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Everything posted by kizu
I'll be spending my summer at my local hospital. I have a job in the Information Systems (IT) department as a Trainee. I get to do all sorts of fun stuff like carry printers. Thats just the tip of the iceberg though, I also build pcs, load software (why does every person always have to have the strangest program that they need to have installed that is near impossible to find), play with access points, and most importantly make cables(well, put ends on them). Somedays it is fun, others it sucks. I would say that working with racks is easily one of my favorite things to do at work. I got to setup a rack and install a new AS400 and that was pretty enjoyable. It isn't really a summer job as I have had it since Sept, but after I start college in the fall (if I don't take a year off and work) it will turn into a summer job.
For me, pretty much any game I play turns out to be addicting. Normally when I get a game I play it, and play it until I beat it. When I first got a ps1 and Legend of Dragoon, I played around 5 hours every day that school week and at least 8 each day of the weekend until I beat it. A few years back when I got Metroid Prime for Christmas I played it all day the next few days till I beat it. When I get a game as long as it is half way decent I play it as much as I can till I beat it. I can think of one game off the top of my head that broke that streak if only for a short time. OoT, I played that game till I beat it, then I made a new character and beat it again. I must have beaten that game at least 8 times before I finally got tired of play it. Halo 1 & 2 both took me 2 days to beat (that was on normal, I'm not crazy sweet and going to beat it in 2 days on anything like legendary) and are still (at least halo 2) probably my most played games. Over the summer, I took up the game RuneScape. I played that some stinking much, you wouldn't believe. As soon as I finished all of the free quest I lost all interest in the game. Games to me are about goals. To be really addicting then you have to want to spend all your free time to play them. Now if you have a game that is like that, but you accomplished all your goals, do you still play it? For me, a game needs to have a purpose, and that purpose is why I haven't found any real addicting games. Either they don't have any finite purpose, or they have an end that you obtain. I never got into Tetris because of this; I never saw what the point of it was.
[B][COLOR=Teal]Desbreko I guess that was quite naive comparing the two of them. Basicly all they have in common is that they are real time. FF:CC isn't very advance in the terms of swordplay at all. I have yet to attack a monster and then pull my shield out quick enough to block a hit. I guess that I was merely comparing the appearance of the games. I also realized a game that should be on the top of my list. Skies of Arcadia, Legends. I just love that game so much. The strategy that you have to undergo to conserve your SP. The ship battles were splendid, despite taking half an hour to get through 2 rounds. The animations were great, until you had to watch them over and over every attack. My game on Skies is over 50 hours, and I have finished no more than half of the side quest (I have stopped playing the side quest too :laugh: ).[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=Teal] Hmm, this may take some thought. Out of the games I have played some of my favorite RPGs are Golden Sun, Paper Mario, and FF:CC. Now for the fun part depicting what I enjoy about those battle systems. Golden Sun- The dijin (sp) aspect was grand. The first few days when I got it I was lost. After a bit it grew on me. I get in the habbit of getting all my dijin in set mode, and then as soon as a battle starts I could just summon. :D:D Papar Mario- I guess that the concept of rpg and Mario was new to me. (I was sheltered :P) I never really figured out why, but that game was just so enjoyable to me. I never bought it, so I borrowed it from a friend a lot. I had it over 3 months at one time. I played it thought countless times :D. FF:CC- I haven't really had time to play this too indept. I have about 7 hours on my game. The battle system reminds me a lot of the Zelda games. That may just be the heart system though. I am really starting to like how you can have the moopoogle (SP) that carries the chalice around drop it and charge up a spell. :D I love how you can charge up an attack out of the site of an enemy and get your little friend to chare up a spell and supe up your attack. Desbreko, can I assume that you have played FF:CC's multiplayer function? Right now I am waiting for one of my friends to buy a GBA GC link cable. I lost my link cable, but just found it today :D. I know what you mean about the solo game. I enjoy playing it, but I have spent like the last 3 hours of my game just going back through dungeons over and over to collect all the powerups. I suggest that you don't do that, I lost most of my modivation to play. So I am just waiting to get a "second wind"[/COLOR][/B]
A- The Gaia Blade. Q- How many trophies are their in Super Smash Bro. Melee?
