she said to Sano. She saw Ron looking at her like asking if he was chopped liver or something; he had helped to 'save her life'. Jem gave him a frozen look in return, having nothing to say to him on the matter.
Naiya sighed and shook her head in pity. They seemed to want out as much as she did, but seemed to have failed to think things all the way through. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Idiot. Breakouts require more than brute strength and open opertunity." [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Menae, please cover your ears as best as you can." [/COLOR] Beating her little wings to the max, she flew toward the fallen Chimera while singing her little heart out a soft lulaby that put all of the visible disciples to sleep, but it seemed as if the Chimera had already blacked out before it took full effect. At least she stoped any further chaos. She hovered next to the ear of the lion's head, as if he could still hear her. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"As much of an enemy, I can also be an asset..."[/COLOR] She looked over at the dragon, who seemed to have closed her hearing well enough although looking slightly woozey.
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Menae,?"[/COLOR] Naiya said soothingly with her small voice. For even such a small creature, she could still project her voice very well for everyone to hear clearly. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"There is something I should say now. You may not trust me for it, but I will not hide this from you since you are now here. Either of you," [/COLOR] she added in reference to the Chimera. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"They might not be able to quell you, but I am. Most disciples even are not immune to my voice. Maybe that is why I am no longer alone here." [/COLOR] That was the reason she had been left alone for the most part these past few years. There is a song for every heart, mind, and soul. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Do not force me to play into that game. If you two need further explanation later, I will gladly give it. But not now."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]?Depending on where you go or who you talk to, the term ?Pirate? isn?t just some term to describe a general group of unruly lawbreakers and backstabbers. Just like there?s different merchants, so are the [I]true[/I] pirates.?[/COLOR] Jem paused as the ship took another violent lurch, she wondered what was going on topside and if everything was all right. [I]?Maybe we?ll all have to run from one side of this ship o the other to keep from capsizing,?[/I] she thought with a small chuckle of amusement. [COLOR=Indigo]"What's so funny?"[/COLOR]Jem sighed and shook her head Nothing. He sounded so irritated; it was almost as annoying as the drunk was acting pathetic before. With another hit, Jem turned back around and opened the door behind her to head out. [COLOR=Indigo]"Sorry, this isn't the time. Maybe some other time you'll understand what I'm getting at. However, I have a queasy feeling and must take leave. I'm going up top,"[/COLOR] she saluted, leaving Azuroth to himself. Rushing to the top, she stumbled with one of the waves that were hounding the others, managing to hold tight to the railing. It took some bit of difficulty to reach them but she made it in one piece. [COLOR=Indigo]"As a Captain never abandons her ship, so should her crew stay by her side,"[/COLOR] she said with a smirk. This was her kind of weather.
Naiya turned her pale blue head in curiosity as she sang, watching closely the dragon that had found its way to her 'domain'. Even after it had layed its head into the shallow waters of the lake's edge she continued breifly until she was sure the dragon was lost in its daydream. She noticed she was only about the size of one of the smaller front claws. The water sprite flew closer, hovering just infront of Menae's snout. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Life's what you make of it, and where,"[/COLOR] she crooned softly. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Huh?" [/COLOR] Naiya shook her little head, and pushed a gentle wave of water to lap up against the the dragon's face. Its eyes returned back to focus as the Sprite brought it out of the daydream. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I'm Naiya,"[/COLOR] she spoke in a more normal tone of voice. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Who're you?"[/COLOR]
Sitting down in her cabin staring at the wall, Jem hummed softly to herself with the rhythm of the rocking ship. She stopped when the tune ended, but faintly heard the sound of crying next door. Wood wasn?t soundproof after all, especially the bit of wall she happened to be next to. Getting up with a sharp exhale of breath, she maneuvered easily across to the door despite the storm and made her way next door. Rapping twice with the back of her knuckles, the pirate got no answer from inside. Figuring whoever it was had not heard, she tried again but then unceremoniously checked to see if the door was open. It was. Before she spotted Ron, it had hit her. The drunk. Leaning in the door frame as if they were on dry land she said harshly, [COLOR=Indigo]?What?r you crying about??[/COLOR] He looked at her surprised for a moment, probably from still gathering his bearings, then grew colder in expression as Jem?s tone of voice registered. [COLOR=Indigo]?What?s it to you??[/COLOR] She didn?t move, almost like a statue.[COLOR=Indigo] ?I?m guessing the reason you?re crying is the same reason you drink so. Whatever it is, water works aren?t going to do anything. They won?t fix anything, or bring the person back.?[/COLOR] She didn?t know whether it was a person Ron was crying over, she was speaking more of her own memories. [COLOR=Indigo]?Trust me.?[/COLOR] Turning sharply on her heal, the pirate left him to his own and crossed back to her cabin.
