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  1. Drake stood back and watched the others fight for once. Maybe to seperate the agents from the idiots. After a while the chaos eater was disposed of, and Drake now had nothing to do. He would just go sleep under a tree or something like that. He found a large cedar tree, and layed down fully covered in the shade. The cigarette was still in his mouth, but it didn't move at all. Drake was a still sleeper. Drake actually slept so well that he did not wake up for quite a while. "Damnit, I missed a class," he said to himself. He got up quickly, spitting the nub of a cigarette out of his mouth. Then judging by the time he tried to find out where his next class was.
  2. I am lucky american boy with Shonen Jump graphic novels of One Piece, lol. I think shonen jump has saved my life from thinking america will never get the mangas right. I just widh we had weekly Shonens like in Japan, its so crazy. I happened to see an episode of One Piece on toonami a week ago or so, and I found the voices really bad...like way bad.
  3. Drake took the lighter and cigarette graciously and put it in his mouth and lit it. Then he handed the lighter back to Katrina."Old habits die hard.."He said to himself chuckling."Oh, well I'm Draknen don't call me by that it wasnt my choice..it's just Drake." There was an ackward silence as Drake just stood there. Then out of the blue a screen was heard, in the general direction of the football field. [I]It's finally happened I guess...time to play Chaos Eaters[/I] "I'll see you around, maybe," he said to Katrina. Drake broke into a sprint for the football field, paying no attention to any others. He reached under his jacket, feeling to make sure his katana was there. When he had arrived, there already had been a small crowd gathered. They seemed to have weapons. Strange, maybe they were agents. Drake had never seen another in his life. He unsheated his black katana quickly as possible, joining with the others. "I don't know who the hell you people are, but its not time for introductions."
  4. Drake kept to himself in all his classes. reflected the glare with his sunglasses. During lunch Drake does not really know where to sit and just sits down next to the first two people he saw. He ate his lunch quickly, then left the Cafteteria. He could smell an aroma that was familiar in his old home. It was cigarettes of course. His foster parents had always been smoking them. Drake followed the smell, hoping to find someone with a pack maybe. He found the source, a girl that was unknown to him. Well everyone was unknown to Drake anyway. "Spare a smoke for the new kid?"
  5. Drake had gone to the class with his other fellow 17 year olds, just to find out all of his classes were full. They moved him up with the 18 year olds. He went to his first class and after some mild confusion found it. It might have seemed strange for an underage teen in a full black suit to come into a class of his peers. Chuckles could be heard all around the room as people laughed and pointed at Drake. He handed the teacher his card, and he later found out her name was Ms. Currigan. "Class this is Drane...um Drakn...Drakaneon Baltaren," she said, botching his name. "It's just Drake" He repled quickly while trying to find a seat in the back. But, to his dismay the only seats left were the ones in the front. So he just got in the first one he could find and sat down next to some random people next to him. He did not speak during the class, trying to ignore the glares from everyone else. He did seem out of sort though in his sleek clothes next to all the normal looking people in the class. Drake did not seem to mind though, he just kept to himself. Maybe he would indulge himself in a day dream. OOC: Kind of absent minded today..
  6. Anime will live on it wont die like disco :p. Anyway if anime were just to die..I mean what would take over it's place?
  7. Name: Michael Brookes Age: 28 Gender: Male Your Wish: To be the sole owner of Microsoft.(Who wouldn't want that kind of money and power over so many) OOC: Might want to start crossing off the names taken or putting a check mark next to them.
  8. Yeah I meant that Genin was just the first word that popped into my mind. Look here for the biggest secret: [spoiler]thought you'd see something good didn't you? Mwuahaha, fear the lotus techinique i tell you!!![/spoiler]
  9. As I Lie Dying, yeah man. They're one of my favorites. I'm listening to the beginning right now. F'ing A man....they got my vote all the way. As for the other one, I'd have to pick Kamelot. I actually started listening to the band the first time because of the name and started to like them.
  10. Ive also gotten Naruto on bittorrent, as well as found a free manga online. I am currently up to the part where [spoiler]Naruto learns his new special attack from the Super Prevent Genin(cant think of name at the moment lol), and they are trying to convince the lady to become the new Hokage. So just after Sasuke came to find Naruto, and faced off with his brother and got beat up. The Pervert Genin saved them so bad with his Inside the Stomach technique(the manga i read uses an american translation sort of) and then Sasuke's brother is like oh no run away!! Yeah I make a lot of sense. :D[/spoiler] Rock Lee is so cool, everyone fears the [spoiler]LOTUS TECHNIQUE RARR!! And when he opened up the four doors to fight Gaara that was awesome too![/spoiler] I'll stop ranting now... :p
  11. Name Draknen Baltaren(People call him Drake) Age: 17 Gender: Male You Are: Agent Appearance: Drake stands at five foot seven inches with short fire red hair. Drake does not seem to have an ever chanigng wardrobe, he is always seen in a sleek black suit, looking as if he has somewhere important to go that day. He had bright green eyes that are hid behind large black sunglasses. He wears matching black pants along with the suit. Personality: Not really one for words you could say. Drake keeps to himself, nothing being very social often. The few people he has opened up to he treats well. Drake can be agressive at times, bickering with those he does not know well often. But Drake is really a very calm person. If left alone, he will do the same for you. Weapon: A full black katana that has an exceptionally large handle that is gold embrodered. The sheath for the katana is also very hand, and can be used for combat. The handle of the katana can pop open, revealing a hidden AK 47. OOC: You did not really state what times this would be in so I assumed modern, if not modern I will change the gun part.
  12. Name: Fayt Baltaren Age: 22 Gender: Male Blood Type: A+ Physical Appearance: Fayt stands at 5'7'' not exactly tall. He is clean shaven, and seems to have no apparent scars. He has hazel brown eyes that shine when the sun hits down on them, but they are usually hidden behind his metallic colored sunglasses. He has brown hair that is very messy and goes in every direction. Fayt could usually be seen in his normal apparel of baggy blue jeans and short sleeved shirts with quirky things writen on them, or band names. Personality: Fayt is a very laid back person but can be serious on the drop of a dime. Not exactly what you would call a socialist, Fayt does not have very many friends or people that he can trust. He is very cold to those he does not know. He also has animosity towards his parents. Fayt engoys bands like Led Zeppelin and Skynard. Underneath Fayt's tough exterior is really just a person that wants to get along with anyone that will outstretch any kind of kindness to him. Biography: Fayt was the inheritant of the Baltaren will. But its not like he cared about that. All he wanted was the love of his parents. Greed in the eyes of his parents, they shunned Fayt. He became hard and left all of the world alone. He was home schooled but he became rebelious and did not want to learn. In his spair time, he could find a calm in learning Ju Jetsu and other forms of karate. He became very skilled at it by the age of 20. Though years have passed, Fayt is still as hard as ever at those who shunned him. Character Snippet: Fayt arrived home one night after a walk in the park. As he walked upstairs he saw his parents waiiting for him. This was very odd. Fayt walked up to them, tapping them on the shoulder. They did not move. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" Without answering, they both turned and faced him. His father walked up to him and with a quick jolt, grabbed for his throat. Fayt kicked him in the gut quickly and ran towards the stairs. Storming through the door, they had gotten behind him. He tripped up and had fallen in front of them, at their mercy. Out of almost thin air appeared a man in a large trenchcoat. He pulled a gun out of his coat, and fired two quick shots, killing Fayt' s parents almost instantly. He was grieved in one way, but relieved that his life had just been saved in another. "How can I thank you" The man did not answer, he just calmly walked away. Fayt remembered that coat and that body and vowed to help that man in any way he could.
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