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Everything posted by madnessofthecat

  1. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Lise Mercy Beavelle"Mercutio Lindell" [B] Age:[/B] 29 [B]Gender:[/B] Female(pretends to be male) [B]Status:[/B] self-styled noble [B]Faction: [/B]The Judiciary [B] Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c232/jovie16/image7785.jpg]Mercy picture [/URL] Mercy is a cold looking woman, thick and of a moderate height of 5'6". Her hair is a burnt brown and curls down tucking just behind her ears with nothing else to keep it in place. She has very effeminate features, thin pale lips, small hands, her body shape is of a moderate size and she weights around 130 lbs. Her face is in a constant angered expression that doesn't give much light to what she's thinking, Her eye brows seem thick and almost man-ish in their shape. She's often mistaken as a young boy due to them and the way she carries herself. She likes to wear red coats, and pant and has gotten into the habit of making her own cloths and modifications. its not the "norm" to see her walking around town in a dress. Most people aren't aware that she's a woman. She constantly gives off a scent of smoke and perfumes. [B]Personality:[/B] Cold, brutal, and unforgiving Mercy is hardly one to play on emotions and feelings. She's patient when she wants something, but that only goes so far.She's sly and a lying is in her blood and soul. She wants power and riches and would do almost anything to get it. But the dark hole in her heart only goes but so deep, she has love for certain people, but her take on love seems to have an entirely different meaning, she tends to send away or hurt the people she's closet with so she doesn't have to deal with them. She also absolutely hates to be criticized or crossed(no matter how many people she herself has crossed). [B]History:[/B] She was almost three when her mother's third child and the only boy died. Mercutio Beavelle, that was what they had named him before his life suddenly came to an end, that hardly had an effect on the child. Surprisingly it was her mother who first started abusing the children of their household,verbally at least. She'd get into the wine and go on long rambles of how useless the girls were and how she always wanted a boy. "Sluts and whores that's all you are"she'd slur her words and throw them around like she was baptizing the children in them. Her father would come home late and know none the better. The children would be asleep in their beds licking their wounds by the time he got home. By the time She reached Her mid-teens she was immune to criticism of any kind. Thick headed and short tempered, due to not being able to take out her frustration about what was going on at home.Her father thought of her a problem, she had the mouth of a bar maiden according to him, of course he had no idea she had learned all this from her mother. The older sisters were the same way but were told to either grow out of it or were sent away, or so they were warned. Mercy didn't take well to the warning and lashed out at her mother at the spot. A year later she was married off to a man for a decent sum of money. She played the role of the lady of the house or risk being shamed in pubic and she did play for a long time, at least five years before she got scent of another and took a lover.Well, it wasn't long before rumors started to spread and her husband found out. Although he knew, he said nothing of it when he did see her. Mercy soon got tired of her lover. One summer day, her lover drunk and half crazed demanded that she leave her husband, she refused. She didn't see the point she had lost her lust for the man and no longer wanted to see him. He attacked her and the night ended with her stabbing him in the ribs and then fleeing from the house with very little possessions. To escape what she thought would surely be the death of her, She met her little sister, currently working at a brothel like her mother predicted years ago. She got inside the town easily after having shredded her blood dress and stealing some male clothing. When her sister spotted her half drunk, she laughed and splurged about how she looked like a man in those types of clothing. She took a look at herself and grinned, a year later the two were off to Austria Under the names of Mercutio and Camille Lindell. Her sister was right, she didn't quite a bit like a young male in that outfit and for the first time she thanked God that her father was a tailor. Lie after Lie the two of them weaved their way into the society of Austria and their politics. Her sister having caught the eye of a local politician,Douglas Norlam. Mercy played that to her full advantage eventually making her way to Cenive. Once Douglas was of no use to them he was quickly disposed of. Soon she sent her sister away back to Austria, not wanting her getting in the way of her goal to obtain some status of power, thinking Camille could be used against her. While plots were unfolding, she had yet to decide what position she would take about all of the changes in government. Her mind was made up when she was asked to become the noose. The power to take life... in the hands of a woman no less, my what would mother think now. [B] Weapon: [/B]Spear and a dagger with a black handle [B]Role: [/B]The Noose [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1] [B]Storyline:[/B] This place, known to all but conquered by none, lays within the center of the world and known only by one true name, Asyala. Three is the dreaded number of years in which this tower, this monstrous beast, opens to those who dare challenge it. If one were to enter, they will be within a competition of wit, physical ability, and even mental swiftness. All this is needed to advance, move up within the floors that lay within the guts of the tower. Six terrifying floors, each holding a different task and a different puppet that will make sure you do not move up within their mistress. First glance, you would never be able to tell that Asyala was a being within a tower, changing never ending, challenging those inside in hopes of their deaths. Criminals and convicts, condemned to death, even attempt to challenge the tower in hopes of seeing the outside world and freedom once again. Fighters, scholars, and many other hopefuls enter the tower, challenge their mind and physical ability, but none ever return to the world of the living, at least not outside the tower. Asyala kills by using her own insides, her guts of walls to crush the intruders within her, keeping them from moving on. The hopes of this challenge though, is to see what is at the top, have a glimpse of what Asyala is protecting with such an elaborate labyrinth, and outsmart her, a century old tower being. When taking this challenge against Asyala, the player risks everything and is on the line between life and undetermined demise. Thrusting their souls into the hand of the mistress, the very tower that would love to spill their blood upon her floors. All this, just to find out why she?s there, why she exists. Many find out, that if anything, that would be the only thing they would find out, only to be unable to voice it from their graves within her guts. No matter your reasoning?s though, we all welcome you to the Glass Tower, our Asyala. Our doors always open to you and welcome you upon the third year, now come in and join the crew,? human hands spread outwards before the puppets give a gentle bow, black and red hair falling over lifeless eyes. ?...please enter your impending doom.? ?It?s always the same thing every three years.? Tom ran his hand over a ruff unshaved chin and waited to watch the gory ordeal from outside the tower walls. Like hell if he was going up there, it had been to long... and he hadn?t the motive he once had when he was still in his prime. His tongue pressed against the top of his mouth and smacked as it pulled away ?You must be new to town,? He sat down on the ground and watched the crowd of young men and even a few women start to make their way past the pale human forms that still stood near the doors without stretched arm and a fake smile pulled across pale sunless flesh. It was an almost sickly powdered white as if being