Chys Looked down on everything then dove in herself to hack away at the army. She sliced easily through many of the humans, continuously having to dodge in the most annoying erratic fashion to avoid getting hit as much as possible. These people were really getting on her nerves?the demon backed off to a slightly higher altitude. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Fire Scourge!" [/COLOR] A fair number burst into flames, running around and causing more confusion as they burned alive. Another of her kind flew over, covering her back as they talked. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I assume a decision has been made?"[/COLOR] she asked. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Yes, I've been sent to tell you that all are agreed. We will help, but will not take orders from just anyone Miss Chysanthema." "Understandable, but stop with the 'Miss Chrysanthema' crap?Heat wave!"[/COLOR] Humans were hit suddenly by the volcanic heat, many of them dropping weapons or coughing with the air harder to breath. She let out a shrill whistle, and waved a couple of others over. When they arrived, she stopped what she was doing for the moment to address them. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Listen up, and spread the word to everyone else. If you're going to fight, join in quick. Anything and everything goes, just don't waste energy. Got it? Good. One more thing. Since I won't always be able to do it, I want a man keeping an eye on Gale, the younger human, at all times. Same with Achilles, the other human who's pretty demonic in skill, and Sarin, he's the Harmonizer. No exceptions. Anything of importance, I want to hear about it. Dismissed."[/COLOR] The others nodded reluctantly and took off as the rest of those left joined the fray. Chrys made her way over to Gale, who was back on his feet despite the injury, with a firm look on his face. Uh oh, something must have happened. She stood behind him with her back turned and scythe poised, facing more of the dark army. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I have your back,"[/COLOR] she said casually.
(ooc= ::smacks self in the head:: I can?t believe I missed that little detail! But water DOES short out electrical appliances and stuff like that?) [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?I could have evaporated off the water you know,? [/COLOR] Chrys offered. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?But it would have gotten extremely hot and uncomfortable around here.?[/COLOR] She eyed the blood nervously, and was alarmed at what Sarin coughed up. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?Uh, lets try to keep as much of your blood on the inside as possible all right??[/COLOR] [I]?We?re the doctor when you need him? Now I wish I didn?t skip basic med training.?[/I] Sure enough, an old man with a beard was walking over, undisturbed by the mess around him. The guy stopped in the middle of the street holding his medical bag, and made the motion of opening a door that wasn?t there. He squinted for a moment, and realized he had no offica anymore. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?Well at least it didn?t burn down like last time??[/COLOR] Chrys audibly groaned. Why him? [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?Mr. Dunstrum?I know your office is, uh, all crumbled and all, but do you think you are able to fix my friend up a bit??[/COLOR] The old man turned in her direction, and hobbled over to get a better look. She inwardly cringed, and stiffened up a bit as she hoped he wouldn?t recognize her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?Who, this youngin? He looks like he needs a bit of sleep is all-? ?No, not him. The one with the blood,?[/COLOR] she said turning the doctor?s attention to Sarin. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?Right, right,? [/COLOR] he mumbled. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?What?s that about??[/COLOR] Emilio asked, because of how nervous Chrys was acting. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?See that huge burn scar on his face??[/COLOR] she whispered back, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?That?s my work. It was an accident I swear.? ?So how?s her going to help Sarin if he can barely see?? ?Oh, his vision is excellent, just like his hearing. Only pretends otherwise. Its his memory that?s a bit unstable.? ?I heard that Young Lady. You?re the fire-starter who burned away my office last time! Rotten little?I moved up here thinking I?d never find you this far north??[/COLOR] the old timer complained without looking up from his work. Chrys placed a hand on her forehead and shook her head. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?That bad, huh.?[/COLOR] She nodded.
