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Everything posted by kizu
what makes me mad is that from what i can see they made 2 different branches of dragon ball off of the cell saga. they have the buu saga adn the whatevery it is call about goku after being dead. on thursday they had a episode of that. is that what we will start seeing for a while? or is there something else they will show us now? i wish they could translate an saga at a time. i would not mind seeing the same saga over until another full one was done. i like that idea. they should translate like that. finish on saga and show it over adn over until they finish another instead of breaking it into peices.
i want to give this a try but i have never played any final fantasy in my life. but i want to be apart of a rpg thread. i will need some help to get to know what i am doing. but if you don't want i will pass on this rpg. just want to let you know that i have no idea what goes on in the game adn i will probly mess up the thread. i just want to make this clear so no one gets mad at me. i just don't want to mess up your thread becaseu someone messed up on i was in and i really didn't like that. let me know if i can still try to be apart of this. just post telling me if it is ok or if you would rather have some one who knows what they are doing. i don't care much either way. i don't want to post any info yet though. btw- what is gf?
i agree, monsters inc. was really good. i like boo, adn little mikey. i would go and see that movie again. and i want ot know if they are ever going to make a new bond movie. i hope they do make another one. i like those type of movies.
well i use to play basket ball. but then i got a nintendo 64 for a christmas present. every sincethen the pounds flew on. :confused:
i saw monsters inc. the day it came out adn it was very good. it was funny. one joke mike said to a kid in bed " hey what grade oyu in, kidnegarden (spell), the best three years of my life." mike is very funny. but the movie is very "cute".
i will put my future car that i am going to buy from my brother when i turn 16. the pics have my brother in them but oh well. his car is really nice. i think it is way better than those posted on here. you have to like the firebird. tell me if the pic doesn't work.
at my school we have three rows. row one- the jocks, preps, and semipreps. row two- just he middle, not prep but not the other one. row three- the "scrodes", aka people that don't take showers. it is nastie at that table. i normaly sit on row one or row two. i have never sat at row three adn hope i never will. that is the way my school is at lunch.
ypu guys need to start watchiing other shows, how would you know that. watch family guy when it comes back on.
i would post a pic too, but my scanner and i have a few problems. i won the last fight, and it has been in 4 peices on the floor since then. i might get another pic up as soon as we work out our problems. *glares at his scanner* "stupid hp scanner, should have known better than to go hp."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Lol, my school goes by numbers instead of letters when it comes to grades. A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, F=5. English 3,4: 1 Geometry: 2 (soon to be a 1) Biology: 1 Advanced Drama: 1 (the teacher likes me the best, lol, so I get a special bonus) American Government: 1 French 1,2: 1 Weight Training: 1 And for some reason all my teachers like me, I don't know why, I don't try, I hate school and I proclaim it, I don't participate much, I never take notes or anything, I don't study... I'm basically an anti-student. Yet ironically, I'm one of the best ones my school has got. Darn today's society, lol[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] i know that feeling. i lost my report cardbut i know i averaged an A- in every class. The part that jipped me is that my 1st hour teacher (i had Student Government that hour) lowered everyone's grade because a few people weren't showing responceability. That lowered my gade to a B. but other than that i like my grades. I hate school and i am smart without trying too. i never study and pass with A's or close. But my teachers don't like me (exect art, my art teacher really likes me). I spend my time working during school and don't do homework and my teachers are so lazy that they dont' check our work to even see if we did it.
who all does he eat after turnign them into food? i know he ate the umm demon king , i can't remember his name. he eats other people two.
i though they were pretty good. but i wouldn't use them but i still like them. i like the one i hav now.
After killing thee last telletubby ED EDD and EDDIE (from ed edd and eddy) jump the man who killed barney. eddie yells out "a dollar, were in jawbreacker heaven."
my brother has a almost impossible tema to beat for his blue. i don't know the moves though. but his pokemon are... Mewtwo-255 Mewtwo-255 Mewtwo-255 Mewtwo-255 Mewtwo-255 Mewtwo-255 can any of you beat that?
am i the only one that thinks tyrantitar is good? you can give it some good moves. mine at level 60 has EARTHQUAKE, ROCKSLIDE, RETURN, and CRUNCH. but i was going to get rid of maybe rockslide for surf. i though that was pretty good that it an learn surf.
man, here i was thinking there was no cheat to pokemone gold, is it just gold that has that or does silver too?
James i think you stuck a vein here. Maybe we should stay of the cartoons. There will be to many site to display. BTW Dex's lab rules
yeah i know. i saw monsters inc. a week ago adn they had a trailer for it. it looks better than the last one. i hope it is, i didn't like the last one very much.
i think i will save my money a littel linger and get a better car that those. *throws his computer in the trash* i hate crystal microsoft, they we suposed to fix my computer but in the process they made it slow down a Lot. it took about a minute to load up the otaku homepage. it use to tkae like 15 seconds. i hate cms (crystal microsoft). by the way i woudl just get a classic car that was in bad condition and fix it. 69 t-top corvet with a 454 big block. i would like that car. be spinning some tires in that.
What is that board? I heard that its was something to do with DWM. would that be correct?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Quatre's_gurl [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]Oh yeah. Here's another one of my fears: I'm terrified of death, yet I want to kill myself. I've actually gone up to the kitchen and examined the knives to see which would be the best to cut myself with. Kinda strange, ne?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] please don't kill yourself. a life is a terrible thing to waste. nomatter how bad it is there is always a thing to live for. don't kill yourself. remmember don't cut with a knife. don't cut with a knife. don't cut with a knife.
i though he ate them too. i thought that was funny whe nhe was talking to dabora , "im gonna eat you" over and over. and then uses his antenia on his head to turn him into a cookie. yum a dabora cookie.
i ant to know how many draogn ball there are. if there are a lot just say so. but i am confused by toonami. thtey show like 12 different ones onver adn over. is this just because they aren't translated? or did they just buy a couple of them and show them over and over?
I think i am wierd for being afraid of canned cat food though. that is not a phobi. or is a phobia just a fear. i though it was a specific thing like aracniphobic ( i know i didn't spell that right ). i am discombobulated ( or lets just say confused ).