out in the sun for a few minutes would turn them yellow and make the flesh rot off the bone right before the town?s people?s very eyes. Tom turned down his lips and tilted his head to the side. ?I?ve been watching this go on for a few years now..It?s become some sort of attraction now...People come to see the tower open. You watch the crowd jolt at screams and gasp when the blood splatters the windows.? He leaned back and watched the doors start to slowly rotate closed. ?But you know. They all want to see it happen..if they didn?t they wouldn?t have come to watch.? He closed his eyes slightly, he wasn?t ashamed to admit. Tom was very curious himself. ?There?s no God inside those walls...no use prayin? for em.? [B]The tower and city:[/B] 6 floors of horror and mind numbing riddles and physical extremes. The tower Affectionately named Asyala by the city folk sits in the center of Seirne A vastly growing city that still ceases to end barbaric rituals and practices. The most recent in the past ten years being the tower that was built in the middle of it that open?s every three years. When the plans were first made for the elaborate building meant to be something like a town hall, No less than three days after it was made the building seem to shut it self down. The plans disappeared So did the information on the builder. Some believe he was killed by his own creation fueled by a demonic need to control everything around him. Others say that he was picked up by the hands of the Gods for his deed and the building was created to worship and sacrifice to them. The rumor is that once you reach the top the doors of heaven will open to you and you will be presented wiht a price more precious than the lives of those who entered the tower. Though no one has ever gotten past the 3rd floor [B] Puppets:[/B] The strongest out of the people stuck in the tower the previous years. They are taken by the house and ?processed? until they become the perfect toy. Each floor has one main puppet each stronger than the other. The tower speaks and moves through them. There are few other puppets..the ones that are there mostly open doors and control the main function of the house. But besides the two that open the door and the main puppets most are unseen. The puppets are not brainless, just hopeless. A combination of the wits it took to get through the tower and stay alive a little longer than other failures as well as the tower?s personal puppets. They act on what the machine want trying their best to please their masters. _____________________ summary: Alright. Basically the tower opens it's doors to people every three years and there's an eleaborate game of twist and riddles to get to the top of the tower. convicts...are said to be free if they even make it alive out the tower and others are after what's at the top or trying to out smart it. [B] sign ups:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name: (go wild) Age: Gender: Appearance: (a pictures good written prefered) Background: And you are? : [/B][/COLOR] ( A puppet(I really only need a few of these),convict. scholar) ~ I haven't done this in a while... really hope this works out. I'll post my sign up a little later [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1] interesting...I would be interested in a gantz rp. actually that sounds like alot of fun. [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]Just a random story that I hope to continue.I haven't done that in a long time...rating depends on how the story goes.enjoy.[/COLOR] " Ridiculous." He ran his tongue over his lip."That?s the only way to explain it." His accent peaking through. It had been a long time since Seral Had gotten bad news. The Satyrs had yet form an idea of how the handle the current predicament they were in. "How does he exactly expect us to handle this? Why does he think he'll even talk to us?!," He paused to look at the messenger. Amon, he was the bring of bad news this week. Seral moved from behind the desk. Amon jumped at the sound of his hoofs. "I don't know sir..." was all the red head could muster out. He couldn't belive it himself, one of their own put to death for murder. "Psh! useless boy! bring me to him, Bring me to him!" Seral's gruff voice was tinted in anger. Amon meekly took lead Opening the door to exit the room. His hoofs slipped on the cobble stone path, he was desperately trying to look brave and I could tell. Joanah. Joanah Vael. Nice to see you around these parts. This is the military camp of the Satyrs...where I was raised and born so nothing quite gets by me. I was in the room when Seral received the letter about Tybalt?s hearing and the accusations of murder. We where in the middle of pleasant conversation when the shaky youth stumbled into the room. Afterwards all hell broke loose. Am I boring you already? I feel you should know what happened if your going to be around here long. Pull up a chair and I'll explain. Seral followed the boy and I followed him to make sure he didn't do anything rash. We followed the boy through the village. The sky was a horrible mixture of black and grey colors that day like it was trying to match our mood. The boy ran past the pub and slipped into the prison holding cells a little down the block."He's there?" I questioned for a moment, normally murderers where taken strait to the gallows. The thought that he hadn't been trials had yet to cross my mind. Seral squinted his eyes. The wrinkles above the old man's black eyes showing. It had been a long time since he had actually rushed anywhere and I was sure his bones where probably aching . Seral was older than most, the way he looked now gave no light to how he was in his youth. Lets just say he frolicked much and fathered many. We stopped in front of the building, The boy took his time quickly skipping over a few steps to open the door for us. I gave him a short muffled thank you and continued inside after the old man. "Tybalt?" His voice cut through the silence of dark room.The only bit of light came from a single window across from the cells. Not a sound came in return. All but two of the cells where empty. Still the scent of death and pain lingered through out the room. "Tybalt." He peered into the second cell trying to catch a glimpse of the figure that was crumbled in the corner. "Yes' M' lord..." The perched voice didn't sound the same. Tybalt hath spoken though. It took a moment for Seral to regain composure. The mad look in his eyes softening. ?What have you done?? The faint whisper echoed through the room. Tybalt picked his self up. His pale skin clashing against the dark black fur that covered his bottom half. He ran his tongue over dry lips and looked over me for a brief moment and then closed his eyes. ?Are you here to tell me how I deserve to die?? He said. The room remained silent. I looked down for a moment, I didn?t feel like seeing this today. An old friend in prison for something he may or may not have done. What happen next is all very complicated. I find it hard to explain myself so I can only repeat what I heard and saw. You understand? Tybalt didn't bother to attempt to be amused or pleased by our visit. He looked up at Seral with cold eyes then glanced towards Amon who was shrinking to the back of the room where the guard stood in silence. It was funny I didn't even realize he was there."It started when you gave me that order..." He spoke to Seral bitterly."I was suppose to deliver a letter." He still held a tone of superiority in his voice that I noticed the more he spoke. Tybalt gripped onto cell bars pressing cheek again the icy dirty metal. "Pull up a chair boy!"Amon froze "...and listen to a bit of history in the making." He mused. I thought this would be an interesting visit.