[B]Name:[/B] Naiya Brooks [B]Alignment: [/B] Captive [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Animal:[/B] Water Sprite [B]Invovlement:[/B] Naiya had a habbit of not taking anything seriously, and never listening to anyone. She was in the rebellious stage when captured by a couple of disiples. [B]Power/weapon[/B]: She uses her melodic singing voice as a weapon of sorts to cloud an somebody's mind or make them subjectable to thoughts or ideas, sort of like a Siren. Naiya also has some control over water, but nothing too powerful (she can't shape it into a weapon or anything like that), and can call down some rain on occasion. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/water_fairy.jpg][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][U]Naiya[/U][/COLOR][/URL] She is a very small creature, only about 7 inches in height. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Naiya, the tiny little water sprite, sat in the center of a pale while water flower under the full moon. One arm hung over th eside of the plant, and hand brushign the surfaceof the cool, still lakewater. How many years has it been? Two, three? She didn't know anymore, and much of her hopes of being freed had left with the changing tides. The sprite stared at her own glittering reflection, the melody of the night playing within the confounds of her mind. The stardust glitter of tiny wings gave her moving position as she glided across the lake's dark surface. Ripples distorted the reflection of the moon, carrying with them the voice of her sad song as she sang to the depths a soft lulaby. Finding a soft place of safety in her 'home', Naiya layed down on the makeshift bed and dreampt sightlessly of the day she was put in this place. [I]'You can be pure again, impure one.' 'Don't make me laugh lady.' 'You don't have a choice.' 'Of course I do oh senile one.' 'You will soon see the light you have lost.'[/I]
[I]'The Lab eh? So we're going straight into the ninth then?the final stretch. Unless there's overtime of course.'[/I] The building came steadily closer, the doors were already wide open, with Eaters milling about. They looked different though. Some of these ones had blue. As vehicles came to semistops, Mae jumped out to get a better look at the things. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, I think we found the new guys,"[/COLOR] she muttered under her breath that nobody heard her. Mae locked eyes with one of the Soul Eaters and froze in her tracks. Something was tugging at her insides. She walked forward a few steps, but her hands weren't on her blades. The Eater was heading her way, but fell dead with a shot between the eyes. She shook her head in an attempt to clear it with a light smack to her own forehead. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Focus."[/COLOR] Mae looked up again saying, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I am never looking those things in the eyes again."[/COLOR] It earned her a weird look from all those in earshot and she wished for a brief moment to shrink back into the background.
It took Chrys a moment to realize she was holding her breath. Sighing, she leaned over and looked down at Emilio. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"How're you feeling?" "Exhausted." "Heh." [/COLOR] She held out a hand and helped him to his feet. Repositioning her weight for support, she turned her head to look at Sarin. "[COLOR=DarkOrchid]What about you?" "For the moment I am fine."[/COLOR] Chrys nodded. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Gale, most likely you're about ready to pull out. But not everyone is in shape to go rushing into anything at the moment. I'm not leaving until [I]everyone[/I] is ready. I know your responce, you know how stubborn I am. Lets skip the argument."[/COLOR]
Chrys glanced sideways at Achilles as they ran back to where Sarin and Amer were. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Don't yell at me, but uh. I sort of left Gale there against Amer who was going get locked in this sort of like classic battle thing with his own brother." "By himself?" "I figured he could stand his own pretty well for a moment or two. Something felt a little different about him?not unlike the change in you, but utterly different at the same time."[/COLOR] They arrived back at the scene, knowing just where to go. At one point Chrysanthema had to take to flying just above Achilles to give her legs a rest. She didn't have the endurance for that kind of ground running. Achilles and Chrys stopped to stand on either side of Gale, who was looking at Amer, who was getting back onto his feet. Amer didn't look too happy, and she wondered if the harmonizer was going to attack again.
Ash took a shortcut to the Jailhouse, coming around the back way through the woods. A boy trying to break through the wall caught her attention. What that contraption he was trying to use? She approached casually with interest as the kid started to use a hammer on the stone. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"What're you doing? Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone,"[/COLOR] she said in a rather gruff voice, making her sound more like a male dwarf. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I'm getting my friend out." "This friend wouldn't by any chance have the name Hallden, would he?" "How'd you know?" "Questions later. Let me help you with that."[/COLOR] She pulled out her axe Hanmarhead, and started to help the kid break through the weakened wall. A short while later an opening was created that people could pass through.
