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About Anyamae

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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  • Biography
    Hiya my name is Anyamae and Yada yada yada
  • Occupation
    Training horses

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  1. Too obsesed??!?!? Are you kidding? I couldn't be more obsessed! Although seriously my nickname in school is Yahiko. My friend "Megumi" keeps calling me "Punk" or "Yahiko-chan" It is getting quite annoying I mean Megumi never well I shouldn't say never but on very very few occasions she calls him that but on a scale on 1-10 on my obsessed scale I am a 100!!! LOL :catgirl: ;) :p :animesmil :D
  2. Yeah all the time! I write Rurouni Kenshin/InuYasha crossovers like all the time. I sometimes lay in bed or when I read a fanfiction I think about that particular episode. LOL my little wierd mind sometimes goes places it's not supposed to with Anime :catgirl:
  3. The first Anime I watched was InuYasha. I am not sure on how that impacted on my life but the next Anime I watched was Rurouni Kenshin. That made a huge impact on my life because now I do swordsmanship. :catgirl: Anyway it also made a huge impact on my Fantasy world LOL for example name: Anyamae [B]Myojin[/B] D.O.B.: April 16 1862 Family: Kenshin Himura (Blood realated cousin on father's side) Parents killed by Aoshi Shinomori
  4. Yeah Kenshin will win. Jin now I am not sure I do agree
  5. I don't think any of it is dorky/ nerdish or whatever you put it. In my opinion I think it is cool
  6. I forgot to add that there is 5 chapters. I forgot to put that in. Gomen
  7. [QUOTE=narutobleachfan]i've been seeing a lot of ppl talk about this show on theotaku.com and i never really thought of it as an anime. but would u consider teen titans an anime? i can see how it could be an anime. it has the same type of art as some of thos funny animes like naruto and it has a lot more detail in the art then regular cartoons. and of course the japanese theme song. just really curious so let me know wut u think about teen titans. thanx everybody. :animeswea P.S. and if a site administraters see this and says "there is already a thread about teen titans" don't get mad at me because i ran a search and it didn't come up.[/QUOTE] Yeah it's a form of Anime but I don't think it's Japanese. Who knows maybe it is One way you can tell is if you look in the end credits.
  8. Well my first Manga book was Rurouni Kenshin. My friend Lynn introduced me to the show and I wondered if the books are like it. I collected 1 then 3-6. I already read the second one and it is pretty good. I hope I can get number 10 soon
  9. I got the story done overnight! It took a looooong time but I decieded to use that idea. It came out well done. :animesmil I am going to start posting the story now. Reply back on what you think and if I get more good posts on this chapter I will post another chapter. Enjoy!!!! [CENTER]Moonlit Ride[/CENTER] Yahiko led Smokey out of the barn and mounted hastily. The antsy stallion snaked his head and threw his head tossing his long black mane. Smokey's black coat seemed to gleam and glimmer in the moonlight. Yahiko grabbed the reins and kicked him into a slow trot. The Thoroughbred tossed his head and trotted faster. Yahiko looked around to see if he could find Anyamae in a feild or something. Suddenly Smokey's ears perked and he whinnied. In the distance Yahiko could make out a horse and rider walking toward them. The rider resembled Anyamae in a strange way. The horse was different. It was a dapple gray instead of a palomino. The rider had long black hair that was put up in a ponytail and she wore blue riding clothes. Yahiko now recognized the horse and rider. The girl was his 15 year old daughter named Tsushonai and the horse was one of the ranch Thoroughbreds named Cloud. "Hi Dad! Did you find mom yet?" She hopefully asked. "No I didn't yet Hey why aren't you riding your horse?" Yahiko said patting Cloud's hot neck. "Kilala is being pretty spooky lately Why? Was Kenshin wanting to ride Cloud?" "No he is out riding Cash as usual. Let's head down the road to see if we can find your mother." Tsushonai turned Cloud and followed Yahiko trying to look for hoofprints in the darkness. Meanwhile at the dojo Minai paced restlessly awaiting for any news about her mother. Kaoru walked over and put a hand on Minai's shoulder. She looked up with teary eyes at Kaoru and embraced herself in Kaoru's arms. She tried to be strong but she couldn't keep it in any longer. Kaoru was surprised at her actions that Kaoru hugged her tightly. Suddenly her older brother Kiressi galloped up on Kenshin's old horse. Minai pried herself from Kaoru's arms and ran up to him. "Hey what did you find out?" Minai asked hoping for any news. Kiressi looked down at Silly's mane and handed her the ribbon Anyamae was wearing. "That doesn't mean she's dead Sis it just means that she was around here." Minai looked back at Kaoru who was watching them and looked at her brother. "Wait here I will be right back!" She exclaimed ans she bolted off to the barn. Later she came cantering up on her Palomino Appaloosa Star. "Come on! show me where you found that ribbon!" Minai looked at Kaoru and shouted "We will be back when we get more information! Don't worry about me I will be fine!" Minai and Kiressi galloped to the spot where he seen the ribbon. Kaoru just stood at the door and watched. Well this is it for the first chapter I see that I am running out of room so I am going to have to stop.
  10. Anyamae

