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Everything posted by kizu

  1. Anna how do you know so much about rape???
  2. Yeah but he is down there in Texas, anything could happen in that Redneck State (J/k). And rape is when 1 person forces the other person. Stagitory Rape is when both 'parties' are willing. I though that one person had to be opver 18 though for it to be Stagitory Rape, but like I said above, this is in Texas a Redneck State, hehe.
  3. I don't have any big problems with my teachers at school. Excet my Bio teacher, that ompa lompa (he is about 5 feet tall), it was funny as hell. Some one called him that and they had to stand in teh front of the class for the whole hour. I don't like him. But every other teacher is cool at my school. During my math class instead of doing math my teacher let me link his T I 73s and trade programs. That sure beats the hell out of math. My computer class is sweet, about the last day one of my friends put the teacher in a head lock and he didn't do anything. And back in 6th grade a teacher of mine shoved a student into a locker :laugh: . It was so ****ing funny.
  4. kizu


    Yeah thanks, but i tried that before. I guess i won't get mad and throw my games anymore. Ever since then almost all ofthe words people speak come out as jibberish that makes no sence. Like if I talk to someone he will say Td?$& and most of the time have a little icon like a shirt or potion.
  5. It is kinda like Paper Mario then. Ya beat it in about 10 hours (paper mario i play for about 25 hours eveyr game) but after you beat it you want to play it again. One of those games.
  6. What is your favorite movie?? I am not sure about mine. But when i make up my mind I will post it on here.
  7. Teh best add has got to be the Oxy clean stuff. I like that add.
  8. Well I think that it would be worse to have my parents kiss ingfrom of my GF. Because if they were watching me and my gf kiss then I'm kissing. I would rather be kissing than watch them kiss infront of my gf.
  9. Well I already took all of his money and spent it all on a lot of GC, games for GC. Here you go *Hands Akito a GC and every game that has been releaced for it* And i get all the money left over. Taht sounds fair.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] I WILL TAKE ALL OF HIS MONEY! [/B][/QUOTE] the hell you will. It is all mine. *Mugs bill Gates and runs away happy*
  11. I don't realy care, it is a good thing that i make up all the info in my hotmail account. How in the hell is he going ot know where to send the bill. And all i use my hotmail is from my MSN messenger. And those :cussing: :angry2: :angry2: already closed one of my accounts. I guess that becaues i had so much school work adn couldn't visit it in a few weeks they closed it. I hate all of the :cussing: :cussing: , damn that bill gates.
  12. kizu


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaioshin [/i] [B]Never tasted Egg nog in my life. I would like to though? [/B][/QUOTE] Are you serious??? Why would you want to try that nastie stuff. J/K, everyone has there own taste, but if your taste is nastie, good for you.
  13. Yeah, it is worth it. What I did after I got the Mask is I used my GameShark to let me keep it. And I played the boss in WoodFall Temple and I kicked his ARSE with the Fiercy Deity's Mask, like in 15 seconds he was down, for real.
  14. kizu


    Well in my game it says death, but in a walkthrough it says that it really is HYNE, It is really hard because I nearly never hit with physical attacks and only certian magic hurts him. And the magic that hurts him changes every three turns. So any tips??
  15. Taht sounds nice Warlock, my internet connection is only about 28,800 bytes per second. The phone lines out by my house suck so that is the highest it goes, I have a 56k modem. I wouldn't mind a nice 56k working connection.
  16. Yeah, that show is well "Strange" I have one, the Choco. Bunny episode. It was funny the first time i saw it, but it scares me, i don't trust that tomato, Bob.
  17. Yeah, I am lucky as :angry2: , my exchange student's parents are giving it to us for a Christmas Present, I love the Japanesse. They kick arse. But I don't know what I am getting for Christmas from my parents, but my brother is getting me Dragon Warrior III, And it will kick arse just like the Japanesse.
  18. I know I am getting a GC Deluxe imported from Japan. But it won't get here till about the 5th of Jan.
  19. My favorite actor, I can't think of the name bit it is the Guy who playied Arnie in "What's eating Gilbert Grape". No i am just kiding, i hate that movie, my favorite actor is Sean Connery (spell) from all of those bond movies. Ya godda like the classics, who doesn't like the old Bond Movies. And I also like DW, he is funnier than the Jackie Chan bloopers at the end of his movie at school.
  20. Well i have two sisters (if you count my exchange student), and have two brothers. The ages are 16 & 17 (sisters) , 18 & my other brother is 20. And i am the youngest at 13 :crying: , I am a "youngin". And do they every annoy me. All i do is beat them in video games and they punch me :blackeye: . So I have a bit of trouble with them, adn my sister, she slaps me ALL the time, her mood changes so fast.
  21. kizu


    I need help, is there any easy way to beat "Death" . I have tried several times and can't beat it. He keeps on killing me. My party is W. Mage R. Mage Scholar Knight They are all at about 400 hp and level 15. I just can't kill the :angry2: :cussing: Death. And i am getting mad.
  22. These are getting harder adn harder. Not who i am picking, but i have to pm flash! This might take a while. j/k lots of time before the this one is over.
  23. kizu


    Thank you Master O Bean, I myself wasn't really sure about that. I just new that people normally drink it near Christmas here (the states). That will work very well adn people cna make some adn find out if they like it or not.
  24. I don't know what the exact time is, besause i reset a lot. But when i first got red I had the counter for hours max out.
  25. Well in no order, my paper mashay (spell) dino (made it in first grade, the good days), every thing in a five feet radus of my computer, all the cell phones here ( that is a lot, my borther has atleast 3, other brother has 1, sister has 1, mom has 2, and dad has 1). And my dog, if she stops being a *****.
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