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Everything posted by kizu
Thats pretty cool. I wouldn't surprised if you got you next one before I got the January one. *starts mumbling *
I renewed my subcription when i got somethign that said that was my last issue. But then I have gotten 2 issues of the new subcription. So I have no idea what is giong on. And when ever I try going online and use my member code it doesn't work. It is on every one of my magazines. It is the code but it doesn't accept it for some reason.
I still haven't gotten my January Issue of NP. I am starting to get angry. When is it going to get here. And they finaly sent a issure that they missed. I just last week got my november one.
Thanks, I will have to tell hm that. One more thing, how do oyu get link to use his shield. Or does he use it when it is infront or him? I can't remember what event match this was but do you know the one where you have to fight Rov and Marth? My friend couldn't beat that one adn I tried once with link. I wooped some arse. I love that charge up smash attack. I charged up and nailed one with the first slash and then tapped A and hit the other one with another powerful slash. That was so much fun. I died one time though.
Doesn anyone have a tip for beating the event match 50? The 2 master hands?
If you can give a certian spot you need help with in the water temple I could give you come advice. But that is by far the hardest part of the game the first time you play it.
I was at my friends house and he has over 2,000 feet on the home run challenge. He gets that attack with yoshi really good. I tried and got about 1,200. The hardest now that I have some more info to go on I would say is getting "Final Destination". That is really hard to get. You have to beat all the event matches I believe.
I hate being late too. I go into one of my other classes and talk tothe teacher there or soe ofm y friends taht have that class and when I got back to my class I was late.
That is messed up. The only thing I don't like about nintendo power is that the info isn't always 100% right. I was useing the guide for dw3 and it said to do something at the weapon shop and it was really the item shop. I spent about 10 min trying to figure that out (When you getthe poison knife thing).
Nope I haven't goten that one yet. But i will soon.
There I just posted Camp Rpg (play) but I forgot the second ) so it is Camp Rpg (play. But go nock yourself out there.
I need to add some staff to the camp. There are the cooks (2) The Janitor (1) Owner (he picks when we do what) the whatcha ma call it, the adult in each cabin (they just monater the camp though and make sure we don't get into trouble) (3)
I just saw tha kool , and edited my post
I just got my internet back and so I am ready to post the Camp rpg (play). and krillen wanted this so I am going to post it again. Wolf Cabin Super Goku -David Thomas SS Trunks -Craig SuperSayian -Neil Noddlez -Ryan Forte -Mike Colts Dragon Cabin Kizu -Kizu Horen D*star -Jen Diamon Britty -Britty Draongfire1477 -Matt Hunt Sere Tuscumbia -Selen Pheonix Cabin Anti -Zack Majora's Mask -Akira Krillen -Kaiyu Briefs Kool - Samantha liamc2 -Liam Cameron DuoGod of Death - Bryan Athena -Kitana ssj chic -Amber Sorry about that Amber. I forgot to add :shifty: you so I edited my post.
I think I should have my internet back by the end of this week at the latest (I hope). So be looking for the Camp Rpg on friday (I'm hoping I will have it by then). If you make trouble I will upgrade (he is going to be the Mr. Do-everything kind of guy) Gavin's power and make him FBI (Female Body Ivestagator)
I think it will be like all the Zelda games I have played (only oot, mm, and ooa) and be really fun. I think that they will find a way to make the story better than the old ones just because they have to otherwise a lot of zelda fans won't like it.
Lucky you. I'm still waiting for mine. They use to come anout 15 days befoe the month started but now they come about 15 days after the month has started. It kinda sucks. Waht is on the cover of the Jan. issue?
Britty, violence will get you sent to the staff person guy (Gavin). So just to warn you. It might be a few moe days before I can start this too. I am changing my internet provider, again.
Hey Forte jsut wait a little while. My internet at home is broken. It broke yesterday so I couldn't post that list I was goping to. I can only post in my free time at school (before adn during lunch). You can go ahead to draw a map. I will start this thing when I get my internet back. And I agree with Anti that I want this to be base in more of a middle of no-where location. And I have some important news. I have am allowing Dragon warrior to be the head of staff in the camp. He is not going to be a camper, just staff. But I am going tobe both Camper and Staff (so I still have power). That is all the news that I have for now. g2g I'm late for class.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B] Jolteon. Has the same max speed as Mewtwo, and so is the joint second fastest pokemon there is.[/B][/QUOTE] Waht about Electrode. They have over 300 speed to. They are faster that Jolteon in my game. I leveled them up to 100 and Ele trode had better speed than my Jolteon.
It's in my back yard where else. We have a total of about 40 acares of room to play games then. And 300 some if we go on my Grandpa's land (this stuff is for real). It is not in my backyard that were going to be at, I though about it. But no, were at Otaku CampGround.
I'll pot another list in about 9 to ten hours. I am at school right now and don't have that notebook with me. I am keeping track of it a notebook so I don't have to keep on changing pages in the thread. But yeah we need another Cabin for the new people. But we could just let them stay in tents if they want to.
Yep, we have one more spot left, that is if krillen will be ok with havin to be in pheonix and not dragon. I didn't put him on the list though. I wonder how much that will affect him havin to be in pheonix. I just have to wait til he gets on and say.
Sorry kool, but I didn't see it. I went through and made a list of all the people that posted a reply of what cabin they wanted to be in after I said dragon was one. And I didn't go back and look at the first page.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]i kept having this dream i was running from the cops. they were shootin at me and i was trying to hide my drugs as fast as possible...:nervous: :worried: [/B][/QUOTE] Son Goten, that wasn't a dream. That is why there is a cop outisde oyur house....................NOW I don't have dreams that I remember. I haven't remembered a dream for years.