I don't know if you would call it a pet peeve, but I hate it when I am beating my brothers in Mario Parfty and they go off and start kicking me during the games. Then if they do that enough and beat me then I get how I lost rubbed in my face.
Hey Jenna, I was right right? Why did I say not to answer? Hmm, anyway, I like the idea of going to the East Wood Town Center for our gathering. I love that place, great theatre. although somewhere in Lansing would be nice too.
As soon as I can find a number to call, and a calling card I am calling Panasonic. I just spent over 20 min constantly opening and closeing the disc tray every 7 sec (yes I timed it) and it still hasn't read. I honestly don't care if they won't speak English, no one else is home so I can say what I really want to say to them. In the mean time till I get a calling card I think I will have to find a 800 number to call for Panasonic. The whole thing has been constantly getting worse, and if I won't read within 20min, then who knows how long it will take next week. This is extremely annoying now because I just got Viewtiful Joe.
James, I figured that since the Q has the Gamecube componnets Nintendo would still be able to help me . As far as I know the Q was a litited time offer only avalible in Japan. If I remember that correctly then that will probably add to my frustration. If they are no longer manufacturing the unit I will have fun trying to get a replacement part. :( I described what was going wrong to a friend of mine. He told me that he same thing happens to ps2. So I am assuming that I played it enough to wear out a censor. I guess that I will try calling a custommer support for panasonic in the mean time. I know this much, if I can't get this problem resolved by or atleast in the process of be resolved by Christmans I am going to get a new American GC.
Hey jenna, I know that you knew atleast one person from Michigan when you lived here. I know for a fact that I have sent you a pm saying that I live relativly close to you. I believe that you lived in like dewit. Am I right, no need to answer because I am 100% sure on that. I have a good memory on this kinda stuff. If the gathering is after May 11th I could drive there. Or if it around St. Johns I might be able to get a ride.
For some of you who rememebr me, you may also know that I have a "gamecube deluxe", Panasonic Q, Sl-GC10, what ever you want to call it. Recently, in the last month or two (that isn't to recent is it :P) I have been having problems with it. I have a brand new disk in and nothin. It won't read. When it first started I would run a DVD Lens Cleaner. That would fix the problem for a while. After sever months of doing this my GCN has developed a more sever problem. It now takes on average 15-20 tries before I can get a disk read. So after a month of having to open and close the disk tray 20 times before the game would finally start I called the Customer Service number. I can understand how the Nintendo Of America can not and will not help me fix my game cube. The person I was talking to in a nut shell told me to go to [url]www.nintendo.co.jp[/url] and try to find it there. Or call 01181756629600 which would be no help. If I don't speak japanese he said that they would reroute my call back to NoA. So I am forced to either buy a new gamecube, or live with mine until I get tired of taking 20 times to read. Although the condition is getting worse, so I assume that eventually I will have to try 30 time, then 40, and so on until it finally won't read. What bothers me the most is that the person from Nintendo I was takling to didn't know what the heck he was talking about. I told him what was wrong with my cube. The only problem is that the censor that detects a disk is going or has gone bad. He went on talking about the outlets and tv frequency. I am quite tempted to call back and hope I can talk to another person there. Well, I hope that made sence.
When I first got melee I too went strait to Link. Back when I played ssb for N64 my bro was always Link and when I tried to be him, lets just say he wouldn't let me. So I wanted to use Link in the new ssb, and I did. A lot, he was the only charcter that I would use to until I got to the point where lvl 9 comps aren't fun. They were just too easy. So I started useing the random character. I was familar with all the character, but I really had to improve since I was doing lvl 9's with out knowing who I was going to use. But after a while of using the random character I had taken a shine to mario, well dr mario that is (shine mario, hehe). When I fight someone with a projectile I just cape it right back at them. But the most appealing move with doc is his slide. Just run at them and tap A and they are almost surely going to be sent into the air. That is a great way to get combos. Well, I gotta end it there, time for school.