Sashanea couldn't take the silence anymore. It was too much of th eodd, opressing silence that seems to choke your heart. [COLOR=Sienna]"What happened, happened. There's nothing to be done about it. To answer your question Judas, we ran into a small situation and-"[/COLOR] she couldn't do it. She couldn't say it, and didn't want to be the one to give details. [COLOR=Sienna]"Assumption would say dead," [/COLOR] she finished simply and vague, regretting the action of opening her mouth. Sashanea turned her back to everyone, staring back the way they came. Turning her head to the side, she shared a look with Kalysta that said how they were both feeling. [I]'And here I am, the girl that never listens to anyone.'[/I]
Jem turned around ready to say something to the captain when the woman beat her to it. [COLOR=Indigo]"We're in for a storm, I'm sending everyone to the cabins," [/COLOR] Lie said. Jem nodded in response. [COLOR=Indigo]"A big one, right?" "Yes." "I used to know my way about in a storm, if you need me just holler. 'Fraid I won't be much help with the sails though in weather like this, wouldn't want to make things worse. Tale for another time perhaps."[/COLOR] She walked off to head under, and saw that guy Alex on the way. [COLOR=Indigo]"Heard the latest news? Big storm's a brewin'."[/COLOR] She passed by and left the deck, heading toward the cabins.
Chrys felt her shoulder slam into the wall, and then brought herself messily to a kneeling position with a hand on the shoulder. [I]'?Bastard.'[/I] She shook her head trying to keep herself from yelling at the stupid Harmonizer. [I]'Damn jackass, talk about not being in control. With that amount of bloodlust.?So I might not be the strongest gal around, I'm still young. But 'puny demon'?'[/I] She clenched her fist, fire in her eyes. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Emilio. You might have to stop me from being stupid and probably suicidal. I'm having a hard time swallowing my pride to take that insult."[/COLOR] She paused. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Scratch that, I'm definitely gonna be stupid." [/COLOR] Chrys stood up, and moved her arm around a bit to make sure nothing might have been broken although she doubted anything would.
I personally prefer the plain old term "fan" instead of "fangirl". In my expirience, most 'fangirls' and 'fanboys' I've met or talked to were a bit on the more...extreme waky head-over-heals in love with a 2D/3D character. I have no problem with it really, but there's a limit to what you can take without getting weirded out. Even for me. Alright, I'll admit I've had my thoughts like "Hey, he'd be cute...[I]if[/I] he were [I]real[/I]" and leaving it at that, even if it was my favorite character of all time in that particular show. The overly-romantic intrest in a perticualar character is where I personally put the line that starts with adding "girl" or "boy" at the end of "fan." In my mind/expirience other places on the internet, that's what draws the line between lets say "Seshomaru Fan" and "Seshomaru Fangirl" for minor example.
[B]Name:[/B] Antonia Speraconi [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/jkglg.jpg][COLOR=Purple][U]Antonia[/U][/COLOR][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Sarcastic, and somewhat bitter tongued depending on the day. She's always chewing gum or listening to music. Antonia if fascinated with fire, always carrying around matches or a lighter. A known graffiti artist and 'partier', either she is wandering the streets in the dead of night for no reason or at a random club/party drinking and dancing. She loves video games of all kinds. [B]Moral Behavior[/B]: She's not a virgin, but doesn't go around sleeping with people either despite popular rumor and belief. She keeps to her own set of rules, not giving one flying hoot about what the rest of the world thought was the 'right' or 'proper' ideals that everyone should live by. [B]Bio:[/B] Yea, she used to be the nice girl and got along with pretty much everyone. Until her best friend betrayed her in one of the lowest ways (according to her) and went out with her boyfriend behind her back. The impressionable one, she got involved with a group of older kids freshmen year that were a bad influence and the rest of her history is just that. Her family doesn?t exist to her anymore, like she use to didn?t exist to them. In school, if she wasn't in the art or music programs she was involved with sports like Track, Badminton, and Soccer.
