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Everything posted by kizu

  1. I was playing normal sims. And on the complex level. I made sure that the spot i ws using for a "bunker" was one place where you get the Labtop Gun. i didn't have to worry about ammo much. just reset it every few minutes.
  2. in no order 1- Zoids (i think it was an anime, look at bit clouds hair) 2- Dragonball z/gt 3-Yu-Gi-Oh 4-Metabots (metabee is funny) 5- 8th MS Team (not sure what to put, and i like that one)
  3. how does every on raise there pokemon so high? i raise mine till about 70 in my silver and then restart. but i still wooped ash. i had a team of 60's and lower and i smoked him lik a fatty.
  4. by bond 2 do you mean the world is not enough? out of the three of them pd is the best all the way. i like playing sims, set p a labtop gun and pull out my farsite. you can guess what that means. i got over 100 kills in ten min.
  5. I don't know about that. i just played for the first time in a few years or so and i kicked the computers arse on hard diff. without breaking sweat. i forgot how easy it was.
  6. The i-channel, what is that on. i have a sattelite and i don't know if i have it. i have dish network. if anyone else has both dish network and i-channel tell me what channel it is. roshi i a smart guy, i guess he just takes advatage of his surroundings :D :D .how he does it, hte same way i wish i could do it. Get over here 18 ;) .
  7. Well i have no one personi play as. I like and am really good with Link, Samus, Pikachu, and Fox. Most of the time i go with a full offence and dodge a lot of counters. i like pikachu, i will usethe up-B and get out of the way of an attack in just a nick of time. and then use the left-or right-A use a smash attack.
  8. I really like the game and all but i need some help. i need some help finding a monster that i can show the man that has the brawn key. i have tryied and can'tr find any of the right monsters. would someone tell me a list of most of the monsters i can use for that. and the easy ones to get. i was hoping a dracolord2 would work but it didn't. i tryied. so i need a monster that i can show the man on one of the highest houses to get a key. i am stuck and i can't get hte monster for ten tiny medals because i can't find any more (i had 5 and used them too get a servant, but now i have 5 more. but i need ten and so i have to find 5 more. and i have been everywhere in all of my key worlds and still can't find any. so i need a different monster to "impress" the guy.
  9. so did they are ready show the episodes with goku in the other world? i must have missed that part if they did. i am glad if they did though. it is my first tiem seeing it. and we have to wait a year before the next buu episode?
  10. i am tired of changing. but i guess i will be hawkman. i am not changing any more. ok, no more change for me.
  11. I think i would be an old school. But i am not sure about that, i haven't been around to play very long ( i have been playing since probly i was five, and i am 13 now, you do the math). But i know i use to play the old atari (spell) and the oddessy (spell). a lot of people may not know what hte oddessy is though. i am not sure who made it, but i know it was way back. maybe even before the atari, but i don't know. and now i have a plain nes and a 64.
  12. too bad i don't have playstation or i would have to buy that , or those games. but it seems a little hard still. just becasue i haven't played ith though probly
  13. a snowman. you could make a foot for it adn it owuld never walk. it has a mouth and it never talks. it has a head and never thinks (it is snow what would it think about). it has it bed, the snow bed but never sleeps, it isn't alive so it can't sleep. am i right?? i don't think i am.
  14. so owuld that be why they have an element, and an attack to use. so oyu can summon them and have them use that attack.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]i hate when ppl start something and never reply back...*cough,cough*Forte*cough,cough* [/B][/QUOTE] what does that have to do with topic. SPAM ^^^^^SPAM so know what are the gf? what does it stand for? and why do you have them? i think i will put levetate on to my magic skills. but how to spell it???
  16. well i know i won't get a gamecube for a while:confused: but if i did, i would get ssb melee and super monkey ball. but i was very fond of the first one (super smash bors.) it had a limit on the game options. so i stoped playing it after a month or so. i just hope that melee idn't the same if i get it.
  17. no way kuja, do what i do. i have a exchange student from japan stay with you for a while. hehe, i have one staying with me. her name is kaori, but it sounds like cow-odie. Pretty strange the way they spell it in english.
  18. ok Name: Kizu (just kizu) Age: 13 Height: 5"9 Weight: 140 lb Weapons: Telepothy (how ever it is spelled) Items: Magnet Helmet (my own item, it increases the power of my telepothy, and increases the power of my Thunder attacks) GF: Ramuh Magic: Thunder, and levetate (how ever it is spelled) So how is that?
  19. Forte does it bother you if i say fish guy? if it does then i will be spider man. i think fish guy is better than aquaman. so would oyu rather have me be spider man, or fishguy? your choice.
  20. am i just different, i hate homework and like test (as long as it is not timed). the more credit they are worth the better. i get an A on that test and i don't have to worry about a few worksheets adn still do well in that class. i wish we only graded test and exams like they are in were ever sephiroth lives, i would so sleep have the day away and still pass.
  21. the problem with wolverine is that magneto can woop his ars in seconds. he could kill him in a body of water with nearly not trouble. that is why i don't like wolverine.
  22. my favoarite is beast. i think it is beast. he use to be a doctor or something like that and then got transformed, i think. but i like him hbecause he is smart not like the others. j/k
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stormbringer [/i] [B]I just watched the DVD exclusive one today. Daaaaaa-aaamn was it awesome! All three are sweet! I really don't wanna wait 6 months until May.... but it will be more than worth it to see it opening night with my friend Tommy. [/B][/QUOTE] if you are going to see it opening day you might want to have a sleeping bag and as popup tent. because you will have towait in line for a while otherwise. just a word of advise.i might go adn see it. i saw episode one in the theatre with my mom. she might take me to see episode 2!! but i don't plan on going on opening day. way to many people flocking to the theatre. i don't know if i could take that (i have a slight clausterphobia (spell)). so i think i will wait till the last few days before it is of the big screen adn go see it. but i have a friend that might take me. he has tons of starwars figures. and a starwars triva game. i tried play it but i sucked it up bad :( . oh well.
  24. i want to jion this. i will be the fish guy. the one who can talk to fish adn i think breath under water!! i have no idea what his name is so i will be fish guy (until someone tells me his name). how does taht sound.
  25. my favorite episode is the one when goku beat frieza on namik ( spell). i like that one because it ment that the saga was almost over. finaly something good on. i didn't like a lot of the frieza saga. it took way to long.
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