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Everything posted by Kuroshin13
[COLOR=Indigo]"Perhaps you should know, I don't take strongly words that start with 'Don't worry'. Especially when it was another who brought it up." [/COLOR] Jem climbed back down, and tied the rope at the bottom like she was asked.[COLOR=Indigo] "How's that?" "Good." "Sano, don't let my manner fool you. Right now, I [I]am[/I] relaxed,"[/COLOR] she smiled a small bit.
Accually, If I remember correctly from the book (been a while since i read it through), Dumbledor in fact was a little more aggitated and emotional in the fourth book than the others. However, I agree that I do not like the new dumbledor one bit. Personally, I do not feel he even looked the part. His robs this movie made him look like...just uck and I think it was the color...not very flatering but I'm no fashion expert (Truley miss the purple). He ruined the character for me personally. His voice is just annoying, expecially in the comercial for the game. ^.^ No one can replace Richard Harris...it just isn't possible. *takes up moment of silence as well* All and all, I think they did pretty good with the movie considering. The Death Eaters (and Voldemort) all looked really cool...except for the hoods. I know what the hoods were for and what they resembled, but I guess it was the fear element. I want a mask like that. lol.
Hm...I really wouldn't change any specific thing about myself, it sort of makes me who I am. I don't fit in with everyone else around me (mostly high school enviorment), and as much as feeling like the least liked person in the grade its also a releif to know I'm not part of all that petty image junk. (small district with about 700 kids in the entire school, 7th-12th grade, way too much drama than the normal, healthy dose). But if I had to choose something, it would be my people skills. I have absolutely no people skills what-so-ever.
Mae turned down another hall on her way back to meet up with everyone when she spotted Lilith in the middle of her hit-and-run tactic. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Would you like some help?"[/COLOR] she asked quietly. Addressing people was still awkward and having a conversation wasn't the easiest thing around. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"That'd be nice."[/COLOR] Mae helped Lilith take down the rest of the group that was following her. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"The last of the stragglers are being taken care of, and then we're pulling out I think."[/COLOR] she said effectively stabbing one. When all of them were finished off, the two ran outside to join up with everyone.
Ash Kilnsmoke, adventurer and Dwarf extraordinaire sat on a barstool in the local tavern. She was listening to the latest news and such, taking a pleased sip of her drink. Not bad, not bad at all for a Human mix of Spirits. It was her third of the evening, and she had been questioned more than once if it was wise to drink as such. Apparently some were not used to seeing how well a Dwarf could hold his liquor. Some of the patrons were talking about that kid again, the one who allegedly killed off the family of nobles. Many rumors floated about that more than likely stretched the tale a bit. But why would a kid with a future like that high treason of nowhere in the final weeks before graduation? If that part was true. It posed a pretty problem, one that made Ash grow very curious. Things didn't add up. [I]'Maybe I'll pay a small visit. I think I smell those Rune Hunter bastards, or something equally as baffling. If anything, perhaps we?ll be lucky to put a wondering mind at ease.'[/I] The dwarf downed the rest of her drink neatly in one shot, placing some money on the bar for her payment. Making sure she had her things about her and didn't forget anything, the dwarf left the tavern to make her way through the streets to the Jailhouse.
Jem looked up at Sano, them spotted the guy Alex climbing up to meet him. She shrugged, and made her way over. She climbed the ropes easily, but it wasn't a warm look on her face that she greeted him with as Alex went back down. [COLOR=Indigo]"Why did you call me Jem?" "That is your real name, isn't it? You answered to it." [/COLOR] The girl knew he was right, and mentally slapped herself for her stupidity. [COLOR=Indigo]"Aye, Jem Roally. I get that you could tell me a pirate and not a mere shopkeeper, but how's it you know my name? And what did you really want when you called us up here."[/COLOR]
After eating, Jem had wanted to get out of the mess hall as quickly and quietly as possible. It took awhile to find a good open window however. [I]'I really must pick my seating arrangements more carefully?Ha. Finally,'[/I] she thought. In order to take full advantage of the moment, she had to pass by the man sitting by himself away from the group. As she started to walk, that 'Dark Wolf' guy Sano sat down and started a conversation. Too late to turn around now. Passing the two from behind them, she caught the tail end of the speech, a bit about Pirates and greed. She couldn't help herself. In an offended tone of voice she said, [COLOR=Indigo]"Not all of- pirates, are dirty and greedy rotten pieces of filth."[/COLOR] Without another word Jem continued on her way as if she didn't hear a thing, and wasn't even there. She had almost said 'all of us' just then and was determined not to draw attention to the fact. The girl found her way up top to an empty stretch of deck, looking out at the sea and thinking about life on the Obsidian before it was sunk. Those were fun times. Jem felt at home once again, sort of, now that she was off of land once more. She relaxed, no more trying to act like a simple merchant for the moment, and had a small real smile watching the ocean foam.