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Sixth grade was hilarious to me. I had just moved from New York to North Carolina because of my mom's job. First they messed up my schedule and put me in a 7th grade class so I had to wait in a room the first day with people who scared me. Seriously the people at my school even now where big as hell to me and looked a bit ruff. That?s where I met my first best friend. I was scared of her at first really but she was pretty cool. Half way into the year I realized that common sense wasn't really to well common. I'd been laughed at because I wore blue shoes and I was a girl, seriously. My friend had tried to black mail my science teacher because she caught him screwing another teacher in the classroom. Haha..he was still a pretty cool teacher though. Saw more than one fight in math, felt bad for the teacher because she was new and they made her cry. Got white out poured in my hair because I wouldn't pass a note. that year had its ups and downs really the next year was even better though.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1] ?Kindergarten: The monitor gets extra cookies. ?First grade: Gym sucks and nap time is so less comfortable with out the little blue cotts and a pillow ?Second grade: Teachers start having mental break downs when you use the wrong tape to cover a book. ?Third grade: The ice cream man knows exactly want you want and who you are after the first two years. ?Fourth grade: Pigeon's pooping on your head isn't good luck...but its easier to get out if your wearing braids ?Fifth grade: Old drunk ladies who are about to retiring shouldn't be allowed to teach..and public school is better than catholic. ?Sixth grade: If you have a new york accent, people will automatically think your out to beat them up.o_O ?Seventh grade: Don't do 'things' in front of a glass window...its stupid..and the whole school can see you. People in my school think their invisable ?Eighth grade: That Social studies teacher that you had last year IS seriously stalking students and you've found rock! congrats your mom will think your on drugs or pregant for the next two years. ?Ninth grade: If you can't write a B in the right direction you shouldn't be teaching a class and nagging kids about their math and english. ?Tenth grade: Running through the woods after school is more fun that it seems .then it rains because life hates you.[/SIZE]
  7. [LEFT][SIZE=1][b][/b] [SIZE=3][B] [COLOR=darkblue]Something Wicked[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Once upon a time, in a certain village. Lived a little country girl. The Prettiest creature To ever walk the light of day. Her mother was extremely fond of the child and her Grandmother showered her with love even making her a little red hood made of the finest silk. The beautiful hood suited the girl so well that everyone called her little red riding hood. This young girl, with locks of gold ,Bright blue eyes and fair skin often drifted into various parts of town delivering things to her relatives, from her mother. Who was sickly and confined to her bed. She pulled the girl by her cloak gently one night. Her voice raspy and her head hot from fever. ?Loved one, My dear, My darling child. Would you do this favor for me? Tomorrow make haste and move quickly, Through the woods you will tread , Listen to me clearing, do not waver from the path, take the route of the needle not the nail. Be weary of what you may encounter while your there.? The mother paused to cough and looked at her child before clearing her throat out loud. ?On the table there?s a basket with some fruit and a bottle of wine, ask Grand mother if she would be so kind as to send me some medicine for this fever of mine.? Little red made her a promise that she would do as her mother ask. She got ready for slumber and soon by the night hours drifted to sleep. The next morning at the hour the sun was up high she told her mother good bye. ?A fairy tale for a child. Hardly, riddled with pain written in blood as charming as the little tale might be. A moral softened by being sugared over so many times. Now I sit here before you and tell you a tale, of betrayal and a twist of words. Maybe if you listen you might learn something. Don?t smile! Don?t grin! Don?t tease! This is a serious matter not some thing to sleep peacefully on. See that book? Over there on the table. Get it for me, We?ll see who can stomach this gory tale. You seem awfully happy about it. You seem to think you can handle it but lets see if that?s true. Yeah yeah...I?ve got a story for you...? [/COLOR] ______________________________________________________________ [B]Summary:[/B]This is a rp based on little red ridding hood. Its not suppose to be to long but definitely suppose to be entertaining. Consider How the real tale goes. The end of the story isn?t as sugar sweet as the little kids books make it and there are many ways to create suspense in a story where a characters being hunted. So there will be deaths. We only need a few characters , but they have to be descriptive writers to make this work. You don?t really have to know the story...but seriously you should by now. [B]Characters:[/B] [I]Little Red Ridding Hood The Hunter The Mother The Grandmother The Narrator -me- The Wolf [/I] [I][B]Sign up[/B][/I] [B]Character:[/B] [B]Name: [/B] [B]Age: [/B](be logical. If you?re the grandmother I doubt your be in your 20's if your little red I doubt you?ll be in your 30's) [B]Background or snippet: [/B]or both, I say either or since in some characters cases it would just be simpler if you show me how he/she would be played [B]Appearance:[/B]written or picture PM for details on the rp [I] [B]My sign-up[/B][/I] [B]Character:[/B] The Narrator [B]Name:[/B] Jacob Bennet [B]Age:[/B]24 [B]Background or snippet:[/B] Now this man is nothing more than a simple librarian and a Collector of books. His past is a little clouded to the small town he lives in and also to the children who he reads books to every Friday at the library. They see him as a stern man, with no sense of humor and a sour face. He disliked reading the books to the children, who smiled gleefully at him after a story was read that was made to scare them into obedience. Jacob grew up with a strict father and Had close to no childhood. His mother was alive but barely paid him any attention due to personal issues she was having at the time. Jacob, not really being in an area with many children at the time spend most of his Free time reading. The rest of his time was spent Studying what ever his father willed. Once he graduated from highschool He continued on to college and ended up having to move. He takes a few small part time jobs here and there His most recent being a librarian at the local library. Though he seems to be a snappy person with a bad attitude and a strong sense of sarcasm to match. He takes his job seriously and does what he needs to do to get his check at the end of the month. Most recently one of the employees that worked with the children?s group that came every Friday had to leave for medical reasons. Jacob was asked to take over his shift and protested before finally being convinced to do the deed. His boss told him shouldn?t take to long. The routine started getting old quickly, He was aggravated and tried of reading to the stuck up brats. Every time he got half way in the story some one interrupted him or did something annoying. Finally after his boss told him he was thinking about having him take over the sick woman?s job. He lost it and started looking for a special book. A book of gore and tales that where no longer told to the children of today. He flipped through the torn pages and ran his hand over the worn book spine before turning to the first page and started to read. [B]Appearance[/B](will edit later)[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/LEFT]
  8. I've this rp idea in my head for a while basically misfits gathered and sent by the angel of death that kill demons to gain a spot in heaven or cleanse their sins, everyone has there own motive. The thing is the demons that their killing and getting rid off disguise themselves as humans so they can gain favor in the public eye, almost seeming more than human to them, movie stars, basket ball players, and singers. People that stay in the public eyes and others look up too. The group has to kill them off with out getting caught or having people notice. This is where there's a issue, They'll have the church jumping down their throats with their own criticism, demons who curse them for killing their own, and humans who think of it as all random murders plastered across the news. anyway I can improve it? or should i even bother posting it? any opinions or suggestions would be welcomed...