    Anime you

    Lets see If I was in an anime I would either be in InuYasha or Rurouni Kenshin Here is my info Name: Anyamae Higotchi Age: 15 or 14 which ever is fine with me Eyes: Blue like Kaoru's Hair: Black Hieghth: 5' 2" Weighth: 102 That's all I can think of for now
  11. [quote name='Little Slugger']Maybe she was captured by a demon, Yahiko fights the demons gets killed and it's all sad, so the eldest son goes and fights the demon with luck, he frees his mother.[/quote] Good one!!!! I will try to put that into an alternate ending!!! Arigatou Gozaimasu :D
  12. I don't think it will be closed but I will get the story up oh Yeah I forgot to say for those who know the characters on Rurouni Kenshin. Yahiko has children!!! :animeblus Right? Anyway I will start soon I just have to finish the ending so I can get it going ok that won't take long. Feel free to give me some Ideas for the ending ok! If you want the Synopsis here it is [CENTER]Anyamae goes Missing!!![/CENTER] After a nice night of relaxation in the Kamiya Dojo Anyamae decides to go for a nice long ride in the moonlight on her horse Sunny. Hours has past and she hasn't come back. Yahiko is worried about her and starts to think on what happened to her. He decides to go find her and have Kenshin and his 4 teenage children help. Yahiko's son Kiressi finds Anyamae's ribbon and foot steps that looks like a struggle. Will they find her in time? Thank you for reading Like I said I will get it up as soon as I get the ending done and it'll take me a day or 2 to get it done. Ja Ne
  13. [QUOTE=Zeekan]My full name is Andrew Zeekan, Zeekan is a funny last name eh? Especially when my first name is so common, aye. Still, it makes for a unique forum name, and is quite cool. Mos of my friends at school hame names like Brown or Smith, McAllister or some other name that I've heard a bajillion times. Anyone else on Otaku have a wierd last name? and if so, what do you think about it, is it cool to have a unique last name?[/QUOTE] I have a weird last name Mondo. It is quite common in Italy though. My friends last name is Witt. Anyway I sometimes get Mundo or Moondo or something like that
  14. Hey I just wanna know What in the world happened to Rurouni Kenshin? First of all they took the show off air and I wanted to see some more of the shows. Now my friend tells me that they aren't putting it back on the air anymore!!! :animeangr This to me is an outrage!!! Please reply back to me and tell me what is going to happen to it! I just want it back on the air. Arigatou Gozaimasu
  15. I can speak a little but that is because my penpal from Tokyo teaches me. I hope on learning it in HS. I sure hope so. My friends also taught me a few curse words and I do use them sometimes ^_^ but not so often
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