Sashanea was knocking off orcs as easily as the others, when one tried to get her from behind while she was preoccupied with another. Turning around to minimize injury as much as possible if she was unlucky in her parry it fell dead by an excellently placed arrow. Looking up on the ledge, she smiled and gave Kalysta a thumps up thanks. [I]'Wait?'[/I] she almost stopped dead short suddenly when it hit her that the behavior of the band had changed. It was even more panicky. The only reason she had noticed was because of her short attention span and easily got distracted enough to actually pay attention to what seemed to be going on in their tiny little brains. They were stupid, but not like this. After all of the orcs left were finally dispatched, Sashanea met the rest of the group in the center of the field. [COLOR=Sienna]"I believe you were right. There are those keeping an eye on us. But they seemed to have helped us, for the moment,"[/COLOR] she said. Ruby nodded, he had seen the unaccounted for arrows also. [COLOR=Sienna]"We don't have much of a choice but to continue on." [/COLOR] The two elves looked at each other, and then nodded. They understood what it possibly meant if indeed they were herded into a trap.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You know, sometimes I really think you're going to do something incredibly stupid and get yourself killed," [/COLOR] Chrys sighed shaking her head. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Come on, I think Gale was over this way." [/COLOR] She stepped forward and tugged on his arm, adjusting the direction of travel slightly as she pointed. After all, the quickest way between two points was a straight line. The girl kept thinking about how odd Emilio was acting, but she didn't ask. Merely kept looking at him once in a while out of worry. Reaching Gale, she opened her mouth to ask about the injury. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm fine,"[/COLOR] he said first. Chrys shrugged. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What's the plan?" "We're sending word back to send our airship, Rose Maker. Then we'll gather everyone else around the so-called base."[/COLOR] Chrys nodded, then looked at Emilio, wondering what he was thinking.
[COLOR=Indigo]"Aye, damn right some of us would not want to cross yer path?" [/COLOR] It wasn't meant to be heard, she herself could not be certain it was voiced aloud or just a thought. Nonetheless Jem could feel a pair of eyes buring into her turned back. She wanted to turn and snap, but resisted the urge as part of last night's conversation came back to distract her. [I]Dave: *shuffling cards* "You've started to make a name for yourself, runt." Jem: "I have? I'm sorry to say I haven't heard the news." Dave: *dealing* "Aye. It isn't just your name; there are those that will know you by sight."[/I] Silently, she wondered what some of the others did for a living. It seemed to be quiet the colorful crew Captain had rounded up. She glanced over her shoulder at the guy who arrived shortly before she did, curiously noting the soiled shirt. [I]'What would cause a man to drink that severely?' [/I] Of course there were infinite possibilities. Just something the pitate had pondered briefly.
I'm a New Yorker, born and raised. I live in a tiny unheard of suburbian village named East Rockaway on Long Island that literally has nothing except a school, houses/apartments, a tiny park, and various pizza joints and/or convenience stores.
Caught up in her own little 'lets not get ripped to shreds while trying to take some of these things out', Mae got separated from the group at one of the intersections. She found herself in the hallway just outside the gym, before she realized she was going to back herself in a corner if she continued on. The wing was a dead end and the last thing she needed was to have one of them attack from the wall behind her. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"All right, no more playing nice..." [/COLOR] It was only a pair of two, but they somehow figured to coordinate their attacks to gang up on usually unsuspecting victims. Jumping back and ducking to avoid another swing of claws, she turned and pressed her back up against the side wall to avoid another Eater while flinging a dagger at its turned back. It struggled to shake the blade from its very uncomfortable location leaving Mae time enough to take care of its partner. During a one handed cartwheel the girl picked up the dagger that was now on the floor. Narrowly avoiding a frantic attack she finished off the second eater then stopped to get her bearings in the brief moment of quiet. [I]'Man, those yeas of Gymnastics really paid off.'[/I]
All agreed to help out those they could in the village, it didn't take an exceptionally long amount of time before they arrived to the burning city. Villagers rushed about with buckets of water, others cried out worries about their relatives, others worked hard to treat the already injured. The smoke aggravated Devlin's lungs significantly, and he coughed up a minor amount of blood onto the road. [COLOR=Teal]"I'll help with the water,"[/COLOR] he volunteered while making his way over toward the well.