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]n.n hehe that was fun! I think this was one of the better rpg's I've been in. its been a pleasure! [I]"Good morning, Mr Masterton," he said, "You've been asleep for a long time. I've been looking after you the whole while. My name is Doctor Daniel Ashgrove." He looked around for senior staff... "But most people call me Dash." [/I] he that made me think and how sharpe turnned out to be his body and not a spilt personality. n.n[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Jane watched the black mist like substance seep in from under the door like a black mist, so thick she could see it and that was something. That whole time they were running from Sharpe and walking down the hall, in fact now that she recalled the past few days, everything and everyone just seemed like blurs with facial features. She knew mike had carried her and she was grateful, considering she had a bullets in her legs and could almost feel the pain when her blood seeped through the wrapped that Kat had made with ripped fabric. She looked at them and bit her lip, she was pretty sure she would most likely be the next one to go, she was surprised they kept her with them. Jane looked back at the group and then at the smoke thinking."Guys! Even if we get out of this room, that stuff just might seep under the door again." She said her voice still raspy and shaky. They continued moving regardless, she didn't complain. She didn't want to find out what that stuff could do but the idea did strike her to set the room on fire before they leave...maybe it would burn out the substance or something. Maybe. They still had to find Alex to. So much they had to do with the clock ticking and the devil at their heels. Jane would have sworn if someone had described what they had seen, she would think they were talking about hell. The light from the torch Dash still had flickered for a second.The door ahead had already been ripped off the hinges. Something had already been through there.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkGreen]She looked forward at the others thinking silently to herself a million questions rushing into her head at once and then as soon as the looked at the walls painted with dead bodies she went pale and forgot them all. Jane continued to walk forward and look at the others her mind in scatters while she quickly tried to think about something else besides the blood stains and figures. "God..." she looked down at Avain and then looked up focusing on the torch in Alex's hand that she wanted so desperately to get her hands on at the moment."this is horrible..," she said her voice was still raspy but she tried to raise it enough so it was at a some what normal volume."Were spending a ridiculous amount of time in here.." She moved up a little rushing herself. ?We?ve barely been here ten minutes.? Mike responded to her raspy whining. ?Enough for me.? She responded quickly entertaining the thought of turning back around in her head for a brief minutes and then remembered what they said about the importance of sticking together now. That wiped her idea clean out of her head. She paused for a second ,staring up at the bodies on the wall again, a wave of horror ran through her body she froze up again for a brief second before walking forward again, she was making her way towards the flame the only thing she remotely remembered besides the fact that her name was Jane, and that her unrestrained or censored habit of stating the negative and obvious tended to get others a little upset. The fact that Alex was the only one that could remember anything still puzzled her, she was quiet for a few minutes. She frowned at him, in the spirit of envy more than anything else. Jane rubbed her nose and sniffed a little quickly getting irritated with the way their little trip through the room was going. ?Is there a door coming up or what...? she asked and frowned pulling a few braids behind her ears.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"A[SIZE=1] little help over here!" Jane dragged a suit case with more coconuts in it, not surprised to find out the tall skinny man with the shaggy beard that had come with her had left her there to find food on her own. She had really been a pain in the ass that day. She kept asking questions that they couldn't really answer and putting a damper of there false hope of getting off the island that they decided to give her some thing to do, sending her to go get some more coconuts. She did leave without complaining, she needed to get away from the people for a little while. They were just as irritating to her as she was to them. She walked past the blood stained tree heading to one near by that was more fruit full and filled two suit cases with coconuts, the papers and other items had been placed in other places in piles for the moment along with the papers with you are going to die scribbled on it. "guys!" her voice sounded raspy and tired, she had only a few minutes earlier been calling for the man that had accompanied her to the beach, but when he disappeared and after a while of searching for him, she gave up and decided he most likely abandoned her to her own to search for food. "send me out there, left me, and you Bastards don't even come to eat." her muttered cursing continued until she abandoned the bags and stomped over to the cave "Its terrible in there. Blood, so much of it..." she whipped her head around quickly hearing voices by the bushes stopping a little bit away from the entrance of the cave. She had been spared the blood shed, minus the people in the plane and the little girl ripped in half by some unknown creature, but besides those incidents nothing. She walked towards the bushes, obviously now someone had spotted her walking near them, she was surprised they didn't hear her calling until she actually tried to talk."Hey...where's everyone..." her voice was barely above a whisper and raspy, she had lost it. Avian's words seem to play over in her head, the words she heard before she had come walking towards the cave in an angry fit of rage."What the hells going on?" She asked and crossed her arms being silent after her question. "don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to..." Jane looked at Avian.[/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: hope this is okay.x_x))
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Jane was still wide eyed staring at one of the other pieces of paper."well this is reassuring." Some of the others were still murmuring about it but a few tried to wipe it out of their minds. Someone was indeed playing a really sick game with them. She scratched her head a little, her hair still had sand in it from sleeping on the beach. The whispers stopped once some one called out they were doing a head count and writing down names, considering that was the only thing anyone seem to remember. Jane was still uneasy about the whole situation, she was pretty sure she wasn't the only one, oh well. At least at the most they have some supplys that might come in handy later. She wondered for a second why they moved from the beach to the cave. She honestly thought the beach was just fine, well unless it rained. She let her thoughts drift back and forth while she stood there waiting to be counted and rocked back and forth a little, leaning forward and backward on her sneakers just slightly. Jane crossed her arms and could hear the people at the beginning of the line shouting their names as if it was some summer camp trip. "ten....what?s your name?" finally the man got to her. "Jane Basie." she looked at him and then he wrote it down and moved on to the next person. She sat down on the ground quietly thinking a frown dead set on her face. those papers just set her in a bad mood at the moment."who would do that...." she muttered out loud and then listened to the few conversations taking place around her in the cave.