Personaly I am not going to go near pikmin 2. I read all the articles on the first one and bought it as soon as I got my gc. I just couldn't stand the whole "have to get a part today or else i lose". I liked the game's enviornment, but I just couldn't get past the whole time line. I like games where I can take my time exploring the area. I just always felt that I was in a frantic search for the parts. So if pikmin 2 has the whole time line in it I'm not going to get the game. If my big bro buys it I might try it, but not very likely. BTW- This is the first time I have posted in quite a long time huh. Anyone remember me still?
I was wondering if anyone knew some "all powerful" monsters I can get on my game. Currently I have a Orligon wiht moves Heal All, StrongD, EvilSlash, TwinHits, BazooCall, MultiCut, Hellblast, BigBang. A RainHawk with Heal All, SpeedUp, WhiteAir, StrongD, QuadHits, BazooCall, Surge, LifeSong. I think I need to have some improvements in my line up. I also have a DracoLord I am raising.
Well, you'll probly smack yourself after hearing this, but all you have to do is [spoiler] tap B to pull out your sword, and then press R. When Link is almost sitting with the shield infront of him you can move the joystick to aim the shield. [/spoiler]
I could use some more help. Right now I just need to find [Spoiler] the 2 new sages. I already have the iron boots, and Power braclet. But I have no idea where the new sages are.[/Spoiler] Any help would great.
I just started me quest to [Spoiler] get the Master Sword sharpened or something like that. Anyway I need to find the new Forest Sage, and I have know idea where to start looking. Does anyone know where I can find the bottles? I only have the one, and I really could use the others. [/Spoiler]
Evil Wal-mart, making me wait 2 days longer than I had to. Now that I know it is out, I am going to have a hard time at school knowing that WindWaker is out, and I MIGHT get it. If my mom can remember to get it after work I will be extremely happy. I am not going to get very much sleep. 3:00pm to 6:00 pm is going to be really suck, while I wait for my mom to get home.
I am officially mad. I called Wal-Mart were I preorderd windwaker they said that they had it in stock. But then my preorder said "Avalible March 26th". What part of this make no sence?:help:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]26th? I thought it was the 24th[/B][/QUOTE] Maybe it is just the 26th where I am at. It said on my preorder that it is avalible the 26th. I scanned it and it says the 26th, but that may just be because Wal-Mart never gets thier games in on the offical release date.
I am really glad at the fact that it doesn't take a GBA cartridge to use the conectivity feature. I have had a GC-GBA link cable since last May and I still haven't had a chance to take the twisty-tie of it. So this will be a nice chance for me to finally be able to use that. On another note,[B][SIZE=4]ONLY 6 MORE DAYS TILL WINDWAKER IS RELEASED!!![/SIZE][/B]
For James question I don't really have any idea. But I remember reading an article in EGM that said being a Game Tester is a job that will almost always get your foot in the gaming door. So with that said I am GUESSING he was first a game tester.
The same thing happened to me. But since I have a Pannasonic GC I just popped in a dvd laser lens cleaner disk in it. It doesn't read normal dvds, but it will read that one. After using that mine woked just fine. But I dout that would help you very much :D . They should make a laser lens cleaner for the GC
I would put some more of the staples in, but of have tried most of them in my deck. I just never liked any of them that I don't have in my deck. I am not to found of the Harpie's Feather Duster, everytime I have got it the person I was playing only had 1 or 2 magic cards out at the most. And I would have more Dark-types, but I mainly play a lady(forgot her name) who uses Light-type monsters, so if they get the right combo I could be in trouble. That is why I have the Gemini Elfs in my deck.
I was happy that the day afer they started the preorder I call my almost local Wal-Mart and found out that they had four, so I had them hold one for me. When I got there about 2 hours later it was the only one they had left. I was very happy when I got the game. I had a friend who bought OoT and I "traded" games with him a little over a year ago. So I brought him his game back because I got it on GC. I must say that OMQ (using your abreviation Desbreko :) ) is quite hard. I played OoT 4 or 5 times though, but then I am having trouble with OMQ. The Fire Temple took me 30 min. because I couldn't find a unlit torch(Could that be considered a spoiler?). Now I am in the Water Temple, and I just need to find the boss key.