Trying to recover from her shock, Jem mustered up a friendly smile. [I]'Aye, an ill omen indeed?'[/I] [COLOR=Indigo]"Clarice Minerva. Pleasure to make your acquaintance sir,"[/COLOR] she said with a small curtsey. She had a right to be nervous; the girl wasn't exactly retired from the business. It took everything she had to keep her wits about her. Luckily it would seem to her that he had taken no notice of her minor slip. Jem almost sighed in relief. [I]Perhaps I'll be safe after all. Whatever the outcome, this venture promises to be interesting to say the least.'[/I]
Sashanea glanced behind the group. The terrain wasn't too difficult considering. [I]'But who could have possibly been following us, and in that forest of all places? A better question, why were we being followed.'[/I] She looked steadily around the surroundings after they had stopped. Kalysta looked at her, and she just shrugged in reply, Sashanea hadn't heard anything either. She didn't know what it was. [I]'Good thing I already grew board of these rocks, or I might end up wandering off somewhere unpleasant.'[/I] Her mind almost ran away with thoughts of where she could have found herself relocated to. A moment later she spotted signs of recent travel. A messy, poorly organized travel where it looked like some creatures had not been able to finish their meal. The Elf tapped Kalysta and Suzu on their shoulders and nodded her head in the direction as if to say, Do you happen to see what I see?
Jem woke up a bit later than she had planned to. [I]'Damn, we must have really went to town on the drinks last night. Strange.'[/I] She didn't know whether to take it a good omen or bad. Probably bad, considering her luck recently. Everything would change today though, out on the salty seas once more. Pulling together her things for travel rather nimbly, the pirate didn?t bother locking the door behind her as she left. It wasn't worth the trouble. Nothing of personal value stayed, and she doubted ever to return to this chunk of rock. Racing to the docks and the Sea Scarab, she almost tripped headlong into a wall and so decided to walk the rest of the way. It would keep her rapier from creating a nasty bruise on her leg as well. Reaching the group, she bowed her head to the captain slightly saying, [COLOR=Indigo]"Sorry I'm late Capt'n. Had some unexpected company last night and must have drank a bit more than I thought." [/COLOR] Good thing they didn't set sail yet. Jem took the time to look others who were gathered around. Something was giving her stomach a bad feeling, and it wasn't the drinks. [I]'Hopefully none will catch on about my real identity as Jem Roally and not Clarice Minerva, at least for the time being.'[/I]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I really don't like this. Not one bit,"[/COLOR] Mae muttered as she followed up with her own attacks at the crowd of Eaters. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I don't mean to state the obvious, but there's way to many of them for comfort."[/COLOR] [I]'They're converging in small groups everywhere?like some creepy convention or something. And why haven't we come in contact with any of the new breed yet? Not that I'm complaining about it.'[/I] It almost became slightly difficult trying to make headway in the hall, some Eaters were coming out of the walls and lockers if they could help it to try and 'surprise' everyone. There really wasn't tons of space for movement in the linear hallway either.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Thanks."[/COLOR] Chrys took a step back. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I'm going to just remove myself out of the way. Wouldn't want to be the cause of any problems."[/COLOR] She cut through more of the soldiers left. Hearing the Fujin war horn, the girl grinned and took it as a good sign. Standing still, Chrys realized that she had lost her sense of direction for the moment in this bloody mess. Don't get her wrong; she loved a good fight as much as the next person, but this was almost sickening. Seeing stuff burst into flames near her, she looked up and waved to her mother, who in turn nudged the man next to her. Chrysanthema's dad. He didn't even glance at her. Shaking off the apologetic look from her mother she almost laughed. Now she knew whom she inherited her stubbornness from. [I]'I guess he's still mad at me. But I was right.'[/I] Spying everything from a vantage point above the field, she started taking mental tallies. That is, she tried to until she spotted Emilio through a small break in the smoke, and then Kamilla. She wasn't far away at all, definitely within earshot without having to yell. Chrys locked eyes with the woman coldly; there was something about her she really just did not like.
[COLOR=DarkRed]"Fun,"[/COLOR] Cooper muttered under her breath. She walked over and sat down near the two, absent-mindedly playing with the snow. A few minutes and a couple of snowballs later she glanced at Aron and Dyru out of the corner of her eye. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I wouldn't do that,"[/COLOR] Aron warned. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Do what?" [/COLOR] Cooper asked innocently, adding a bit of snow to turn the snowballs into a mini snowman. [I]'That was, well?boring.'[/I]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If I wasn't so happy, I'd hit you Sarin." [/COLOR] Chrys said. She flew off to look for Gale, having spotted the telltale flanks of the Fujin army. Setting down next to him, she practically attacked him with a hug. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What happened to you? You just left without saying anything!" "Sorry, I had something?personal to take care of. I'm glad you're all right. What about Achilles?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"He's fine, too. Emilio, Sarin, and Amer-the other demons- have stuck around also." [/COLOR] She could tell that Gale wasn't really worried about those three. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Anyway, you ready for this?" "We're giving them all we've got." "Don't sound so grave about it. Not only are we going to fight until the end, but we will win."[/COLOR] Chrys grinned, trying to seem a lot more confident than she felt. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"If you'll excuse me,"[/COLOR] She took off again, intent on not missing any of the fun as airships began to fall down upon ranks of the dark army, scattering some and crushing others.