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1]Why is it so hot....? Jane thought out loud and shook her head a little. ?Every thing smells like smoke . . . ? She muttered in her sleep and curled up on the gritty sand. Her dreams filled with the dancing flames of the fire, only they expanded past the piles of wood they had created the whole island was on fire. The color a beautiful flaming red that she could only create in her dreams. It turned darker and darker until it because a dark cloud of smoke and she woke up covered with sand, she sat up and dusted off her legs half dazed by sleep Just when one of the girls was passing out water, at least there were a few females, even if they were young.It made her feel a little better about being stuck, not as sore about it. She tilted her neck, cracking it before sitting up and walking over to where they were handing out water. She decided maybe she would be quiet today, not that she talked to people anyway. This would be the Perfect time to explore the island though wouldn?t it? She assumed few were already doing that since a couple of people weren?t with the rest of the group., She reached out just as they were passing out the last few drinks, grabbing a bottle of water. Before eyeing the man that got the last beer. He grinned and disappeared into the group. Great just what they needed a couple of drunks. She sucked her teeth a little and walked over to the water away from the others but still in seeing range walking along the shore and staring out at the water. She walked down the beach, this was indeed strange. "She paused and snapped her fingers for a second. A spark of intelligence going off in her head as she looked up. ?The plane!? There had to be some thing helpful in the plane, the drinks. They had to get them from the plane. She wanted to see it, then again if it was to badly damaged, she wouldn?t even bother, She did consider the fact that most of the machinery in the thing was damaged but, she decided to be optimistic. That didn?t last long. ?Hey you!? Jane called out to the guy that grinned ear to ear when he got the last beer. She hurried over limping a little, she didn?t know why but assumed it had to do with her knee. ?Who brought the drinks?? He looked at her and blinked a few times. ?Well good morning to you too,..Her?He pointed to the girl, at the moment, she didn?t know her name, She hadn?t gotten everyone?s name yet and frankly didn?t plan on being there long enough to know many of the people here names. She walked over quickly at the same time opening the bottle of water and taking a sip, bleach. It tasted like bleach but she wasn?t complaining ? did you find that near the plane?..The drinks I mean.? she said getting strait to her question, It was to early for her to notice she was interrupting a conversation, well at least to early for her. They didn?t know what time it was suppose to be anyway.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Jane picked a little at her knee, the bloody substance starting to clot and then reopening when she picked at certain areas. It stung a little but she needed some way to concentrate on thinking. She was sitting a little closer to the fire than the others, some thing about the warmth of the flames seem to comfort and calm her but at the same time excite her."God, all these people..someone is bound to find us." "yeah, I hear you man its only a matter of time maybe even by morning." Those morbid feelings started kicking in, a nagging at the back of her head to give her input as if it was her right given by God to criticize Their conversations."I doubt it," her voice was sour. "I mean, wouldn't they have known about the plane crash by now isn't there some kind of raydar for this type of thing?" She continued picking at her knee. She felt she was right. I mean it was idelistic to think that they would be saved so quickly. Jane stopped picking at her knee watching the steady flow of blood run down it for a second and looking at the fire. "Were all sitting here doing nothing...A plane just crashed and were sitting here laughing and joking around and all that bull." She rolled her eyes and then focused on the fire again watching the flames go back and forth. Few in the large group heard her, those that did frowned and stared at her. The way she was leaned over, the frown she had on her face, Even her eyes just showed a clear picture of her negative outlook on life, they only got a glimpse of what a kill joy the girl could be. At that point she moved to one of the other fires that had been started. It didn't take long for her to respond to positive thinking about being rescued again "well you don't have to be so negative about it?" "who's being negative? I'm just telling the truth? was I talking to you?" "were all in the same boat your in...eh.eh...who are you?" "Jane Baise" "Darren Luther" "Pleasure," She moved away from the group a bit and laid down slowly starting to fall asleep, it wasn't that she was tired physically. She was tired of dealing with people. (OCC: x_x I really hope this is okay...if not please pm me and I'll edit it)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkgreen]The raspy gasping sound was easily distinguished as someone trying to get water out their system. Choking, coughing the sound of what seemed like hyperventilation was loud and noisy but not as noisy as the splashing sound the clear liquid made when he exited the girl?s body. She continued to cough still able to smell the thick scent of sea water and sand. She was still able to taste it too, Disgusting. Dirt and sand covered her burning scraps and bruises. She obviously had a hard time getting to where she was at the moment. Her knee was bloodied, she assumed she nearly drowned, and she didn?t know where the hell she was or who for that matter. The thought washed away by the gulps of sea water she had taken in moments before, she didn?t know and at the moment she didn?t care. The feeling of despair washed over her. You know, that bitter morbid feeling like when you know you?re in some **** you can?t get out of or some thing happens that just sets you in a bad mood for the rest of the day well, that feeling was flowing through her veins at the moment. Morbid thoughts on how she could have just died only a few minutes earlier. ?God . . . ? she choked out of her sore throat. Wet braids slapping against brown skin. She wasn?t very optimistic about her situation at the moment, She was to out of it to realize she was in one at first. Slowly, everything started to come back to her.?Oh God. . . .,? First that she was bleeding and it was burning the pain slowly sank in when she thought about it more. Then she realized she was in fact on a plane and not an island when she last checked.?Oh God . . .? The bare facts seem to hit her like a brick or maybe a large metal pipe. Stumbling while she made her way away from the water and towards the land, looking for a building, a house, anything that even noted the that there was in fact civilization on the damned island. She struggled still to remember her name, her memory failing her each time she attempted to remember, Everything just seem like one big headache. ?Jane get hold of yourself, cool it.? She Paused, that was who she was, Jane. Jane Baise, At least that?s who she thought she was. No, she was sure that was her name. Now she stared forward at the trees, intimidating her at the moment. The loud sounds of the birds ear shattering screeching obviously phased her since she jumped when she first heard it and forced herself to pushed back leaves and thick greenery to try to see if there was anyone that could help her. Legs still burning and bloody covered in sand that failed to be wiped away by the numerous plants that brushed against her skin. Jane found herself back at the beach. ?There has to be someone-? she stopped herself seeing a group of people immediately yelling for help. Her vision wasn?t as good as it should be, she needed glasses. She didn?t remember that at the moment. She was to busy rushing towards the group of people but, when she got closer she realized from the looks of it they were in the same boat she was in. ?Note to self, never again will I fly on a plane...? Name: Jane Baise Sex: Female Age:23 Appearance: light brown skinned with braids, she wears a pair of blue jeans and a brown shirt. Her eyes are a light greyish/ hazel color. Personality :A pyromaniac in recovery, Jane is morbid graphic and not exactly a very happy person to be around unless you like getting snapped at and put down, She is said to not have a good side. She often panics when she gets in extremely bad situations but she forces herself to do whatever is needed to survive. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. TRAITOR TO YOUR FAMILY Perhaps if he had just went to the funeral he wouldn't be suffering from the misfortune that he's facing now. the steam rose from the cup and brushed against his face, the heat toying and ticking his chin." I don't know why I didn't go." The sound of his sister's foot steps traveled throughout the house. she made her way to where he was seating in the bright yellow kitchen her foot steps suddenly stopped her lips pressed into a thin line that indicated a frown." You don't know much of anything do you?" Her voice oozed of irritation .Jack flinched." Maria...," "No I can't believe you?!" her voice rose to a hiss. "You missed your own father's funeral!" Maria slammed her hands down on the table making it shake, the brown coffee splattered across the white table." You didn't even help us arrange it or anything!" her eyes narrowed on him, loose strains of hair falling over her face. she was waiting for a response, a sign of being even some what in mourning. The tension in the air was thick, almost seeping through the white tiled floors." Excuse me,"He stood up." For not wanting to see my father with a bullet through his ******* head." jack looked up at her through shaggy strains of hair, he wasn't trying to be cruel. She froze as if he had provoked her like she was doing to him only minutes earlier. "you can let your self out." The steam from the coffee tickled his face teasing him with the aroma of almonds and chestnut .The coffee shop was quiet but he could still hear the buzz of people interacting with one another. "I think I made her cry." he said to no one in particular and looked down at the papers. They were obviously old; the edges were folded and yellow. "they must have been sitting there for over 20 years." he paused and took another sip of the warm cup of coffee before setting it back down on the black metal table. He skimmed over the documents pausing at one line. ?and to my two sons the business which I have ran for over 30 years' holy ****." he paused and reread that line. He had no intention of joining in on the family business. After all isn't that what had gotten his old man killed? But then again, he really NEEDED that money. __________________________________________________ _____________ STORY: Jack's father the owner of a business that specialized in the transportation of money from criminals from all branches of the earth, is dead. Murdered in his own home while his wife of 40 years lied asleep in an upstairs bedroom. After forty years of business the empire his father created out of blood money and illegal shipping of goods was about to come to an end, jack wanted nothing to do with it or his deceased father. finally after the funeral, the will was read. Jack's two sisters received the house that his father worked so hard to obtain. to his mother, the deeds to land and property his father owned and to his two sons that he cared so much again, his empire of a company under one condition. The two brothers were to share ownership each year one was to take full control of the family business. Time went by, days past after their fathers death, weeks, then months then finally a year. Little brother jack decided he needed the money and wanted to take over the business after all, one problem. Over the year his brother now receiving the power he craved forever since he was in his teens refused to give up the company .The power struggle and feud. That would tear apart the family began dragging in others that had been wronged by his brother who seemed to rule the company with an iron fist and a blood stained one at that. His brother left him out to rot, using legal and illegal maneuvering to remove his brother from the equation. Jack was pissed, an anger that couldn't be justified by saying "Well since he's my brother I'll let it slide" He wanted his revenge after being swindled out of his own inheritance by his own brother. He wasn't the one. __________________________________________________ ________________ sign ups: Name: Gender: (male ,female, etc.) Age: (over 17 please) Appearance: (picture or description Biography: (background on your characters history) sides: (basically this is jack's side trying to get back at his brother and get his revenge or his brothers, who is in general a bad person who's done a lot of things to a lot of people.) weapon: (try to stick to some thing modern) _______ Need some one to play the brother. This rp is based on the play antigone the basics of the rp is to try to get control of the illegal delivery service so to speak, your either on jack's side or his brother's who is in current control. I will be posting my sign up sheet later. this is my first rp in a while so bare with me please.
  18. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Name: Jackie Blair AKA: jack Age: 22 Gender: male Appearance:[URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/26450477/]jackie[/URL] unless he's on the street when he works he wears suits and professional clothing, he's so use to moving in them that it doesn't seem to phase him. But, on his time off normally he just throws on a shirt ,some jeans and finds an old pair of sneakers he feels comfortable in. Personality: He's quite the charmer if you asked anyone who's encountered him. Not exactly the type you'd think to kill at first, Normally when most actually get to know him, they notice his idealistic and sadistic views on life are mostly frightening. Usually when confronted about his views he laughs it off and says everyone to there own opinion, with a slightly sour tone of voice. The things he faces makes him hard and cold but at the same time easily hurt. When he's hurt if he isn't allowed to kill you he'll put on a vicious front and attack verbally. Biography: "Oh, you must be looking for jack." When the smoke cleared he saw the old mans face an incisive smile sliding across his face. "That?s exactly who I'm looking for...I need information on him." at the moment Christian was looking for a murderer only known by the small notes he leaves on his victims almost assuring that they died for a reason. So far all leads and searches were fruitless until, "you want information on Jackie?...Pretty bold to come right to this source isn't it." The old man pressed his lips into a thin line the smell of smoke taunted Christian's nose once more before he finally put the damned thing out ."you realize how much I'm putting at risk by telling you this right? he's one of our top he's done many things for us." He found it odd that the man was telling him all this. The old man leaned over the table towards him, his eyes narrowed staring into Christian's awkwardly. "Well you know where he's from right? The ******* west Indies." "I see.." "That?s where they do voodoo and **** . . . " he frowned, wow what a use of stereotypes. "Some say while he was living down there someone put a curse on him." "You?ve got to be kidding me." "I'm serious." "Look if your not going to stick to the truth then don't bother." phased by his 'lies' Christian stood up from the table suddenly before his attention was caught by slow foot steps coming from the left side. "Sit down please, sir." A cold hand firmly gripped his shoulder pushing him down in his seat with a force. "Christian, am I right? I thought so." Jack sat down in the middle of Christian and the old man in front of him who didn't look in the least bit nervous. "Now I've heard you've asked about me?" his voice was light but not to the point of girlishness. Christian's eyes narrowed on the man he identified at jack for the moment. Jack picked up a fork. ?Well, I was born in the islands...like he said...raised in a small southern town in the United States and then continued on, I didn?t actually make my first kill until about four or so years ago.? He looked at the fork and scratched it with his nail a disgusted frown crossing his face. ?This is filthy..? He grabbed the detective by the back of the head nails digging into his scalp, grabbing a fist full of hair. Jackie twisted his hand and pulled his head back.? Now then back to business.? The fork struck into his neck before he even had a chance to defend himself, the sharp pain for metal piercing skin sinking in one he realized what had just happened to him, Jack moved with such a force that the old man winched a little when it broke the skin blood dripping down jacks hand leaving bloody blotches on the sleeve of his shirt, this was what he lived for. Jack slowly let the man's head drop