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Everything posted by kizu

  1. kizu

    Mod Chip???

    Hey Rico the Panasonic Q thing is what I have. And what do I need then for it to play my American Software if I don't need a mod chip. And I already have it so I can't just order one that has been fixed. So what do I do. Just wait until they come out with mod chips or another kind of chip that will translate it???
  2. kizu

    Mod Chip???

    I was wanting to know if anyone knew a place to get a Game Cube Deluxe mod chip. I had it sent from Japan and it doesn't play American disk. So I think I needa mod chip to fix that problem. But I don't even think they hav Game Cube Deluxe mod chips out on the market yet. So would someone please tell me if they come out with a Game Cube Deluxe mod chip. And where to find it.
  3. Do you have a subscription to Nintendo Power. I for one have, on my 2nd year of it too.
  4. Well I use to have a tyco rebound. But after a trip down the stairs it din't go very fast. It doesn't work well when the space between the tires hits the stairs. But it had four tires that turned, they all go forward though. One side per lever.
  5. kizu

    Little help here

    Waht you do is talk to Impa inside Nayru's house. Talk to her and then puch a statueout ofhte wau to reveal a passage. Inside the passage you will find the Harp of Ages. There ya go. And for kuja if there is any miss given info take it up with NP.
  6. Well yesterday (Christmas day) the post office called over to my house at about 9:00. They had gotten to packages for us. One of them was a GCD (game cube deluxe). That was really really cool because that was my Christmas present from my exchange student. And would you belive that, it came and we got it on Christmas Day. How lucky is that. But since i have no luck after we opened all of our presents when we went to hook it up we had some trouble. After it was hooked up we had some more trouble. It only plays dick from japan. So talk about good luck, I get a GC and it doesn't work and play either of my GC games.
  7. ShadowGohan I know how that goes. At school I did that too. It was all right though. I wasn't the one holding the wire. I was holding the "device". And one time at my house i have some 9volt batteries hooked up to a really small light (the buble was about 1 cm wide). When I hooked the positive and negative together............. The glass cover on the light went flying into my wall as the light blew up. The little glass bulb is still in my wall.
  8. Yeah as soon as I get my GC Deluxe fitted with a mod chip I will tell you for sure. But from the stuff in ym mintendo power and other sources I think that Gannondorf would be hard to get. What is the event 30 something? I will find out though in a few weeks.
  9. kizu

    Mod Chip???

    Yeah I hope that they hurry. I have 2 GC games (pikmin and ssbm) and 39 dvds waiting to be played on it. As is now mom exchange students mom just bought an expencive portable Cd player.
  10. kizu

    Mod Chip???

    Thanks, but I don't think I will find a GC mod chip for some time. Letme know if oyu do see one though. I realy need one that will allow my GC Deluxe to reconize my American games and DVDs.
  11. Well it isn't really a Christmas Carol but it is "the second week of deek camp" if that doesn't count then I would say "Walking in a Winter Wonder Land".
  12. You guys are lucky. My GRANDMA gave me underwear, at a family Christmas. And my mom made me show everyone my gift. OMG, I told her I wanted a 64 game. And I got that. That was a BAD GIFT.
  13. My exchange student sent a GC Deluxe from Japan to me in teh US and I found out if didn't work after all. It would play her Cds from Japan but it wouldn't play my GC games I got for Christmas. And I remember hearing the a mod chip might be able to fix that. So I was wondering if that would fix it. And where I could get my hands on a mod chip.
  14. 1- No not really, I have no life. School video games tv and the computer, my life. 2- Well a long time ago I burried a cat in a sandbox (I was about 5 if that, and it deserved it. It scratched me.) 3- I don't really know. It depends on my mood. Some times I would.
  15. Well a lot of things in DBZ don't make any sence at all. So it just happens, there is no real answer unless you ask the creater because it isn't real and they can make anything they want happen on the show.
  16. I never thought about that. Taht would be sweet to play the tourney mode over the internet with other people oyu don't know. But cold there be a problem with like hackers. Or is it just going to connect the GC so you can't breack the line and hack some ones GC. That would really suck if your playing someone in SSB over hte internet and someone hacks your GC and ruins it.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]One could argue that the Game Boy isn't really that much different than an NES controller. When you're holding them, they both feel about the same. The Game Boy is a little thicker and heavier, but not that much. But, I'm not going to argue with you, because I probably won't change you mind if I haven't already.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The first game boys were so large that they were portable but not very convenyent. they were just too big. But I have no plroblem with the GBC because that it was smaller and I could fit it into my pockets and bring it with me really anywhere. The only good thing on teh GB is that you can adjust the the brightness on it. And you couldn't for the on the GBC.
  18. :laugh: Not bad, better than all of my pics I can get. The pictures that i get are all bad, I think it is because for some reason that DW is in them. hehe
  19. Well I would say my birthday is the best but since it isn't up there I will have to improvice a little. My birthday is in the same week as mothers day every years so that would be my favorite holiday.
  20. I like the birds over hte dogs. The dogs by the time I could catch them I already had pokemon that were 5 times better and so when i used them they sucked compared to my other pokemon.
  21. I'll give this a try. [B]Human[/B] Name: Kizu Gender: Male Age: 14 Element: Lighning Appearence: Bight yellow shirt, faded blue jeans, 5'9 130 lb, soft golden brown hair parted. Weapon: Long sword [B]Animal[/B] Name: Divin Animal: Dragon Abilities: create lager thunder storms and "zap" bad guys. Appearence: see attachment
  22. Well I owuld have to say the game boy was the worst. Just because the shape of and the size. It is just so..... clunky
  23. Oh I can't wait, my GC is comming in the mail about 5 days after new years. My brother bough SSB:M for me, I am probly getting Pikmin. Oh I love Christmas.
  24. SS where in the hell do you hear all of this stuff????
  25. Oh.... I thought of one, Striptease, J/K But I like Joe Dirt Gone in 60 seconds Any Bond (execpt for the newest ones)
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