Chrys let the two have their moment. She almost started to laugh a little; the look on Emilio's face was priceless. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"So sorry, pardon my interruption," [/COLOR] she said with the smirk still on her face as the hug ended. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"And I thought [I]my[/I] family had issues,"[/COLOR] she added under her breath so that no one could hear. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Mom, this is Chrys,"[/COLOR] he introduced. The girl stepped forward to shake the woman's hand. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It's short for Chrysanthema. Pleasure to meet you." [/COLOR] A moment later she hissed at Emilio, [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You didn't tell me she was your mother?"[/COLOR]
Sashanea looked back as they walked, and noticed that Suzu's face was wet. It caused a tear to escape her as well despite Javen's words. Everyone was down in spirits. [I]'It should have been at least one of us under the rock?'[/I] She looked at Kalysta, knowing she was thinking something similar. [I]'I won't forget it Javen. When we meet again?'[/I] the thought was left unfinished. Not even the forest could grab hold of her thoughts and claim her attention. [COLOR=Sienna]"Let us get out of this place as quickly as time allows,"[/COLOR] she said glumly.
Cooper stood still, rubbing her red tinted wrist. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Y-yea. Fine?Thanks. I owe ya big time."[/COLOR] She looked from Dyru up to where Aron and Jade were standing, then back at the ground. In a way, she felt like a failure. Worse, a failure in dept to some one and seen on prime time television. If those damn people had waited a few more months, maybe she wouldn't have been a reject. The girl pushed the pointless thought out of her head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Did you find the pilot or whatever?" "Syes, sthe spilot swill sarrive sshortly."[/COLOR] Cooper nodded, and sat down right there in the snow.
Jem smiled after the captain turned away from those that still stood by the bar. The waters indeed were choppy, she had noticed on the way there. Her gut was telling her that her impression of the woman Lie was correct. [I]'It'll be a pleasure to sail under this captain,'[/I] she thought to herself as she walked along the docks. The Sea Scarab really was a gem of a vessel. [I]'I bet it would put the old Obsidian to shame, bless its rest.'[/I] Arriving 'home' she pulled out her key to unlock the door. It was already open. [COLOR=Indigo]"Knock knock," [/COLOR] she called out irritated that she was being disturbed this time of night. [COLOR=Indigo]"Aye, greetings Roally. Are you going to invite me in for a night cap?" "There's no need to invite you, I can see you've found my best on your own. Did word not reach of my cancellation Dave?" [/COLOR] She sighed, pouring herself a drink as well. [COLOR=Indigo]"Anyway, lets get down to business. I'm heading back out tomorrow, and the authorities have been tailing me again."[/COLOR] The two pulled up chairs around the table with a deck of cards, some gold coins, and a few other players. [COLOR=Indigo]"You never could resist the ocean, Jem." "It's only been my home as far back as I can remember. Now hurry up and deal." "Alright you little runt?no mercy this game," [/COLOR] Dave grinned under the rim on his hat. The game went on for a few hours, catching up on the latest news and trader info. [COLOR=Indigo]"A dead even heat again, I believe I?m starting to best you at your own game." "I know other gambling games I'll teach you next we meet. If you're ready to loose some treasure that is." [/COLOR] They laughed as they finished off the last drinks of the evening and Jem escorted her adopted older brother out. [COLOR=Indigo]"Fair sailing little runt," [/COLOR] he finished. [COLOR=Indigo]"Aye, the same to you,"[/COLOR] she said.
Chrys and Emilio were just about to get up and go find everyone when they spotted Sarin and Achilles. They met the two half way.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "Emilio wants to get help from some Tsubaki of the northern waters for this fight," [/COLOR] she informed them. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I already pulled together help from everyone I could. Elves, dwarves, orcs, harmonizes, and various demons. We'll be meeting up with Amer as soon as we leave,"[/COLOR] Sarin said. Chrysanthema couldn't help but be really hopeful. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Perhaps by chance you were able to convince those of my species?"[/COLOR] He shook his head and Chrys sighed, she figured as much. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"The assembled army is already on the march to meet with the enemy." [/COLOR] Achilles said. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Those who were left to retreat apparently met with another division and are more prepared than last time." "Anything about Kami?"[/COLOR] Emilio asked, sounding like he already knew the answer. Chrysanthema put a hand on his shoulder, never in a good mood after hearing about Kamilla.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "We'll soon find out," [/COLOR] the fire demon answered. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I guess we should head out. Wouldn't want to miss anything." [/COLOR] The whole time Chrys was wondering where Gale could be. He disappeared after everyone arrived in the city.