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Everything posted by kizu

  1. Did you have your hover boots on? i had them on and i would jsut run across, and sometimes rolls if i don't think i am going to make it. And if you try t orun at a corner then you can make it really easy. or atleast i think.
  2. I want ot be Goten. Since i can't be goku, and i am not very fond of vegeta.
  3. kizu

    My Drawing

    I have a drawing i am posting here. The reason i am posting it here is because it is a drawing of Samus. I did it in art class about 9 weeks ago. So here it is.
  4. Wouldn't it be strange if the teachers at school weren't all suck blanks (i don't feel like what i type going to this >****. so i will just put that).
  5. Wouldn't it be cool if every time youo turned on the tv your favorite show was on (and it wasn't one you have alread seen).
  6. Wouldn't it be cool if everything in every store was FREE!!!!! i would get like a dozen gamecubes.
  7. Sorry, i just know a lot of people that don't know the difference between the three. And when you fought him did you have teh big goron sword? it is really easy withthat i think.
  8. Name- Kizu Race: Elven Mage Age- 15 (Although he has wisdom many years past his own.He can cast a large number of spell) Height- 5"7 Appearence- A long Red robe covering his head to toe. His face is in the shadows of his robe. He rarely ever shows his face or takes of his robe (uses magic to clean it). Do i need any thing else here? Weapon- Amulet that gives him the power to control Lightning. I have a quick sketch of it, but it won't let me put it on this post.so i will just have to put it on another.
  9. I have two. Wouldn't it be wierd if we could fly like they do in DBZ. Wouldn't it be wierd if Pokemon real.
  10. kizu

    wouldn't it

    If like had a Wife it would be bad. Then people should blackmale him. So he should just be non exclusive with who ever and not get atached to her (or him, i hate to day that). But maybe he would like to play "poker" with his "woman".
  11. kizu

    wouldn't it

    What is that suppose to mean? There both sages? What does that have to do with it. They would be incharge instead of him?
  12. WOW, i am only at 11. But i know that to get #1 you have to have a playing time of atleast three DAYS!!!! Taht must be hard. i have about 1 and a half or so.
  13. kizu

    wouldn't it

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Nahh, I would say Saria... because when she gave him the Pixie Ocarina, he stared at her then ran away, then Saria smiled... And they match more because they are both Kokiri's...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] NO, Link is not a Kokiri. He was a Hyrulian, his mother put him there to be safe. That is why he got taller when he aged. If he was a true kokiri then he would always stay that size.
  14. By saying the hardest boss to beat was Ganon do you mean hte very very end boss? or Ganondorf, or Phantom Ganon? There is a big difference
  15. kizu

    NoodleZ Pok

    Can i still post for it? Gyrados- Atrocious Arcanine- Legendary Golem- Megaton Shelder- Bivalve Jynx- Human Shape
  16. Well i like the trainer from the show that had the jolteon. He was one of the eevee brothers. I love Jolteon!!!!
  17. kizu

    wouldn't it

    why her, why not saria or the princess of the zoras (i don't feel like looking her name up). just because saria will be a little short for link after he "grows up". And the zora princess is a little blue, what is wrong with them?
  18. Yeah i had trouble with that same boss too (as sen above). i can beat him just it takes me a while, and some consentration. i am no good at shooting back his blast unless i have the big goron sword. it is really easy with that though.
  19. were it's horns kinda like a bulls? i think your talking about a ... i don't know the name though. thanks, i will try to get the name and get a little farther in my game. By chanse d oyou know if the monster was in the first game? Or is it a new one, and what family is it from?
  20. I would say that the hardest boss for that game is the forest temple boss. I have trouble deflecting his magic blast. but for the later fight with ganondorf, i can deflect everything. I use the Big Goron Sword. I love that sword, much better than the master sword.
  21. kizu

    wouldn't it

    That would make sence him being in love with Saria. Remember in oot. when he left the kiroki village for the fist time. at that point a young love sparked. they have been in love since then. but saria has some competition. rememeber the zora princess. well i would hate to be in the middle of that cat fight.
  22. I am doing this all from memory so bear with me( i haven't doen this for about 1 year).go into the room with a lot of woles that go down in his belly. i oyu dodge all of the holes there will be a door way. you have to run to get into the door way or else a big jellyfish thing will fall on you. once inside the door way walk strait. you need the princess for this so be carrying her. run all the way to the right ( when the path splits three ways ). there will be a pressure switch. set the princess down on it, and run into the door that it opened. in there it appears to be nothing, but there are stingray things in the floor. walk close top them and then run back when they pop out of the floor. while they are flying shoot them with your slingshot. or hit them with your sword. i like the sling shot more, but if you use your sword, try to use the spinslash.after you beat all of the stingrays a chest will apear. open it to find the boomerang. tell me if you need more.
  23. i wan to be anything, i will settel for a sidekick. like brock and misty. what do you say. any trainers need a sidekick?
  24. Nope i haven't played it, but it looks fun. don't you move by turning the entire board at an angle? i think that was how you were suppose to do it. kinda like kirby tilt any tumble.
  25. Well i don't like just a plain racing game. I don't like the strategy games much either. A little to hold the game together but some games use way too much. i don't like those type of games. no action just a strategy.
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