(Let me know if anything's gotta be changed or any of that good stuff) [B]Name:[/B] Dawne [B]age:[/B] 18 [B]sex:[/B] female [B]Job:[/B] informationist/ trader [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/ShadowessTheNight/dgdg.jpg][COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Dawne[/U][/COLOR][/URL] [B]weapons/abilities:[/B] She usually fights with her fists and feet, but will use a staff once in a while. Dawne doesn't have any really special abilities, except for maybe a sort of 6th sence about things. [B]Personality: [/B] Clumsy would be an understatement. She's a complete klutz, yet still manages somehow to go completely unnoticed and startle people very easily when making her presence known. Dawne easily stays in the shadows, the eyes and ears of things that go down within the city. Most information you need, she's the one to go to. If you can find the slippery girl and even then it isn't always possible to get her to talk. Help comes at a price. She feels as if living in a glass bottle behind some invisible curtain, not truly accepted or understood by anyone, and stays away from people mostly because she doesn't trust them. Dawne isn't really in touch with emotions, and can seem far more aloof than she really is (or at least used to be). [B]Bio:[/B] Dawne lost her memory one year, and everything about her life before then remains a mystery. The only reminder she has about an unknown past is the ring she wears on her finger. She's been moving about here and there around Dodger City, doing what she does best and what she knows. Keeping secrets and selling information/other items of interest she may come by. [B]Character Snippet: [/B] Dawne sat crouched atop a roof above a fire escape ladder on the outskirts of the city, peering down into the alley below. Two figures were talking furtively, and had caught her professional interest. That wasn't what she was there for however. She was just passing time before her next meeting. How they had happened to find her, she wasn't sure. It wasn't an easy trail she had left those who may seek her talents. This was the right place but unless [I]they[/I] were her clientele, the people would have to leave. Time was drawing near and hated being late. And worse if it was the other party who was tardy. She carefully appraised the figures, and decided it wasn't the right people. All right, the real associates had their sixty-second time window. Now it was time to move on, back to the 'safety' of her little hide-a-way. Half way there, she tripped over nothing and knocked into some random people as she stumbled, hitting shoulder first into the wall next to her. Sitting on the ground, Dawne rubbed her ankle, which suddenly felt horrible. Must have twisted it or something. She limped the rest of the way back, ready to take a nap and listen to some music while sorting through the papers that were gathering upon her desk like the dust.
Chys expected, well?Nothing. Being torn to shreds doesn't really leave you with anything to think about. She opened one eye, still holding Emilio protectively. Seeing Sarin change back, she opened the other eye as well and let out an involuntary sigh of relief. The girl caught him clumsily as he fell and then sat the two next to each other leaning against the nearest building, which happened to be very well intact. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What the hell got into you?" [/COLOR] she asked, not expecting an answer as she shook her head to herself. Awkward turn of events? Turning around abruptly, Chrys spotted Amer making his way over. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Hey Amer!"[/COLOR] She called out. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Your brother went all 'whoo' for a while there, and I have no clue what to do."[/COLOR]
Chrys broke her run and stopped dead short in front of the door to the doctor's office. After a moment's hesitation, she entered quietly. Achilles looked over at her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What's with the dead guy with his head cut open?" "Emilio found some sort of deep-water crustacean in his brain," [/COLOR] Achilles said, then proceeded to fill Chrys in on the conversation. She nodded here and there, eyeing the dead creature on the table and glancing back at the corpse's head. Five years? The girl made a face at the thought of having one of those things in your head for that long (never mind just there in the first place was gross enough), causing Achilles to chuckle a little. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Anyway, I should apologize for my family's formality before," [/COLOR] she said. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"No need. They just didn't want me interrupting your little speech." "If the discussion now goes well as I hope, they might stay and help. Whether or not Gale has a problem with it or wants the help."[/COLOR] Chrys crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes momentarily at the floor. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"About that?Look. I can't tell you what's going on in his head or anything, but you should try to work it out. Either way, you still have me to talk to."[/COLOR] The fire demon nodded, and choked out a thanks. She couldn't keep in inside any more, all the emotional strain just finally built up to intolerable levels. Chrys started to cry. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm all confused! I don't know what's what anymore."[/COLOR]