back, blood still coming out the four punctures in his neck. He picked up a napkin and wiped his hands clean, nothing he could do about the sleeves for now. ?I continued killing and haven?t stopped since . . . ? he didn?t feel that he needed to go into detail about his childhood, Most of it was a blur to him and what use was it when you were dead. He got up and pushed the chair until the table before looking at the old man. ?Take care of that for me will you.? He walked outside, why did he kill Christian? The man was a problem, at first his futile search for the yet to be prosecuted murder didn?t phase Jackie. But, lately he had come to close to the fire and had to be burnt, Jackie adjusted his glasses and strolled down the street stopping at the corner. He was at the bus stop where he wanted to be. The smell of moisture seem to fill the air and make him sniffle a little. Jackie sat down at the Bus stop. ?At least he wasn?t wearing blue...? he mumbled and looked in front of him at the side walk. His eyes stopped at a pair of black boots. ?Yes?? ?I?ve got a job offering for you interested?? from that day on, he promised himself he would NEVER kill so sloppily again, he had let someone track him. That wasn't a mistake he wouldn?t make twice. Weapon: two black revolvers and a small dagger which he keeps on the inside of his jacket. Alliance: Who you team with - Tokyo Elite[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1]priest looked up holding her cross bow in her right hand, the two had run into a bit of trouble after getting there and it was obvious by the scratches and dirt that stained priest's black shirt brown. One of her sleeves ripped to streads. Ashley huffed some and looked back at priest, her eyes showing a bit of fear mixed with anger. blood ran down her arm and dripped on to the floor. Priest turned towards her."you'll be fine." Ashley jerked her head up and looked at Priest a bit angry. "the gash isn't that bad..." They were on the second floor and had been there for a short while now. "I need to wrap up my arm.." Ashley looked back at her, Priest stared at her blankly before turning around. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed looking ahead of her."make sure you don't wrap to tight." priest could barely hear her response that sounded some what like okay. Ashley walked towards the door they came out of pacing while wrapping her arm. Priest turned around and looked at her for a second before turning back to the hall ahead of them. Priest had paced down the hall with a death grip on her cross bow for a while now, yet it still seemed oddly quiet. Ashley leaned against the wall by the door that lead to the stair way. Hearing a few feet hurry up the stairs but, not taking any notice, she finished wrapping her arm. Priest made her way down the hall way again gripping her bow still. Slowing her pace once she got near the end of the hallway, she turned around and looked back down the hall, her grip loosening on the weapon in her hand. Priest looked at the door across from her and then looked down the hallway again, a cracking sound caught her attention before the loud slam of the door breaking off the hinges echoed through the hall. she tightened her grip on the cross bow Not having time to even curse, Priest tried to move back watching the door hit the wall. Ashley looked up. [/SIZE] ooc- sorry for the lack of posting, been on punishment for a bit.
  20. [SIZE=1]Not a great portion of the day had pasted by when priest woke up, a little confused to where she was at the time after getting lost in a dream or a memory. they were all the same, she couldn't tell. she threw the sheets off to the side and got up heading to the bathroom. by the time she was out the shower, Ashley was waiting by the door. Priest didn't waste any time after getting dressed, the girl had been knocking on the door for a good five minutes by now. "just a second." priest opened the door and walked back in the room after she entered."Ashley" "Were getting ready to leave soon Miss." She said after watching Priest pinned her hair up quickly."I see." Priest walked to the corner of the room getting her bag before looking at Ashley and heading outside the room. The girl was quickly behind her after tucking a few strains of brown hair behind her ears. Priest and Ashley walked down the hallway .Priest looked back at Ashley slowing her walk a bit. They stopped seeing Ena and Riley ."we need to be ready when Kalei and sin come back." Ena looked at Ashley for a second and then Priest "Right" priest stretched a little and looked at them. Ena started walking down the hall again heading to Fyoura's room. Priest looked down in her bag for a bit and then looked at Ashley. Before handing her a bottle of holy water."Hold this." Priest was rechecking her things to see if she had everything or was running low on anything."I'll be back in a second..." Priest walked back in the room. She needed more holy water, she left Ashley in the hallway with Riley still holding the bottle of holy water. Ashley sighed slightly and threw the bottle in the air catching it before leaning back against the hallway wall." This should be an interesting trip." She said and looked down.[/SIZE]
  21. [B][U]opprobrious-disgraceful[/U][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]"life is a trial and error thing, you try you fail you get back up. or at least that?s what they tell you. the truth is you try and try you get exhausted . You start to grow annoyed trying and failing failing and trying to get by and then you [FONT=Fixedsys] die[/FONT]" It?s the way of life the way things run, avoiding it is hardly an option. Why prolong your life when everything is telling you to give into death. The sweet touch of the everlasting darkness. Well the problem is, once you give in the darkness it?s hard to reach the light . . . And when you try to come back ..things get a bit unbalanced. this isn't about angel vs. demon...evil vs. good...the reason I have called you forth today was to discuss, the growing problems of Fallens, yes they seem harmless enough like humans confused on whether to give in to the 'greater good' or the ' ultimate evil' these creatures are a disgrace to us all. They must be exterminated gotten rid of before they cause a problem, the balance of earth is shifting with each step they take. Our very existence at hand, these confused angels will bring death to us all, humans, dark angels, angels of God, they must be destroyed by any means necessary Oh, yes it will be bloody! Horrors never seen before will rain on the earth until every last one of them is destroyed all fighting between heaven and hell shall cease until our goal is accomplished. These abominations normally have a mark on their necks. An infinity sign with a line going through each side . They take a human host controlling its soul until that human is no more than a shell for them to replace, once that process is completed the mark appears. The voodoo priestess some times use black feathers of crows covered in human blood stewed in a pot of steaming water to detect this mark which glows red when in contact with a demonic substance. The exorcist of the last world and today?s used feathers of doves and holy water to detect these . . . creatures. These humans, the ones that can see with out eyes and know truly what?s going on will be picked and weeded out to add in the process of detecting Fallens. Being able to drive these beasts out of the human host and i to the open, making them easier for us to dispose of. The time of deciphering the path of the world happens on the new year of the demonic world, will the forces be ready? basics- angels and dark angels-(demons basically) have to kill the fallen angels because the upset the balance of good and evil and unless things balance out all three worlds will be destroyed fallen angels- trying to stay hidden so that they can have a chance to live humans- trackers for the angels and dark angels they play a big role in helping them find fallen angels, who are hard to detect since they take a human host. (I'll add my sign up to this post later.) sign up: Name- age- *depending on if your one of the three types of angel or a human, nothing under 17 please) species- (human, angel, dark angel, or fallen) background- appearance-(a picture is good but so is a written description) snippet-(you know the drill) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Priest sat on the bed putting her hand on her head gently"what a day..." she rotated her shoulders a little without any jolts of pain. They had taken care of that when she had her required check up. She looked around the room, her bag tilted to the side in a corner next to the bed. She laid down nearly sinking into the bed, starting to instant drift in a state of sleepiness. A knock came at the door., Priest groaned a bit not moving. She didn?t want to get up at all, her mind for a brief minute distracted from earlier events, the knock came again. Priest forced herself to rise up from the bed and walk over to the door. she grasped the door knob cracking the door open a bit."Yes?" She looked at the girl fumble with a piece of paper at the door before handing it to her."I'm Ashley" priest looked over the paper, nothing she wasn't already told. She handed it back."I see .Come on in then I guess." She walked away leaving the door open. Priest sat back down on the bed and stayed quiet before pushing out a chair next to the bed for Ashley to take a seat in for now. Priest took a deep breath. ?so....you?re my apprentice then eh?? Ashley nodded slowly. ?Well, be patience with me and I?ll be patience with you..I?ve never had an apprentice before so I really don?t know what exactly I?m suppose to do.? their was a sort of awkward silence, priest sighed and let the girl out. ?Well I think I?m going to get some sleep...I?ll see you later.? the girl nodded preparing to say some thing before priest lightly closed the door.?well...that was kind of rude..? Ashley shook her head some walking away from the door. Priest closed her eyes and made her way back to the bed, god forbid anyone wake her unless its urgent, she thought out loud and then crawled to the middle of the bed curling up in a ball. She didn?t mean to be rude at all, priest was just tired, and at least she opened the door she thought.Priest just wanted to sleep, forgot everything for only a few minutes if she could. Just a few minutes of sleep and then she would get back to the girl.[/COLOR][/SIZE] ooc-(gah xx )
  23. [SIZE=1] [COLOR=blue]"this is the real truth...everyone dies...its just a matter of time before you do...this life style you live, it just brings you closer to death..its just a matter of time"[/COLOR][I] who told me that.....[/I] priest squinted, the bright lights and white color of the hospital room seem to make it harder for her to see. The sounds of her gasping for breath seem to be foreign to her, as if it wasn't even the same life form. she rotated her shoulders back and a sharp pain seem to spread up her back. she cried and huffed again shortly after regaining her breath. [I]what happened...[/I] she said some thing that sounded only like a few murmurs and looked around the room squinting a bit. it all seeming like a bad horror movie to her at the moment. what happened, the last thing she remembered was them walking, searching for Kalei ...and anyone who was still alive and well. Who knew how the others were fairing. she had a faint memory of being attacked again, but couldn't quite remember what had really happen ,her visions were burry and their for unreliable. she was still getting herself together when a doctor walked in the room stopping for a second at the door."oh your awake." priest looked up, her eyes tranced with red lines that seem to be attached to the red pupils that stared up at him,the wonders of contacts, he stared back at her."Well you and your friends were reported to be in a car accident." "car accident?" she said and rubbed her neck feeling the burning all over her back still. [I]you mean to tell me in a place so crowd with vampires they run the streets like vermin in a large city.... and we still have to act like their not there...[/I] she stopped her thoughts getting brushed aside by others."where are the others." she looked up and stared at the doctor waiting for a response. she started to slowly gain her memory back, she remembered Ena, Fyoura, and herself had managed to find Talyn and sin after a while, but after that everything seem to fade back into a blur. She shook her head and frowned still waiting for a answer from the doctor.[/SIZE] (ooc:hope this is okay if you guys want me to change anything let me know.)
  24. [SIZE=1]Priest sighed resting her head back on the seat and staring at the roof of the helicopter. She sat up and put her arm behind her back pushing her elbow until she heard a the cracking sound. priest looked back glancing at everyone in their seats and stared at Thayne while he was sleeping for a second. "Well he seems to be using his time wisely." she turned her head around looking at jade for a second. "I guess.." priest stated lightly and then stared at the ceiling.'sleep is kin to your last breath...' she thought to herself. 'I wonder if that?s true...or if ..I need to stop listening to the radio before going to sleep.' she stared at the ceiling dazing off a bit.'is death...like a pro-longed period of sleep...where your forever dreaming...but never waking up..' "could be.." she sighed deeply and looked at jade."so much going on..." she said once she snapped out of her little moment of thinking."wonder where were goin?"she said in her first attempt at a real conversation all day. "That?s a simple question to answer." priest blinked looking up."to find Kalei, it really doesn't matter where were going...its not like were going to be on vacation, we have something important to do." She stated, Priest leaned back in the seat and just nodded some. "True ...it doesn't matter does it..." "nope..It just matters that we get there" priest sunk down in her seat some and looked around at everyone looking at anything to focus a restless mind on, despite the sunken and down look. She was hyper, extremely hyper. but really who could tell the difference? Priest stared at some in the plane subconsciously letting her eyes wander. She was staring, not hard, but it looked like she almost had a dazed look on her face. She was in a daze her mind floating somewhere else but, her eyes focused on sin's form. 'Death is nothing like sleep.' Priest remembered the flames jumping up against the sky. Screaming, crying coming from inside the church. faces of what once was statues of angels standing there, still in front of the church while it was burning. every one inside was burning. It was like the gates of hell swallowed the church from inside out. Fyoura snapped her fingers twice."Priest? Hello?" She blinked some quickly looking at. Her . ?Huh? What . . . " she blinked looking confused. "You didn't hear a thing I said did you?"Priest tried to shake away the image of the church."No. Sorry." [/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=DimGray] priest walked to her room and picked up her bag pulling out the cross bow. she sat down and made sure every thing was in good shape and working properly before blessing the quarrels. she blessed everything, and every where she stayed no matter where it was. or how many times before it was probably blessed. she sighed a bit and ran her hand over her crows bow still looking over it . she smiled gently. "I remember when I firs t got this old thing..." she muttered lightly and looked over it again, it was obviously still in good condition. It was special to her, she loved her crossbow more than anything she had on her . . . well except for the cross she continuously fiddled with. She put everything back in the bag and exited the room heading down the hallway. she walked past a few in the hallway and nodded hello quickly. Priest sat by the bottom of the stairs, staying close to the wall so she was out of the way and just waited. she leaned on her knees and watched people walk up the stairs her foot tapping lightly at the bottom. After a minute or two she walked back upstairs walking past rooms doors while running her hand across the opposing wall. They still had a while before it was time to go, so she would find some way to preoccupy herself for the moment. She headed back downstairs, she wanted to maybe attempt to get some thing to eat before they left. it would only make sense to handle things like that before they left. She wondered what the others were up to at the moment.[/COLOR] (OOC- sorry about the short post...really having trouble focusing lately x.x)
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