Chrys looked impassively at everyone, one by one people taking notice of her presence and looking at her questioningly. Sure she had been to important meetings, but hadn't been given the task of speaker before, and didn't quite know where to begin opr what exactly to say. Would her people take her seriously? There was a small bit of commotion behind her, but when she turned to look her parents motioned for her to continue. The demon cleared her throat a bit nervously. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It's time that politics be set aside for the time being. We have more at stake now than the status of an exile. The fact that you are all here today means you know the threat, you are aware the possible consequences if nothing is done."[/COLOR]She paused to take a deep breath. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Right now you have two options. The first is that you go back home to the volcanoes, isolationists, waiting in fear and hope for everything to turn out for the good. Running home with newfound tails between your legs! And at a peak of time such as this, when help may be needed the most whether appreciated or not!"[/COLOR] Chrys let it sink in that she was hitting their pride. None of her kind have ever found fit to just run away. No matter the odds, it was extremely frowned upon. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Or you can fly into battle one more time, to finish the Dark Enemy where they stand at their base of operation. Are there any of you here that does not care about the other races? Are there any of you who are so closed-minded and in denial who doesn't see that we are [I]all[/I] in this together now, for better or worse, victory or defeat?"[/COLOR] She choked back some of her own feelings, thinking about Gale before finishing with her last statement, the one that may or may not hold the most weight. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Call me naive, call me an idealistic child who doesn't know better, but?The last time I was part of a movement locking horns with them, innocent people died for no reason. It wasn't a war fought between warriors; it was slaughter. Small children, defenseless mothers, elderly who could barely try and flee never mind put up resistance?We may have our differences, but will you stand there and tell me that anybody deserves that?"[/COLOR] Chrys finished quietly. Things were silent, no one made a sound either in favor or against what she was asking. Her parents stepped up beside her. A small notion, but a silent statement that they recognized her and her views. Her mother leaned in and whispered, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"We're proud of you little one. A man named Achilles was looking for you before." "Yes, however I'm not entirely sure if I approve of your choice of friends," [/COLOR] Her father added. She rolled her eyes at him, typical. Chrysanthema turned and was let to walk away not knowing what her people thought. It was up to her parents now to hopefully argue on her behalf. She set out to look for where Achilles might have gone off too.
Sashanea looked from one to another as the two military personnel talked. She tried to listen, she really did. It was a noble effort, but not a successful one. The Elf looked about the surroundings, as if she could spot those men that were hidden. As soon as she heard Ruby say something about Javen telling them to find somebody named Judas, she snapped back to full attention as she turned her head slightly to face forward. She had forgotten all about that little detail, and wondered if this indeed was that same Judas. Fairly strange way to meet somebody, but it wasn't the first time she was in this position.
Chrys grabbed Gale's shoulder, making him turn to face her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What was that about, what's your problem?" "He's-" "A Kappa. A demon. Like I am." [/COLOR] She was trying not to get upset. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"That's not what I was saying," [/COLOR] Gale started. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Forget it, just what about the others who came to help?" "They aren't my concern." [/COLOR] It was said with so much indifference? Chrysanthema took one step back, ready to turn around and walk away. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You know, you and Achilles have been the best friends a girl could ask for. And lately I've seen a lot where people have this unspoken thing against demons. No exceptions. I thought you were different. Please?Don't tell me you [I]are[/I] just like the rest of them. I wish I'm wrong!"[/COLOR] She walked off, back outside the city and headed over to where many of her people who were left had gathered around and treating the injured. Passing by a large open area that everyone was wordlessly agreed to keep clear at as two beings were still fighting she yelled at Amer and the stone Golem, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Knock it off!"[/COLOR] It was mostly the effect of being so upset. She wiped a tear away that threatened to escape her eye. Approaching the group, she was met first by her parents, away from the rest of the winged fire demons. Her mother put a hand on her shoulder, which Chrys just shrugged off. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I am right, that is as plain as day."[/COLOR] She kept the reserved look as her father finally found it fit to speak with his own daughter. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Yes, but the manner in which you behaved, was unacceptable." "Yet the only option I had. I understand, and I accept the responsibility. However, right now we have larger things to discuss and need to put politics aside for the moment."[/COLOR] Her parents looked at each other, her mother giving her father a stern look. They nodded, and let her pass to address the group as a whole.